Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 02 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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H.D. Instructor . Wanted for f acto ry cou rses off ered at Phoen ix and Or lando campuses . Ideal cl imate and a stimulat ing career. (80015 28-7995 Gayle Smit h. (20 6/ TFN) Wanted: YOU!! H your'ra ent husia st ic. relia ble. and desir e a career opport unity w ith oth er prof essionals.•.Jo in USI W e are HEYSER CYCLE; an upbeat ett racti ve dealersh ip t hat off er s gr eat incent ives. larg e pan s depa rtm ent, modern . w ell equi pped shop and fanta stic custom ers. W e need Technlcia ns, Serv ice Adv isors and ot her motorcycl e career people. W e are al w ays lo ok ing . Call Er ic at (30 1) 77 66932. (206-09 ) Experienced Mechanic Wanted Kaw asaki dealersh ip, M et ro Boston area. Other posit ions open. Pay based on experie nce. (617 ) 628-6400. (105-071 . GA's #1 Volume Honda Dealer Has imm edi ate open ing for regis t ered Honda technician and a part s salesperson. Call Lance (40 4) 427- 5368. (107· 08) 'Motorcyc e Tour To Japan I Second An nua l Tour t o Japa n inclu des tr ip torYamaha factory and World GP races 8t Suzuka. Pick· up sportb ikes in Tokyo then tou r J apan. Don't mi ss th is trip of a lifetime! Call Sam Yamash ita at (2 14) 24 3·245 1. (206-08) Attention Pro DirtTrackers Adju stabl e tr iple cl amps . 35 mm-4 2mm tubes, 195mm cente rs. 55mm· 65mm adjustable off set s in 2mm increments. $400 . (50 3) 745 -5966 eves, Garth Mulkey. (106 -0 71 1988 Pro Circuit CR500 Pro Circuit engine and su spensi on. $2850/0 8 0 . (80 5) 366 -03 04 , (805) 366-2907. (306-0 7) Nam e: Address: City: Spondon RZ350 Allow s chassis kit, includes gas t ank. swi ngarm, ' Ohlin sho ck, adju st able off -set f or k cro w ns. lootpegs, etc. Call (4 16) 664 -5514 . (306-07) Very nice deal ersh ip for sale in Denver, Colo. Full li ne motorcycles. A TV, snow -machines. pow er product s. W ave Runn ers . W ill gross 2.5 milli on in 1988, askin g $185,000 cash. Call Scott (303) 235 · 042 2. (107 / 8) COLORADO MOTORCYCLE, ATV dealer ship; low overh ead, $36K. Turn key. (303) 275·375 1 or (303) 27 5- 19 17. (107 & 09 /EOI) PERFECT LOCATION FOR FRANCHISE, FULLY equ ipped dealersh ip wi th t urn key operation . All or part for sale . Lease avail able on 8000 sq . ft. fac ility w ith 20,000 SQ . ft. fe nced in , pav ed property . Includes h uge sig ns on major Californ ia f reew ay. Possible financ ing availa ble to qu alified buyer. Call (714 1 73 4-95 00 or (714) 768 -08 22 eves. A sk for J oe. (3 071 HONDA/ KAW ASAKI DEALERSHIP WITH LAND & bu ild ing. Sales over 1.9 mill ion . M ot ivated selle r. Small town , So. Cal. Don We eks, VR, BB. (714) 520 -0 800 . (207) PROFITABLE M OTOCROSS PARK, NATION A LLY know n, 110 acres. Excelle nt locati on, New Yor k Stat e. W ith w orkin g part ner. Call (607) 6484997 eves. (305 -07) 1986 YZ250s Must Sell One stock. one modif ied. Both in good cond ition: M ust see. $1400 a piece. or $2500 f or both . (7141 737 -5049 or (7 14) 685 ·6954 A lan, (106 -0 7) WANTEO: C&J XR750 M ONO SHOCK FRAM E, Al so Iron Har ley XR750 engine. Call (516) 666· 56 5 1. (106-07) Vintage flatTrack Sale ' 74 Yamaha 36 0 Viz muer. clean and fast with spare s. $700 / 0 80 . A lso '72 Husky CR125. $300/ OBO. (713) 890-0536. (106 ·07) 0') Sta te: ~_ _ .. Zip : _ Sr nd to: Fox Racing , 520 :\1<,C lin cy La ne. Ca m p bel l. CA 95008 USA ~ Who did how? Read results. MOTORCYCLE DEALERSHIPS IN SO. FLORIDA. Yama ha. Suzuki and Honda. Year rou nd business. Good positive cash f low , Som e f inanci ng avail able. Call (305) 46 8-3400 ask l or Wayne. 