Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 07 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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his Kawasaki as Yamaha rider Ramon Noriega placed fifth . Results Richard Wascher (58) piloted his Honda to second place in the F-2 division in road race action at Seattle International Raceway. Marino Bastionell claimed third in the Vet Expert class at Perris MX, nwood Yama ha's J eff Mad er rod e one to second a hea d of David Godfrey's Yam aha XT500 T he morning 450cc Superbike q ua lifier was red-fl agged following a turn eigh t acc ide n t in vol vin g David Hurst a nd new rid er Alex Anderso n . H ur st is now in good condi tion , but Anderso n suffe red severe head injuries. Insul at e Indu s tr ies / W ASC O Fra me Service-spo nsored Ri cha rd Wasch er ran away with h is second 600cc Superbik e wi n in a row. Shawn McDo nal d 's Totem La ke H onda C B600 H u rri ca n e fo u nd seco nd while Ken Weipert go t by Ryan Selby for third. . Lind's Highl in e H onda CB600 Hu rri cane was a lso up for top money in the Fo rmul a 2 class. The usu al favor ite Mike Su ll ivan settled for eig hth (and first non-H urricane), as h ~ co uld n' t find correct jetting for hi s two-stroke RS250R H onda. Lind beat Ri chard Wasch er and Californi an J eff Hoeppner for the pole in the morning qualifier. Wasch er put up a scra p during th e final , but Lind emerged th e victor. To ill ustra te how far Hurricanes hav e infiltra ted the racin g ra nks even Eri c Ginn has sold hi s Ducati, The National BoTT expert rod e hi s new H onda to fourth, behind The Broth ers H onda a n d WMRRA Number One plate holder Stephe n Si pes. Portland' s pe ren nia l Ge ne Brown took a sho rt cu t o n the last lap. Bro wn 's ai rbo rne chica ne ry helped him to fifth place, ahea d of Stuart Hutchins and Kirk H oeppner. All eyes were o n th e Hu rri cane race, Lind had the pole, flan ked by J oe P itt man , and a guy who get's a lo t of attention - lain Pero sponsored by Tust in H onda. H o lding fourth spot o n the grid was Portl ander Keith Pinkstaff, next to Eric Ginn. The Brothers Honda 's Stephe n Sipes held th e o uts ide, grid postio n number six in hi s first race thi s year. L ind go t a terrible start for the 600cc Prod/Hurricane money fin al as h is motor bogged o n the line flag. It didn 't quite di e, but by the tim e he feathered it back to life 20 bik es were go ne. Pinkstaff's Honda had a holeshot, but he was drafted by two guys, including Pittman, who led a t th e tower at th e end of lap one. T he o rde r . was Pitman , Pink staff, Wasch er, Pero, Ginn, Lind, Doug Renfro w, a nd Eugen e Brown. Lind worked fast. He pas sed a slew of guys in turns one and two . In tire sam e way he passed three guys on. th e outside of turn five go ing left into th e chicane. On the third lap Lind got Wasch er, Pinkstaff, a nd cha llen ged Pittman . Lind co u ld n ' t remember where he go t Pittman , but he adm its Pittman fou ght back hard. The afternoon headwind was stro ng, a n d Pittman gave h is " Ch ea ter Brand" o ne tooth ex tra rear sprocket th e cred it for helpin g hi m keep up. Pittman stayed in Lind's d raft , but co uld not pass. Lind led the rest of th e race, wh ile WASCO Fra mes' Dick Wasch er made a strong bid for third place o n la p eigh t. On the next la p , Pinkstaff took it back, a nd th a t's how it ended: Lin d won with Pittman secon d. followed by Wascher, Pero, Sipes, Renfro w, Gi nn, Mike Ken yo n. and Eugene Brown filli ng o ut the top 10. Results 600 PROD/HUR s . 