Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 07 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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'" o a: u >a: « ~ >III ~ o :I: a.. I (7141530-2712- 10301 Garden Grove Blvd.• Garden Grove. CA 92643 . Bart Bast. Mike Delacy and Marc Prince in action at Napa Speedway. Bast won the accident-marred Handicap main event. The next stan went beu er and the riders made a full lap before Ingels, riding a back-u p bike, had to co me to a screeching hall. Bart Bast laid dow n hi s bike and Crawford hit his wheel, th en went airborn into the wall. Craw ford was asked to leave the track ' for giving the paramedics a hard lime. The riders lined up in their posilions after la p one and when the gate went u p Harlan Bast Jr too k the lead with Ingels and Ban Bast hot on his trail. Raben Curry and Bob Hick were left to duel with Vance Felicia and Marc Prince. Harlan Bast Jr had a half-a-lap lead on Ingel s an d Bast after th e restart. Ingels and Bast started slo wly reeling in Harlan Bast. To the delight of th e cro wd, Ingels caught and passed H arlan Bast with three laps to go . When th e whit e flag cam e o ut, Ingels passed th e start! finish lin e a nd slo wed with a blown engine. Harlan Bast J r and Bart Bast slowed, tryi ng to figure out if the race was over, a nd Bart Bast recovered fiz:st to slip into first pl ace for th e win. The Scratch main was quick and fast as Ingels took th e gate from th e start. edged Harlan Bast through turn one, a nd pow ered into th e lead for th e win. H arl an Bast held off brother Bart for seco nd. Results SCRA TCH: 1. Eddie Ingels; 2 . Harl an Bast Jr.; 3. M ike Parson s; 4 . Ban Bast. HDCP: 1. Bart Bast; 2 . Harlan Bast Jr.; 3 . Rober t Curry; 4 . Bob Hicks . D~ 2 : 1. Mike Kain ; 2. Brian Pecore ;3 . Ken Wagner; 4. John Payton. 0 -3 : 1. Char li e Ven egas; 2. Mike Cast agn ol a; 3. Mark 5quadrit o; 4 . Bryan Barren . JR : 1. Tommy Hedd en ; 2. Du stin Schroed er . DeAnza SMX wins to Posca, Musgrave By Terry Whytal SUNNYM EAD , ~A, J U NE 2 1 Yamaha rider J ohn Posca topped thi s week's 2S0cc Pro race a t DeAnza while the l 2Scc Pro class victory went to Suzu ki pilot Will y Mu sgra ve after a terr ific two-mo ta duel with H ondamoumedAndy Northrup. . In the first 2S0cc battle it wa s Scott McDonough putting hi s Honda in from of th e trai ling du o of Posca and Honda rider Rick Gasper. Posca soon challe nged for th e lead but was unab le to pull off a clean pass: The eventua l win went to Posca when he gam bled on a last lap, last turn, Inside pass that just edged McDonough at the checkers. Ro und two action was a near rep lay with Gasper leading for most of the race un til P osca made a difficu lt pass near the end . Gaspe r placed second overall with a 3-2 score. McDonough rounded ou t the top three. The 12Scc dice between No rthru p and Musgrave was even more exciting with bo th riders in contention for the lead throughout bo th motos, Northrup just sq ueaked in for the first moto win with Musgrave returning th e favor in round two lo claim the overall win by a narrow margin. Kawasaki rider Tony Mareta won th e 2S0cc In termedi a te event over Yamaha rider Rich ard Geraghty d espi te Geraghty's deter mi ned efforts in the seco nd moto, T he Vet Expen race featured a commanding peformance by Ho nd a mounted David Hassell. After jumping into th e early lead in each rnoto, Hassell cruised to a comfor table lead o ver an intense second-place du el betw een Yamaha rid er Vic Curti and Alan Kent. The two riders trad ed runner-up finish es with Kent takin g seco nd overall by virt ue of th e bett er finish in the second rn oto . Curti had to settle for th ird ahead of H onda pilot Ch arl es Beck. After fighting a series of inj uries last year, Suzuki rid er J err y J ett on a ppears to ha ve returned to full speed. H e handil y di sp at ch ed th e l2 Scc Novic field in a two- mot a swee p . Cha sing j e t to n to th e chec kers in each round was Honda rider Max Spratt. Third overall wen t . to J ohnny Bonacci o n a Suzu ki. The l2Scc Beginner race was a crazy affair with man y lead cha nges. Wh en the du st sett led, to p honors went to J eff Fr ye o n a H onda with a 2-1 m o to score. H onda rid er J ohn Emerso n cla ime d th e runn er-u p troph y after a nexcellem 1-2 tall y over Chris Mich aels. Res u lts 25 0 PRO: 1. J ohn Posca (Yam); 2. Rick Gasper (Honl; 3 . Scon McDon ough (Hon). 