Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 02 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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SOUTH CITY CYCLES ,...--- - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - -- - ---, '" W N W dB FACTORY a: > a: a: w t- > CD OPEN HOUSE ~ o :r e, Meet N.tioul &duro Clump 00 00 KEVIN HINES!! ....... Co me See a ll the 1988 KTM's 0') Friday, Feb . 19th 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm 51 1 Mayfair Ave . South San Francisco, CA 94080 (415) 583-3519 (415) 583-5122 ~ __-..JR~ U9A SAVE ON FREIGHT Pick Up At D aJtou Dari.gCJde Week '88 Brian Hill (440) leads 250cc Beginner w inner Dean Jennings at the CRC G rand Prix at Los Angeles County Raceway. in the second moto and took second . overall. Roma n Bross took a pair of thirds for third overall. Cal For Deeds fIIOWl Carlson tops Experts at Firebird MX By Michael Ross Fiberglass t railers w it h flat or ra ised roofs from 14' to 28' -- (216) 988-4474 11 15 Milan A va •• Amherst. OH 44001 ~ THE FIRST THE BEST CYCli NEWS - ~ PH'LLIPS ~TROlf U'" ~ OISTRIBUTOR t UA()PE Racing in Europe? You need not ship racing fuel '0 Phillips 66 112 lIB octane Also 104 octane no lead in stock in Europe. . .AlICE INFO: USA ; J..... hn'J 2035 Placenti8 f-n~ ~ ~92627 520 IMM-a MaI"CJ 334-24-U-25 New 7o-75/T-6 Aluminum AIoy SPROCKETS St d. or Cu atom • O• • lers Welcome S&S Sprockets - 8O~2895 80 Old Hwy 4 1 4 · Tr. " "rs R.... sc 29 890 Oakland S port Center 4232 Dixie Hwy. Drayton Plain, MI 48020 (3 131 67 3 -3 3 6 6 UPS Daily w , _ DEnniS KirK. I I FREE CYCLE PARTS CATALOG 800-328-9280 , -~ . r RACING m''-FUEl:·~ #1 i. tile Baja 1000 26 A .•• lin: . J.N. MrrcHELL 14515. . . 1rWp SL a ...... ..... CA L...(al8) lNI2-24S1 -, Jennings jets to lACRGPwin By Terry Rezek Including the New LC-4 4-Stroke Free Food - Drink - Bench Racing ...... ..rr .... 81 · 2DD: 1. Bren Duncan (y.m); 2. Joh n Rudder (Cag); 3. Ryan Lamb (Hon). 20 1·250 : 1. Todd Camp bell (KTM); 2. Greg Fountain (Yam); 3. Jeffrey Haase (Kaw) . 25 1-0PEN: 1. TonyWanket(Hon); 2. Scot Clifton (Hon); 3. Danny Sanchez (Hon). VETS: 1. Craig Adams (Hon); 2. Barry Pon er (Hon); 3. Danny Sanchez (Hon). SRS: 1. Ron Dugan (Yam); 2. Russ Roberrson (Yam); 3. Jim Berry (Yam). CHANDLER, AZ, JAN. 31 Casa Grande Kawasaki-sponsored Billy Carlson took decisive double moto wins in the l25cc Expert class during Expert Sweepstakes at Firebird Raceway. Carlson took both moto holeshots and led every lap on his way to victory, leaving Dennis Hilgendorf and Brent Wineland to fight it out between themselves for second place. In moto one Carlson holeshot and left, stretching his lead to 11 seconds at the end of the eight-lap moto, Hilgendorf pulled ahead of Wineland in the race 10 th e first tu m as Wineland fought to control a wheelstand. Wineland was all over Hilgendorf's Suzuki, finall y getting by on lap seven. From there Wineland opened up a lead that brought him second at the flag. Moto two was a replay of th e first moto. Carlson got the sta rt a nd immediately opened up a lead that would stretch to nine seconds at the checkers. Hilgendorf and Wineland kept fans interested as they battled away. Wineland took second on lap four as Hilgendorf faded. They finished in that order. The best racing of the da y featured the 80cc Amateur class. David Pingree, Billy Demastry, Pat McMullen and Steve Andrich put on an exci ti ng race every time they