Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 07 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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en en w ~ Z 0:: W I: a e w u. ..J a 0:: > '" a .... a 00 00 J: c.. 0") .-I ~ r- C'-J >..~ ~ Dale Barber (16) got the j ump on Matt Benusches off the line to w in the Pro Gas final at Los Angeles County Raceway. Brandon Bac kes (25) beat Chad Cunningham (1) and Lee Erickson (203) in the Youth class and also won the Heavyweight Mini class at M idway. (Kaw); 3. Rick A lves (Han); 4. M att Ph ipp s (Han); 5. John Newell (Vam), OPEN BEG: 1. Peter Hunter (Han ); 2. TIm Sarg iuson (Han ); 3. Trov Dull eck (Han); 4. Scott Wright (Yam); 5. James Shepherd (Han). OPEN JR : 1. Layne Castner (Han); 2. Dave Henderson (Han); 3. Jim Tipto n (Han); 4. Chr is McCormick (Han) . . OPEN INT: 1. Jon Nicolaus (Kaw); 2. Greg Kamholl (Han ). 250 PRO: 1. Jeff Pestana (Yam); 2. Ken Zahrt (Hon); 3. Eric Sandstrom (Ka w) ; 4. Jerry Caton (Han); 5. Jerry Caton (Han ). OPEN PRO: 1. Sean Conley (Kaw); 2. Glenn Harrison (Kaw); 3. Kurt Jorgensen (Han). VET JU: 1. Dav e Hende rson (Han); 2. Fred Stelani (KTMt 3. Dave Kelly (Han). VET INT: 1. Gary Remmen (Yaml; 2. Eric Hellgren (Han); 3. Bill Maloney (Hon ); 4 .Layne Castner (Han); 5 . Tim O-Hara (KTM ). VET MSTR : 1. Duane Hughes (Han ); 2. Larry Baker (Honl. OIT J R: 1. J im Hershman (KTM). Backes bags double wins at Midway MX By Rolfe Otterness KELLOGG , MN , J UNE 26 Brandon Backes ran to wins in three motos at th e Midway Recreation Park and swep t th e Mini Heavyweight clas s and th e Youth division. Backes shot into the lead in the first Mini class moto with Keeney dropping into second. Dona ho was o n the move and passed Atkinson a n d th en Keeney to move into second. On the last lap he pulled in behind Backes and th en swep t by for the win. Keen ey a nd Metzger trailed Backes to fill the top four. A yellow streak sho t through th e first turn as th e 125cc Expert class hit the tra ck and it was none other than Team Suzuki's Donny Schmit, out practicing for the R ed Bud National. H e wowed th e crowd with aerial manuevers and quick trips through th e " Dirty Dozen " and ran about 40 laps in a variety of classes. David Tait cruised in for the first place points with Chad Winecke and Scott Ruegg in tow. Tait led all the wa y in the second moto wi th no factor y riders to distract him a nd took th e win over Winecke. Corey Hofferbert topped hi s first moto sixth wi th a third in this round to wrap up third overall, with Daemynn Olsen a nd John Getz next. Results' 30 M INI P/ W : 1. Crai g Cunningham; 2. Lance Cun ni ngham; 3. Bradley Kelly . MINI LIW: 1. Jim Povolny; 2. TIm Pospisil; 3. Craig Cunn ingham. . MINI HIW: 1. Brandon Backes; 2. Chad Cun ni ngha m; 3 . Lee Eri ckson. 25 PLUS: 1. M ichael Graif; 2. Brad Erickson; 3. M ickey M ickelson. SR B: 1. Allen Staige; 2. Jerry Bumgardner; 3. Charles Pospisil. SR EX: 1. M ichael Gra if ; 2. Robert Sele ski; 3. Randy Saeger . SR 40+ : 1. Thomas Clar k; 2. Richard Peter son ; 3 . Roger Niedzielski. 125 NOV G·' : 1. Cory Ke eney; 2. Jason Bardon er; 3 . Brandon M cKean . 12 5 NOV G-2 : 1. Paul Hare l~tad; 2. Jack Kann; 3. Dest ry FOYle. 125 INT: 1. Eric M etzger; 2. M ike Eiklenborg; 3. Chad Cunningham . 125 EX; 1. David Tail; 2. Chad Winecke; 3. Corey Hofferbert. 250 NOV: 1. Erik Geoh rs; 2. Brad Redfie ld; 3. Vance Banon. 250 INT: 1. Bruce SchUltenier ; 2. AI Novotny; 3. Brian Celtien. 