Mosier Valley MX
Euless. TX
Joe Mcintyre
Anthony Gar ia
Aaron Selden
Justin Culberson
80 8EG A
Oms Daub
Kel Davidson (23) leads Tad Goimarac. Kar l Krievins (34) and Bill Jenkins
at the USBA Sprint races at Wendover. Utah .
J ohnston had moved pa st Rutherford ' for
th ird , and Michael Moore was closing in on
th e leaders in fifth after a race- long cha rge
thro ug h th e pack foll owing a fouled p lu g at
the start.
Grove pulled in to th e checke red flag wi th
p lenty of brea thing roo m o n Kendle, who had
recovered to ta ke second. Johnston held stro ng
to th e fin ish a nd pulled in next , foll owed by
Rutherfor d and Moore.
250 A : 1. A . Kendle (KTM I; 2. M . Johnston (Hon ); 3 . M .
Moore lHon); 4 . H. Foote (yam); 5 . J . Owen (Han) .
OPEN A : 1. J . Rutherford (KTM ); 2. J . Demond (KTM);
3 . G. Goemmer IKTM) ; 4 . W . lord IKTM); 5. M . McNel is
IHus ). .
200 B: 1. A. Frounfel1er (Kawl : 2. T. Stepp s (Yam); 3.
R. Blalock (Han): 4 . R. P
ecue (KTM ); 5. P. Fearro (Kawi .
250 B: 1. S. Wig ht ma n (Ka w ); 2. E. Oueil zsh (Husk 3.
C. Carrol (KTM); 4 . J . M ichaell Kaw): 5. M . Spence (KTM I.
OPEN B; 1. M . Rutherford (Kaw); 2. B. W oodI s II (Han):
3 . M . Harndon (Hus); 4, K. Chesser (Han); 5 . R. Curtis (Han).
4·STRK:. 1, J. Smith (Hon); 2. W. Mortf eld (Han); 3. J.
Pickle (Han); 4. R. MacGregor (Hon); 5. J. Kraft (Han).
SR: 1. M. Parts (ATK); 2. L Combs (KTM); 3 . K. Ridenour
(Yam);4. K. Osterman (KTM); S. D. Bothe (Kaw).
S/ SR: 1. C. Beegle (Han); 2. M. Stinson (Kaw~ 3. J .
Gamble (Husl; 4. R. Seiss (HonO; 5. J. Cohen (KTMI.
JR: 1. A. Shaffer (KTM ); 2. E. Jones (Kaw); 3. W . Cohen
{KTMI; 4 . M. Mittendorf (KTMI; 5. J. Grempler (KTMI.
Hopperstad scores wins
in Wendover RR
By Bill Peters
J ohn Hopper stad won a no the r $1800 in
Yamaha co ntingency money at the Uta h SPOT(
Bike Associati on's fina l round of '88 Sprint
races at Wendover. Strong riding and good
support fro m sponsor Bou lder Yamaha made
it possible for Ho p pe rstad to wa lk off wi th
the bulk of Yamaha Superbike co nti nge ncy
money at every USBA Sprint race during th e
'88 season.
The 400ec Superbike race fo llowed th e
script esta blished earlier in th e season wi th
Chris Gardner and John Hopperstad battling
away . Gardner got aw ay well at th e sta rt for
th e ea rly lead, follow.ed by Dale Kieffer ,
Boulder Yamaha 's Hopperstad a nd Gr eg
Nich ol s. Hop per stad go t around Kieffer for
seco nd pla ce o n the second lap, then proceeded
to look forflaces to gain ground on Gardner.
HOPPersta CUI G ardner's lead a little bit on
each lap and wh en Gardner ran into slower
traffi c Hopperstad dosed on th e lead er even
more. How ever, Gardner was o nly briefly
slowed , a nd freed himself just as Hopperstad
came u p o n the sam e lap ped riders a nd took
the checkered flag co m for ta bly ah ead of
Hopper stad. Da le Kieffer h el d off Greg
- Nichols for third.
Hopperstad led from th e start in Ihe 600ec
Su perbike race followed by J ohn Hjelm, T ad
Goimara c and Chris G ardner. Gr eg Nichol s
passed Goirnarc th en set his sig hts o n G ardner
In th ird . Hj elm dre w within three bik e len ghts
of Ho pper stad at o ne po in t, bu t 'th e leader
wou ldn 't give up any mo re a nd cla imed his
first win of the day .
Hopper stad got a perfect hol eshOl to lead
Chris G ardner for th e firs t lap of th e 750ec
Superbike race. Kieffer and Ni ch ol s trailed
behind. Kieffer soo n got past Gar dn er to claim
second in th e early laps, and Nichols foll owed
through for third. Nichols steadily cre p t up
on Kieffer , passed him o n the fifth lap and
held onto second al the checkered flag.
