Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 02 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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00 00 O"l ....-I Brad Proctor (4 8) leads Jimmy Johnson (243). Kevin Bowles (177) and ':Byton Gwinn (7) at Montrose SEMX. Howerton takes Zars Ranch Hare Scramble SOIIE..... ARE AlREADY HERE • • • THE lEST WI.l BE ARIIMIlG SOON! Now ~~d~~Su~~~::~~~ C:.~ival of Checll ou t th. n.w ··Whit. Ho, " C.giv. 12 5M X ."d 250MX/ I M 7 CLOSEOUT SPECIALS Cag iva 125MX (White Power Forb) <:.g Ml 600 Desert-Endu ro H....., 500 C..... eoun..., KTM 600MX $ CaD For Sale PriclS 1361 E. W..... St P....... CA (818) 449·ERtC c:.aG6V.a· Husqvama ~ ' ~MAICO s-ulon - 1IOI1In~ • Hdare Weldln~ Machine Shop • UPS Parts D.n, ... •• ~~. ~ MOTORCYCLE CENTERS Molo~cle • • ,.ice. /u."",• • iICCIluorl•• I . d lim . - - ~1213} 9<5-3<59 ~ : U258E. 1m"."" Hwr. s.. 'hI1r( 901J7 50_ ...... (Bl8) 768-902ti U _1 _ ...... 2466 W. Stpulw:da BiwI.. (213) 53IJ.0314 _'M.. F_ _ 828 W. (lU) n4-1IU9 '-_ 5210 Long8uch BMI.. 12l3l42U878 _ GM 5861 BiwI.. 1213} 927_ __ 10 1106 E. HIJfI1IfIgIM Drwe. (Bl8 303.0382 ) (j1ill [[[JJ Weekly News, Dot mODthly history. OPEN 7 DAYS ''We Will Not Be Under Sold!" 11 """ $ SUZUKI 900 W. M,••..yd•• Footh ill Blvd . Azusa , CA 9170 2 (818)3~1 288 (. 15) .72·31.5 "c•• or s.nd f or c.....c" • " 24 t eams • N. . . . be. rine u m. • HM'dtacecl cam. 011 cuat......r co,., 1 0 _ ....... _ RotH!, CAM903 By Tom Tysl SAN ANTONIO, TX, JAN. 31 Ken t H owerton won the Pro class at the first event in the South Texas Hare Scramble Series held at lars Ranch. T he Dirt Biker's Club of San Antonio laid o ut a seven-and-a-half mi le co urse ta king in the hard packed clay hills along th e Sa n Antonio River connected by tight woods trails to a sandy motocross section . T he Pro class blasted off the li ne first with Steve Cardwell taking th e hol esh ot wit h H o werton a t his left shoul der th rough th e high speed sand whoops and into the woods. At' the en d o f lap o ne H owerton motored th ro ugh the scori ng area with brothers Mike and Andy Bradsha w over 30 seconds back wh ile Pete Su llivan trailed in fourth. Cardwe ll had hit th e ground o n the first la p , broke con tro l levers and never ca me aro un d. H owerton pulled o u t a three -mi nute lead by la p three and put the H o nda on cr uise. T he Bradshaw brothers, Doug Paley and Sullivan rounded out the top five. " It was a fun track. A littl e tig ht in so me areas, bu t fu n. I never ma naged to mem orize it all, it kept you thinki ng," said H owert on sportmg a jersey with holes ripped in both arms. Mike Maloney led the charge of Experts into the sand of the first turn . When the dust cleared, Maloney was still in turn one loo king for his bike as the rest of the field mo tored away. Sam Wal kup had a slim lead on J amie Garner and Tim Arden at the completion of lap one, with Steve Sheffiel d 10 seconds back follo wed by Mal oney and Marcus Pepper. Garner. working hard in the tig h t woods, pushed pas t Wal kup to lead by one secon d at the end of la p two, with Sheffie ld followi ng close behind in thi rd, relegating Arden to fourth. Sheffie ld crossed th e lin e first to begin the fourth lap foll owed by Maloney, Walkup and Ga rne r wi th on ly seconds separating the entire group. At the ha lfway mark, Sheffield still led followed by Ma lon ey, Walkup and Arden . Garner sli pped to sixth a nd eve nt ua lly o u t o f th e race. Ga rne r sta ted later, " I kicked a stump on lap four and lost the lead group, but un til th en we had a real dogfight goi n' on. " The dogfig ht co nt i n ued with Maloney lead in g the fifth lap and Sheffield occupying the top slo t on la ps six a n d seven . Mechan ical gremlins robbed Sheffield of the win by sto ppi ng his Kawasaki on the last lap and setti ng the fin ish ing order wi th Maloney first , Arden second and Sam Walkup th ird . Results PRO: 1. Kent How erton (Hon); 2. Mike Bradshaw Jr . (Hon); 3. Andy Bradshaw (Honl . EX: 1. M ike M aloney (Hon); 2. TIm Arden (Hon); 3. Sam Walkup (Kaw). OPEN: 1. Tony Humphrass (VIm); 2. James Leafmont h (Hon); 3 . Chris Thom as (Han). 