Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 07 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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and by an even wide margin over Jeff MO<1t'e in the feature. Bob Nebiel and Cory Sch weitzer traded th e top spots in th e 250cc Pro events with Schwei tzer in front all the way in the feature. Roy Na fzger cou ld on ly ma na ge a fou rt h in the heavy traffic of th e 250cc Amateu r heat but roared back to top th e fea tu re over hea t-winner T erry H ahn. A fall by Bob Ka pl an let T erry Rose' pi ck up severa l spots in the heat to take th ird but could on ly ma nage an eig hth in th e feature whil e Dou g Hay took th ird in the feature. Results Eddie Ingels (left) went wide to take the lead and continued on to win the Handicap main at Baylands Speedway. 80 BEG D·2: 1. Jeremy Brown (KX) ; 2. Jason Lewis (Kaw); 3. Johnny Chavez (Kaw). 80 JR : 1. Rusty Holland (Suz); 2. Ryan Rieger (Suz). BIG WH L: 1. Greg A llan (Kawi. 260 BEG: 1. Lester Hanks (Hon); 2. An thony Castro (Hon); 3 . Steve Ligg ett (Hon ). 260 JR : 1. Ben Saville (Yam); 2. Robbie Baker (Kaw) ; 3 . Frank Dufur (Yam). 60: 1. Nathan Woods (Kaw); 2. Justin Qu inn (Hon ); 3 . B.J . Hannah (Hon). PP: 1. Shawn Summ er s (Kaw); 2. Debbi e Simmons (Kaw) ; 3. Kass ie Gray (Hon). 126 INT: 1. M ike Quaschnick (Vam); 2. Todd Nelson (Kawi. 260 INT: 1. Billy Woods (Kaw); 2. David Camarena (Suz). 260 PRO: 1. Jon Nelson (Kaw); 2. Eric Sand strom (Kaw) . 500 PRO: 1. Sean Conley (Kaw); 2. J im Ouaschnick (Yam); 3 . Pat Sparks (Hon). VET JR : 1. Steve Allen (Suz); 2. Klaus Baker (Kaw) ; 3 . Ed Crawford (Hon). OT JR : 1. Dave Simmons (Kaw). VET INT: 1. Mike McGinni s (Vam); 2. Curt Kise r (Hon); 3. Chuck Holme s (Hon). VET MSTR : 1. Phil Gr ibnau (Vam ); 2. Stev e Presle y (Kaw). Hall hauls in the dough at Pocono Cyclejam By John Kee'ney LONG POND , PA J UNE 24-26 Kurt H all raked in th e lion 's sha re of th e purse at th e WERA double points Nat ional held at Pocono Rac ewa y. In all, H all took home $2950, claiming wins on a Yamaha FZRIOOO in For mula Open, a Suzuk i GSXR750 in B Superbike, and on a Suzuki 600 Ka tan a in C Production. H all ca p i ta lized o n contingency monies fro m both Yamaha and Suzuki, as well as the larger-thanusu al WERA purse money over the th r ee-da y race weekend. In the Form ula Open final, wh ich carried a $7500 purse, H all was able to p u t the FZR over th e finish lin e ahead of a very fast GSXR750 -ridden by J am ie J am es wh o finish ed second, and ' Kurt Lentz ' ancie nt by today's standa rds, Yamaha TZ750 , which had worked its way through the pa ck of quick-starting fo ur-strokes up to third positio n. James, who pocketed a cool $800 of Suzuki con tingencies for his win on h is GSXR7 50 in B Production, would have sure ly grabbed some more Suzuki bu cks in th e A Production race. H e was ou t ahea d of Paul Bra y on th e white-fla g lap, wh en he exited turn two and su dden ly, for no apparent reaso n, he pulled into the designat ed pit exit o n th e ou tside of turn three. A puzzled Bray looked back after seeing J am es pull off th e race track, wonderin g wha t had happened to