Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 07 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Faria controls Speedway USA By Scott Daloisio VICTORVILLE, CA, JUNE 20 Speedway USA played host to the I first round of the three race $10,000 Budweiser Series and misfortunes left three riders tied for the early point lead. Mike Faria, who won the main, Alan Christian and Bobby Schwartz will all find themselves level as they head into the second round. Christian could have been the point leader, but he had a chain break while comfortably leading event 10. That cost Christian two points and left him on eighteen at the evening's end. Fortunately, for C hristian, John Sandona h a d already dropped from the four lap per and Christian ended up third instead of fourth. Like Christian, misfortune beset Faria when he was leading a heat race. "Flyin" Mike was be sting Schwartz, Jimmie O'Dell and "Showtime" Bobby O tt in the final p relim ina ry event. Co ming into tu m three on the third circuit, the left fork leg snapped. Faria couldn't steer the machine and was forced to drop out. That cost him a total of three points. Schwartz also had some misfortu ne, but his wai ted until the main event. . . Christian captured the first semi while Steve Lucero took the second over a determined "Fast" Eddie Castro. The third semi went to Schwartz over young charger Scott Bran t. The final semi featured Faria and Brad Oxley. Oxley came into the event having scored a perfect nine i n the qualifying round. Faria copped the win over youngster Billy Ha mill and Andy Northrup. O xley missed the start and was on a furious charge trying to get through the field wh en he fell and only collected a single point. The consolation, made up of the four riders who too k second in the semis, was a young riders' affair. Hamill won over Bra nt, Castro and Walt Farnum. T he top four riders made their way onto the track for the final four- lap race of the evening. Christian drew first and pulled position four. Faria was next up and he had the luck of the draw. He pulled an ace and that set the STPlTsu baki Chain /Sh oei H elmet/Oilzall/ Bill 's Pipes Jawa on th e pole. The final two spots were filled with Lucero in two and Schwartz in three. . Faria arid Schwartz were first off the line. Faria got the drive going down the back straight and held a slight advantage into turn three, but Schwartz was on ' the move. The "Boogaloo Kid" was going by Faria when Christian went down. That caused Lucero to lay it down and out came the red flag. . It was a complete restart and again Faria and Schwartz came out even. Like the first start, Faria got the drive on the inside as they came off turn two, but this time he got a bike length in front. Schwartz crossed back and tried to come underneath as they hit turn three. The two riders came together, but both kept it on two wheels. Faria wheelied down the front chute, but he stayed in the point position and would go unchall enged the remainder of the way. Christian came after Schwartz and he raced inside him for th e spot as they went down the back stra i~ht on lap two. Schwartz tried to reclaim the spot a lap later bu t he cou ld.n't ~t . the job done and he was mired in third for the duration. The fans stood and cheered as Faria went down the back chute on the final lap ana when he came aro und for the checkered, he had a four-len g th lead over Christian. Trinon Cirello (Hawaiian P unch / Bobby Schwartz/Oakley/Kal-Gardl Cirello Racing/Bell Weslake) won the Support class main over Scott Hodgson and Jon Boyers. Results MAIN: 1. Mike Faria (Jaw); 2. Alan Christian (Wes~ 3. Bobby Schwertz (Wes~ 4. Steve Lucero (Gdn). SUP: 1. Trin on Cirello (Wes~ 2. Scott Hodgson (Jawl; 3. Jon Boyer (Wes). Q en o ..J CD o l- o ::t: C1. O'Dell dominates Costa Mesa Speedway By Scott Daloisio COSTA MESA, CA JUNE 19 There is a group of speedway fans in England who attend races wearing t-shirts with the words "bash 'em, smash 'em, crash 'em" emb lazoned on the front. They would have felt right at home at the Orange County Fairgrounds on Fnday night, while watching the Handicap main event. J immie O 'Dell eventually came o ut on top in the crash-filled race. Early in the evening, the riders were having problems with a track surface that had been changed from the week before by officials. The track had been dug u p and re-packed, but that was no excuse by the ti me the eight lap Handicap main was run. The problems in the main were due to riders ramming each other. Jim Sisemore got a piece of Jimmie O 'D ell in the first bend. The Northern California rider did everything possible to avoid O'Dell, but when he hit him he did a one-eighty and wheelied back at the on rushing pack. Sisemore came face to face with Brad Oxley and they came together. Oxley went down and Sisemore came down on top of him. Out came the red for a complete restart. Nobody was penalized but Oxley and Sismore were clearly hurting. It was a good break for Andy Northrup who had problems on the original start. That gave him time to fix them and be competive for the restart. Northrup was out second, but this time they only made it as far as turn four. A massive pile up saw Sisemore, Bill y Hamill, Northrup, Rob Pfetzing a nd Scotty Brown hit the dirt. Brown got the worst of it. Pfetzing laid his bike down to avoid the mess, but h is right foot peg ca ught Brown in the small of the . back. Somehow everyone managed to restart includi ng Brown, who could barely walk, and