Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 02 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ree Grayson Hart won the 125cc Pro class at the Albany SX. H ar t took co nt ro l of the second m oto, leading fro m the dro p of th e ga te. G raves was buried in m id pack, but carved from seventh to third aft er three laps. This set up a sensationa l battle betw een Beyer and Graves for th ird, wh ich was being co n tro lled by Beyer. Kenny Ol sen ra n second to H art, well a head of th e Graves/Beyer clas h. Gra ves ra llied to pass both Beyer and Ol sen a nd set h is sigh ts on leader Hart, but with two laps to go Gra ves' fine rid e ca me to an end when his rear shock broke. This all ow ed H art to tak e th e overa ll win via 5-1 rides. Ol sen , wh o DNF moto one was o ut of th e overa ll p icture, g iving Beyer runn er-up honors after 2-4 postings. Ro unding out th e top five were Anderso-n, Rogers and Graves. Graves ca me back three motos later to lead the combined 250/0pen Pro cla ss. Graves had to fend off a n incredible three-wa y battle between Beyer, Hart and Doug Lange, wh o was making hi s local debut. Lange and Hart had a brutal battle waging until La nge's chain derailed. Graves took th e win with Beyer taking second ah ead of H art, Don Biscegli a and Open winner Mark Mathieson. Graves took advantage of his mud riding experience to lead the pack in moto two aft er a thundershower dum ped an in credibl e amo unt of ra in o n wh at o nce was a good track. Graved devoured th e co mpetitio n and won the moto and overa ll while Hart's 3-2 talli es wer e good for second pay. Beyer an d Biscegl ia followed in the overalls. Lange beat . Mat hieson in mo to two, but a mo ta o~e DN F gave Mathieson the Open TIE IREArl,' • .EIICAII/ ,_m I M IE& ATV ~BI_§ ~ / MOTORCYCLES .[if ATVS [if ACCESSORIES [if FEATURES [if VALLEY FORGE CONVENTION CENTER February 26 - 28 / Fri. 5 pm -10 pm / Sat. 10 am -10 pm / Sun. 10am - 6 pm Will. T eam Green 's J eff Dail y mad e a kill in g in the 125cc Int ermedi ate class with hi s double mo to dem olition over Adam West , La nce Rudge, Ernie Robert s a nd J eremy Skokan. J eff Payne prevailed in the 21-rider 125cc Junior class by virt ue of a II sweep. Ri ch ard Browning took second to Payne in th e first mota , but couldn' t do better than sixth the second time out wh ich pla ced Dan Kenyo n seco nd o vera ll after 4-2 tallies. Following th e duo in th e top five were Rob Bross, Browning, and J oe Rushing. .Kawasaki jockey Ri ch ard Postma 's 2-1 rid es topped th e 125cc Beginner class. Yam ah a rider Todd Gill ett won th e fir st m o ta but couldn't find a way aro und Postma - ,- t the , \ v\s\\ ~~ NEVIS DE~~ORe't e\.E MO SHOVI EXPO \, 01110 Clne lnne' -u , - Febf\lllf'/ 10 ~ CZ MOTOCROS Whether you 're int erested in Mot ocross racing or jus t motocyling for pleasure, JAWA CZ has the bi ke for you . As a Mot oc ross racin g enthusiast. you already kno w JAWA's rep utati on as o ne of the world 's leading title holders (32 world tit les on stock bikes). And for you pleasure cyclists, you can be assured of a quality mach ine that won 't qu it. Be pleasantly surprised. T wo mode ls to ch oose from -250 cc & 400 cc available from New York or Los Angeles. Check our prices. You alrea dy know the JAWA CZ track recor d, but if you don't we'll be happy to tell you. Call us. DEALER INOUIRES INVITED AM ERI CAN JAWA .LTD. 185 E""..... S L, P"'lnvle., NY 11803 518-938-3210 I Fe'" 516-931-2850 25

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