Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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~ ~ ~ W N W a:: >a:: a:: w I- >- '" 0 I- 0 :x: "- 00 00 O"l ........ ~ O"l .... Q.) ..0 E Q.) :> 0 James Wagner (6 4) lead s winner Jim Slaught er (650), Jack Steele.(21) and A llen Beech (17) in a 125cc C class moto at Amherst. Z ~ Overall in the I25cc B was Pagg io , Bak er a nd Tyso n . In th e first 250/5 00cc Expert class moto, o nce aga in, it was Ma nn wit h th e ho lesh ot foll owed by South Flo rida 's Mike j on es, Kevin Fo ley and Jim Ro yko. After th e seco nd la p, J on es and Ro yko fell back a nd it was Mann in first, Fo ley in second and Gary Paul takin g ove r the th ird po siti on. T he second rnoto o f th e 250/ 500ec Expert cla ss was a different story as Gary Paul pulled th e holesh ot with Royko, J ohn Collins and Fol ey close behind, whi le Mann wa s ba ck in fifth po sition. Aher th e fourth lap, Royko went down a n d Mann reeled in Collins a nd Fol ey for a strong seco nd, tailing Paul for two laps but not able to steal the lead. At the chec kered flag it was Paul in first , Mann second and Collins th ird. Resu lts Dan iel Pet er son (P5 2) took the 1 25cc N ovice class w in ahead of Jon Hughlett (1 1 L) at the Gremlin Grand Prix at Glen Helen . (Vaml; 3. Jim Rice (Han). 12 5 PRO: 1. Mark Sprigg le (Suz); 2. Paul Ja mIson (Vam). 250 PRO: 1. Mark Spriggle {Sud; 2. Ross Johnston (Han): 3. Ronald Dobbs (Suzl : 4 . Gary Brantley (Han); 5. Jay McCl el lan IVam). Andrews tops Texas Vintage Motocross By Jack Thompson ocr. IT. WORTH, TX, 24 The seco nd Texas Vintage Racing Club (TVRC) even t held at Burl eson Mot ocro ss Pa rk saw Mark Andrews make it look eas y with two moto wins. J oe Joi ner from Al Bak er 's XR 's Only flew in for th e race a nd took th e lead o n h is big foll o wed by Mark Andrews and Ol e Finstead. \Vheon J o iner fell d own, Andrews took the lead a od never looked back exce p t for a bar-ba ngi ng bailie with T om Aylett . At the end o f th e firs t moto, it was Andrew s, Aylen and Fin stead. The second m ote saw Bobb y Pickard lin e u p o n hi s Jim Pom er o y Replica Bulta co . P ickard did n 't sta rt the first mota d ue to a broken clu tch, which he fixed betw een m otos with th e hel p o f cl u b members. Pi ckard had the eye of the tiger look in hi s eyes a nd pou nced o n th e first turn a hea d of th e pa ck. H ow ever , Pickard's kn ee turned th e pet cock off on hi s Bul abo u t halfway through th e fir st lap, a nd th e motor cycle ran o u t o f gas . Join er took th e opportunity and ran out front until the end lap. By th e last lap, Pi ckard had !l0 llen restart ed a nd passed most of the riders. PIckard soo n laid claim to J o iner a nd won the seco n d m o to wi th ga s to spa re. The top th ree rid ers in the second mot a were Pickard, J o in er and Andrews . For his first rnoto win a nd his seco nd moto third, Aodrews took the overa ll. . TVRC wish es to tha n k all the shops that su p po rted our efforts, as well as th e on ly announcer in T exas who can cu rren t ly a n no u nce 1970s-style mot ocross in a kn owl ed gable fa shi on - Lynn Ni ckerson. Results c:z. T erry Puis pulled to the lead before mid-race