1. Br uce Lind tHan) ; 2. Joe Pittma n (Han); 3. Kerth Pinkst aff (Hon); 4 . Richard W ascher tHan); 5. lai n Pero (Han) . OPEN PROD: 1. Joe Pinman (SUl) ; 2. Bruce Lind (Sull; 3 . Tim Anderson (SUl ); 4. Greg Froberg (Sull; 5. M ike M cBr ady (Suz). OPEN S/BK : 1. SIev e Littlejohn (Vam); 2. Chr is Evans. (SUl ); 3. Greg Froberg (Han); 4 . Scott Johnston (SUl); 5 . Mike McBrady (Sull. F-l s : 1. Keith Pinkstaff (SUl); 2. Dale Zlock (SUl); 3 . Steve Litt lejohn (Yam); 4 . Doug Renf row (SUl); 5 . Mike Sullivan (SUl) . F-2 s . 1. Bruc e Lind (Han ); 2. Richard W ascher (Han); 3 . Stephen Sipes (Honl ; 4 . Eric Ginn (Han ); 5 . Eugen e Brown (Han) . F·3: 1. Jeff Annen tKaw); 2. Ray Doan e (Han); 3. David Clemenl (Han); 4. Doug DuBuque (Vam); 5 . Greg Gaulk e (Han). 750 PROD: 1. Joe Pittman (Sull; 2. Shawn Roberti (SUl); 3 . Joe Davis (SulI; 4. Greg Froberg (Honl ; 5. Tim Anderson (Suz). 600 S/BK: 1. Richard Wascher (Han); 2. Shawn McDonald (Han); 3. Ken W eipert (Han); 4. Ryan Selby (Han); 5 . Scott Frericks (Suzl. $ $ 750 S/BK: 1. Keith Pinkst aff (Su z); 2. Dou g Renfrow (Suz); 3 . Dale Ztock (SUl ); 4. Steve Littlejohn (Vam); 5. Chr is Evans (Suli. 450 PROD: 1. Chris Denzl er (Yam ); 2. Nehl Evans (Yam); 3. Tom Sharbono (Yam); 4 . Greg Poremb a (Yam ); 5 . Wayne Edwards (Vam ). 450 S/BK : 1. Greg Froberg (Kaw); 2. Jeff M ader (Yam); 3 . David Godfrey (Vam ); 4. Georg e Schwen (Kaw); 5 . Dave Crockett (Yam). OPEN BOTT: 1. Randy Schemwell (Duc); 2. Larry Vev ig (BMW); 3. M ike Corre ll tKaw); 4 . Gus Denzter (M·Gt 5. Greg Froberg (Kaw). 650 BOTT: 1. M ike Corr ell (Kaw); 2. Gr eg Froberg (Kawl; 3 . George Schwen (Kaw); 4 . Br uce DeJong. OPEN SGL: 1. Mike Meagher (Kaw) ; 2. Kenneth Brynn (Han ); 3 . Stan Jau Jou (Yam); 4 . M org an Seim (Yam); 5. Dave Godf rey. VINT F· 750: 1. John M off ett (Kaw); 2. Lar Cow lin g (Nor). VlNT 500: 1. Tim M arek (BSA): 2. David Clemen (Hon); 3 . Lance Raber (BSAI; 4. Reno Ortiz (Tri); 5. Len Flat ray (Tri). VINT 250: 1. Lynn Willcox; 2. Ron Johnson (SUl) ; 3. Sammy Sch warz (Duc); 4 . Christopher Woodsum (Duc). JOHN DOYLE MEMORIA L TROPHV: 1. Don Peppan (SUl) . Staten tops at Perrix MX By Terry Whytal P ERRIS, CA. JUN E 14 The l O-race Yamaha Ca liforn ia Classic Series came to a close Sunday with "Rocket" Rex Staten ca pp ing hi s series with a no ther victory in a dominating perfo rm an ce. The form er Yamaha factory star clinched wins in both th e Open Pro and Vet Expert divisions along with wins in the two 250cc Pro races he en tered. Stat en had plenty of co mpe tition in the 250cc Pro cla ss this week with Yam aha rider Chris Young making Sta ten work hard to pa ss a nd hold the lead in each ro und. Young had to settle for