Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 02 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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, Hurricane Proven w inn er. 1st C/ Prod Expert Tall adega. 5th WERA GNF. Fox, Progressive, M etzelers. $2850 . (305) 726-6347 alter 6 pm . FL. (30 7-0B) Vinta~e Greeves 1965 TES. $800 ; 1966 MCS. $5 50; 196 B M X5 0 , $650. (208) 375 ·8 465. 1 . 0 (107) Bates Leathers Like new, real nice. W ill shi p. $350 . (904) 245 043 B. FL. (307· 10 ) *Fibe rg lass Replica Bod y Parts* 'Racing Gear Sale!!! One -piece Vett er leathe r suit . red/white/blue. red/white/black. $539.95 . now $349.95; Shoei RF10 5V. wh ite or black soli d. $189.95, now $1 35.95; raci ng leather gloves with st uds . $45. 9 5. now $39.95 ; faci ng leat her boots. co lor matched. $12 9.95. now $109 .95 . Our tot al package pr ice" ' $599.95 . Call now CYCLE OUTFITIERS LTD, INC, 5501 S. Madison Ave, India napol is, IN 46227. (31 7) 783 ·2901 Me n -Sat. 10-6:30, Sun 12-4 . (105-0 7 / P) At last ! A cheaper alternat ive for GSXRs & FZRs. Ninjas , EXs. FZs. CBRs and mo rel Prof essi onall y c raft ed . ha nd laminated . Ca ll t oday . CO N N CYCLEWORKS.INC. (203) 234 -7000. (20 1/TFN) NlDNTCOIVI£RYVILLE The w eekly advert ising ref erence f or active mot orcycle ret ail ers. specia lty product ma n uf act urers. distributors and co m panies offer in g spec iali zed service . Advertisers. call th e Cycle News Quik-Sh op ad sales manager in your area for oets ttst CYCLE CENTeR HON DA . KAWASAKI . SUZUKI WEST U.S . CA GIVA • DUCA TI . HUSQVA RNA (2 13) 427·7433 PARTS SHIPPED UPS DAILY EA ST U, S. 980 Route 309 • Montgomeryvd PA 18936 Je. (2 ,Sj 699- 7SI1 (404) 934-7850 ******** Hodaka Parts* * * * * * * * Shipped ANYW HERE UPS. 24 ho ur answe ri ng mach ine. We'll call you backl PHILIPPE SERVICES. (7 14) 582 ·8332 . (20 11TFNI C&J XR750 Completely fresh w ith Baisley heads. tita niu m valve s. .f-bc x, Patrick cams, W iseco piston s, 38 mm Mikun i. Dar cey ignition, 42mm Marzocch i. Works Perfor mance and more. Mu st sell. Best off er. (513) 278-9 123, (513) 278- 7653. (350- 07) "OHN 'S Honda Pullovers From It aly St riking colors and im pressive quality. The perf ect gift s. M ach ine wa sha ble . M ens sizes S.M .LXL. M oney back guarantee . Honda . $25 ea. Rotha mans Honda. $27 ea. Send payment t o CONCEPTS INTERNATIONAL, 12611 Research 8lvd. Suite B3" , Au stin, TX 7B759 . (20 1/ PITFN) XR750 . LawW ill fr am e. Storz. M iku ni s. M arzocch i. Ohli n. alum inum ta nk w ith spares. $4300. (209) 627 0643 days. (209) 73 2-1430 eves, ask f or Donn ie. CA. (307·08 ) IJ\'. 4... eI "tORC)-c ' L't.¥ ,i~TRA'CItl,.~ y ,if,. '~. ,. '~-:::' '~ ",+ "', C' .'1(> "Free Inspection" "N Charce if Unrepairable" o CRASH REPAIR REINFORCING Wel DING FRAMES CASE & FIN REPAIR STEMS & CROWNS MAG WHEelS PICK ·UP & DELIVERY U.P.S. OUT OF STATE 1524 -A Indu st ri al Par k Street Covin a. CA 9t722 (8 18 ) 332 · 1598 {2131 747·5113 4-Rail Motorcycle Tra iler '79 DODGE IS ' NEW 440 ENGINE, SLEEPER, custom closet. cabinets. w ork bench, insulated. panel ed, lano lium f loor, f J ouresc en t light. elect ric al outlets. propane hea ter, 60 gallo n water, s ink. awnin g. $9800 / 0 8 0 . (9 16) 485 -4903, CA. (107/ . P) 