Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 02 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Wtd: CB750 Honda K-O 69 Model Call (81 8) 763 ·0600 wo rk, (21 3) 253 ·4948 hom e. Tad. (106 - 10) Ex Goodfellow Superbike '86 GSXR750 L'd . full Yoshim ura stage 3 engine, Carrillo. head done . etc. Race ready. Asking $5 500 U.S. (416 ) 640 -5586 Canada. (306-07) MICHELIN 'S8 FZR750R ROAD R A C E - - - - - - - - - - - - -j TIRES 00 00 Hi-Sport Radials S liCkS. Ra ins & lntermecra t es O"l 125cc 10 l 000c c . ....... We go' 'emI '88 KX & YSs...we go' 'em tool Call Mike or Van for sup er savi ngs. (9 19) 864 110 1. (206- 07) TUF /Keith Bowen Engine Kitsl 1988 KX pipes in stock l '88 KX80, S139.95; '88 KX12 5 thru 500 pipes. $149.95. KX parts in stock fo r imme diate shipment . Bow en engine kits from S399.95. Call toll free order. (800) 225 ·5883, in Illinois call (815) 756 · 35 88 . (207 -Q9/ PI A vailable Soon! Many Compoun d s W. 1t S ch• • f er C yc le Supp ly '0 All other M ichelin Rt . 3. Bo_ 23 1 Alt oo na . Al 3 5 952 Royal Enfield t ires in stock now. 205 /5 38 ·5906 1968 Interceptor 73 6cc. 4112 gallon touring tan k. 14,500 original miles . (813) 938 -3025 . FL. (107 08 ) Miche Strut Tir. li. DittrilMrto ' WANT TO BUY VINTAGE DIRTTRACK BIKE. $1200 or under. 1817) 756-38 41 or (81 7) 799937 9 TX. . (107) [*-1 AMA/AATVA ~ Gra nd Nat ional Orient Express 375 West S unrise Hwy Freeport. NY 11520 .uz--""". CROSS COUNTRY SERIES Besl 7 Scores Counl Toward C hampionship . A TV. Race Sat . 1 PM Motorcycles Rac e Sun. Yo uth 1 DAM. Other. Noon 4/16& 17 4/ 30-5/ 1 Sind Fill GNCC lorena Lynn's GNC!: BrownJug GNct Firebalt GNCC 5/ 14& 15 Winter Pi'ei Ski Rison GNCC 6/18&19 9/10&11 B1ad.wal8r 100 G C NC Buckeye GNCC Hi·Poin1 GNCC au"r V lley GNCC . PumpkIn Run GNCC 3/ 5&:6 3/26&27 1011&2 10/15&16 10/29&30 Sanfo Ne rd. Hurrieane Mills.TN Brownsville.PA Tarentum, PA Betkley WV , Davis, WV Marien . OH • ]FIlA![ l{i!;rl'tli'R tm.nl1l £000,. Car~~o ~. ~ICAR T ec h n i c al : (516) 546 -5232 FAX No. : (516)546·5247 TO l l FREE ORDER LINE: Tarentum.PA - VF1100 & CR500 Tag-Team MHI!l Mt Morris.PA Hooks1own. PA ' - - -In formation : (30 4) 594-1 157- Collectors! 1 970 CZ $1800 Restored w ith a llcorrect parts. including stee l front fe nder. shocks . seat. rims. spokes . Jikov an d chrome high pipe . New 5 19 tire , correct han dlebars, grips. chain. fiberg lass etc, ete. (714) 89 78265 Terry Pratt . (5/ AAA ) Singleshock Service $4850.00 • 650cc w/Sidecar • 4 Speed Forward w/ A erse elt • Single or 2 Wheel Drive Mode ls PRO-TEC/O.B.P. - Cu stom rider set·up. ro ~uild or repair all single-shock lu apeasiD Elimittlte a. _lilian-caned IW.... & ~1-hodli.l . Qu ick Wanted: Aermacchi Bultaco A erm acchi 250 / 350 Roadracer, 8 ultaco TSS 125 1 250 Roadracer. Ducat i Roadracer. Man x Norton. BSA DBD 34 , Veloc ett e V en om . (2 13) 223 750 1. (106-09) Hi -Point 16' Trailer Awn ing, 40 gall on wat er, pow er. wa sher. roof, rack. ladder, work bench. cabin ets. w ater pump, pegboard. muc h more. Deliv ery availabl e. Cell (51 6) 351 -4694. (306-08 ) 1986 4-Stroke Husky 51 OXC 1987 FZR750 Superbike Excellent condition. Less tha n 15 hour s. extra part s. S16OO (31 7) 326 -4 19 1. . (106 .Q7J end, 2 sets of Carr illos , Fox shock. Top 10 AMA finishar. 