Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 02 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~-----------------I , 'GRAN PRIX. DE" t (MUST BE COMPLETED IN FULL AND SIGNED BY EACH PAfmClfSANT) C.·.b••_. CA., . I SENDTO: aA.tA PRDMOTIONS. P.O. ~ _38. I II I THIS'ENTRY IS FOR {please check one (1) box as it applies : I I 0 "SAN FELIPE G.P~" I March' '.'2, 'SBB EIIlrJ Opeu : FEBRUARY I. 1988 I I Ii I I I I I Buddy Antunez took the Mini Expert w in w ith a pai r of firsts. Chav ez Jr. (Hon); 3. Ron W ill iam s (Kaw) ; 4 . Richard Higgins (Hon); 5. Jerry Genove se (Yam) . 250 JR 0 -2: 1. Larry Lawrence (Yam); 2. Perr in Perez (Hon); 3 . Ronnie Lee (Ka w) ; 4 . Kevin Beyer (Yam): 5. Bill Fernan dez (Suz). 250 INT 0 -1: 1. Chad Pederson (Yam); 2. Phil Law ren ce (Yam); 3. Tim Wh itlock (Han); 4. Ryan Hughes (YamI; 5. Jason Buttle (Suz). 250 INT 0 -2: 1. J im Kuntz (Kaw); 2. Tony McGrath (Han); 3. St even Hunte r (Han); 4. Troy Dollansky (Han); 5. Bill y Woods (Kaw). 250 PRO: 1. Rodney Smith (Suz); 2. Steve Lamson (yam); 3. Greg TIrheiner (Han); 4. Eric Sandstrom (Kaw); 5. Allen Ber lutti (Kaw). 500 BEG: 1. Leonard Kille r Kilm an (Yam); 2. David Shoemaker (Yam); 3. Joh n DiM uccio (Han); 4.• Jo hn Lea (Han); 5. J erry Lockhan (Hus). 500 JR: 1. Dave Fern andez (Han); 2. M ike Crawf ord (Yam); 3. Chuck Bagw ell (Han); 4. Bryan Richardson (Ya m ~ 5. M ike Graves (Kaw). 500 INT: 1. Tim Wh itlock (Han); 2. J im Kuntz (Kaw ); 3. Randy Chapman (Kaw); 4. Kevin Green (Han) 5. Ricky Lutz (Kaw). ; 500 PRO: 1. Beau Magly (Han). VET JR: 1. Kirk Benke (Honl ; 2. Doug las Clark (Hon ~ 3. Rick Glass (Han); 4. M ike Rank (Han); 5. Rex W hit e (Kaw). VET INT: 1. Brent Batt in (Suz); 2. Dave Pott s (Hon ~ 3. J ohn Ad ams (Han); 4. Chr is Burgeson (Yam); 5. Pons Thomas (Han). VET MSTR: 1. Mark Wh it e (Yam); 2. Raben Casper (Han); 3. Buan e Joice (Kaw ); 4 . Rick Long (Han); 5. Rod Nordstrom (Kaw). VET PRO: 1. Jimm y Caton (Han). OT JR: 1. Gary Daggett (Kaw); 2. Jay Biery (Yam); 3. Clive Chelfin s (Han); 4. Greg Young (Han); 5. Gene Dempsen (Han). OT INT: 1. Fr ed Camero n (KTM); 2. Leroy Smith (Han); 3. Frank Trier (Han ; 4. Harold Noell (MS~ 5. Steve Doll (Hus). OT MSTR: 1. Bob Krah (Yam); 2. Terry Sage (ylm); 3. Rich Schilling (Han); 4. Don Swearingen lHan ~ 5. Paul Bastrom (Han). WMN: 1. Jean nie Pruitt (Hon); 2 . Patricia Riston i (Suz~ 3. Sheryl Fedlrow (Yam~ 4 . Vicky Jlckson (Ho n~ 5. Melanie Parkes (Yam). . _.. I ~~Wl I I MAOAZINe: ~~ I I ," I I I lS_ EIIIJ 0,0.: APIIL 1. I . DIVISION (Please check one (1) box per entry) : o OPEN M/C o OPEN ATV Results Boelman (Kaw ); 5. Dean Mu ll ens (Han). 