a nd held it for th e 500cc Beginner class win. J eff Ro gers took th e 250cc Beginner class from Hag - to -fla g and he a od runner, ul;l Roger Limon felt co mfortab le eno ug h with the ir lead s to do some o ne -ha nded jumps whe ne ver th ey sa w a ca mera. Eri c J on Wri ght had th e in stant lead o f th e 125cc Beg inners class a nd was eas ily running a way with th e race w~en he sudde n ly pulled o ff th e track. The bike appeared 10 be runnin g ' a nd he was n 't hurt but he didn 't return, mu ch LO th e del ig h t o f S<;01l Pekarek, wh o in heri ted the lead and the Rob Webb ca me out with th e early lead o f the No vice class. Ch ris Leiker was back o n th e wi n ni ng trai l, however, and passed Webb in lap five for the lea d and the even tua l 250cc Novice class win. Webb fin ish ed seco nd. Resul ts 0 1 A: 1. Mark Andrews (Han); 2. Chester Czajkowski (Yam); 3. Tom Aylett (Han); 4. Joe Joiner (CZ); 5. Jack Thompson (Pen); 6. Roger Dilley (Yam); 7. Bobby Pickard (Bul ); 8. Mike Hance (Man ); 9. RicJt Oestr icher (C·l); 10 . DaVe Allard (Bul ). YOf~~~ in~~a~~io; 2. Dean Baker; 3. Preston Tyson; 4. Raben Cassube. _ 12 5 C: 1. Aaron Vates; 2. Kevin Coutd; 3. Steven Storman t; 4. Robert McClelland. 250/500 A: 1. Bobby Man n; 2. Gary Paul; 3. Kevin Foley; 4 . John Coll ins . 250 B: 1. Todd Gardner; 2. Jeffrey Lampe; 3. Joe Can ier: 4 . Adam Smith . 250 C: 1. Rjodney Rber; 2. Scott Taylor; 3. John Havens 4 . W ade Stoner. OPEN NOV: t . Kerth Varnell ; 2. Marie Bazinet; 3. Chri s Nelson; 4 . Joseph Dobbs. 25+: 1. Kevin Foley. 2. Jim Royko; 3. Joe Can ier ; 4 . Boots Stelling. SR: 1. Jim Marcha nt; 2. JeHr ey Hughe s; 3. Steven Dixon ; 4 _En e Lind strom . 5 /5R : 1. Bob Danie ls; 2. David Brown; 3. Johnn ie Raulersin ; 4 , Charle s Lehing. 80 BEG: 1. Braan Huben (Han ); 2. J ame Otwell; 3. Man Hall; 4. Cn s Keefer IKaw); 5. Cric AJlen. 80 NOV: 1. Terry ParsonscYam) ; 2. Cory Davis (Han). SR BEG: 1. James Dill s (yam l; 2. Dean Beeson (Vam); 3. W illiam Snyder (Hon). SR NOV: , . A. Barry Gordon (Hon). SR INT: 1. Richerd W ilson ; 2. Raben Linville. SR EX: 1. Raben Mennell(Honl; 2. Bill Denn is (Han). VET BEG: 1. Mark Neal (Hus); 2. Raben W yckoff (Kaw ); 2. Bob Breach (Yam); 3. Robert Bevington (Han); 4 . Steve Can er. • VET NOV: 1. Bruce Brown ; 2. RUlis Hoffman (Honl; 3. Kelly Myers Jr . (Han); 4 . Bob Boldt lHu sl; 5. MarieLoun sbury (Vaml. VET INT; 1. M ike Rochester (Honl; 2. Cun James IKaw); 3. Randy An derson (Vam); 4 . Mark Lynch ; 5. Garner Palenske . . VET EX: 1. J ohn Hateley (Han); 2. Tracy Hrach ; 3. Ken Ehlers (Honl; 4. Ronn ie Gibson. WMN NOV: 1. Sue Sitt man; 2. Teal Nakayamah IKaw l. WMN INT: 1. Candy Hateley; 2. Kathy Jo Ehrp (Hon). WMN EX: 1. Bonn ie W arch (Suzl; 2. Tami Rice (Suz). 125 BEG: 1. Scan Pekarek (Suzl; 2. Keith Tene men; 3. Owen Dickson (Vam); 4. David Nickols; 5. Brian Childers (Vami . 250 BEG: 1. J eff Rogers (yaml; 2. Roger linlon; 3. Ty Green; 4 . Don Salmen; 5. Lenny Hulbert . 600 BEG: 1. Terry PuIs (Hon); 2. Steve Pinch IHon); 3. Bill Boland IHon); 4 . Euge ne Farnell ; 5. Chris Scon (Hon). 125 NOV: 1. Daviel Peterson ; 2. Jon Hughl ett (Yam); 3. Adam Waners (Kaw); 4. Tom Hunter; 5. Kenny Safford. 