Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 07 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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0 ~ ~ iii a ..J « 0 t::: 0 U - l%l 0 I0 00 00 :I: l>. O"l """"" '" t- CN >- """"" ::s ~ Brad Oxley. shown here lead ing Tony Bienert and Andy Northrup in heat ra ce action. won t he S c ra tch main a t Speedway US A. King snatches 'MS victory By Scott Daloisio SAN BERNARDINO, CA, JUNE 29 A crowd of nearly 4000 fans jammed the Inland Motor Speedway, and watched Lance King go home with the Firecracker Derby crown. Sixteen riders battled through 20 heats to see who would make it to the main. Bobby Schwarttz took his opening ride over Eddie Castro and Brad Oxley. ' The opening round ended with Dubb Ferrell and King posting wins. Schwartz easily powered his Weslake to a second round win while Ferrell won in round two when Oxley, who had a huge lead, broke just before the white flag. King, on his Gold's Gym/C.T.I. Brace/Daytona/Silkolene GM, also won in the second round. Ferrell, King a n d Schwartz were all tied with six points but Ferrell was the first to slip in round three. King aced him on the opening lap of event nine and Castro also "goi by. Steve Lucero handled Schwartz and took a win , but Schwartz came right back and won his round-four ride whi le Ferrell again finished third. . Oxley got things dialed and beat King in event 17, while, Lucero bl?Ok~d his ticket to the main by wmrung event 20. Schwartz met King in event 21 and knocked King down another peg and took the three points. t Schwartz blasted from the line and took the lead in the main, but King cut to the inside of tum one and caught Schwartz off guard. He cut directly in front of the startled leader and raced away. Schwartz almost fell in the next bend but h e managed to save it before Lucero or Castro co u ld get past, King had a half-straigh t lead on the final lap, which was a good thing because his primary chain derailed and slowed him to a crawl. He still managed to coast across the line with room to spare. .Schwartz, who took second, came around and gave King a ride around the track for his victory lap. Results . MA IN: 1. Lance King (GM); 2. Bobby Schwanz (Wes); 3 . Steve Lucero (Gdn); 4. Ed Castro (Wes) . SUP: 1. J osh Larsen '(W es); 2. Randy Beddow (Wesl ; 3 . Bern ie Tusko (Jaw); 4 . Kelly In man (Wes) . Oxley wins at Speedway USA By Scott Da loisio VICTORVILLE, CA, J U LY 4 Spee dway a nd fireworks combined for a crowd pl easin g show at Vic torvi lle , Califo rn ia 's Speedway USA on Independence Da 1988. The man who had th e m ost to cele bra te wa s Brad Oxley as he ca p tured the Scratch main and placed second in the Handicap main. Oxley came from the outside at the start of the Scratch main and commandeered th e point position a s soon as the tapes went up, but the race was red -fla gged when Keith Larsen, Scotty Brown and Andy Northrup went down. On the restart Oxley once again got traction and powered the Coors/ KLOS/ /STP!In tern a tio nal Speedwa y/Cirello Racing Weslake into th e lead.. Larsen edged Brown through ~he first bend WIth Northrup bringmg up the rear. Oxley began to move aw ay o n lap two while Brown tried to forge a trail by Larsen on the inside. When Don Robinson unfurled the checkered f1~g, it was Oxley by five lengths for hIS second Speedway USA win of 1988. Larsen, Brown and Northrup rounded out the field. The Handicap