50 PROD: 1. Brock Roberts (Yam); 2. Fred Pail (Yam);
3. Jeff Hill (Yam~ 4. Chris Bodily (Yaml.
50 PROD 200 lBS: 1, Roger Baird (Yam) 2. Roger Bennet
500 S/ BK: 1. Fred Pail (Yam); 2. Brodt Robel1s (yam);
3. Jeff Hill (Yaml; 4. Roger Baird (Yaml.
F·4: 1. Chris Gardner (KawlYa m); 2. Broc Rabel1. (Honl
Yam); 3. Fred Paiz (Yam); 4. Dale Kieffer (Yam); 5. Steve
Pratt (Swl.
RACE t . 750: 1. Steve Ritchie (Suzt 2. Damon Carr (Sw);
3. John Archuleta (SUI ); 4. Michaedl GrusQ (Suz); S. Ted
Polevoy (Yam).
RACE 1. 600: 1. Brandcon Fuller (SUI); 2. Tom Greer
(Yam); 3. Masunori Kanda (Hon).
RACE2. 7 50 : 1. Steve Ritchie ISUl); 2. Damon Carr (Suzl;
3. Michael Gruska (Sull; 4 . John Archu leta (SUI); 5 . Ted
po~c~~'&Ji 1. Brandon FullerISull;2.Tom Greer (Yam);
3 . Masunori Kanda (Han); 4 . Ben Behunin (Ka w).
O/A; 1. Ritchie; 2, Carr. 3. Arhuleta; 4. Gruska; 5.
250: 1. B",,* R_ns (Kawl.
400: 1. Lee Parks (Kaw); 2. Billlenatsch (Yaml.
600: 1. Karl Krievins (Hon); 2. Tad Goimarac (Hon); 3.
Jim Billingsley (Yaml; 4 . Rtehard Christopher tHon) .
750: 1. Chris Gardner (Suzl; 2. Karl Krievins (Hon); 3.
Tad Goimarac (Hon); 4 . Tim Jackson (S uz); 5 . Doug Reid
OPEN 1. Laird White (SUI ); 2, Chris Gardner (Suz>; 3.
Jeff Arbon (SUI); 4. Tim Jackson (Sud ; 5. Doug Reid (Han).
250 : 1. Brock Roberts (Kaw).
400: 1, Chris Gardner (Yaml; 2. John Hopperstad (yaml;
3. Dale Kieffer (Yaml; 4 . Greg Nichols (yaml; 5. Fred Pail
600: 1. John Hopperstad (Yam); 2. John Hjelm (Sul); .3.
Greg Nichols (Yam); 4. Tad Goimarac (Honl; 5. Jim
Bill ingsley (Yaml.
750: 'l , John Hopperstad (yaml ; 2. Greg Nichols (Yam[);
3 . Dale Kieff er (Yaml; 4 . John Hjelm (SUI); 5 . Chris Gardner
(Suz ).
OPEN: 1. John Hopperstad (Yaml; 2. Greg Nichols (Yam);
3. Laird White (SUI ); 4. John Hjelm (SUI); S. Jeff Arbon
t : 1. Laird White (Suz); 2, Mike Hack(So2); 3. TIm Jackson
(Suz); 4 . Kel OavKtson (Suz); 5. Rod Brueske {Yaml.
2: 1. John Hjelm (Suzl; 2. Sean Balaun (Yam); 3. Karl
Krievins( Hon);4. BiII Jenkins (Hon); 5.Jim Billingsley(Yam).
3: 1, Fred Peiz (Yaml; 2. Lee Parks (Kaw l; 3. Bill Lenatsch
OW: 1. Gary Harrington (Kaw); 2. Sean Balaun (Yaml.
Fish wins title at
Forest Hill Trials
By Matt Liberatore
FOREST H IL L, MD , ocr. 2
Craig Fish became the first rider to re~in the
n umber on e p late in six year s in District 7
trials com peu lio n by clinch ing the Central
Mayland Trials Associations' fin al trials event
of th e season a t Dave Button 's farm in For est
Lead ing from the first section on, Fish held
off th e lat e charge of J im Palmer and stopped
the Fantic rider's winn in g strea k at two , thus
preventin g Palmer a chance to take over th e
top s~ t with one round remainin g. Palmer 's
FantIc ha s been running ho rribly since it was
sto len and thrashed before the Hagerstown
T rial.
Mar c Brooks topped J eff Pickl e in the
Intermediate cla ss with both rid ers earning
en ough points to move up to the Adva nced
ra nks. Third place Advanced class rider Jeff
Laye r sti ll ho lds a two ·point lead in th e race
for the end-of-year top Int ermediate award.
Cha rli e Clements o nce again won the
Seni or A class with Pat e Keen comi ng in