25Occ: 1. Cliff Goertz (Hon); .2. Steve Herr era (Kaw); 3. Glen Outo n (Hon). 200: 1. Rick M ill er (Kawt, 2. Ted Chamberli n (Hon); 3. Jeff Hend ri cks (Kaw). 125: 1. Donn y O'Neal (SUl); 2. M ike Harm on (Han): 3. Er ic Weiland (Vam). OVER 30: 1. Arn old Bragew itl (C·A); 2. Dale McCullough (Kaw ); 3. Bob Lewallen (Han). OVER 40 : 1. Mik e Brad. haw (Hon); 2. Darr ell Cimban in (KTM); 3. Will Hendrix (Yam). BEG: 1. Jo hn Wilke (Vam); 2. Richard Clar k (Han); 3. Frank Vealii ti (Hon). WMN : 1. Barb Russell (Sull; 2. Ul LundeIlISul). 80: 1. Daniel Trott (Kaw ); 2. Mika Moses (Vam); 3. Scott Ryan (Kaw ). 60 : 1. Jason Moses (Kaw); 2. Brian Canion IKaw ). 50 : 1. Lance Smith ISul); 2. Bril n Johnson (Yam); 3. Way lon McCullough (SUl). Coleman dominates MontroseMX By Hurley Short RAEFO R D, NC, FEB. 7 Rusty Co leman domina ted the Mini . ranks a t Mo ntrose SEMX, easi ly winning all motos in the Senior Mini and Super Mini classes. Coleman, on a Yama ha, blasted off the line and too k the ho leshot in bot h motos of the Senior Mini class, and he out -classed the field. Patrick Sla te, on a Yamaha , overtoo k H ondamounted David Cantrell and hung on briefly for second spo t, on ly to experience problems and drop back in the field. Cantrell and Wes Cane, on a Suzuki, collided in the loop and Cane too k off, leaving Cantrell. Cantrell recovered a n d finish ed second overall and Ca ne too k th ird overall. In the Super Min i class Colem an domi na ted bo th rn o to s as he had don e in the Sen ior Mini race. There was no contes t with th e rest of th e field as Col em an wo n hi s flight wings wit h hi s performa nce off the fro nt j ump. Chad Lou gh , on a Suzuki o ut of Virg inia, grabbed the holeshot in bo th motos of the 125cc Amateur class. Lo ugh was dom in ant through bo th runs whil e there was a lot of position changes back in 'the pack. Lo u gh was tr ium phant fo r th e overall wit h Lo nnie Taylor finishing second. Brad Proctor thi rd and T on y Cam aioni o ut of Pennsylvania o n a Suzuki fourt h. Proctor, on a Yam aha spo nsored by Yam aha of Lumberton , cap tu red the holeshot for both runs of the 250cc Amateur class and came home th e overall winner. Jimmy J ohnson , .aboard a Honda, was second in bo th mo tos and fini shed seco nd overall , wi th Lou gh thi rd and Vern Zweisel taking fourth. Results PIW: 1. J eff Donaldson (Kaw); 2. Kevin Bean IKaw ); 3. Brent Lough (KawO; 4. Willie Zimmerma n (Kaw ). J R MINI : 1. Danny Rich (Kaw ); 2. Jason Baldwin (Vam); 3. Bren t Lough (SUl); 4 . Bobby Honeycun (Kaw ). SR MINI: 1. Rusty Coleman (Yam); 2. David Cantre ll (Han); 3. Wes Cane (Suz); 4 . Dele Hill (Yam). S/MINI: 1. Rusty Coleman (Vam); 2. Jason Baldwin (Vam); 3. Chris Sellers (Kaw ). 125 AM : 1. Chad Lough (Suz); 2. Lonnie T.yIor (Yam); 3. Brad Proctor IVamt, 4. Tony Camaioni (S uz). NOV : 1. Br ian Br ad ner (Yam); 2. Douglas McCumbo (Hont, 3. Brandon W illiams (Kaw); 4. Manin. SR: 1. Steve Lewis (Yam); 2. Darr ell Bell (Hon); 3. VICki Reynolds (Yam); 4 . Jr. Bryant (Yam). S/SR: 1. Mike Con en (Hont, 2. Ed Donaldson (Kaw). 250 AM : 1. Brad Proctor (Vam); 2. Jimmy Johnson (Hon); 3. Chad Lough (Yam): 4 . Vern Zwei ..1 (Vam). OPEN AM : 1. Ricl< Gardner (Han); 2. Craig y Walt ers (Han): 3. Darr.1I Bell (Han); 4 . Scott Snelli ngs (Han). PRO: 1. Damon Bradshaw (Yam); 2. Kevin Wa lker (Vam); 3. Vann Gibson (Kaw ); 4. Tommy Rios (Yaml. Hart, Graves smoke AlbanySX By Clay Light ALBANY , OR, FEB. 7 Tony Graves won the combined 2501 Open P ro class today a t th e Albany Su percross durin g Mo to cross No rt hwest sanctioned mot ocross. . In th e first 125cc P ro moto Hart and Gr aves waged the day's premie r batt le. Gra ves go t th e edge lat e in the moto when Hart cras hed, beating Kawasaki rider Gary Beyer, Darren Rogers and Dana And erson.

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