main took 0(( with Greg Hancock setting the early pace over Bart Bast. Jessee Finch was third on th e start with Louis Kossuth fourth. Oxley, looking to make it two wins on the night, moved by Kossuth and then Finch before th e end of lap three for third place. Brown also go t past Kossuth a n d moved up to ch allenge Finch, who stuck his left foot out in front of Brown at th e end of lap three. At the head of the pack, Bast on th e T eam Trim/Bast Bros. Welding/ Oakley Weslake, was looking every ~here for a way past Hancock. He finally found a lane on lap five when he took the lead by using the inside. Oxley also got by. An unthinking fan tossed a lit firecracker onto th e track, but that failed to slo w Bast who won it by a length ov er Oxley with Hancock third and Brown fourth. Results SCRATCH: 1. Brad Oxley (Wes) ; 2. Keith Larsen (Wes) ; 3 . Scotty Brown (J aw ); 4 . Andy Northrup (Wes) . HDCP: 1. Bart Bast (Was); 2. Brad Oxley (Wes ); 3. Greg Hancock (Wes); 4 . Scotty Brown (Jawl. 0 -2 :,1 . J osh Larsen (Wes); 2. Bobby Cody (Jaw); 3 . DaVId Perry (Wes) . 0 ·3: 1. Charles Ermolenko (Wes) . JR 0 -1 : 1. Brent Werner (Wes) . JR D-2: 1. Fred Timbe rlake (Tri). Turner triumphs atAscotMX By Ken Faught GARDEN A, CA, J ULY 8 " I goua do . good tonight, Mom's here," sai d Ron Turner sho rt ly before ta king hi s O 'Nea llCablesa ver/ Q u ickstrap/Varner R a cin g -sp o n sored Yamaha to a n overa ll wi n in bo th th e 250cc a nd Vet Pro classes at Ascot Park . When the gate dropped at th e start Ku~ Metcalf (12M) holeshots Gary Wagner (10W) in the first 250cc JUnior moto at Ascot. Wagner won overall while Metcalf was third. of the first 250cc Pro moto Bobby Kline led Turner, Bryan Paquette, Marc Peters and John Posca around the first turn. Turner quickly found his way around Kline, but couldn't seem to pull away from the Honda rider. Turner and Kline soon pulled away while Posca tightened up th e battle for third when he caught up to Peters and Paquette. On the last lap Posca finally picked up a posiuon as Peters stuffed Paquette in a comer, causing the Suzuki-pilot to go down. Peters was forced 0(( the track when his bike tangled with Paquette's and nearly took out Posca as he reentered the course. " I didn 't mean it ," said Peters. " We just went into the corner too fast and I could barely stop. At least I got him. " Turner cruised to an easy win over Kline with Peters narrowly edging out Posca for fourth. Paquett came ba ck to holeshot Kline, Turner, Peters and Posca in the second moto. On the first lap Turner got a good drive coming out of an S turn and flew past Kline and Paquette over a jump to take over the lead. As Turner took the inside line to pass the leaders, Kline railed the outside and dove underneath Paquette in the following turn for second. Paqu ette tried to repass Kline in the following corner, but couldn't find traction on the slippery track. As the race continued Peters and Posca again drew closer to Paquette, o n ly Peters fell two laps from the finish when. h e tried to slingshot around Posca in a flat comer and slid out. As Turner took the win over Kline, Posca edged up alongside of Paquette down the final stra igh t, but Paquette held on the gas in the last turn and for ced Po sca into the banners, but somehow Posca shot around the outside to steal third. Results 125 BEG 0 · 1: 1. Bernard Miller (Hon); 2. Sean Randle (Kaw ); 3 . J im Rice (Yam); 4 . Devi n Susel! (S-W); 5 . Kipp M cGow an (Kaw). 