1306-0 8) Metro-Yam-franchise-Denver 00 00 o 198 6 GSXR750 R, ONE OF ONLY 500 MADE. Brand new , never r idden. $5999 . (717) 6264765. (306 -08) Business Opportunites CN T he new 1988 Spring Fox Catalogs can be yo urs for Free! Sen d Just $1 to cove r postage &: ha ndling a nd yo u 'll recei ve o ur 54 pa g e all-col or motocross cata log, or our 28 page all-co lo r street ca talog, Motocross 0 Street 0 Both BIKE WEEK BONANZA Works Performance YSR50.Kit Ser ious dampin g control for Yamaha's pocket rocket w ith fade-fre e re mote resevoir, adjustable pr eload. Uses sto ck spri ng. $17 5.95 . WO RKS PERFORMA NCE. (81 8) 701 · 10 10 . (20 6-0 7/ P) CAO.rvA ~ FREE A irfare to Davtona FREE 3 Night Mote l FREE T ickets To T h e R aces Qj1 Mus.qViWM A Motorcyc le For EVERY Rider SPEEDWA Y 81KE JAWA GODDEN WESLAKE, New conditio n, lots of spares. Best off er. (714) 590107) 1193. 1 With Purch ase Of Any New BMWf Sales. Service. Parts Open 7 Days A Week UPS Daily Weekdays M ic helin Pirell i AG V • Much More B M W Financing A vai la ble & w Attention : Do- It-Yourselfers!! 115 E Mason Ave. . ._ _• Daytona Beach. FL32D17 1 904) 2 53 -2 586 Two H-1 Kawa sakis. disassembled. Both complete plus extras. Too man y detail s to list. $1000/ 0 80. (2091297- 5634. (10 6-07) BMW of Daytona 4B 4 S. Yo nge St . Or m ond Bch .. FL 32074 (9 0 4) 677-8 5 1 1 Buy A l.egelld Wllere Legellds Are Born! . 1987 fZR750R Perf ect conditio n. never dow n. Fresh motor, two sets w heels, rotors, carbs, sta inless li nes. Kerker race exha ust, all producti on parts . $5150 takes all . . (6 12) 45 4-3 18 1.0 1106 -071 88 Honda CR H.D. XR750 Having a hard tim e finding w hat you w an t? Fres h St orz built eng ine, coswcnn. Lawwill , Patric k. Race ready. $6000. (206) 641 · 3212 days. (30 3-0 8) C all R aceway H onda an d ask fo r T o m Brunner or Chuc k list er A sk abou t o ur C R S upp o rt C l u b 1986 Kawasaki Concourse New ti res. new brakes, Corbin seat plus extra seat. Great bike. $4200 /0 80 . (21 3) 37 1-0 926. (30 607 ) 1986 Husqvarna 4-Stroke 25 1 N_ Perrr is Blvd. 0 Perr is, CA 92 370 1 15 Freew ay between 4th & " 0" Street -2 (7 14 ) 943-2061 (7 14 ) 9 2 -HONDA Good condition. many new pans. $1 500 / 0 8 0 . (317 ) 888-6 846 . (306-0 8) J&D Dirt Bike Accessories Specializin g in Aft er market Apparel and Pan s. (818) 848-3440. (250- 07) D's LEATHERS. (419) 729 -963 9. ~DUN".£DP (10 1- 19) Complete Shock Service. Revalv tng. Oil Ch81"!\ileS for all Sho w a. Kayaba , Yamaha , Ohli ns. and W h ite P ow e r .~ L r. ,.