250 BEG 0 -2: 1. Raben Drew (Yam); 2. Ja mes Sanchez (Han); 3. Ben And erson (Han); 4. M att Phipps (Han); 5. Ron Corby (Han). 250 JR 0 - 1: 1. Je rry Wright (Kaw); 2. M ike Brewe r (Kaw); 3. Jo hn Neary (Han); 4. Ronnie .iiEC TE G.P." " A M8y ao-a, , . . .3S813401S7SO r j ump . Na tvig slipped into second o nce again as Antunez captured his second win of the day. Brian Ro th was third ahead of Albrecht and Clowers. • 60 0· ' : 1. Tim Tilton (Kaw); 2. Frankie Navarro (Kaw ); 3. Tony Catalde (Kaw ); 4. M att hew Hawki ns (Kaw); 5.David Keeney (Han). 60 9-11: 1. J ason Pat rid ge (Kaw); 2. Phil Richmond (Kaw); 3. John Meng (Kaw); 4. J aff Willoh (Kaw); 5. Chr is Wheeler (Kaw). 80 BEG: 1. Craig Smith '(Suz); 2. Travis Flem ing (Han); 3. Jake Windh am (Kaw); 4. Eric Haug (Kaw); 5. Devin Crippen (Kawl. 80 JR: 1. Er ic Chavira (Han); 2. Chris Kelalas (Han); 3. Steve Garnen (Suz); 4. Ramon Nor iega (Suzl; 5. M ichael 8r and es (Kaw). 801NT: 1. Craig Decker (Yam); 2. Ryan Huffman (Yam); 3. Ja son Kawell (kaw); 4. Jason Mc Corm ick (Kaw); 5. Todd McMaster (Han). MINI EX: 1. 8ud dy Antunez(Suz); 2. Joel Albrecht (Kaw); 3. Der ek Natv ig (Suz); 4. Brian Roth (Kaw ); 5. Dana Wiggin s (Suz). 80 OPEN 9- 11: 1. Chri s Wheeler (Yam); 2. Zachary Rund (Kaw ); 3. Jeff Tilton (Kaw); 4 . Phil Rich mond (Kaw ); 5. Ty King (Yam). 125 BEG 0 -1 : 1. Chuck Kinne (Kaw ); 2. Jeremy Sterg er (Suz); 3. J aimie Knox (Yam); 4 . Chris Kelalas (Han); 5. Richie Sherman (Honl . 125 BEG 0 -2: 1. J ason Miller (Suz); 2. Jason Au stin (Kaw); 3. Joe Lawwill (Kaw); 4. J ames Reece (yam); 5. John Speake (Yaml . 125 JR 0 -1: 1. Vernon Morgan (Kaw); 2. Eric DuCray (Han); 3. Tiger Garcia (Han); 4 . Kevin Tait (Han); 5. Buck Barn ett (Han). 125 J R 0 -2: 1. St eve Bonita (on); 2. Brett Hamilton (Kaw); 3. TIm Liljeburg (Kaw ); 4 . Bryan Holdren (Han); 5. Joe Vella (Han). 125 JR 0 -3 : 1. Larry Lawrence (Yam); 2. Cole Gr ess (Han); 3. Rich Ouick (Suz); 4. Pat Gomm (Han); 5. Raymond A ntho ny (Han). 125 INT; 1. Phil Law rence (Yaml; 2. Chr is Neal (Kaw ); 3. J eff Emig (Kaw ); 4. Bubba Erick son (Cag); 5. J immy Clay (Yaml. 125 PRO: 1. Rodney Smith (Suz); 2. Steve Lamson (Yam); 3. Danny Paladino (Han); 4. Jorge Nagretti (Cog); 5. Mike Wenzel(H on ~ 250 BEG 0 ' 1: 1. Mike Odell ( H on~ 2. Rudy 0 3Ge - (81 II) _ CLASSES o o o 12See M/C & Under o 200ce ATV & Under 2SOce M/C 2S0ee ATV (Please check one (1) box per entry) : o PRO o SP1SM. Ialermediale 0 SP1SM. Expert o SP1SM. Senior (40-50) ; o SP1SM. Novice o SP1SM. Begiaaer o SP1SM. Super Seaior (SO & over) (Note: There must be I min imum 01 l ive (5) entries lor In olliclal class. Otherwise, your entry I1tll)' be combined with lnother class .) GENERAL INFORMATION: '1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I. I I • PRO Entry . ;' . • • . • .. • • . • .. • • .. • • sso • Pro PaybKk 80% • SPORTSMAN Entry. . .. . . .. .. . S35 • lnannce (~3nl ""Y _I ·S10. • Medical Insu... - • • (May be lIVlIiIabIe) • ENTRV po8UMrk will be used to -.Ign race numbers & starting plllIIlIon by c..... • Late or Post Fee .••. ••.• • •• , Add S10 • Entry Is non-muilclablltbUtc:aft be applied to neXt " GrlIn PrtliS de Beja " event. .. Contingency Pf!Zes may be _arded alter .. lha event or can be mallad. .0> • Course Is mwkad wilh IIuorlIKent pinlt & red ribbons & 0N-DlRT dinlctIonlII-. • POINTS awarded aIler aech event. towards lha 3-race serles point championship. • V. . . . . . . . prtz_ to o .~_h.dI"" 2SOcc & 12Scc • 9 to 11 a.m. plus 1 lap. AI ATVs· Noon to 1 p.m. plus 1 lap. 251cc & Open • 2 to 4 p.m. plus 1 lap. • 30% Trophift andlor pIaq&Ms. • CIah prizes wftl be mailed to winners . e " " " , by cI8ee.po"... over.B. • Liabltity IflSUronce IS tor third party and is oecondIffy to your policy. We suggest you do not race unless you ceny your own policy. •• _ insurance may be a.ei/at)le It race siI8 to be purcha_ l'/Ir8Cdy from the _ It a ret. undeIB llnec/ cost . m --:- (PLEASE PRINT) ,p ',,~: 1.) Name .. . • . . .. . .• . . . .•• . , . .. .. • . .. . • •.. . . < . Age ; .. Addreaa . _ ~,ffi1& VEHICLE MAKE: . .. . . . .. .. . . ENGINE SIZE YEAR . MODEL •_ .. SlIe......• CIty Zip.:'; 1 ,·. Tal.1( ' ) .. .•.... ..•.. . ..••.. • ... • . . . . . . .. • .. SociIIl 5ecurtty , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Drlvera LIe , .•.• • .. • •. . •. • • I---~----------------------- I * UAB1LITY RELEASE MUST BE SIGNED ATREGISTRATION * __ I~_ ~ ~ ~ ~ .__ ~ ~~_~J Motorcycle World with Larry Hu£~~~~ -~~ . T h is Sunday's Special Guest are: - - - - - - - ** MICHAEL BRYANT ** ** ROSS PEDERSON ** Creator of Ultracross. the cartoon series Canadian 125cc. 250cc, 500cc and Supercross Champion II com es 10 yo u live, every Sunda y night f rom 0 10'11 p.m. 10 KOLA 99.9 FM . Los Angeles/ R iverside Orange Co .lSan Bernardino KTIM 100.9 FM San Francisco/Oa kland KSCO 1080 AM Sant a Cruz Sponsored by XTRA " EXira G old" 690 AM Stro ngest AM Sta tion in . Western U.S . $ $UZUKI Right On Suzuki 19

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