Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 07 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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fourth. Sanchez couldn't get around Damron in tim e fo r the checkered Rag. Chad McBrid e, on a Yamaha, and Anthony Freeman , on a H onda , battled it out for first in the 250cc No vice class , McBride worked h is way to the front of the race with Freeman right on his tai l and not qu ite able to get a wheel under McBride. Neil Cl ifton finis hed a di stant third on another H onda. In the 125cc Novice-J unior class, Ka wasa k i rid er Mall Wa i t and Yamaha rider J ake Zemke fought another hard battle while the rest of the cla ss was left far behind. Zemke was right on the tail end of Mall Wait the whole race. Anthony Freeman was th ird on a Suzuki with Honda rider Doug Grote fourth. In th e 80 Expert class Kawasaki rider Ea rnie Martin grabbed the holesho t and held it so long th at it looked like he just m ight be th e first on e to the checkered. Wait was in the second spot, but Yama ha rider Gary Ferranvanti go t by him o n the back straigh t with Honda rider Ben Bostrom gelling by in turn fo ur to take over third. Martin seemed to stop charging and began lO ta ke th in gs easy a nd Ferravan ti, Bostro m and Wait got by hi m to come in first, second and third, respectfully. Results 60 NOV JR EX: 1. J ohn Murp hree (K.w); 2. Helder Alvern.z ( Kaw~ 3. J eff Gabhart ( K. w~ 4. Kenneth Cypr iano . J r . (Kaw); 5. Samm y Sabedr a (Kaw). 80 NOV; t . D.nny Han (Kaw); 2. J esse S. nchez (Yam); 3. Eric Bostrom (Han); 4. Don H.n (ya m); 5. TIm Alverez (Yam). 80 JR : 1. Jo h n M urphree ( Ka w~ 2. Hel der .....rnaz (Y.m); 3. M an W ill ard ( Kaw~ 4 . N. t h. n Wa it {Kawt 5. Je ff rt (Kaw ). 80 EX; 1. Gary Ferr . nv. nt i (y . mt 2. Ben Bost rom (Hont 3. M.n W. it (Kaw t 4. E. rn ie M. nin (K.w ); 5. John M itchell (Han). VET NOV: 1. Henry Sanc hez (Hont 2. Don Shipley (W· R); 3. Frank S.nch ez (Han ). VET JR: 1. Willi.m Rider (W· R); 2. Lynn Georg e (Hont 3. Tracy Dawson (YamO; 4. Roben M eiring (W-R). VET EX: 1. Georg e Cooper (W-R); 2. Frank Nye (W- R); 3. Ma rk But ler (W·R); Dave Bost rom (WR). . 12 5 NOV J R; 1. M an Wa it (KaW) 2. J ake Zemk e (Yamt 3. Ant ho ny Freeman (Suz); 4. Doug Grot e (Hont 5. Chad McBride (Yam) . 250 NOV; 1. Chad M cBri de (Yamt 2. An t hon y Freeman (Hon ); 3. Nail Clifton (Han); 4. Manin Montas (Han ); 5. M onty Ownbey (C-A). 250 J R: 1. Tracy Dawson (y.m); 2. Dian CI.rdy (Han); 3. Robby Peicho to (y.m). 500 OPEN NOV: 1. David Freeze (Yam); 2. Gerald Peston i (Han); 3. Robert Me ir ing (W· R); 4 . Scott Br icker (Han); 5. Dw ane Franc icso (Han). 500 OPEN JR: 1. Bill y Gonzales (W ·R); 2. Tim Salby (Hon); 3. St an Morris (Yam); 4 . Paul Poh emu s (H· D); 5. Sam Lomanto (Han). 