him. Bray then proceeded to cruise on to victory. La ter, J am es exp lai ned that he th ou ght he had seen the wh ite , flag th e lap before, and o n what was , rea lly th e wh ite flag lap, he had been concentrating so hard on tucking in to keep Bray from drafting h im that he mistook th e waving wh ite flag for th e chec kered. It was announced at the rider 's 32 meeting th at competitors would be docked a lap if th ey di d not use th e "designated exit", and take a full ' coo l off lap. In addit ion to the road racing activities during th e weekend, a comp lete three da ys of drag racing was jam med into the progr am shor' tening practice and track tim e for th e road racers. . The Formula T wo event, which had a $ 1500 purse, did no t have th e position-swapping and tight-packed actio n at th e front of th e pack wh ich usually acco mpanies 250cc racing. Marty Miller on a new Yama ha TZ250U jumped o ut to a n early lead and proceeded to add to it for th e rest of th e event.. Cliff Bigon ey on his T Z tried to keep th e leader in sig ht, but had to settle for second. Just as far back in th ird was Daniel Reif on a Honda 250. Other notable mentions in the 250 ra ce were Bobbie VonNessen , wh o rode hi s Battel y Cycle Yamaha sponsored, FZR400 street bike to fourth pl ace and Randy T extor, who managed to finish ' seventh on a Harley-Da vidson 600 single. Results F-OPEN: 1. Kurt Hall (Vam); 2. Jamie James (Suz); 3 . Kurt Lentz (Vam); 4. William Loomis (Suz); 6. Paul Bray (Suz). F-2 EX: 1. Marty Miller (Vam ): 2. Claff Bigoney (Vam); 3. Daniel Feil (Hon); 4 . Robert VonNessen (Yam); 6. David Murray (Vam). F·2 NOV: 1. Todd Dofflemyer (Vam); 2. Scott Throckmorton (Yam); 3 . Rick Merconte (Yam); 4. Tom Dunn (Kaw ); 6. Gary Callahan (Yam). F·3 EX: 1. A I Launhart (MBA); 2. Peter Baer _ (Vam); F-3 NOV: 1. David Nutter (Kaw); 2. J im Sel itto (Kaw); 3 . Jack Kapinos (Kaw) . B SIB EX: 1. Kurt Hall (SuzI; 2. Bruce Nield (Hon); 3. Phil Berke (Suz); 4. Randy Textor (Suz); 6. Bill Blythe Jr. (Hon). . C SIB EX: 1. Marty Miller (Suz); Br ien Gristick (Hon); 3 . Kurt Hall (Suz); 4. Bill Blythe (Hon); 6. Fabian Cortez (Yam). D SIB EX: 1. Robert VonNessen (Yam); 2. Larry Burkholder (Vam); 3. Joe Ma ier (Yam); 4. Alan Bertagnoli (Vam); 6. John Grush (Yam). B SIB NOV: 1. Ron Nardello (Suz); 2. Paul Voungren (Vam); 3. Jay Bartlow (Suz); 4. Joe Ribeiro (Hon); 6. Greg Moore (Suz). C SIB NOV :1. Todd Hoge (Hon); 2. J.P . Bunting (Hon) 3 . Alistair Sm ith (Hon ); 4. Rene Chamser (Hon); 6. Sam Wardrip (Hon ). D SIB NOV: 1. Craig Newforth (Yam); 2. Scott Trockmonon (Yam ); 3. Steve Johnson (Yam); 4 . Todd Dofflemyer (Vam); 6. Tom Dunn (Kaw) . • A PROD EX: 1. Paul Bray (Suz); 2. Fabian Cortez (Suz); 3 . John Lopez (Suz); 4. Patrick Ziegler (Suz); 6. Steve Palmer (Suzi . B PROD EX: 1. Jamie J ames " (Suz); 2. William Loom is (Suz); 3 . Glenn Szarek (Suz); 4. Paul Bray (Suz); 6. Tony Forrett (Suzl . C PROD EX: 1. Kurt Hall (Suz); 2. David Murray (Hon); 3 . Stev e Harrison (Hon); 4. David Clyde (Hon); 5. Jamie James tSuz). D PROD EX: 1. Jim Still (Yam); 2. Matt Winnatker (Vam); Goeffrey Garrod (Vam); 4. Eric Fait (Kaw ); 6 . Rick Steffey (Yam). A PROD NOV: 1. Steve