Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Jim Draves (231) gets passed by Ron Way in the .Old Timers Master
class at the West Coast Nationals.
win and Li sa Peterson taking th e
250cc Women 's Pro class victory.
Zahrt timed th e ga te perfectl y to
lead the pack into turn one to start
0 [[ th e first Vet Pro class · mot a .
Beh ind Zahrt wasoneof hi s o ld ri vals
" Rocket" Rex Staten. T he two exfacto ry racers q ui ckl y pulled away
fro m Suzu ki-mou nted Joe Broussard, wh o had hi s han ds full with
Ru ssell Ga rcia, Mark j ohnson and
Art Olivier.
2, Up fron t, Zahrt becam e the firs t
a nd o nly rider to clear the do uble,
but it didn 't seem to be m uc h of an
advantag e as Sta ten was on th e gas
a nd clos ing . Sta ten was soon knocking o n Zahrr's back door a nd the two
ri de rs freight -trained th eir wa y
through th e sandy terrain. Garcia
still occ u p ied third, but was feeling
the heat from J o h nso n. After studying Zah rr 's lines, St at en so ared
alo ngside Zahrt, but barely edged
h im a t the next corner.
On the next la p Staten used the
sam e line an d as Zah rt do ve in to the
deep, sa ndy corn er followi ng th e
jump , he lost the front end and gave
Staten the lead. Wh ile a ll o f thi s was
goi ng o n , Greg Wi nters had sprinted
pas t j ohnson and Garcia in to the
n u m ber th ree slot. Zahrt was u p and
go ing before the pack had caugh t up,
bu t Staten was long go ne a nd took
the wi n . Zahrt ro lled p a st th e
.checkers in seco nd wit h Winters,
Garcia a nd j ohnson making th e top
five slo ts.
Zahrt and Staten dragged to th e ,
first turn to start mota two , wi th
Zahrt getting th e lead. Behind the
pair was Rawso n, John Hateley and
T err y Davi s. Zahrt opened up a sixseco nd lead almost immediately, but
by lap three Staten had reeled him
in and was looking for a place to
pass . A sh ort distance behind the
pair, was a four rid er battle for third
betw een Rawson , H at eley, Davis a nd '
Lap five found Ra wson being
challe nged by Davi s, with Winters
in tow. Staten stuck his front tire
alongside Zahrt again and again , but
Zahrt wasn't budging. Staten made
a bid for the lead under th e whi te
flag, but Zahrt hung it out and soared
over a jump, caugh t a gust of wi nd,
.and landed hard on the front tire.
Sta ten couldn't cap ita lize o n th e
mi shap but did manage to pull
alongside in the next corner. Zahrt
emerge d from th e co rner with a
bike's lead on Staten , and although
Stat en re main ed within striking
range for th e rem ainder of the .la p ,
he didn ' t get the opportunit y he
needed for the win. Winters took
home third ah ead of Ra wson and
T odd Peterson was th e overa ll Vet
Intermedia te cla ss winner by domin a ting both motos. Mike Rochester
took seco nd behind Peterson in both
mot os, while Randy Anderson ca me
home in third. Ken Dickson swa p ped
fourth p la ce fin ishes wi th C urt
j ensen a nd Dickson's second mo to
fo urt h ga ve him fourth overall.
In th e Women's 250cc Pro class
Mercedes Gon zal ez pu t h er Tea m
Green / AXO/Sco tt/ Max ima/Shoei /
DMC Ka wasa ki int o the.lead a t th e
drop ofthe gate in moto one. Beh ind
her, Lisa Peterson was in front of
Dana Evenso n a nd Brenda Conner.
Gonz al ez a nd Peterson set down a
pace th at left everyo ne far behind a nd
b y lap fiv e were . e n co u rn e r i ng
la p pers. La te in the mo ta, one of
th o se backm arkers p layed a n important role as Gonzalez went to mak e
a pass o n an insid e line , cro ssed pa ths
with a slower rider, and both went
down. Peterso n ca me b y, a nd once
pas t the pa ir , didn 't back 0[[ un ti l
she too k th e checkered flag. Gonzalez
recovered to finish second ahead o f
Evernson a nd Co n ner.
In mo ta two Gonzalez wired it to
the stops in an attempt to pu t mi les
between herself a nd Peterson , bu t
Peterson stayed g lued to the KX's
rear fender. Lap after lap th e two
battl ed back a nd forth with th e small
ga p between th em co n ti n ua lly
sh rin king. T he n on th e last lap
Peterson took adva n tage o f Gonzalez's deflating rear tir e and pow ered
by to tak e her second win of the day ,
and the overall win. Even son follo wed Gonza lez across th e lin e a hea d
o f Conners in a repeat of mota o ne.