1980 MAI CO 440 M ·l . EXCELLENT CONDITION. Many extras. $4 50. (80 5) 646 ·156 1. CA. (307) New t ires. la rge st orage comp artm ent s. f ir e ext ing uis h er . Exc ell e nt cond it ion . $32 5/ 0 BO. (7 14} B4 1-2 79O CA. (107) Two 1987 FANTIC 301 BMW Dealer Closing Must Sell Tons of good us ed gas ta nks. t ra nsm issions. . fra mes, w heel s, rear ends, brakes, fairi ng pan s. etc. A lso 19B5 K100 demo, loaded, red. 2000 m iles, aski ng $4 500 or sw ap for new Cagiva. (5041 86 1-803 1 New Or leens , LA. (107) (4 0 1) 295-8837. Rhode Island CR AND KAWASAKI SUPPORT CENTER (504) 362·5200 Dealers Call Interstate Oil Co . (3 1 3 ) 653-0001 ==::£ G ._ YSR50 Pipe $129.95 23 % hp inc rease. 62% lighter tha n stock. Comes comp let e w ith rebu il dab le al umi n um sile ncer. powder coat black h igh gloss f inish , jetting and install ati on inst ruction s. ca ll or write FACTORY PIPE PRODUCTS. 8 16-A Waugh Lane, Ukiah, CA 954B 2. (707 ) 46 3- 132 2. (20 1/P/ TFN) wier FZR1 OOO/FZ750 Parts W heels. body pans. exhaust, carbs, roto rs. spares ~ too num erous to list. (404) 366-3 066. (105·08) A 9 Racing Motorcycles Ridden By Winners Compl t.2 or • SIroI<.IlKinr far'H 5. ...'.. e Daytona '88 Condo on beach. 14S0 sq ft , compl ete f ront of build ing. 2 bedr ooms. 2 bat hs. 2 color TVs. livin g room . din ing room w ith table & chair s. kitc hen w it h table & chairs. fr idge. m icrow ave. dishwasher. sto ve, all utensi ls. laundry room w ith w ash er. dry er. elevator. 24 hour s secu rity. underground parki!"g. sauna , excerise room ...go f irst class . enjoy t he ra ces. Su itable fo r 3 couples . Onl y 1 hour f rom Disneyla nd and all main att ractions: (70 5) 65 2 3695 ask for Bri an Smith. (307 -08) The tri ck set -up in st op w atches. Easy to use. 5 lap memor y, cum/ spli t ti mes. com putes m ph / kph . 3.5 year battery, 1 year w arranrv. Only $39.95. Call today. CONN CYCLEWORKS, INC. (203) 234 7000. (10 1/ PITFN) V-CUT ICE SCREWS In Louisiana 1-800-345-8129 12 0 8 Lafay ette St ., Gretn a, LA 70053 La I. "nlory Phts Complete Performance Work fge UPS SHIPPED DAILY 1959 DUCA r r EU TE SUPER SPORT zooee. resto red. $2000. (71 4) 820 -6549 CA. (10 7-08) '* * Tim ex Speed Computer** .-c HONDA Or ig in al ow ner. Ron Gran t expansi on chamber, gas shocks. 8est oller. (415 ) 383 -0857 CA. (107) 1986 KX250 , Can Ship Anywhere Razee Motorcyde Center . . KaWiiiik. WLS"& ~ , '74 Penton Vintage 250MXR Excell ent condit ion. pu rchased new ~_ept 'S6, ridd en 4 months by OT, stored since. $900. (71 4) 998-D377, CA. (107 ) Com p lete Inventory of Yamaha~ . Parts and Accessories / Da ily u.P.S Ship pi ng . - !~. . • One Demo, $2,395/0ne new, $2,995 RD350LC Yamaha Tw o engines. fa iring. rear sets, cha mbers. port ed by Turn ers. Very fast . $600. (7 14) 351 -9076. CA. (107) BEACH YAMAHA '- " ~' '''' '' ' ''''' ~ _> ~ HOW OPEN IN CLENDALE Jl ){ Jl (I J'S 8IS-oz"9.m,, Blue Express. Inc . • J . Paul Jones 5040 W. 106lh Street 4206 Summerdale Dr. Zion SV ille, IN 46077 Tampa. FL 33624 18 0015 25-48 09 . _ _1'0 " _ We serwin and ATV Motocross. Road Bikes • s. modify: Jet Skis. GoKirts. Snowmobiles C ylinderBoring. Porting and Resleewinv We modify Hillis. Cranks. Ge ars. Clutch" 24 hour service - UPS Daily • Feat uring II luI/lin e of Paso and A lau urll A ccessori~s • Paso Pir elli r adial tir es in st ock H • We S er vice all Italian bikes • Come visit our ne w sh op • M ail ord er s w elcome I) {I CA Tl . i :A(; /I 'A • .