250 NOV: 1. Chris Leiker (Yam); 2. Rob Webb (Han); 3. Will Dickson (Yaml;o 4 . Kevin Haile; 5. Terry Al1mann(Yam). 125 tNT: 1. Dustin Evans (Suz); 2. J eff Moore (Han); 3. J ohn Blood (Han). 250 INT: 1. Grew Blechman (Hon l; 2. Dave Welty ISuz); 3. Scott Murphy (Kaw); 4. George Andrrews (Hoo); 5. Ken Neruel (Kaw). SOO INT: 1. Greg Smit h. PRO: 1. Jonny Zahn; 2. J eff Black IHon ); 3 . Bob Stephenson (Hon). Parsons pounds Glen Helen GP Mann masters Gatorback Golden Cup Motocross By Terry Rezek 28 60: 1. Jason Sybert; 2. Ricky Carmichael; 3. Jarrett A. Tippling; 4. Jame s Guido. 80: 1. Ja son Sybert; 2. James Guido; 3. Wayne Wilkie; 4 . Kim Sybert. M INI A 12· 15: 1. Billy Schlag: 2. Bryan list; 3. Glen n Campbell; 4 . Tony Haynes . 125 A: 1. Bobby Mann; 2. Brian McEl roy; 3. Derek WIn. ocr. SAN BER NARDI NO , CA, 16 Terry Parson s blazed to victory in th e 80cc NOVICe cl ass as C RC staged it s a n n ua l Gremlin G rand Pr ix al Gl en H elen . Cory Davis took th e lead as th e gree n flag fell wil h Par sons a lrea dy a p p lyi ng pr essure. Par Sons took the lead 0 0 the third la p and ch a rged o n fo r anoth er 30 minule5 for Ihe oVl'rall win . Brian H ub en ea rned th e 80cc Be~inner class win. Vet Expert J ohn H ateley took the lead o ff the sla rt line a nd was never headed, whi le Vet Beginner Ma lk Neal a lso led h is class from heg inning LO end. Not one LO let hubby J ohn get all the glory, Ca ndy H atdey won th e \Vorn en 's Intermediate class. It was hard to keep a n Cyl o n Hat eley, tho ugh , because of ' th e ea rly race du el betw een Ro n nie War ch a nd Ta m i Rice. Rice took th e lead a t turn o ne but \\' a rch wa s alrea dy on Rice's back. By lap six of th e cl5- m in u te affa ir Warch had tak en th e lead for Rood a nd the o ....erall \Vomen's win. .Dana Evenson moved up to harass Ri ce for second but DNF shortly thereafter, lea ving Ri ce in th e second spo t. In th e Beginner class event, the 500s went off first with Steve Pin<:.h lead ing th e wa y. Slaughter sails at Amherst Motocross By Peggy Adam ic ocr. ocr. GAIN ESVILLE, FL, 9 Gat orback hosted th e fourth ro u nd o f the 1988 Florida Gold Cupl AMA Sta te Ch ampion sh ip Series. Three hundred motocrossers filled the sta rti ng ga tes, co n tinui ng their chase for th e Florida Sta te Championsh ip titl es. In th e first mOlO of the 125 Expert class, it was J ay Mann with the holeshOI closely foll o wed by Georgia 's Rob H anson and Brian McElro y in th e th ird spot. Alter the first lap, Man n held a stro ng lead : while H a n so n a n d McElroy were battling fo r sf'cond . Afler Ihe fou rth lap . McEl ro y reeled in H anson and passc.·d h im to take seco nd p lac e behind Mann. In the seco nd mo lO, Man n a nd McElro y ca p tu red th e first a n d seco nd place spo ts wi th Derek Youngbl ood finish ing th ird, ho ld ing H an son off to a fourth p lace fin ish . It wa s J eff Hirshb erg wh o too k th e hol esh ot in th e l 25cc B class but lost th e lead to Anthol lY Pa ~~io a fler the first Ja p , with H irshber g falhng bac k ( 0 th ird . Dean Bak er too k seco od with Pa gg io first and H irshberg third. In the third lap of th e fir st mo LO Pa Sgi o wa s co ns tant ly on th e gas a nd had to fight to sta v in th e