250 EX: 1. Jeff Oldenberg; 2. James Scott Jr .; 3. Todd Osman. OPEN NOV: 1. Joel Haas; 2. Chri s Hinds; 3. Bred · Redf ield. OPEN INT: 1. Rusty Sorensen; 2. Rusty Rathert. OPEN EX; 1. Jeff Sorensen; 2. Jeff Stevensen; 3. Jeff Wa lters. Arena tops BaylandsMX By Mike Vancil FREMONT, CA J ULY I Matt Arena 'made a rare appearance at th e Friday ni ght mo tocross a t Baylands and left with top money by virtue of winnin g both Pro class motos. . The first moto saw Aren a break away from th e gate a hea d of Gary Fargo and Dennis Harmel. Hannel in his comeback ride aft er a year layoff from racing, fin ished th ird both tim es and wasn 't very far off ··the pace set by Arena and Fargo. Fargo came close to taking the lead in the second moto but Arena left th e throttle on a little longer getting onto the table-top jump. H e soared to just the right landing and was on th e gas hard to again stretch out hi s lead. John Newell, led the first 250cc Junior moto from the fir st turn to the checkers. In th e second round he had a moto-long tussl e with Ken Pelphrey but was abl e to get by lat e in the moto and hang o n for th e win. Pelphrey was faster o n th e smoother parts of th e course but got into difficulty on th e rougher sectio ns. Rounding out the top three was John Matalarnaki, who had ' consistent rides in fourth and third on his Honda. A great firs t rnoto effort by Chris Stille was wasted wh en he followed this seco nd place with a lowly eighth in the second moto. Results BO M INI BEG: 1. Corey Steele (Kaw) ; 2. Brian Alves (Yam); 3. David Augustine (yam ); 4 . Vinnie Pedrin i (Hon); 5. Mike Spence (Hon). 80 MINIINT: 1. Danny Nelson (Kaw). 101 BIG W HL: 1. An gelo J acobo (Kaw) ; 2. Beau M elv in (Kaw). 125 BEG 0 ·1 : 1. J eff rey M oli na (han); 2. Alb ert Ini guez (Kaw); Chr is Pedrini (Hon); 3 . Jeffrev Brownlee (Suz); 4. Duane Polsley (Hon); 5 . Kent Har le (Suz). 125 BEG 0 ·2: 1. Dave Romer (Kaw); 2. Felix James (Han); 3. Rick Chri stensen (Vam); 4. Lenny Madera (Yam) 5. Russ Br idges IKaw). 125 JR : 1. Joe y Rodrigu ez (Han); 2. Rick A lves (Han); 3. Chr is St ill e (Han); 4. M ike Haydel (Han); 5 . Shawn Vuill (Kaw). 250 BEG 0 -1 : 1. Kerry Edwards (Han); 2. Derek Ward (Suz); 3 . Robert Foster (Yam); 4. Mark Nissen (Han); 5. Wad e Port er (Han). 250 BEG 0 -2; 1. Bobby Deazan (Suz); 2. Dary l Hutchi ng (Yam); 3 . M ike Hodges (Han); 4. Pau l Balcit a (Han); 5. Keith A nt es (Han). 250 J R: 1. John Newe ll (Yam); 2. Ken Pel phrey (Han); 3 . Joh n M at alam aki (Han); 4 . Edw ard Kelly (Han); 5. Chris St ill e (Han). OPEN BEG: 1. Dary l Hutc hi ngs (Yam); 2. Jas on Labare (Han); 3. Dean M ay (Vam); 4. Denn is McGladrey (Han); 5. Peter Hunt er (Han). OPEN JR : 1. Lane Castner (Han); 2. Mark Fitzimmons (Hon); 3 . Dave Ma theson (Hon ). VET JR : l.·Oouglas Crerar (Hus); 2. Ken Campb ell (Han); 3. Tom Schroer (Han); 4. Fred Ste lani (KTM) ; 5. Dave Montague {Sullo VET INT: 1. Gary Remmen (Vaml; 2. Eric Hellgren (Han); 3. Erik Schaffer (Vam ); 4 . Joe WyIman (Han); 5 . Jerry Castillo (Han ). . VET MSTR: 1. Duane Hughes (Han). 250 BEG: 1. John Riparett i {Sull o 250 JR ; 1. Rick Von Euw (Han). OPEN JR : 1. Niclas Granlund (SUl). OPEN PRO: 1. Matt Arena (Hon t 2. Gary Fargo (Yam); 3. Dennis Hannel (Han). INT: 1. J on Nicolaus {Kaw} ; 2. Dave Roger s (Han); 3. Scott Lehr (Han). Barber blasts LACR Dr ags By Bob Johnson PALMDALE, CA, JULY 3 Dal e Barber won hi s third Western Pro G as Associa tion, m otorcycl e event of th e seaso n at L.A. County Ra cewa y when he def eated Matt Benusch es in th e final round of th e 9.40 Index Eliminator and now holds a comfortable lead over second place Do n Ear ll in the seri es sta ndings. The event began.with number-one qualifier Barber getting a bye run while Walter Lott rode