Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 10 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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o ;;; o ...J « o ~ o u VJ > al o ~ o r ll. Troy Dollansky (201) leads the pack in early 125cc A action from the Midway Recreation Park track in Kellogg, Minnesota. "Showtime" Bobby Ott styles his way to the Handicap win at Ascot's South Bay Stadium in Gardena, California, . Pfefzing picks off Ascot Spwy 'win By Scott Daloisio GARDENA, CA, SEPT. II A large crowd of fans gathered to watch the festivities at Chris Agajanian' Ascot South Bay Stadium Thursday evening. 46 What they saw was some great racing and an eye-popping bikini contest at intermission. The girl who won the title of Miss outh Bay Stadium had a killer smile and then some, but the person with all the right moves was Robert Pfetzing as he powered his Weslake LO his fifth South Bay Stadium Scratch main win of the 1986 season. Valvoline/O'NeaIlSimpson/Kal· GardlTwo Kin Chu-sponsored Pfetzing was mired in the thjrd spot on the first attempt to run 'he event. That attempt made it as far as turn four of the first lap before second place Keith Chrisco hit leader Steve Lucero, sending them both to the dirt. Both got up and made the restart but Lucero's machine was too damaged to continu and he was forced LO borrow a bike from Bobby Schwartz. On the second try Pfetzing took the gate from starting position three over Chrisco, Lucero and Ronnie Correy. Correy quickly worked his way past Lucero and his unfamiliar bike and he then LOok Chrisco for second on lap two. From that point on all he had LO do was catch Pfetzing but the leader was hooked up and flying. Correy did manage to stay close but he could never mount a serious challenge. Crowd favorite Bobby Ou, on the Back treet Limousine Service/STP/ Arai Godden, showed some of his old form and dominated the Handicap side of the show. Ott was near the back on the start but he went to the cushion and put on a fabulous show for the fans: He first nabbed third from Brad Oxley on lap two and then finished that lap by passing Andy Northrup for second. Ott then barreled in on leader Ed Castro but as they came into turn three on the third circuit Castro had a rod break. Ott djd some masterful riding to avoid Castro and he out-dashed the rest of the pack for the lead. From that point on it was show time for Ott and he styled to thevicLOry. Northrup tayed in second LO the checkered flag with Oxley third. Mark Hateley led all the way for the win in Division Two over Don Butler and Jimmie O·Dell. In Third Division it was Wayne Manchester and his Blair Paving/ ail etwork/McCI ure Trucking/Dave Davis Equipment Weslake outdistancing Dave Perry and James Bond. The team of Crajg Boaler and Harry Harris scored eight of a po sible nine points to win the ew Zealand Speedway Sidecar main. Second spot with five points went to Cliff Towlley and Bill Sanders. All of the competing teams and their bikes are from New Zealand. Results SCRATCH: 1. Rob Pfetzing (Wes); 2. Ronnie Correy (Wes); 3. Keith Chrisco (Wes). HANDICAP: 1. Bob On (Gdn); 2. Andy Northrup (Wes); 3. Brad Oxley (Wes). 0·2: 1. Mark Hateley (Wes); 2. Don Butler (Wes); 3. Jimmie O'Oell (Jaw). D~3: 1. Wayne Manchester (Wes); 2. Dave Perry (Wes); 3. James Bond (Jaw). SIDECAR: Boaler/Harris; 2. Towlley/Sanders; 3. Power/McDonatd. Heller, Shaffer top DeAnza MX By T.C. Carson . l 1 YMEAD. CA. EPT. 14 AlargeLUrno~tofI25c('B ginnersand Tovice raided DeAnza Cycle Park today, and when the racing was aJl over, Honda riders Sian Heller and Paul harrel' SIOoO oUL Heller SWt'pl hOlh 12!icc Begi n ner matos, wh iIt- Shaffer used a consislelll 2-1 tally 10 wrap up Ihe 12!icc Novices. BOlh classes ran in Ihe same maIO wilh the Novices in Ihe first wave. When the gate dropped for Ihe firsl 12!icc Novice maLO, Honda ridn' Rick .Gasper hlew inlo Ihe lead, followed bv Heller. David LeFav (Honda), Wi II Dickson (Kawasaki) .;nd Richard Geraghty (Yamaha). By Ihe end of Ihe firsl. lap. Gasper had dropped back 10 fifth, giving Heller the lead ahead of LeFay and Dickson. During Ihe second lap, Dickson found lilt' hOI line around LeFay laking over Ihe number two posilion. Not 10llg iI fieI'. Geraghty decided to get in\'oJved in the anion and passed Lt'FilY for Ihird and sLal'led pressuring Dickson. Two laps later, Geragilly slid inlo second bUI couldn'l calch HelieI'. H,'II,', took Ihe win. followed by Geraghly. Dickson. Randy Danyle amI Gaspt'!'