Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 02 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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---- ..... -I -- ~LU ~ ~~ ftl~~~_I~'. .- - -~--- -~- -- -- -- _-._~- -..-- ~ ~-- Nati onal Dynat ronics' Dyn ab ars is a handlebar system th at is adjustable t o any size rid er a nd riding style by a multi-directi on al geared lockin g design wi th hor izontall y and vert icall y telesco ping sections. H andlebar positi ons are cha nged by loosening one allen bolt a nd one set screw on eac h side, a nd each bar has pos it ive-engagement locking teeth to prevent slippi ng. Dynab ars co me in two models, the Classic Model 203 for touring and cru iser ·style mo torcycles, and th e Su per Sport Mod el 204 offeri ng flat a nd clip-on positions. Retail p rice is $99.95, wh ich includes a money-back g ua ra ntee, a nd the Dyn ab a rs a re available on ly fro m Nati onal Dynarronics, Dep t. CN, 334 E. 9th St., Suite II , New Yor k, NY 10003, 212/982-0314. A new lin e of H arley-David son denim jackets a nd jeans featuring embro idered and silk screened H arl ey-Davidson grap hics will be ava ilable in early March a t 350 selected Sears sto res th roughout th e nation. T he oversized-loo k jackets will be availabl e in sizes small th rough ex tra -la rge wh ile th e jeans will carry sizes 28-38 in a variety of len gths. Both items will be available in stone-wash blue and fro sted black. For more information see your local Sears store or co ntact Harl ey-Davidson In c., Dep t. CN, 3700 W. Juneau Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53201, 414/342-4680. angles and Kevlar belts are inco rpo-, rat ed to control high spee d gro wth a nd provide sta bility a t all spee ds. App roxima te retail prices for th ese sizes are $110 for th e AM22 and $ 140 Iorthe AM23. For more informati on contact your loca l dealer or Avon T ire , Dept. CN , . P .O. Box 336, Edmonds, WA 98020, 2061771-2115. The Life Grenade is a personal tri sign aling tra cer designed to alert a uthor ities o r fri ends o f a lost , stra nded or injured rid er/ acti va tor. T he unit is 5x3x l.5 in ch es a nd weigh s just I I o unces and depl oys with a sim p le pull of a pin . A radar irr itant ball oon is fill ed and released 300 feet in the air, marking the exac t point of di stress. For even more signaling ability a radio transmittereq uipped mod el is also available. Both units are reu sable after being recha rged. T he origina l L ife Grenad e sell s for $29.95, while th e radio transmitter eq ui pped unit goes for $49.00. For more informati on contact Life Gren ad e, Dept. CN, P.O. Box 2116, Spring Vall ey, CA 920770460,619/ 466-5232. - 20 RPS front brak e reservoir gua rds are . pre-trimmed a nd precision drilled with two different sizes to .fit both top a nd bottom of spec ia l brake lever bolts a nd are avai lable for most H ondas, Kaw as akis Suzukis a n d Yamahas. Available for $8.95 fro m your local dealer o r con tac t RPS , Dept. CN , 2850 E. 29th St., Long Beach , CA 90806, 213/426-3498. i > HT Racin g install s preCISIOn steel shoc k bodi es .on all H onda, Kawasaki, Suzuki and Yamaha motocro ss shocks which , .according to HT Racin g, elim ina tes shock fad e, bod y wear and oil contamination du e to the stock aluminum bod ies hea tin g up a nd expanding away from th e dam pi ng p iston. Custom reval ving services are also avai lable, an d all shoc k servicing incl udes th e use of aerospace synthe tic oi l for co nsis tent damping. Prices for shock servicing ran ge from $50.00 to $200.00. For complete details co ntact HT Racin g, Dep t. CN, 413 Robinson Circle, Pl acentia, CA 92670,71 4/993-5454. Avon Tire's new AM22 front a nd AM23 rear tires are now a vai lable for the 1988 Suzuki GSXR7 50 in 160/ 70x 17 and 120170x17 sizes a nd are available in two compounds, the T .F. (T rack Formula ) a n d S.C. (Sprint Compound ). The T.F. com po u nd is claimed to give ex traord inary g ri p in both wet a nd d ry cond itio ns on th e road or tra ck, and the S.C. co mpo und is claimed to have hi gh ad hesion factors in coo ler cond itions or shorter road races. Avon clai ms tha t th e ultra low profiles maintain a consistent con tact pat ch in th e most severe lean T he Van ce & H in es Competi tion Series alum in um can ister four -intoone exha us t system for th e H onda 1000 Hurri cane allows you to reta in the stock cen ters tand and access to th e oi l filter, and Vance & Hines claims th at th e pipe will im prove horsep ow er while saving 161bs. over th e stock system. Finished in Kal Gard black with polish ed alumin um . silencer for a sugge sted retail price of $275.00. For more information con tac t Vance . & Hines, Dept. CN , 14010 Marquardt, Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670, 213/921 -7461.

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