51000. Contact (604) 27 6-2 552 Bill Mc Lean. Canada. (20 7-08 ) 1987 Neval • Brand New 1 - Have RC750 Need Stock Body. electri cal and mise parts fro m VF750F Honda. W ill tra de fr ont Oymag and slicks (both ends). (5031928· 2189 OR'. (107) Yamaha fact ory kit. 17X5.5 Marvic. Cer iani fron t 800 • 645·6521 .....J 1984 V-65 Sabre, pu rchased May '85, S2000; 1986 CR500 Hond a, S1400. Bot h in perfect condi'ion.(8 181891 -476 4 CA. (1071 1986 ATK 560 Excell ent condit ion. Many extras . Factory service only . S39OO/ 080 .(71 4)981-2719. (306 -07 ) 1986 YZ250 Yamaha Excellent condition. Suspension mods. Mu st see. S1250 . (2 13) 42 7 ~ 723 5 anytime. CA. (107) • Deafer Inqu iries Welcome IUrnaround (714)738-0631, (213) &97-6759, 282 G ini, Br• •, CA 92&21. ... East (21 6) 946-9600 Bob w est 13 447-9264Jim 03) 5 SAMMY TANNER D ,iTAlaUTINO ~~ ARUS ' A. CA (213) DIRT TRACK TIRES UO~o.IO (800) 551·7755 CA (415) 368-6292 =77£5= ~ Racing Engine Services Va lv e Wo rk. Bor ing '~ Hi-Perform ance Part s Co mp let e Race Engine Developm ent (817) 468-5418 (800) 843·8961 'ss Japanese $uperbih s Inventory Of Husky Parts Wanted: 125cc For mula 3 Roadracer. (512) 386· 1987 days, or (512) 250-8381 . (306-0 8) ') ~~ RACING & . ~ DEVELOPMENT &0 17216 8·3 Lilac Stlut 38 H~~)~li aMC:'5!t1~~S - Racing Engine Service • Porting & Flow Testing • Oyno Tuning - Racing Exha ust Systems - Racing Suspension Mods 3200 miles, excellent condition . (714) 996 -3241 hom e. (714) 993 -5 454 . (306 -07) Tat.1 Suspension Senin /Fo rks ilRd Shocks Renlved and Serviced For CR's I nd XR 's/Cylinder Boring /Cnn k Rebuild ing / Fl ct ar y Tr ai ned - -Work Guaranteed Ou Turnaround ick UPS PU & very 1·&02·944-2&39 9017 N. Cov. Crsek Pho ni.. AZ . Eliminator 900/1000 10% extr a hp guara nteed. Save 22 Ibs, no rejening req u ired. (800 ) 327 -1 109, (30 5) 7B5 -11BO . (207 I PITFN) 'g~'~ ,M OSSBARGER '6'Y ' HORSEPOWER BY Typesetter For Sale Varityper 56 18 comp /edit phototypesett in g terrni nal system for sale. Full screen. f loppy dri ve and work table. S35oo . Ask for M ike at (213) 427· 7433. (505-08) RACING . ii PERFORMANC CAMSHAFTS E Send S3 for complete catalcq 12387 Doherty SI. • Riverside. CA 92503 ' 8 8 KX500/250 Kawasaki Excellent condition, many extras. (714) 996-3241 hom e, (714 ) 993 · 54 54. (306 -07) 1986 Kawasaki Concours SUNNYSLOPE HONDA " f N E B -CAM Trailer Wanted 198 3 and back. lnterested part ies call (815) 778 3641. (206 -07) , P.O Box130 • Allon VA 24054-0130 . (703 ) 6 50·3030 Je t! (714) 735 -2200 Fast, relia ble. Good deal. S8oo / 0 BO. (213) 4207907. (106 -07 ) Enclosed Pro Trac type. Tw in axle, 24' -2 8' area. Mu st be excelle nt cond it ion. Reasonable pri ce. (415) 829 ·609 1 wor k, Mi ke. (306 -07) MOTOCROSS SCHOOL Pip e s For '8 7 & TECH & ORDERS (5 12 )96 8·7 8 02 1984 YZ490 Yamaha 1986 CR500 Honda Well maintained. excellen t