Sm it h (Suz); 2. Ron Nardello (Suz); 3. Jay Bart low (Suz); 4 . Todd Hoge (Hon): 6. Greg Moore (Suz). B PROD NOV : 1. John Marunich (Suz); 2. Todd Hoge (Hon); 3. Bill Martin (Suz); 4 . Ron Nardello (Suz); 6. Steve Smith (Suzi . C PROD NOV: 1. Todd Hoge (Hon); 2. Sam Wardrip (Hon); 3 . J .P. Bunting (Ho n); 4 . Arthur Oiaz (HonX; 6. Tim Lampl (Hon). D PROD NOV : 1. Jo e Cox (Vam); 2. Craig Newforth (yam); 3. Dan Kerekes (Vam ); 4. Rick Mercante (Yam); 5. Bob Griffin (Yam). CLBMN EX: 1. Larry Burkholder (Vam); 2. Richard Grauer (Suz); 3. Bert Morgan (Vam); 4. Gary Palmer (Vam); 6. John Keeney (Yam). CLBMN NOV: 1. Gary Callahan (Yam); 2. Greg Alt (Vam); 3. Jimmy Shanks (Yam); 4. W ill iam Lentz (Vam); 6. Barry Hill (Hon). V1NT 1: 1. Mike Breed (Due); 2. Heidi Sma kula (HD). . VINT 2: 1. David Paller (BSA); 2. Bob Reynolds (Nor); 3. Frank Sm ith; 4. Don Treese (Hon); 6. George Reynolds (Nor). V1NT3 : 1. J im Siem er (Nor); 2. Dave Paller (BSA) ; 3. Bob Reynolds (Nor ); 4. Dave O'Conneli (Vam); 6. Pete Smakula (Suz). VINT 4 : 1. Jesse Morris (Tr i); 2. Mike Tiberio (MG); 3. J im M ignogna (Vam); 4 . J im Siemer (Nor); 6. Karl Myers (BMW). V1NT6: 1. Jake Coye (Kaw); 2. Bruce Egan (Hon); 3 . Jeff McKinney (Hon); 4. Tom D'Ettorre (Kaw); 6. Brod Walker (Suz). Ingels doubles at Baylands Speedway By Bill Spencer . FRE MO NT , CA, J UNE 30 Eddie Ingles, on th e Petrich Cycle/ A&A Racing/Quaker State Sp ecial , wo n h is second double header of the seaso n in Class A Speedway actio n at Baylands. In gels was lat e off th e gate a t th e start of th e Scratch main as Mik e So lis and Steve Martin were cornering first with Kip Curry on a wrong line with Ingels. The two swapped the line with In gels tracking th e fleeing Martin and Solis. It was only to take one more goaro und and In gels went arou nd th e outs ide and took off for th e win and a ro u nd of applause from the packed house. Martin handled second with Curry holding off Solis. Shawn Rep pert had the Handicap ma in in hand until he cra shed. J eff Kn iss inherited th e lead on the Russ J oseph Racing Engine Special but In gels was on the attack and went aro u nd th e ou tside for the lead and th e win , with ease. Curry made a la stlap pass for second stick over Knis s with Duane Yarrow fifth. Steve Martyn se tasted victory in Di vision T wo w ith Gary Rossi dogging him throughout. Results SCRATCH: 1. Eddie Ingels; 2. Steve Martin; 3. Kid Curry; 4. Mike Solis. HDCP: 1. Eddie Ingels; 2. Kid Curry; 3. Steve Martin; 4. Jeff Kniss; 5. Duane Yarrow . D·2: 1. Steve Martynse; 2. Gary Rossi; 3. Kerry Puccio; 4. Dan Neilson ; 5. Jess Ochoa. 0-3: 1. Steve Arena; 2. Bill Ripley; 3. John Pierce; 4 . Bill Thomas; 5. Don Boatman. Battaglia best at L.ake Geneva MX By Jack Biddison LAKE GE NEVA, WI , JU NE 24 For th e second stra ig h t week Brian Battaglia wo n overa ll points ridi ng in th e 125cc Ama teur class in th e Friday ni ght Su zuki Stadium Mo tocross raci ng at La ke Gen eva Ra ceway. He won hi s heat race and was second in the main to Ch ris Himes, who, after a poor start in th e heat, cou ld o nly man age a sixth place finis h . . Ero n Ezerins showed hi s superior ity in th e Mini Cycl e events by leading every lap over Brian H alzhauer by a lar ge margin in th e heat 126 AM : 1. Chri s Him es (Vam ); 2. Br ian Banegila (Suz); 3 , Scott Seymour (Hon ). . OPEN: 1. Roben Spiese (Hon); 2. Terry Hahn (Kaw) ; 3. Chri s Bernavidos (Hon). • 126 PRO: 1. Cory Schweitzer (Hon); 2. Bob Neibel (Suz); 3 . Jim Heyden (Honl . • 260 PRO: 1. Cory Schweitzer(Hon); 2. Bob Neibel (Suz); 3. J eff Melcher (Hon). 