second overall, however, as Kawasaki rid er Chris H einrich worked hi s wa y to third after KTM ace Todd Campbell DNF th e second ro und. H onda rid er Paul Vlach came away with th e 125 cc P ro victory despite in ten se pressure from Campbell a nd H einrich who co mpe ted in both P ro races. Ca mpbell chased Vlach to the checkers in the first goround and H einrich provided the heat in rou nd two. H einrich took seco nd overa ll a nd wit h it th e series win as Ho nda pi lo t David Gra ff p laced third w he n Ca mpbe ll recorded his second DN F of the day . David Foltz rode his Kawasak i to a n impressive 250cc In termed ia te win . Foltz came from behind in round one to pass leaders Alan Coa ts a nd J im my Lewis near mot o end a nd powered away wit h th e seco nd moto victory to tak e the overa ll. Yama ha riders Coa ts a nd Lew is contin ued the ir battle th roughout the day with Coa ts p laci ng seco nd a nd Lewis thi rd. Lew is was bac k i n the 125cc Interm ediate class to battle a rch riva l Er ic Browne and th e first mot o was a no the r' cl ass ic co n fro n ta ti o n as Lewi s narrowl y held off th e chargi ng Kawasaki pilot. Yamah a-m ounted J oh n Griffin step ped into th e fra y in the second mot o to despl ace Browne from th e runner-up slo t as Lewis posted a I-I score to ea rn the overa ll. G ri ffin took seco nd a nd Bro wn e pl aced third. J erry Conley fin all y defea ted fellow Yamaha rider Steve Ga brielson to take the Vet Novice o vera ll wi n with G a bri el son n otching the number two position ahead of Ka wasaki pi lot Carl Schockley. Kawasak imou nted Ray Fra nklin o utpoi nted Frame Smith-sponsored J ohn Di Ciaula for fourth. In onl y his second ride in the Novice class David Donat oni p laced his H o nda a hea d of Yama ha ride r Chris Bergstrom to earn top Open Novice bragging rig h ts. Third overall went to Ka wasak i rid er Tim H uddl eston. Ya maha ri der Bru ce Kam is backed up hi s number two finish in th e first 125cc Beginner mo to with a win in ro und two to cla im the overall win. O tw ell Tire-sponsored Anth on y Otwell chased Kami s to th e che ckers to place second on hi s Suzuki as Hond a rider Kevin Hanrahan rounded out the top three. Ra y H ensl ey swe p t both 80cc No vice -rno tos on hi s Yamaha as Kevin Sh af er a nd Chris Kefal a s battled for th e runner-up posit ion. Yamaha rid er Shafer held off th e cha rg ing Kefal as for seco nd pl ace as Ryan Addison pi cked up fourth on 250 PRO: 1. Rex Staten (Vam); 2. Chris Voung (Yam); 3 . Chris Heinrich (Kaw). 125 PRO: 1. Paul Vlach (Hon); 2. Chris Heinrich (Kawt 3 . David Graff (Han). OPEN INT: 1. Ken Erb (Han); 2. Bruce Criswell (Han). 250 INT: 1. Ken Erb (Hon); 2Alan Coats (Yam); 3 . J immy Lewis (Yam). 125 INT: 1. J immy Lewis (Yam); 2. John Griffin (Vam); 3 . Eric Browne (Kaw). VET INT: 1. Jay Zupan (Hon ); 2. Rick Bealer (Suz) . VET NOV : 1. Jerry Conley (Yam); 2. Steve Gabr ietson (Yam t 3 . Carl Schockley (Kaw) . OPEN NOV : 1. David Donatoni (Han); 2. Chris Bergstrom (Yam); 3 . Tim Huddleston (Ka w). 250 NOV : 1. Ke nny A ll en (Suz); 2. Kenny Campbell (Yam); 3 . Dav id Fox (Han). 