125 BEG 0 - 2: 1. Tim Valdez (Hon); 2. Bobb V Graham (Han); 3 . Roderick Rim mer (Cag); 4. Skip Early (Hon); 5. Steve Trijuillo (Yam). 125 JR : 1. Bryan Holdren (Hon); 2. Taka Yamamoto (Vam); 3 . Lanc e Tucker (Yam); 4 . Tony Barmanti (Hon); 5. Mike Ulrich (Kaw). 1251NT: 1. Hire Yamamoto (Yam); 2. Daniel Bush (Han); 3. Maneo Coestino (Han); 4 . Scon Bristo l .(Han ). 250 BEG 0 -1: 1. Tim Silliam s (Kaw) ; 2. Kel sey Marka (Hon); 3 . Romy Ratliff (Hon); 4. Cory Hudson . . (Hont 5 . Tom Cavallo (Vam). 2 50 BEG 0 ·2: 1. Joh n Hamach er (Kaw); 2. Chr is W ali ace ISuz): 3 . Gilbert Vill ia (Suz); 4. Tom Seulke (Han); 5. St eve Poll ack (Kaw). 250 J R: 1. Gary W agn er (Yam); 2. Eric Samson IKaw ); 3 . Kurt M etca ~ (Vam); 4 . Chr is Parks (Han); . 5 . Art Custer (Yam). 25 0 IN T: 1. Ke ven Lopa (Hon); 2. J am es W h itehead (Hon); 3 . J im Dominici (Han), 250 PRO: .1. Ron Turner (yam): 2. Bob Kline (Han); 3 . John Posca (Kaw); 4 . Bryan Paquett e (Suz); 5 . Rick Johnson (Hon) . 500 BEG: 1. Gregeory Davis (Han); 2. Chuck Boeck man (Hon); 3 . Francis Ganance (Mai); 4. Ward Thomas (Honl 5 . Jeff Lussiek (Hon). 500 JR : 1. Brian Anderson (Yam). 500 PRO: 1. Sean Con leu (Kaw ); 2. Marc Peters (yam); 3 . Tom Webb (Hon). VETJR: 1. Jack tanders (Hon); 2. Tom Williams (Kaw); 3. J im Stentz (Yam); 4. Jeff Salmen (yam)' 5. Tony GiamBerdino (Kaw) • VET INT: 1. Mark Heller (Hon). VET PRO: 1. Ron Turner (Yaml 2. Rick Johnson (Hon l 3. Carl Gazafy (Hon t 4 . David Maas (Yam). Lozano lands Little OkieMXwin By Mark Staab MADERA, CA, JUNE 18 Mik e Lozano came from behind in ~oto two to tak~ th e overall victory tn the 125cc JUnior class at the Little Okie. In moto one, Kevin Jones got one of his best starts o f th e season. Following close behind wer e Jason McCullough and Lozano with Dan McCann in fourth. J ones looked like a sure winner with most of th e actio n going on behind him. On lap four, McCu llough went down and McCann passed Lozano. On th e next lap Lozano repassed McCann, which gave Lozano second place. The stage looked set for the finish until a mistake by Jones gave Lozano the win with McCann taking second. The start of the second moto saw McCann get the holeshot with Randy R i tc h ie , Mike McCloud, Jones and Lozano close behind him. Before the end of th e first lap Lozano attempted to pass Jones but went down, almost taking Jones with him. McCann and Ritch ie were battling hard for the lead while Jones had gotten by McCloud and was going after Ritchie. Lozano was back as far as ninth place and was cutting through riders every lap. On lap five , Jones attempted to pass both Ritchie and McCann but went down hard. Then McCann dropped to fourth place when he was run 0(( the track by a la p p ed rider. Ritchi e and McCloud were first and second wh en out of nowhere came Lozano, who finished in third place and took th e overall victory. Ri tchie was seco nd overall. Resu lts 125 JR : 1. Mike Lozano (Vam); 2. Randy Ritc hi e (Kaw); 3 . Mike McCloud (Han ). 125 BEG: 1. Marc Wemyss (Kaw); 2. Skip Gu;n n (Hon ); 3 . Peter Gunter (Yam) . 500 BEG: 1. Rick Holl enbeck (Hon); 2. M ark Simmons (Kaw); 3 . Bryan Bergen (Hon ). 500 JR : 1. Richard Presley(Kaw); 2. Danny Jones . (Kaw) ; 3. Curtis Suderman (Kaw). BO BEG 0 -1 : 1. Scott Bennett (Hon); 2. Natha n Wood s (Kaw ); 3 . Chr is Cake (Kaw) . 31

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