nobody was deemed the cause and there were no penalties. The final attempt made it all the way to the final lap before the rough and tumble action took over once again. As they came off turn two the final time, Brown, who was aching, but still in second, tried to push O' Dell out of the way. O'Dell held his ground and Brown parked. Oxley caught a piece of Brown and that sent him flying. Sisemore, with nowhere to go a lso bit the dust. The race mercifully ended with O' Dell on the Kansas City Millwrights Local 1529/ Arai/Frame Shop/Silkolene/ Racers Choice Jawa winning over Oxley and Sisemore. For the third consecutive week, "Flyin" Mike Faria, on the STP / ' Shoei Helrnet/Tsubaki Chain/Scott Goggles/Geo rge Wenn j a wa , won the Scratch main. Faria go t the gate o u t of two and p ulled his bi ke down to the pole in front of Rob Pfetzing, " Da ngero us" Dub b Fe rrell and Sisemore. Fa ria had the lead, but he could o nly open it u p to about 10 . feet over Pfetzing. Ferrell and Sisemore came together as they came off turn four on the second lap and Sisemore went flying through the infield. Jimmie O'Dell led Louis Kossoth during Handicap main event action at Costa Mesa Speedway. O'Dell eventually came out on top at the end of the crash-marred main, beating Brad Oxley and Jim Sisemore, Faria maintained his lead the remainder of the way to the check" ered flag and took the win with a clenched fist. Pfetzing main tained second with Ferrell third, and the battered Sisemore, fourth. Archie Perez guided the On Line Godden to a win in the Support class main over Jeff Brown (Scotty's older brother) and Karl Sellenthin. It was the first Southern California victory of 1987 for Perez. Resu lts SCRATCH: 1. Mike Faria (Jawl; 2.Rob P1etting (Wes~ 3. Dubb Ferrell (Jaw): 4. Jim Sisemore (Wesl . HNDCP: 1. Ji mmie O'Dell (Jaw); 2. Brad Oxley (Wesl; 3. Ji m Sisemore (Wes). SUP: 1. Archie Perez (Gdnl: 2. Jeff Brow n (Wes); 3. Karl Sellenthin (Wesl . Faria scores at IMS Speedway By Scott Daloisio SAN BER NARDIN O , CA,JUNE 17 Mike Faria is riding the crest of a wave. In his last six appearances on Southern California short tracks, "Flyin" Mike has posted a .total of six wi ns. The latest of the SIX came in the Cycle Rider, Inc. Scratch main event at John La Douceur's Inland Motorcycle Speedway. To coin a common phrase in England, Faria is " O ver the Moon" about his recent qualification to the Overseas Final at Bradford, England, on July 5. That showed Wednesday evening as he was clearly the class of the field on the Scratch side of the IMS program. Coming into the Cycle Rider, Inc. main event, "Flyin" Mike and the STP/ Sh oei HelmetlTsubaki/Oil· zall/MJB Plating Jawa were undefeated in Scratch competition. For the main, Faria drew gate three and he would have his work cut out for him. Brad Oxley was off the pole with Bobby Schwartz out of two. 17year-old Billy Hamill, in his first ever Scratch main, started in gate four. Schwartz a nd Oxley were first out of the gate and when they arrived in the first bend, Oxley took th e defending National Cham pion wide. That left the pole wi de open a nd Faria raced underneath both of them wi th the p rettiest move of the night to take the lead. Schwartz and Oxley were not done and they chased Faria for the entire four laps. Coming off turn four on lap one, Schwartz go t a wi ld drive that saw him rocket down the chute and bang his rear tire off the crashwall. Faria maintained a precarious lead with Oxley and Schwartz snapping his rear tire all the way through the four lapper. . Schwartz continued to find the drive out in the dirt and twice moved into second, but Oxley, using the shorter line, always took it back. At the checkered it was Faria narrowly edging Oxley and Schwartz. For the third time in the last six nights of IMS racing, Greg Hancock, the 1985Junior National Champion, won the Handicap main event. Hancock was a~in forced to come from the q ualifiers in the Bru ce Pen h a ll /O ff Shore/Thunderwear Gloves / Malco lm Smith/ Dadsponsored Weslake and he proceeded to win all four of his races. The main was Hancock all the way as he led fro m the 20 over another for mer J unior superstar, Scott Bra n t. The early ba ttl e was for third between H a m ill and Andy Northrup. Northrup took the spot for keeps on lap two using an inside move that allowed Scotty Brown to get by Hamill as well for the number four spot. California State Champions, in 1985 and 1986, Steve Lucero and "Showtirne" Bobby Ott, along with Faria, were trapped at the back of the pack behind slower traffic and they were not having an impact on the event. Faria gave the outside a try and went backwards so he immediately pulled it back down to the pole. Hancock had a comfortable three bike length lead over Brant and Northrup and even though he wasn't len gthen ing it out, they were not making up much ground on him. Brant closed the gap slightly in the final circuit but it wasn't enough. Hancock had his third IMS win of the season. John McCaughey won his first ever speedway main by defeating Archie Perez ani! Jim Blan in the Support class main event. ' Early challenger Tony Bien ert went down and was eliminated from the 'com pe tition , Results SCRATCH: 1. M ike Fari a (Jaw); 2. Brad Oxley (Wes); 3. Bobby Schwartz (Wes). HNDCP: 1. Greg Hancock (Wes ~ 2. Scott Brant (Wes); 3. An dy Northrup (Wes). SUP: 1. John McCa ughey (Wes~ 2. Archie Perez ( G dn~ 3. Jim Blan (Wes). 49

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