Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 02 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Overall w inner Phil Lawrence 119l) and Troy Dollansky 111Z) lead t he 12 5cc Intermed iates out-of t he first turn in the second mota. leonard Kil man 1 l) leads John ,Hollenger on his way t o winning the 4 f irst 5 0 0 cc Beginner mota. Kilman t ook the overall win w ith a 1- 3 score. Kilman .er anks out Marysville GSN win By Ken Faught MARYSVILLE, CA , FEB. 7' Orange Cou n ty Cycle-sp on sored Leonard Kilman made due of his 1-3 finishes to win the 500cc Begin ner class at round seven of the CM C/ Dodge T r uck G o lden Sta te Nationals at Marysville's " E" Str eet race track. Kil man hol eshot Rodney Gaulls, Robert Fields, J ohn 18 Lea a nd J erry Lockhart to lead th e first moto. As th e pack exited th e first tu rn Qualls stalled hi s Kaw asaki , kn ock in g him ou t of the top 10 an d giving Fielder second. On th e first lap Fi elder jumped pas t Kilm an , bu t o n la p two Fielder bo bbled, giv in g Kilma n the lead arid Lea second. J ohn DiM uccio, wh o gated 10th , moved u p to fourth then quickly passed Fi elder a n d se t a fte r th e leaders. At the sta rt of th e th ird la p DiMuccioo disposed of Lea and wa s a close second to Kilm an . Wh ile DiMuccio and Kilm an were battling for the lead J oh n H ollenger piloted his H on da into fo urth af ter passing Fiel der. Back up fro n t DiMu ccio wa s trying everything he could to get by Kilman. On the fourth lap DiMuccio fin all y found a way a ro und Kilman and took command of th e lead , but after leading for less than half a lap DiMuccio p itched his Honda a nd too k Lea down with him. Kilm an barely mi ssed the crash a nd o nce agai n too k co n tro l o f th e lead. Hollenger moved int o second ahead of Fielder , DiMuccio, a nd Da vid Shoem ak er. On the last lap bo th Fielde r a nd DiMu ccio pa ssed H o llenger , but just a few turn s from th e fin ish DiMu ccio once again torp edoed hi s H on da into a berm and drop ped to eigh th. Kil man took the win ahead of Field er , Holl en ger , Shoemaker a nd Lockhart. Second mo to ac tio n sa w Q ua lls gra b th e early lead o ver Lea, DiMu ccio, Kil ma n a nd Shoe maker. Sho rtly into the race DiMuccio passed Quall s and began' to pull awa y. Qualls now had hi s hands full with Lea, wh o h ad to do we ll in the moto to main tain second in the series. On the second lap the press ure started to work a nd Quall s soo n found himself o n th e grou n d. Lea mov ed into second with Kilman close behind. As th e moto progressed th e race for second sta rted to heat up as Shoema ker a nd Lockhart started to catch Lea and Kilman. The four ' riders -con tin ued th eir battle for th e rest of the race with positions changing severa l tim es. Sho ema ker benefitt ed th e mo st as he worked h is way u p to seco nd. DiMuccio wen t on to take a n easy wi n over Shoemaker, Kilman , Lea and Lockhart. Kilma n go t th e o vera ll win a nd in creased hi s series point lead to ni ne. Sho ema ker was seco nd overa ll and DiMuccio finish ed third with hi s 8-1 score. . T im .Whitlock used a near-perfect 2-1 rid e to win the 500cc Interm ediate class a nd further his series point lead . At th e start of th e fir st mota Grant Mich ael son holesh ot Mark Baldey, Ricky Lutz, Kevin Green a nd Whi tlock. Mich aelson soon started to open up a small lead a nd on th e seco n d lap Whitlock moved to second by passing Lutz and Baldey. As Whitl ock tri ed to decr ease Mich aelson's four-second lead Lutz passed Baldey, who th en rapidly dropped off the pace and allowed Kawa saki-mounted Jim Kuntz to break into th e