lead as Baker was no t far beh ind, waiting for hi s opportunity to tak e th e lead. Hirshberg went down in the fourth lap, losing hi s third pl ace position to Pr eston Tyso n. I AMHE RST, OH , 16 Jim Slaughter p ilo ted hi s Ho nda ah ead of th e tough 125cc C class co mpetition to grab th e overa ll win via perfect I- I mow finishes at Amherst . Penton Honda -backed Slaughter , J ames Wagner, Kell y Johnson, Chris Miller aod Bill Kol en o rod e through tum on e side by sid e a t the sta rt of rnoro o ne. with Slaughter pulJing ahead of th e grou p in th e seco nd tum. Mill er cras hed o ver the tabletop and Johnson passed Wagner, but a flat tir e left J ohnson sidel ined three turns later. As Slaughter began to pull a way, Wagner held second with Koleno ca mp ing on hi s ba ck tir e while Jack Steel e and Allen Beech moved into the top five. Sla ug h ter took th e ch eckers eight seco nds a hea d of Koleno and Steele, wh o had routed pa st Wagn er mid·race. Trevor Vin es grabbed founh from Wagner o n th e fin al lap o f th e mo to. \Vagner ho lesh o t mot a two with Mill er a nd Kol en o hot o n hi s trail. A seco n d lum cra sh left :\liIler, Kolen o and a host of o ther riders in the dust. Wagn er held th e lead with Mik e Bak e r , S la ug h te r a n d S te ele cl o sing in . Slaugh ter dispensed of Baker as Dave Dolish ro u ted ah ead o f Steele, By the beg inning o f la p three Slaup;h ter had go ne into the lead a nd begao to p ull aw ay. Wagn er held second with Mi1ler mov ing im o th ird before th e beg in ning o f lap four. Mill er cha lle ng ed \ Vagn er in a c:; lose raa: C M."Cond . r th e fin al or two laps. Sla ug h ter fini shed with a co m manding 16-seco nd lead. Wagn er a nd Miller were side· by·side at th e end but Wagn er held a slim lead to hold second. Steele a nd Vines pa ssed Doli sh o n the last la p to round o u t th e to p fivC'. Ron Dunfee rod e to double motu wins in the co mbined 125/25 0cc A class. Dunfee had little tro uble as he took both motos in the sa me sta rt- to- finish manner. Harold Rob ison fin ished beh ind Dunfee in both outings with Barney Barnell grabbing 3·3 moto finishes. J ohn Bell took th e double mo to wins in th e 250ec C clas s. BelJ took th e wire-to-wire win in mo to o ne . Steve Smi th cha sed the Honda rider for two laps befor e Ja ck Steel e moved in and pa ssed Smi th for second. Smith lost two more p laces 10 G reg Ferri s and Shane Smith befor e th e mote's en d. Bell , Steve Smith and Sha ne Smith were I· 2-3 LO beg in moto two. Bell matched hi s first moio win by la kin g the sta n -to-fin ish wi n. Shane passed Steve mid-race as Steele moved from hi s seven th place sta rr -to grab third within th e last ha lf a lap. Bryan Jones holeshot mot o one of the 250cc B class as Bob Wersch ey took second with Steve Wooled ge followin g in third. The three he ld their po sitions through mid-race when Woo ledge moved around Wersch ey. Jones remained ahead o f th e two riders to th e ch eckered flag. D.J. H eb erlein hol esh ot moto two as Werschey. Chri s Grasso , Wooledge, Tom Mihavics and J on es routed through the first tum behind Heberlein. By th e beginning of lap two Wooledge and J on es had moved in behind Heberlein and within th e next half a lap routed past th e first place rider. Jones was beginning to ree l in Wooledg e when Wooledge cra shed over a set of doubles. Jones look over th e lead with Grasso moving past Werscbey to tak e seco nd as H eberl ein faded LO founh. Dave Blauman chased the four riders to th e ch eckers in fifth. Results 50: 1. J esse Finley (Yam); 2. 