met. The 80cc Amateur Stock race saw th e first moto go 10 McMullen. McMullen, racing in second place after Pingree, took off and opened up a five bike length lead and took advantage of a slower rider holding up Pingree to snatch victory away on the last tum of the last lap. Moto two went to Demastry. The PJ-l-sponsored Honda rider holeshot the start ahead of Pingree and McMullen and opened up a slight lead as Andrich put on a charge that carried him from fourth past McMullen on lap three. McMullen fought back and retook third, closing in o n Pingree in the process. With one la p to go, a blanket could cover the four riders but Dernastry took the checkers first with P ingr ee getting second. Andrich crossed the finish line in third ahead of McMullen. Pingree scored the overall with two seconds while Dernastry 's 4-1 finish took second overall. Demastry, Pingree and Andrich met again in the 80ee Modified class. P in gr ee took the holeshot with Andrich right on his rear fender as they pulled away from Demastry. Andrich jumped over Pingree to take first on lap four of the five lap rnoto, the two swapped positions several times during the final lap with Andrich taking the win. The second moto saw Demastry gate first and lead Pingree 10 tum one. Demastry rode hard and never made any mistakes for the win and the overall. Pingree picked up second for second overall. Andrich took third for third overall. Results PIW: 1. Nick Beaver (Yam). JR evC: 1. Jason Manhews (Kaw); 2. B.J. Parrish (Hon); 3. Justin Cracky (Kaw). 80 BEG: 1. Justin McMurrich (Kaw); 2. Ted Campbell (Hon); 3. Eric Anderson (Yam). 80 NOV: 1. Troy Bavins (Kaw): 2. Steve Shackell (Suz); 3. J .W. Wright (Suz). 80 AM : 1. David Pingree (Kaw) ; 2. Billy Demastry (Hon ); 3. Pat McMullen (Kaw). BO MOD : 1. Billy Demastry; 2. David Pingree IKaw); 3. Steva Andrich IKaw). 125 BEG: 1. Darren Ecker (Hon); 2. Judd Danney (Hon); 3. Gary Owens (Hon). 125 NOV : 1. Sh aw n Cisco (Yam) ; 2. Earl Goud reau (Hon); 3. Ala n Holco mb (Hon). 125 NOV M OD: 1. Shawn Cisco (Yam); 2. Earl Goudreau (Hon). '25 AM: 1. Scott Connelly (Kaw); 2. Kris Tow er (Yam); 3. Mark Branoon (Hon). 125 M OO: 1. Scon Connelly (Kaw). 125 EX: 1. Bill y Carlson (Kaw); 2. Brent Wineland (Hon); 3. Denn is Hilgendorf (Suz). 250 BEG: 1. Rick Voska (Kaw); 2 . Caner Alamada (Kaw); 3. Ken Beaver (Kaw) . 25 0 NOV: 1. Tim Bark er; 2. Alvi n Yellowh air (Hon); 3. Bill Meye r (Hon). 250 AM : 1. Byron Hayes (Yam); 2. Rick Noyes; 3. Marvin chapman (Hon). • 250 EX: 1. Bill y Carlson (Kaw). OPEN SPTM N: 1. Jim Hale (Suz); 2. Dave Miller (Hon); 3. Ray Moore (Hon). Dugan claims Glen Helen GPwin By Sue Senn SAN BERNARDINO, CA, JAN. 31 Ron Dugan battled 10 the win in the Senior class at the SRA New Year 's Grand Prix at Glen Helen Raceway. On the first lap Jim Berry led Dugan, Russ Robertson and Dave Jacobus in a tight little pack. Each looked for an edge to get out front and Dugan found that edge on the third lap. He shot forward with Robertson attaching like a magnet. For the remainder of the eight-lap race the top four diced 10 the finish where it was Dugan over Robertson, Berry , Jacobus, Steve Bussell and Vern Heth. In the 81 10 200cc race the first four laps found Brett Duncan and Greg Fountain contin ually exchanging the lead. O n the fifth lap Fountain developed a flat and Du ncan moved out to a big lead over J oh n Rudder. Third p lace was held by Rya n Lamb. Craig Adams claimed a