500 OPEN EX: 1. Jon Nunez (W-R); 2. M ike Gresh am (W -R); 3. Ted Taylor (W-R): 4. Raben Damron (W-R); 5. Jimmy Sanchez (Han). PRO-A M: 1. Ted Taylor (W -R) 2. M ark Key (HD); 3. J immy Sanchez (Han); 4. Robert Damron (W Rt 5. M ike Gresham (W -R). Olson on top at Perris MX By David Procida PERRIS, CA, JULY 2 Alan Olson topped the Vet Expert class in Saturday SMX action at Perri s Raceway. O lso n showed his rear fender to the rest of the Experts in both mo tos today . Chasing him to th e checkered in rnoto one was T om White of White Bro s. fam e and H o n d a mounted Kirt Goldie. White kept Olson in sight, but couldn't close o n the Kawasak i rider. Goldie, however , - was on th e ga s a nd was keepin g th e pressure on White. Ken Ehlers was running in th e number four position and had his hands full with ATK rider Art O liver. The top five finished in this o rder wi th Olson taking the win. Moto two found Olso n o ut in the lead once again. White started the moto second but encountered problems wi th a tight hairpin when he fell over a nd remou nted in fourth behind Goldie a nd Ol iver and barely in front of Pete Vetrano. As the race wore on Vetrano kep t th e pressure on White's H onda and was rewarded with another bail by White, mo ving M icky Dymond topped the 250cc . Pro class at Perris MX. Vetrano into fourth . Wh ite remounted in seven th and by th e mote's end had worked his way back to fifth. O lson scored his second win as th e rno to came to a close with Goldie ta king second overall and T o m White go ing 2-5 for th ird . Vet Intermediate action saw R ud y Chavez lead th e pack "with Steve Donovan giving h im a ru n. T he pair was followed by Peter Allison and Ken Francis with the rest of the pack a heartbeat beh ind. Chavez success fu lly defended his lead to the finish as Donovan kep t the pressure up all th e way to the final comer. In m o to two Chavez holesho t again o nly Do novan and Allison closed in quickly. On la p three Donovan went into the lead with Allison following a lap lat er. All ison pu t the heat o n Dono van and too k the lead away and won, his 3-1 good for the overa ll win. Results 12 5 BEG: 1. Bobby Graham (Hont 2. Len Selle rs (Han); 3. Roben Weston (Yam). . 250 BEG: 1. Bobby Hubba rd (Han); 2. D.nny Rudd (Yam); 3. RAndv VanDyke (Yam). OPEN BEG: 1. ca l Myers (Kaw ); 2. Michael Villa (Han); 3. Keith Phelan (Han). 125 NOV : 1. Robert Leine (Han ); 2. M ar k McCl ellan (Han); 3. Tomm y Chacon (Yam). 250 NOV: 1. Joseph Crou ch (Kaw); 2. Pat Orescan in (Suz); 3 . Ma rk Granbe rg (Han). OPEN NOV: 1. St eve Ban ni ng (Han); 2. M .rk " Robo" Stroup (Han); 3. Norma n Schiel (Yam). 125 INT; 1. Raben Shipman (Yam);' 2. Brian B••ch (Han); 3. Justin Souza (Y.m). 250 INT: 1. Perr in Perez; 2. Jason W illiams (KaW); 3. TIbor Papp (Han). . 125 PRO: 1. Kyle Killebrew (Y.m); . 2. Joe Tutobene (Han). • 250 PRO: t . M icky Dymond (Yam ); 2. Cr. ig Davis (Yam ); 3. Robbie Lovas (Yam). 500 PRO: t . Jim Ku ntz (Kaw) ; 2. Willy (ATK); 3. Scon Brown (ATK). VET NOV: 1. BobZimmon (Han); 2. W .J. Bradbury (Han); 3. Norman SC iel (Yam). h VET INT: 1. Peter Allison (Han); 2. Steve Donov an (Han); 3. Rudy Chavez (Han). VETEX; I. Al . n Olson (Kaw): 2. Kin Gold ie (Han ); 3. Tom White (Han). OT NOV: t . Joh n Webb (Han); 2. Bill M illspaugh; 3. Frank Derby (Han). OT AM : 1. Kurt SoJka (Suz); 2. Milton Roybal (KaW); 3. Colt Haintzma n. OT EX: 1. Gary W illison; 2. Hal Grady (Han); 3. Richard Beal er (Yam). OT MSTR: 1. A lan Olson (Kaw) ; 2 . Bengt Jo han sson (Han); 3. John Wh ite (Han)-. Ridgeway runs rampant at Perris MX By David Procida