18rry Rust {Yam}; 3 . Ryan Andrews (Yam); 4. Jimmy SOllinsky (Suzt 5. Matt Macan (Yam). 60: 1. Randy Salamon lKaw t 2. Chad Wr tghIIKaw). 80 7-11 : 1. Randy Salamon (Ka w ); 2. Mike Salamon (Kaw ); 3. Jeremy UW$OI'I IKll wt 4 . Tony Ralston (Hon!; 5. David Brahl (Hon). 80 12 ·13: 1. John Grasso (K'TM ): 2. M ike Katin (Han); 3. Jay Hershey (Suz); 4 . Trevor Trace (Kaw ); 5. Brent Abel (Kawl. 80 14- 15 : 1. Trevor Vine . (Han); 2. Jason Myers (Kaw ); 3. Joh n Car uso (Han); 4. Oave Hernanslty (Yam); 5. Joe Lewson (Kawl. 12 5 SCHBV: 1. J ason Bala. (Han); 2. Tim Baker lKaw); 3. Bill Koleno (Kew ); 4 . J eff W ooledge (Han); 5. J oey Mezatesta (Han). 125 B: 1. Chris Grasso (KTM ); 2. Ch uck Francisco (Suz); 3. Shan e Peck (Honl; 4 . Brad Quear (Hon); 5. Tim Baker IKawl. 125 C: 1. Jim Slaughter (Han); 2. J ames W agner (Han); 3. J ack Steele (Han); 4 . Trevor Vines (Han); 5. Chris M ill er (Han). 125 /250 A:. 1. Ron Dunfee (KTM); 2. Harold Robison (Suz); 3. Barney Barn ett (Han); 4. Jo hn Diezic (Hon); 5. Rick Hammond (Han). 250 B: 1. Btyen Jones (Kaw); 2. Bob Werschey (Yam); 3. Dave Blau man (Han); 4 . D.J . Heberl ein (Hon); 5. Chris Grasso (KTM). 250 C: 1. John Bell lHon ); 2. Jack Steele (Hon t 3. Shane Smrth (Suz); 4 . Greg Ferris (Hon); 5. Steve Smith (Suz). OPEN 8; 1. Scott Piper (Hon); 2. Oave Blaumsn (Hon ); 3. Shane Sm ith (Hon); 4 . Nea' Davis (ICTM) 5. Craig Coon ; (KTMI. SR 1: 1. Henry Hauenstein (Han ); 2. Carl Davis (Hon); 3. Denny Armstro ng (Hus); 4 . M ike Weaver (Yam); 5. Steve KaG~ni:Hf~§tan Coutad (Hon); 2. Denny Salamon (Hon); 3. Larry Stahl (Hon); 4 . Tom Knapp . . EXTRA: 1. An Jackson (Hon); 2. Jim Slaughter (Hon); 3. Chuc:ll Nicholson (Han ); 4 . Jason Balas (Hont; 5. John Dielic (Han). Hart doubles at Baylands MX By Mike Vancil ocr. FREMO:'IT, CA, 5 Graysoo Hart u sed a pair o f Hondas to ca ptu re four malO w in s a nd th ereb y gain Ihe overall in both th e 125 and 250cc classes at Raylands Raceway Park. ' T he 125cc Pr o class wa s a o ne-an-o ne co n fro n ta t io n bel wee n H art a n d Dann y Paladino . a lso o n a Honda. H a rt' s ch id co mpet ito r in th e 250cc Pr o cla ss wa s Sea n Co nley. In bo th mot os H art ca me from behi nd 10 ta ke S the point. Conley ""as seco nd in bo th mOlD a nd was trailed in by Ro n Allen . Jeff fn gram was th e winner of the l25cc Beginner class a nd was never worsc lhan third in tO th e secon d co rner in Ihe field o f 12riders. M ike Sexto n cap tu red sc.'co n d o vera ll wiih his 2-3 score, whi le Brent Ferrera fell and took a 12th in th e first mOlD but cam e back strong in the sc."Cond to fini sh behind double·w inner Ingram. Ferrera ended u p sixth overall . The 250cc Beginner clas s was topped by Rick Brewster on a H onda. Rut it was a n uphill battle as he trailed both Mike Morgan . a nd Chris Bab cock acr os s th e finish line in