shape. extra goodies. must see. $1 500 firm. Call (213) 690 -1 20 6 after 7 pm. CA. (107) .ForComp'ete '"formatiOll 011 All Schoo's & SdI'"edu'es W O CallToday rite r Call Your Hotline To Horsepower Racing Engine Components 198 6 RADIAN: GOOO CONDITION. $14 50. (41 5) 342 · 8274 CA. (107) 1983 CR480 Sell Or Trade White Power shock. Terry kit, good condition, Simon s li nk, spare pan s. Wan t lat e model XR250 or S850. (619) 244 -Bl 10. CA. (107) GARY BAILEY No Hype Just A Killer Pipe!!! THE Sourc. For Hi-P.rto""••c. C_rtIl Road Rae. Pistons CUSTOM PINS, M EOALS & EMBROIOERED Patches for your Club . Design Auto assista nce. 25Q.3A " pins• . 99 each. FREE samples. price list. 22 W . 56th 5" Indianapolis , IN 46 208 . (317) 29 51664 Ego. (107 I P) In stock now l Immediate deli very. We are th e cheapest in Calif ornia ...give us a chance . Will shi p anywhere in U.S. BAR8ER HONDA. (805) 642 027 6. Oealer inquiries w elcome. (207-09) H.D. SPRINT CR & ER EQUIPPED. (303) 77 47403 aft ar 8 pm, or (3031774-61 08 leave message . CO. (307 -08) D&D PERFORMANCE EXHAUST W 1988 CR250 Hondas A & A RACING SERVICES Pennsylvania Dealer Dyn ~ Ki' s for CRs, VZs. RMs, M Xs, KTMs & Huskys fro m S70 . COUNTDOWN . (818) 348-8381 . (204 / 161 P/EOI) Oili n Mon·h i 9·S 2860 FaIr Oaks A Rldwood CITy. C 94063 'I A 8LOCKER ENTERPRISES - Vamaha, Harley· Davidson PA's largest Tllm Yamab. Center. . Discoun to Team riders. Comple te l:l ~D clothing, ts access. & parts inventory. Complete ma chine shop service. Op Mon Sal. Rt 248. Parryville. PA en .· 18244. (215) 377-0440. UPS daily. Vis. & M/C accepted Distribulor For Mechanical Odometer Kits • Car li sle /Goodye ar D irt Tr ack Tires • All Compounds Ava ilabl e • East and West Ware ho uses UPS Da ily fr om each tccen e n . COD OK Rsod Vok... R.d", E4.....nt i)iJl;,'\~ • :::E' Engine Work far Raciwg 2-Stroll.n ATV. Karu. MX 1987 YZ490/$2100 (513) 642·2027 Excellent conditi on. low hours. zero desen mi les. Old Timer raced and maintain ed. Fork and shock by Scott 's, fr esh ti res. chai n and sprockets . spare air fil te rs and extra set of numb er pl ates. See in West minste r. CA. (7 141897 -8265 leave message. - .... --_ .. - " "O ' . A N C' ... ol O ' C . C II ~ ~ "eDUC ! ' "O Jf\Offtomlter Tuned Com"" 1 shock & fon r". lwing " In d r.bUtld iftQ servici . Shl hs. 1.. ls, springs. bodies. lines. shims. I IC. in stock. Factory l uthorilld dl l l, r. 15 IIp,riencI' 2625_ 10 . .... _ . CA91020(818) 241-1llE .,.,n , (51 AA) 1987 Cagiva Alazzurra 650 Excell ent cond it ion , 2200 miles. $28oo / 0 BO. (21 3) 63 4-0 707 leave message..CA. (107-1 0) 1982 XR80 : EXCELLEN CONDITION. $350 . T C99U 14 . (714) 242-453B. (407) 1986 Husky 430 Auto 100 miles. new condition. S24OO. (404) 342 331 1. (306-07 ) '87 CR500 & '87 YZ490 CR has HT shock mod, VZ has Race Tech suspension and Pro Cir cu it pipe-eng in e mods. Bot h in excellent con dition . S1900 each . (8 18) 577568 2. (306 .Q7) 1984 CR125 NeW piston and rings. stored 2 years. perfect. $750 /080. (714) 985-4096. (308-07)

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