\ IO TO GUZll - L A J'J::.U DA T Dow ners Grove. IL (3 12 ) 9 63 ·834 5 ~ ~ce'-Vee:w- Malo-Guzzi - BSA • Triumph. Nonan Spi ed Equ ipment. Speci.lty Items U Pi ns. Wiring Harnesses sed Cl li Fred · 15041488 ·7441 Cam el Pro #84 . Spond on br akes. mags, radials. 38mm f1atsl ides. et c. M any spares and too ls . W ill deliv er Dayton a. $3000. (3 13146B·1 524 . (307· 09) P ~ .f!MtiF--. ENGLISH & EUROPEAN ENTERPRISES TZ250J Yamaha (813) 960- 2868180012 82-570 5 HIGH PERFORMANCE TUNING 25 Years experience in preventive maintenance, 87 CR500 S1500 /86 XR600 $1000 Old Boy's toys. Spa.,k arr est ors. 1213) 823 · 215 2 Bob. CA. (107) Racing Gasoline 115+ Octan e Racine Fuels For 2 or 4 Stroke Racine EnElnes Woody Kyle Racine 80 7 N. Blvd. East, leesburg , FL 327 48 (9 0 4 ) 365- 1829 f:J.:.~ ..,J"." ,.., LIA JI TA .. ..''''''''' ----rURBO BLUE- THE Name IN Race Promotional. Wear "One Off, Original" Art & Marketing Support 'Fo r Ma jor East Coast Promot ers (3051 267·29 19 . FA X (3 0 S) 267·2962 1986 CR500 Honda Low hours. excelle nt cond it ion. Need to sell now . ne w w ife on w ay. Pro Circ uit pipe. $1500/ 0 80 t akes it . Call (2 13) 978 -1 35 4 eves. CA. (107) ICO Electronic ado for 'SS KTM Equip your new KTM with the best . A utoma tic rese ts. adj usta ble w heel size. peak speed read-out. larg e di spl ay. 1 year warran ty plu s man y ot her features . No hassl e. bolt -on in stall at ion . Kits fo r all oth er bi kes also availa ble. $159.95 . Visa/ Me. ICO. (800 ) 33 1-04 70 . (20 1/ P/ TFNI FZ7 50 PARTS : 80D YWOR K, FOX SH OCK. engin e parts, 16" Dymags. 18" Morris mags. (818 ) 999 -0638 . CA. (107) 1984 XR250 Honda Excell ent condit ion , many ext ra s. $9 90 . (714) si s526 2. CA. (30 7) Good Haridling 4-Stroke Custom Triple Clamps Mede to your meesurements. FRANK'S RACING. (714) 546 ·3484. (10S-D7/ P) 1984 XR2 50 Hond a. Fresh top-end &. suspension. Fox twin -clicker. for k valvi ng. Pewrott, M etzelers, . Bar kbusters. Fast &. rel iabl e. Excellent condit ion . $825/080 . (805) 654--1060, CA. (307) I ."'t-..... +/ "-.7 .I I RACING GASOUNE I T , --- -_.- ---- - - - 108 OCTANE PUMP GASOLINE -~~~;;-... - - RCINGGS A AOLINE Call or wrir. for your nellrest DAECO Dis tributor DAECO Fo' Neares t Long Beach (213) 437·4373 In~'::~:; D. aler Call; Oakllnd (4 I S) 261-6900 Invl' . d 201 We st " 0 " S t .• Wilm ingto n. CA 90744 (213) 549 ·0840 : == === === - - - ~ Iii j j j I: aHU:» THE Sinvleshock Specialist. FaclofYAuthorize Repair. d Whil e Pow r. Hand•. SUluki. Yamaha. Kawasaki. For 12 , yun Wh BIO S. Pro Shock Modshave bun usedbymo ile re lete ridersthin all others combined. Comp section 01PlrtS. . springs & steel bodies. See your duler or call direct. M/C. Visa. 14241 e:-u Dr.. ..... Grft., C& 12M3 (714) 554-14ol2 -~ 115 OCTANE '" ADVENTURE BY MOTORCYCLE ~ NEPAL - CHINA '* :t1t. Write·or clIlI 10f more inlo. ~ China Wo rldwide Travel 1 -60 4 · 6 87.7 4 3 5 ~603 1112 W . Pender St. Van. 8 .C. V6E 2S 1 : 16 days f rom $2 ,749 U.S . Bikes Supplied . , 39 I

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