~ . a1n & •• r9ic:• .r ITII i.. tile • .W. F2600 PARTS, 29mm SMOO THBORES, YOSH 4/1 exhaust. Fox remote rear shock wi th Magnum spring . Sell above $1000. (7 18) 768 -0832 eves. (106-07) · ·Wt UP shocIu II\lI patti S d~ly·· · Du n lop Racing Ser vices UPS Next Day Serv ice Phil Flack Racing Solmax Racing (7 0 4) 252·9487 Twoday tum ¥OUnd on IIbullds· · _ 8200_-(206) 693-6308 . WA 986 64 _ _ E. Mi ll Plain Blvd. Vancouver (404) 366·3066 1985 500XC Husky Factory a-epeec. A cer bis he adli te . skidp lat e, Answer spark arrestor. minor ' B 6 ~ 8 7 chassis/ susp. up-dates. excellent condit ion. tr ail ridden only . $1450. Aher 6 p.m. (714 ) 86 5-2 544 . (30 7· 09 ) C. rbid, /S.ndp.per Rolls/P.rts/Accnsorin lor Any Motcrrcytl e. ATV. or Dune Bugg, Port Job Money a Problem? Save your dime. 1987 ATK 560 . all avail. options. Leave messae (717) 662-4852. (307-08) #1 US _ Triumph Vintage Racer- fairing Screen Gustafsson Tri umph 500cc 19605 vint age proven perform er. Fully equipp ed, some spares. $14oo/0BO . (805) 498-47 16, AI Jac obi. CA. (107 / PI Replacement and custom screens for over 500 fairing models. Clear and t int ed. Give us a call or write FAIRING SCREEN GUSTAFSSON, P.O. Box 3567, St. Augusti ne, FL 3208 5. (904) B24 -21 19 . Visa/MC accept ed. Dealer inqui ries w elcome. (2Dl/TFN) -.. Of Portia, THI s Sud SI.OO Daytona Armory, March 5th at 6 pm. 725 Ballo ugh Road, Daytona, FL Consignments accept ed until noon March 5th . Sale term s are cash. J. W OOD & CO, A UCTIONEERS. 161 7) 339-7790. 1306-09) Can-Am Goodies & Bikes OEM & aft ermarke t parts & accessori es for you and your 1986 & 19B7 A SE. 1984 -1 98 7 seat covers, assort ed colors, $19.95. Jerseys. pants. ATK spr ing kits & oth er stuff tool UPS. Visa/M C/ · COD. M IKE'S CYCLE SUPPLY, Bato n Rouge, LA. (800) 367 -5209, (504) 35 5-4 525. (20 1/ TFN) JOIN PORTING TOOLS Dr Motors/ goo & Str8ight H.ndpieces/Long i". tor C.r..Io, Vin t age MC Auction DPL Eurostyle M ot orcycles ** 1988 Ltd . Quanit ies * * * Honda- NS4 0 0 R V-3 *Suzuki-RG500 Gamma SO.4 *Yam aha-RD 5 0 0 V-4 ***Others Available*** * Call Now * (4 1 5 ) 485-1921 6035 CC Lane Lawrenceburg, TN 38464 {6 151 762 -69 95 (704) 684-4297 Barr's Competition Co mplet e Engine & S uspension Mods Barr's P roducts & 2 ·Slroke Oi l 25 07 Joe 's Lake Road, Shelby, NC 28150 (704) 482-51 6 9 L.. Free Cat alog LOU'S LEATHERS 300 Peck Pike Rd., Dept. eN Elkhorn, KY 42133 (606) 787·5029 (10 3-10) N ew M an agem ent ! Cu stom Built Trailers Dedicated to Excellen ce 900 E. John, Bann ing. CA 92220 (714) 849-9212 Le1tering, Rep airs; C leaning *Wtd:Jawa/CZlESO MX M/C* Pro-frac Mach-2 Trailers ~ CUSTOM LEATHERS (206 /TFN) (805) 48 1· 178 7. 'Arnericd's Pr emier Ro ad Racing Association C.C . SPECIALTY r 1:- r ~ . Pic k up and Dt'!llve ry Service A va Ila b le ~. \..: • AT LAST . • C. litor ni. lislI' Alignment & SlraighleniR\l Syslems ~ f,ame STralghlenlng and Whl'l!'t Alignmt nl l aser Accuracy ..-..: 86 ' 4Arg e n t ~B ~ 4 you call rely on Wll h S ant ee , CA 920-71 1 6191449·' t 7 5 '83 CX650 Turbo Honda Wtd Ser iou s buyer w ant s never w recked CX650T. Stat e mil eage con dition, serv ice history documents. pric e at location or w ill deliver. Bob Davis, 134 128 NW 11th Ave, Vancouver, W A 98685 . (206) 57 4 1624. (30 6-09) 1983 CX650E HONDA, CANADIAN MODEL. Beauti ful span touring bike. Only one in U.S. M ichigan title . Fast, comlonable, 6000 km. $1500 Help deliver . (517) 423 -4472. · (106-08 /P) 'B7 CR5oo, PRO CIRCUT pipe, Roost Boost, EBC bra kes. extra tir es. $2100 OBO . (B0 5) 58 13865. (107 -08) SAMMY TANNER 5 D I B T R I B U TINO= --~ ARTESIA,CA (213) a M _ ~ RIDE THE FINEST! ~ SELL THE FINEST! Calf No w For D eafer Info (516) 938 -3210 37

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