260 AM : 1. Roy Nafzger (Suz); 2. Terry Hahn (Kaw); 3 . Doug Hay (Hon). MINI: 1. Eron Ezerins (Kaw) ; 2. Jeff Moore (Suz); 3. Br ian Holzhauer (Han). McCullough, Spear tangle at Playboys MX By John Spear WALLKILL, NY; JUNE 12 Rob McCullough easily won the 125cc Expert class and Mike Spear had a pair of victories in th e Open Expert class, so wh en th e two went head-to-head in the 250cc Expert class , it was a spectacu lar tim e at the Walden Pl ayb oys MX. ~ In th e first moto, McCullough got ou t in front of Spear and held a slim lead . In the second moto, th ou gh , Spear got in front and held itfor three laps, Halfway through the fourth circuit McCullough shoved his front end u nder Sp ear at th e bottom of th e long downhill and went into first. A lap lat er, Spea r flew around th e o u tside of McCullough at the top o f the uphill to tak e over th e lead . McCullou,?h got th e inside over th e tabletop Jump and held it to the next corne r to pass Spear with a lapand-a-half to go. Spear remained clamped on hi s rear wheel , and with .two co rners to ~o , McCullough swi tched lines gomg over a- jum p, tak ing away Spear's inside move that he had used to make passe s in both classes. But th e move backfired when McCullough washed hi s front end oUL Spear had gone to the outside and avoided McCullough and took th e win and overall. The two had built such a lead over third place rider Tom Evagash that McCullough had little trouble getting up and finishing ' the last 20 yards for seco nd. Evag ash was third overall w ith a pair o f solid third-place fini shes. J J am es Coy captured the heavilycontes ted 250cc/Open Novice class with a pai r of first place finishes , but he had to work for th em. In the second moto, Coy worked his way up from a fifth-pl ace start to tak e over th e lead with a lap to go. Mike Lang had pulled the hol esh ot and .held th e lead for three laps. With a second in th e first rnoto, Lang looked to be in goo d shape for th e overall but on lap four he fell to sixth place. Ri ch Waj tkowski inherited th e lead with Co y rig ht on hi s heels. Waj· tows ki held first for over a lap before Coy passed him on the tabletop . Wajtow ski , with a fifth in th e first mo to, took second overall with his second in th e final moto. Results 260 EX: 1. M ike Spear (Kaw) ; 2. Rob McCullough (Hon); 3 . Tom Evagash (Kaw); 4. John Coen (Suz); 6. Mike Speckman (Suz). OPEN EX: 1. Mike Spear (Kaw); 2. Jim Habecker (Hon); 3 . Ken Napolitano (Hon); 4. Chuck Sequ ina (Kaw); 6. Dan Alexander (Hon). 260 AM : 1. Jamil Lynch (Hon); 2. Greg Bastek (Hon); 3 . TIll' Rinaldi (Hon); 4. Cosimo Napolitano (Hon); 6. Paul Qualtuccio (Hon). OPEN AM: 1. Dave Farmer (Hon); 2. Brian

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