In mo ta one o f th e 125cc Pro class
Gonzalez led th e la rge class into turn
one. Close on her heels were Tara
Harrison, P eterson and Bonni e
Warch . By lap three, Peterson found
a line a ro u nd Ha rr ison and took over
second. Sh e began to close o n Gonzalez, but the gap proved to be too
much to bridge before th e end of the
mota . At the finish, it was Gonzalez
with the win, Peterson a sho rt
distan ce behind with Harrison,
Warch and T a m i Rice rounding out
th e five slots.
Peterson led Gonz alez, Harrison,
and th e pack into turn o ne at th e
start of m ot a two. Peterson and
Gonzalez pulled away fro m H arr ison
a nd halfway th ro ugh the firs t la p ,
Peterson dropped her fro m end in
a deep wh oop, sendi ng the bike up
a nd over th e follow in g berm .
Bill Cain (95) and Robbie Horton swapped wins in the 0 -85cc (7-11)
class at Hell Hole Greek with Cain taking round two for the overall win .
Gonzalez monopolized on this error
and took th e lead a nd ran. Peterson
recovered quickly and set out a fter
Gonzalez, but th e gap was too much
for her to bridge.. The remainder o f
th e mota proved to be a copy o f mota
one, with the overall results being
G onzal ez , P et er son , Harrison ,
WaKh , a nd Ri ce tak in g th e top five
slo ts.
The Oldtimer Club was a lso o n
hand todayin th e Master class, Bob
Millner led Ron Way and Jim Draves
in both mot os. In mo ta o ne, each
rider too k his turn in th e lead , on ly
to hand the win over to Millner.
In th e Expert cl a ss Al Smith
smoked to a p air of wins wh il e
R icha rd " Pap p y" Beal er a nd David
Breetw or bum ped a nd shoved before
Beal er too k co mma nd o f second.
Breetwor , Tom Widick , a nd Asker
Larnkj a rer ro u nded out the top five.
O ld Ti mer Ama teu r class rider
Kurt Sa rka a lso enjoyed a double
moto wi n. Wend a II Park fin ished
seco nd in mota o ne a head o f Sa m
En glis h , Dal e Bro cket a nd Pa rk .
Englis h 's 3-2 earned hi m second
overall with Brocket's 4-3 good for
third overall. Ro un ding au t th e to p
five were Park and Pyle.
Gi lles Vaillancourt went I-I in the
Novice class with Larry Kirsch a nd
J ohn Webb m aking th e top three
a head of Bill WeIt man.
VET PRO: 1. Kenny lahn (Ha n): 2. Rex Staten
(ya m): 3. Greg Winters (Han).
VET INT: 1. Todd Pet erson (Yam); 2. Mike
Rochest er (Hon); 3 . Randy Anderson (Yam).
VET NOV: 1. Kent Reed (Han); 2. Ron Wade
(Kaw); 3, Randy Burak (Han),
VETBEG: 1, J ere Mason Jr . (Yam); 2. Steve Lee
(Suz); 3 . Keith Sonderman.
OT MSTR: 1. Bob Millner (Han); 2. Ron Way
(Han); 3. J im Draves (han).
OT EX: 1. AI Smith (Yam); 2, Richard Bealer
(Ya m); 3. David Breetwor (Atk).
OTAM: 1. Kun Sofka (SUI ); 2. Sam English (Ha n);
3. Dale Brocket (SUI).
OT NOV: 1. Gilles Vaillancoun (Mai); 2. Larry
Kirsch (Han): 3. J ohn Webb (Ha n),
WMN 250 PRO: 1. Lisa Peterson (SUI); 2.
Mercedes Gonzalez (Kawl; 3. Dana Evenson (Suz).
WMN 125 PRO: 1. Merced es Gonza lel (Kaw);
2 . Usa Peterson (Suz); 3. Tara Harrison (Kaw) .
WMN +30: 1. Debbie Mathews (Kaw); 2. Denise
DeVines (SUI): 3. Anne Darby (Ya m).