top five. On the fourth lap Kuntz worked his way a rou nd Montgom ery for fourth and with on lya few laps remaining Rob Lovas worked his way in to a dis tant fifth. Mich aelson took the win with a five: second margin over Whitlock, Lutz, Kuntz, a nd Lovas. Wh en th e gate dropped a t th e start of th e second rrioto Randy Ch apman led Green, Whitlock , David Bagwell and L utz. On th e second lap Whitlock passed both Green a nd Ch ap-" ma n a nd took over the lead th en bega n to p ull awa y. While Whi tlock wa s cru is ing o u t fro n t Bagwell ca ug h t Green a nd with on ly two la ps left too k thi rd away from Green bu t co u ldn' t seem to pull away. The last pass of the race saw Kuntz mak e a n in credible charge into third, setting the fini shing o rder a t Whi tlock in fir st over Chapman, Kuntz, Bagwell a nd G reen . Ryan Hug hes grabbed the holesho t in the first 125cc Intermed iat e mot o follo wed by Troy Doll a nsky, J immy Bu tto n, Bubba Er ickso n and P hil La wr ence. On the fir st lap H ughes and Dollan sky dropped back giving Butto n th e lead over Lawren ce, Eri ckson , Neal ' a n d Mik e Cha m be rlai n . On th e third lap Jimmy Cla y broke into th e top five af ter knocking Chamberlain back a position, and the positions were set .for the finish. As the checkered flag fell it was Button taking the win followed by Lawren ce, Eri ckson, Nea l and Clay. Lawren ce sta rted the second moto off by holesh otting Dollansky, Clay, Eri ckson and Chamberlain. On the first lap Lawren ce crashed hi s wa y back to 10th , giving Do llan sky th e lead over Hughes and Neal. Hughes began to pressure Doll ansky, and on the th ird lap Doll an sky fell , handing Hughes a fair size lead. -H ug hes quicken ed hi s pace and pulled even fa rther a way from th e pack. With just o ver a lap rem a in ing Lawrence passed both Ch amberlain a nd Clay and set after Neal. On th e last lap ·J eff Emig took over fourth when Clay dropped back. Hughes took an easy win over Neal , Lawrence, Emig and Chamberlain. A 2-3 sco re gave Lawrence the overa ll, Neal wa s second a nd Emig placed third with 6-4 rid es. At th e start of th e fir st Mini Expert moto Tommy Clow ers got the holesho t over Joel Albrecht, Dana Wiggins, Brian Walters and Derek Natvig . Buddy Antunez and Butch Smith cra shed in the first corner, allowing the pack to temporarily pull away. . Antunez quickly rem ounted and set aft er th e lead ers. As th e riders came around to com p lete lap one Albrecht dropped out of th e top five and Antunez was now in third ahead of Natvig and Smith. On the second lap Antunez disposed of Wiggins and set after Clow ers. Wh ile Antunez was rap idly ca tch ing Clowers, Albrecht was blazin g through th e pack. On th e third ' lap Cl owers fell back to ninth, handing Antunez a hu ge lead over Albrecht, Wiggins, Sm ith an d Walters. T hi s tu rn ed o ut to be th e order in which they finished. Second moto actio n sa w Na tvig hol esh o t Albrecht , Ant u nez, Clowers and Smith. On th e first lap Na tvig dropped to thi rd af ter bein g passed b y both Alb rech t a n d Antun ez. Short ly after passi ng Na tvig Antunez , put awa y Albrech t a nd immed ia tely started to p ull a way. On th e thi rd la p Alb recht fell , whi ch ga ve Na tvig second over Clo wers and Smith , bu t by th e end of the following la p Albr echt was in th ird and close to Nat vig. With three la ps remai ning Natvi g d ropped . to fo urt h behind Clowers a nd Albrecht, and starte d to go a t it for second. On the last lap the two rid ers banged bars o nce too often a nd went down hard after a

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