PERRIS, CA, J ULY 3 Chris Ridgeway took four moto wi ns for th e overall victories in the 125 and 500cc Novice cla sses a t Perr is Raceway. In th e 125cc Novice class , Ridgeway rode hi s Oak ley/Maj or Alfordsponsored Kawasaki to the first rnoto win with T ony Barranti holding off Gear Racewear 's Kavika Sh ibuya and H i-Dese rt Ka wasa ki 's Chris Evans. At the start of moto two, Ridgeway p icked up where he left off at th e point posi tio n and opened up a lead that was no t to be challe nged. Evans ra n in th e number two slot, with Merle Hammer (5) leads 250cc Intermediate winner Todd Broussard (55) and Rick Pearle at Perris. Hammer was third overall. . Barranti and Sunwest Yam aha rider Steve Peterson ho t on his rear fender. Ridgeway maintained a healthy lead to the finis h as th e next four positions re mai ne d tight ly bu nc he d. Evans foll owed Rid geway across the checkered foll owed by Barranti and Peterso n . Wh en th e results were tallied, Ridgeway ran away wi th th e overall via a perfect I-I , with Barrami 's 2-3 good for second ahead of Evans, Peterso n, and Shibuya. In th e Open No vice class R idgeway ran a way with bo th mo tos, In mo to o n e, Greg Kei rn followed Ridgeway to the chec kers wit h Kell y Wade and T om Lyman in tow . In rnoto two Ridgeway got his fourth stra igh t moto win, and th e overall. with Keirn tak in g a distant seco nd. Lyman beat Wade in rno to two to take third o verall. Kal-Gard/La H ab ra Suzuki rider Bubba Erickson rode th e whee ls err his Cagiva to ta ke the overall victory in th e 125cc Intermediate class after mo to o ne winner Robert Shipma n encountered problems in moto two. Er ickso n's 2-1 score kept him ahead ' of Cole G ress, wh o went 3-2 for second overa ll. Shipman salvaged . th e n umber th ree slo t wi th a fifth place fin ish in rnoto two. Granada Yam aha 's Todd Broussard took the overall win in the 250cc Intermediate class wi th a pair of wins, hol di ng off Scott Murphy, who chased him to the finis h lin e in bo th motos. Merle H am mer took th ird overa ll ah ead of Rick Pearle. George Andrews too k advan tage of Bill Erb's firs t moto D N F and followed Erb across.the checkered in rnoto two to tak e th e overall victory in the Open Int ermediate class. Tom Smith too k second overa ll honors via a 2-3 score with Erb bringing up th e rea r with a DNF-I. Results WMN NOV: 1. Joy Am es (Han); 2. Criss ia Smith (Kaw); 3. Valer ie Robens (KTM). WMN EX: 1. Bonnie W arch (Suz). VET BEG: r . Jo h n Herd (KTM t 2. Vic Parker (Kaw ). VETNOV: 1. Russ Hoffman ( H on~ 2. Br. d Sloan (Han); 3. Don Gossen (Yam). VET INT: 1. Steve CI. rk (Han); 2. Todd Peterson (Yam); 3. Randy A nderson (Yam). SR NOV: I. Chris Tunobene (Han); 2. Sam Englis h (Han). 80 BEG: 1. Eric Haug (Kaw) ; 2. Scon Johnson (Kaw); 3. Chr is All en (Kaw) . • 125 BEG: t. Joe Gall o (Kaw ); 2. M an W yckoff (Han); 3. TIm Enoch (Suz]. 250 BEG: 1. Kris Bar ker (K.w ); 2. Doug Hal er (Kaw); 3. David Henev (SUl). 500 BEG: 1. Jim Al exander (Han); 2. Dal e Gunter (Han); 3. Joh n Gleason (Hus). 80 NOV : 1. Br ian Teets (K. w); 2. Jo e DeP. t o _ (Han); 3. .Jaso n DePato (Han). 125 NOV: 1. Chr is Ridgeway (Kaw); 2. Tony Barr . nt i (Han); 3. Chr is Evans (Kaw ). 