125 NOV : 1. J eff Fin e (Hont 2. Lou ie Ramo (Vam); 3. Dav id Dye (Han). OPEN BEG: 1. Jamie Morton (HonO; 2. John Piper (Han). 250 BEG: 1. Mark Stu en (Kawl; 2. Tim Loos (Varni; 3. Kr is Bark er (Vam ). 125 BEG: 1. Bruce Kam is (Vam); 2. Anthony Otwell (Suz); 3 . Kevin Hanrahan (Han) . BO NOV: 1. Ray Hen sley (Vam ); 2. Kevin Shafer (VarnI; 3. Chr is Kefa las tHan ). . BO BEG: 1. Ty Hawkins (Suzl; 2. Shawn Labang (Han); 3 . Derrick Wright (Yam). Ingels, Curry top Gold Country Speedway By R. C. J ones AUB URN, CA, J UNE 19 Eddie Ingels held off John Cook to win th e Scratch main. and Robert Curry took th e H andicap victory at Gold Country Speed way in Auburn. The Scra tch main was set up with two exciting sem i-fina ls. In the fir st sem i. Bart Bast and Phil Collins were caugh t sleepi ng a t th e ga te and bo th ri ders wa tched H arlan I Bast J r. a nd Mike Parsons lead in to turn one. Bart Bast recovered eno ug h to sq ueeze ou t Pa rsons to finish second beh in d Ha rlan Bast. Parsons held off Co ll ins for third. T he rider s we nt fo ur a brea s t th ro ugh turn o ne in th e next semi. In gels edged a head of pole-starter i Greg Martz, with Steve Cra wford keepin g Cook o n th e far o u tside. Wh en In gels sli p ped ahead of Martz, Martz went too wide and almos t h it :> th e wall , slo wing Crawford a n d Cook while allowi ng Ingels to pick l up five bik e len gths. After ge ttin g straightened o ut. Cook blasted past th e other tw o for seco nd and a transfer to th e main. ,f Wh en th e ga te went up in the main it was Harlan Bast Jr blasting out of gate three taking the lead through o turns one and two. Cook, from gate 1 one, tri ed the inside of Bast, but was shut down. In gels found th e outside line to slip past Bast for the lead. Cook finall y edged past Bast and tried th e inside of Ingels, but Cook had to settl e for seco nd. In the Handicap main, Curry used , a 30-yard handicap to tak e and sta y in the lead for th e eigh t-la pper , while the high !'Iandicappers spent most of J th e race working th rough traffic. The ouside lin e was not working for passing and after Cook was sent back to th e 60-yard line for an ea rly .. start. Bart Bast a nd In gel s led h im through traffi c. Bast, runnin g th ird ,':) Ingels. riding in fourth. spe nt much of th e eight laps working past Nick Ge ra nio, Bob H icks, J ohn H ouston Jr a nd Rocky Robinson. Cook ma de it around Bast a nd In gels in th e last tw o la p s bu t Curry co ul d n' t b~ ca ugh t. It was Curry's win of th e I seaso n. John Pa yton , last week 's winner e in Divi sion Three moved into Division Tw o a nd returned to the podium with a win in the main I event. Tommy H edden held off Dustin J Schroeder for th e win in the Junior event. Result s SCRATCH: 1. Eddie Ingels; 2. John Cook; 3 . J Harlan Bast Jr .; 4. Bart Bast. I HNDCP: 1. Robert Curry; 2. John Cook; 3 . Bart Bast 4. Eddie Ingels. c D-Z : 1. John Payton; 2. Joe Leonard; 3 . Shawn Venables; 4. Steve Orlandi. J 0 -3 : 1. Charlie Vanegas; 2. Rick Swalley. JR : 1. Ernie Morris Jr; 2. Tommy Hedden; 3 . Dust in Schroeder .

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