h is Kawasaki to a tight 9.75 second 128.93 mph win over Elva Earll 's Kawasaki. Steve Johnson lost at th e starting line to Don Earll, who posted a 9.63, 135.33 (.471 reaction time) toa losing J ohnson's 9.59,134.73 (.538 r.t. ). John Larson pulled a slight upset wh en he beat Earll's Kawasaki, while Art Engstrom defeated Charlie Fulks' Kawasaki o n a big holeshot, 9.57, 133.92 (.44 1 r.t .) for the win. Matt Benusches defeated Dan Cotten 's Suzuki to end th e first round, 9.56, 128.20 to a losing 10.29, 129.12. Barber used a 9.63, 1I4.21 and a .497 reaction time to trailer Lott's Kawasaki at 9.61, 135.95 (.780 r.t. ). Don Earll's Cycle Tune of Fresnosponsored Kawasaki needed a good launch and tim e to defeat Art Engstrom's Kawasaki in th e toughest race thus far , with Earll getting th e win at 9.524 , 137.61 (.423 r.t. ), Benusches ran a 9.406, 132.93 to go to th e semi as Larson broke out with a 9.31, 133.72. Barber . con tinued his dynasty wh en he won yet a no ther tough ra ce, th is happening in th e s emi final against Earll. A .001 second margin sepa ra ted th e pair, with Barber ge tting th e win with a 9.469, 135.95. Ma tt Benusch es was m ore than pleased to wa tch th at pair battl e, and he received a bye run , nettin g a 9.49, 136.57. The final round was decided on th e starting line, with Barber earning his third win of the season with a 9.61, 133.92 (.470 r.t.) to Benusches' 9.51, 132.35 (.648 r.t.) ru nner-up effort. Bolton bombs 51 0ggo's MX By Brad & Sharon Jones CRESTON , lA , JUNE 26 Mark Bolton took first overall in the 125 and 250cc A classes at Sluggo's Motocross Park. In the 125cc A class Jason Campbell blasted to an early lead and set a very fast pace. Bolton, riding -a Honda, rod e hard trying to keep pace with Campbell , but €ampbell eventuall y pulled away for the win. Bolton cruised in for second while Dave Huber worked up through the pack for third. In moto two Dave Ouellette took th e holeshot, but as he rounded turn one Campbell and Bolton tried to pass. Ouellette spun around and took Huber to the ground with h im, as Marvin Hendrick snuck by everyo ne for the lead. Bolton emerged second while Campbell fou nd himself with a badly bent shifter. Bolton overtook Hendricks on the third la p while Huber was putting in some hot laps to tak e over third. Campbell nursed his bike to fifth while H u ber eventually took over second behind Bol ton. Suzuki-mounted Jim Hale came from behind in both motos to wi n the 250cc B class. In moto one, Mark Carey took the holeshot with Pal Gordin and Brian Lackey trailing. Lackey took the lead on the first lap while Jim Hale was blazing through the pack. Hale moved into second on the t ird lap and moved into the lead when Lackey missed a berm. Hale motored away with the win. ~ In moto two , Hale made his move on lap two for the lead and the win. Dan Dammon cruised in for second while Lackey and Gordin fought over third. Gordin finally managed to overtake Lackey , but Lackey finished second overall behind Hale with a 2-4 finish. Results 60 / BO B: 1. Rusty Spenc er; 2. Tony W enc k; 3. Brandon Swadley; 4. Br ian W ittenburg; 5. Jo hn M ill er. BO A : 1. David Opl er; 2. Stacy Krpan; 3. J im Dishm an. 125 B: 1. Rick Spencer; 2. Chr is Hu nt er; 3 . Scon Bowe. 12 5 A : 1. M ark Bolt on; 2. Dave Huber; 3. J ason Campbell. 250 B. J im Hale; 2. Br ian Lackey; 3. Pal Gord in . 250 A : 1. Mark Bolton; 2. Marvin Hendricks; 3. Doug Alexander. OVER 25 : 1. Brad Jones; 2. Rick Yarrow; 3 . Daryl Lilly. OPEN: 1. Brad Jo nes; 2. Daryl Ully; 3 . Terry Chumbley.

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