25 0 NOV: 1. Ad am Pont ious (Han ); 2. Al bert Sanchez (Yam); 3. Bill Sauro (Han). 500 NOV: 1. Chr is Ridgeway (Kaw); 2. Greg Keirn (Han); 3. Tom Lyman (Han ). 80 INT: 1. Tony Am aradio (Yam); 2. M ike M et iges (Suz); 3. J . cob Swa in (Kaw ). 125 INT; 1. Bubba Er ickson (cag); 2. Cole Gress (Kaw t 3. Roben Shipm.n (y.m). 250 INT: 1. Todd Brou ssard ( 2. Scon M urphy (K.w); 3. M erle Hamm er (Yam). 500 INT: 1. George Andrews (Han); 2. Tom Smith (Han); 3. Bill Erb (Han). 125 PRO: 1. Manin Klossne r (Y.m); 2. Joe Tun obene (Han); 3. Eric W icker (Han). Pestana rounds up BaylandsMX By Mike Vancil FR EMO NT , CA JUNE 29 Jeff Pestan a used a 2-1 score to clinch the 250cc class victory at the Wednesday nig h t, CMC-sanctio ned Baylands Motocross. It was Ken Zahrt with the hol eshot to the first corn er in moto one but Pesta na caught him in th e second corn er. They went side-by-side into th e ro cker section and Zahrt came o u t a clear leader at thi s point. Zahrt was pressured the entire di stance by Pestana as several ti mes Pestana found a wa y to close the gap and just as soon as he did Zahrt would unwind more throttle and get bac k the same advantage he had. Eric Sa ndstrom finis hed third. T he secon d moto saw Pestana grab the early lead. Zahrt's lin e lO the seco nd corner failed hi m and he sli p pe d wide , a llowi ng P est ana under him in the high -banked turn. Pestana th en held off nearl y a dozen pass attempts by Zah rt, but the last attempt set Zahrt off the pace by severa l lengths. T hey finis hed Pestana, Zah rt and Sanstrom. Pestana got the overall by virtue of his 2-1 opposed to Zahrt's 1-2. In the 80cc Begi nner class J u stin T iearney put toge ther a do ub le-mote wi n in the face of stiff opposition from five other eager co mpe tito rs. Vinnie Pedrini and Neil Goodman had problems and did not figure in th e results. Pedrini cra shed and had to be exam ined for possibl e injury whi le Goodman got lulled in to passing o n a yellow £lag. Andrea Chamberl in on a Kawasa ki had one of her better evenings and ended up third overall behind Travis O leson . Todd Damron, yo unger brother of Camel Pro compe titor Rob Damron, took a seco nd and a first to ga in th e overa ll victo ry in th e 250cc Junior class. Result s 80 M INI BEG: 1. Justin Tiearney (Han); 2. Trav is Oleason (Kaw); 3. And rea Chamber li n (Kaw) ; 4 . Eddie Bendon (Kaw ): 5. Vinnie Pedrini (Han). 80 J R MINI : 1. Aaron Cantr elle t25 BEG D-t : J effrey Brow nlee (Suz); 2. Kurt Nelson (Hon); 3. Danny Will iams (Hon); 4. Dard n Graviet ISuzl; 5. Brent Ferr era (Hon). 125 BEG D·2 : 1. Chr is Hops (Han); 2. Duane Ke lle r (Yam); 3. A lb en In iguez (Kaw) ; 4 . Jaffrey Mo lin a (Hon): 5. Chr is Pedr ini (Han), 12 5 J R: 1. Greg Bunt ing (Yam); 2. Dan Regar (Han); 3. Scon W ilson (Han); 4. J oe Lawwill (Kaw ); 5. Shane Wr ight (Han). 125 INT: 1. M icha el M injaras (Suz); 2. Joe Bru ce (Y.m); 3. Kevin Boult ier (Y. m); 4 . D. J . Noe (Kaw) . 250 BEG: 1. J im Reger (Han); 2. J eff Anders on (Yam); 3. M ike Holges (Han); 4. Billy Stone (Yam); 5. Darrin Grav iet (Suz). 250 JR: 1. Todd Damron (Yam); 2. Ronn ie Lee 29

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