WMN INT: 1. Katy Senger (Han); 2. Dianne
Spizzirri (Hon); 3 . Lori Hedstrom (Hon),
WMN NOV: 1. Sue Downey (SUI); 2. Joy Ames
(Ha n); 3. Sue Sinman (Soz),
Hauser burns Hell Hole
Creek Motocross
By Henry Muller
CSS /FoT>yt h Mo ro sport s-s p o nso re d j a y
H auser loo k o ver th e 250cc Am a teur cla ss
poi nt s lead wi th a 1-2 mote fin ish wh ile Grady
Miller H onda / Barr's Co mpet ition 's J a m ie
H acking edged Tracey Barnell for the 125cc
Am a teur cla ss win in round five o f th e
N.A.M .E. Fall Nationa ls MX Series at H ell
H o le Creek MX Pa rk. Barr's Com petition /
O ' Nea l/Scott USA 's Ma rk Spriggle p ilo ted h is
Phil Fla ck Racing / AI Lane Suzu kis to the 125
a n d 250cc P ro class wi ns wit h Da vid Ca nt rell
sweeping th e 85cc ( 12-15 yrs) a n d Super Min i
classes for the seco nd week in a row .
The o pe n in g 250cc Amateur class more saw
Stacey Barnell launch his Kawasaki in to th e
lead o n ly lO be sidel ined whe n his mo tor lo st
po wer.
" T he packing in the silencer ca me loose
and clogged th e ex haus t pi pe ," sa id a dej ected
Bar n ell be tween rno tos.
H a user in herit ed the lead a n d held o ff a
lat e c hal len ge from Steve Sram ess for the wi n,
In hi s firs t 250cc ride. Ca rl Fog le finish ed th ird
a head of R .}. Va n Ba r tel a nd Phillip Ca ld wel I.
Harriet t gra bbed th e lead at the sta n o f th e
seco nd 111010 a nd never loo ked back as Ha use r
wo rked h is way up from fifth 10 seco nd .
Sta rnes put his Kawasaki in th ird but co u ld n' t
get close enough to th reat en Hauser for the
overa ll. Barnell' s mow wi n sal vaged fou nh
o vera ll beh ind H a u ser, Starnes a nd Fogle.
Upsta te Cycle's Chuck Blackmon powered
his Cagiva into the lead in th e first l25cc
Ama teur moto a head of Tracey Barn ett and
Ka la n Bun ch . J a m ie H acki n g was on the move
a fter sticki ng: his fro nt wheel in the ga te a nd
wo rked int o fourth as Ba rn ett too k the lead
from Black mo n , H ackin g ca ught Ba rnell a nd
maul' a pass o nly to ge l ou t o f shape a n d sm ac k .
hi s ch in o n h is crossbar. Ba rn ell shot pas t a nd
held o n for th e wi n over Ha ckin g a nd Bu nch .
Blackmo n was q ui c kest off the lin e in mote
I W O wit h H acking a nd Barnell next . Blackman cras hed on lap two and dropped to fifth
wh ile H ac kin g enj oY a th ree-seco nd lead 0 11
Barncu. At th e fin ish it was H ackin g wi th
a well-ear n ed win over Ba rn ell a nd Bu nch.
Bill Cain and Robb ie Ho rto n traded mo to
wius in the O~85 ( 7~ II ) class with Cain scoring
the o vera ll win by virtue of h is second motu
win . Ho rt o n domina ted th e first motu o n ly
to crash har d wh ile lead ing moro two . H ort on
reco vered fo r second ahead o f series poi nt
leade r Caven w oodru ff.
Sen ior cla ss ac t io n saw Frank Snonan with
the j u mp off th e gat e in moro o ne ch ased by
Bob Ma ner a nd Rusty All ison. Strona n led
u nt il the half wa y po in t when Ma ner LOok over
th e lead a nd th e wi n.
Ma ner ho un ded Strona n in motu two and
charged past o n ly [ 0 wa sh o u t a nd dr o p lO
th ird beh ind Al lison . Lap three sa w Allison
pick up hi s p ace a nd ta ke the lead fro m
Srrona n. Man er needed to pass Stro na n to
d inch the ove ra ll a nd mad e h is mo ve wi th
two la ps to go. Man er la nded th e o vera ll
fo llowed by All iso n, Stro na n a nd Freddie
Smit h.
jeff Alle n h ad every th ing h is wa y in th e
5()(kc Ama teur class with a do ub le mo m win
w hile H a rri son H a ir held 0 [1 th e ch a rges o f
R icha rd Spivey for seco nd overa ll.
0- 85 7· 11 : 1. Bill Cain
2. Robbi e Hort on (Kaw);
3 . Caven W oodru ff (Kaw); 4 . Rhett W il son (Yam); 5 . Greg
U lt le(Hon) .
0- 85 12 -15 : 1. David Cantrell (Honl : 2. Rich ie Horton
(Yam); 3 . Chuck Sh ir l ey (Kaw); 4. Danny Rich (Hon); 5. G.
J eff erson {Kaw l.
S/ M INI : 1. Dav id ca ntr ell (Hon); 2 . Gabe Fortson (Yam);
3. An th on y Sanders (!