well earned win in the Vet class when Barry Porter stayed close throughout the race. Results 0-80: 1. Rodnay Johnson (Kaw); 2. Josa ph Havi". (Kaw); 3. Chuck (Suz). LANCASTER, CA, JAN. 31 Dean Jennings rod e to victory in the 250cc Beginner class a t the California Racing Club's first Grand Prix of the season at Los Angeles . County Raceway. At the start o f the 45-minute race Scott Adams headed the 250s off the line and Jennings was second coming out of tum one. By lap three Jennings had taken the lead and fought off attempts by Adams to regain the lead for the next two laps. Jennings seemed 10 get stronger as the other riders faded and by the second half of the race held a comfortable lead which he rode in to the win. Charlie von Frankenberg was first at the drop of the flag for the 125cc Beginners, followed by R ich Thomas and Bernie Michael. It took Michael one lap to figure out the lines, then he passed both von Frankenberg and Thomas to lead from the end of lap two to the checkered flag . Karl Allen read the starter well, had started his bike and was moving before the green flag made three waves at the Novices. He rapidly pulled away to such a commanding lead that a little tumble late in the race didn't eve n come close to jeopardizing his lead and easy win for first 500cc Novi ce. Mik e McCarley also led from flag to flag in the 250cc Novice class . McCarley's best racing came as he caught up with two open class bikes which had started 20 seconds ahead of him. After two laps McCarley put the two larger bikes behind him and cruised in for the 250cc Novice win. Chris Cole led the l25cc Novices off the line with Tony Sulek right behind him. Cole pushed his . bike off the track a short time later, as Sulek romped into the lead and soon built up a safe margin, which he held 10 the finish. Everret Neal got th e holeshot in the 250cc Intermediate race but Todd Broussard passed him almost immediately 10 lead for the rest of the race and take th e trophy. Neal hung onto second a nd Tony Qualls survived some crashes to pi ck up third. Women 's Novice winner Kathy Jo Ehrp had such a fantastic start at the beginning of the Women's race that she had to look back in tum one to see if anyone else had started. They had and Ehrp was eventually passed by experts Mindy Smith and Dana Evenson. Smith and Evenson carried their battle to the checkered flag with Smith getting the Expert class win. Results BO BEG: 1. Cory Davis (Hont 2. Scon Johnson; 3 . Bob Sage (Yam); 4 . Travis Monaco (Yam). BD NOV: 1. Terry Lee Parsons (Yam); 2. Ryan Von Lossberg; 3 . Jack COJC; 4 . Nick Mairose (Kaw). BO INT 1. Eric Chavira. : WM N NOV: 1. Kethy Jo Ehrp (Hon); 2. Valar ie Robens; 3. Teal Nakayama (Kaw); 4. M ichale Doria s (Yam); 5. Janet Matthews . WMN INT: 1. Lori Hedstrom (Yam). WMN EX: 1. M indy Smit h (Kaw ); 2. Dan. Evenson (Yam). VET BEG: 1. Phil Davy (KTM); 2. Randy Haddock (Hon); 3. A lan Busby (Hon); 4. Jack Roth (Yam); 5. Russell Pursley (Kaw) . VET NOV: 1. Mi chael Gibson; 2. Bob Arellano; 3. Greb Von Lossberg (Suz); 4 . Danny Gonzal ez (KTM): 5. Gordon Hechter. • VET INT: 1. Bill Phillips; 2. Char lie Strong; 3. M ichael Robin son (Yam); 4 . Bob A lvis (Hus). VET EX: 1. Terry Davis (Kaw): 2. Joe Broussard; 3. Jim Draves (Hon). SR BEG: 1. Tom Qualls (Hon); 2. Terry Rozak (Suz). . SR NOV: 1. Jim Cooke (Hoot 2. Richerd W ilson; 3. Roben Linville (Suz).

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