125 PRD: 1. Wi lly Mu sgrave (Suzl; 2. Andy North r up (Hon ). How Do You Carry It When It's Not Carrying You? CARRY IT IN ACHARIOT 13' 51q1e Axle PerfectForffJoton:ycle • ATV· Watercraft Send For Free 4 -Color Brochure Sanborn (Hon);,3. Jo hn W h itaker (Ho n). 250 NOV: 1. Phill ip W ur ster (Hon); 2. Kun M etcalf (Yam ); 3 . Dan iel Evan s (Yam) . 125 NOV: 1. J erry Jetton (Suz); 2. Max Spratt (Honl; 3. J ohnny Bonacc i (Suz). 250 BEG: 1. Gen e Uematsu (Honl; 2. Ron Gr eene (Yaml; 3. Noel Grove (Hon). 125 BEG: 1. J eff Frye (Hon); 2. John Emerson (Hon); 3. Chris Mi chaels (Hon). BO BEG: 1. David Clifford (Yam): 2. M ike Nich ols (Hon); 3. BJ Otwell (Kaw). 209 Pickney Street O ldsmar. FL 33557 (813) 855-5801 Dealer Inquiries Always Welcomed Publi. hers of MX • Road RK e AKard Boob. Rid.,. 2 08 N. M A IN /H AV AN A , FL 32 33 ~ (904, 539·6724 ~ Experien ce American Mot orcyclist Maga zin e every month; Tourin g. Rac ing . Technica l Florida Dealers Wholesale Only 800/223-5996 ~ Jo in and understand the fight to protect your m otorcycling rights; Road and Off·Road SiIkoIene -~ Gear ~A- < . 'ii 1eq z..-.. (412)748-3200 ~Plus: Insurance. Dis counts. Trip Routin g, Free Rule Books and Law Charts Call today to join or request information kit. P.O . Box 430, Grove City, PA 16127 ~RFORMANCE CRANKSHAFTS • • • OUR BUSINESS. NOT A SlOEUNEI Clearwater. FL 33575 - 813 /46 1.4897" 520 w .·... EK _ New 7D-75/T-6 Aluminum Al loy SPROCKETS Now An £I( Chain De. le r lsIl _ CUi. & SprocketPkp & So .. St d . o r C u stom - D ealers Welcome S&S Sprock ets - 803/895-2895 Rt . 1. Box 3688 - Travelers ,Rest. SC 2 9690 BRIDGESTONE KNOBBY SALE 5 10-17 4 10-18 400 -18 5 10- 18 300-21 M 22 M 22 M22 M22 M23 $45 .00 $ 42.0 0 $44.00 $47.00 $37 .0 0 AERO MX BOOTS· $98.95 Tornnce·South s..y 2 6 0 23 S o . Western Lotni b. CA (213) 5J9..IISG Lind dominates SIR RR By Bruce Scholten KENT, WASH. , JUNE 14 Seattle's Bru ce Lind celebra ted a quarter century of racing with a $ 1500 win in the Honda 600 Hurri cane Seri es event at Seattle In ternational Raceway. Joe Pittman wa s runner-up in the H urricane race , but took h is Bell evue Suzuki GSXRs to wins in the 750 and Open Production trophy ra ces . Meanwhile, Keith Pin kstaff dominated th e mon ey paying F-l and 7S0cc Superbike classes on his Zlock Racing Suzuki GSXR7S0. NES RA !Metzeler-backed Greg Froberg took a twin-cylinder EXSOO Kawasaki to the head of a large 4S0cc Superbi ke fiel d. Yamaha RZ3S0s usually win tlris class, and Lyn- • I Low Lo w Prin ting pric • • for MotOl'c rde , eI.ted . .... CIub.. & ~ promote,. . All types o f fo rm a . • 250 INT: 1. Tony Mar eta (Kawl ; 2. Richard Ge ra ghty (Yam. VET EX: 1. David Hassell (hon); 2. Vic Curti (Hon): 3. Alan Kent (Yam). VET INT: 1. Scott Lund (Suz); 2. Ear l Shu ler (Suz). VET NOV:: 1. Louis Spring er (Hon); 2. Erni e Kopasz (Hon); 3. M ike Nichol s (Hon). OPEN NOV: 1. Ron Shu ler (Yam); 2. Geoff a 'Pl·ot Ift'!ff:'::l:Wr 16' T...... Axl. 10'6" CJde _ . - - - . . For Name Of Your Neares t Dealer Call: East: (216) 246-1060 West: (619) 440-3995 KNIGHT BOSS CHAMPION Gnmeca Brake Systems. frames or rolli ng <:hassis front spool, quick change rear wheels, sprocke ts. cams. carbs . pipes. spr ing !lib. pist ons, glass . forils . spares K& N. Manocchio PERFORMANCE ACCESSORIES Ne. Keen 314/426-6959 Chertle Chepple 31.3/629-6921 S.n Fernando Vallay 9025 Sepulveda Blvd. Sepulveda. CA (II') ' 9)·1_ Outside CA (Orde.... On~ 1-(800) 942-38311 TOLL EE M/C TIREWORKS

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