. Round IwO saw Honda-mounted Mike Carl' jam inLO the early lead with Helin glued 10 his rear knder. Carr mainlained his lead for five laps hdore 1-lelleT and Danyle slipped by. Heller held on 10 his lead for the lasl Ihl'ee laps taki ngl he win and overall. Se('ond in the moto wenl LO Danyle, ah""d of Carr. Geraghty and LeFay. In the first 125cc Beg-illnt,1' mala, Shaffer ,hot his Honda into the lead ahead of Greg Reeder (Kawasaki), Lawrence Moroles (Yamaha), R ich"l'd Mavnez(Kawasilki)and Howard Lund (Ya·maha). Maynez LOok over e and place by the third lap ilftel' passing Reeder then SCi his sighls on the leader , harrer. Mayne7. stalked Shaffer for the next three laps before shOaling him down. Mayneztook over the' lead and held on for the win. while Shaffer, Moroles. Reeder and Cilnn followed. Moto IWO saw • harrer Lake Ihe holeshot again, while Maynez was last. Maynn quickly worked his way up to third; sLayed there for most of Ihe race, then dropped back to fifth on lhe final lap. Lund crui cd in second throllghout Ihe mala in search of a wav around Shaffer bUI found nOIl(-·. Si,affer look Ihe second-mala win for Ihe owra II. Second avera II. via a 1-5 score wenl 10 MaYIH~z. Foulwen riders lined the starting galt· in Ihe Old Timers Novice class; and crossing I he finish line in firsl place both molOs was Honda rider Ed Michelli. Michelli's nean'st compelilor was Yamaha rider Skip Skinner, who placed second bOlh outi ngs. Third wenllO Kilwasaki rider Hilton Rayhol wilh a 3-4 lally. Results JR CVCLE: 1. James O'well (Kawl. MINI BEG: 1. S,ach Kosalka (Suz); 2. Owen Dicl<· son (Yam); 3. Stach Kosalka ISuz). MINI NOV: 1. Anthony Otwell (Yam); 2. Jonathan Knight (Kaw); 3. Richard Parrent (Kaw). 125 BEG: 1. Paul Shaffer (Han); 2. Richard Maynez (Kaw): 3. Lawrence Morales (Yam). 125 NOV: ,. Stan Heller (Hon); 2. Randy Oanyle: 3. Richard Geraghty (Yam). 125 INT: 1. Woody Molle (Honal: 2. Buddy Mar· gan (Hon). 250 BEG: 1. John Meshkoff (Han); 2. SCali Rippens (Yam); 3. Steve Johnson (Hon). 250 NOV: ,. Mike Michetti (Yam); 2. Garner Palenske (Kaw); 3. David Fox (Han). 250 INT: 1. Murray Shackelford (Suzl. 250 PRO: 1. Lance Gorton (Kaw); 2. Jimmy Palmer (Kaw). . OPEN BEG: 1. Curt Gromewald; 2. Danny Morales (Vam); 3. Noel Grove (Vam). OPEN NOV: 1. Mark Crum. OPEN INT: ,. Rich Callahan (Han). OPEN PRO: 1. Richard Wick (Hus); 2. Mike Heers Jr. (Hus). VET JR: 1. Steve Snook (Mai); 2. Skip Skinner (Vam); 3. Mike Mason IKTM). VET tNT: 1. Tim Hools (Han); 2. Robert Cooke (Han). VET SR: 1. Mark Brooks (Hon); 2. Gregg Humbred (Han); 3. Alan Rohnabacher (KTM). OT NOV: 1. Dwayne Boyer (Suzl; 2. Howard Oberg (Suz); 3. Dick Doyle (Han). OT AM: 1. Ed Michetti (Han); 2. Skip Skinner (Yam); 3. Hilton Aaybol (Kaw). OT MSTR: 1. Blackie Lewis (Vam); 2. Ron Way (Han); 3. Marshall Jenkings (Yam). OT EX: 1. Fred Collins (Yam); 2. George Spearing (Han); 3. Asker Launkjaer ISuz). Pearson masters MidwayMX By Rolfe Otterness KELLOGG, MN, SEPT. I Rich Pearson topped a tough field of competitor as he won the 240cc Expert class at the Midway Recreation Park track. Mota finishes of 3-1 left him with the win. Among the other winners at the track were Mini \4·15 ace Robbie Engstrom, Open Expert winner Lee Irvine and Bruce Gales in the special "run what ya brung" class. Pearson led the pack down the long slarLing line straight in the first 250cc mota. Team Green star Donny Schmit, riding his 125 just for practice, quickly motored by Pearson and blasted away from lhe pack. Pearson held second with Dave Henry lhird and gaining. When Pearson bobbled Henry cruised by. Bruce Gates, an: olher 125-mounted Pro, leapt by Henry in the whoops late in the mota, but Henry held on for first 250cc and the overall win. Pearson' and Todd Osman were next LO cross the line. Dana Hunt led from the gate in the second mota, but Pearson got by in a set of small nasty whoops;. after that Pearson cruised in for the win. Chris Hughes pushed Hunt for a while then blew by in the same manner that Pearson did in the whoops. Hunt once again fell victim in lhe same place, as Henry charged by in the same place late in the mota to secure third. Chad Cunningham and Pat Donaho dueled over the lead in the first Mini 12-13 maLO'S initial laps. Donaho established control after several laps while Brandon Backes moved up LO push Cunningham. Cunningham slid out allowing Backes to take second, but he recovered to hold third over Cory Keeney at the flag. Eric Metzger pulled lhe holeshot in the second maLO. Donaho went down while challenging for the lead near the end of the first lap. Backes went on to take lhe win with Cunningham a solid second. Donaho nipped Metzger on the last lap to hold third at the finish. Results MINI PEE WEE: 1. Mike Alitinson (Kaw); 2. Craig Cunningham IKaw); 3. Robbie McOo_1I (Kawl. MINI JR: 1. Aaron Carlson (Kawl; 2. Mike AlItin· son (Kaw); 3. casey Steige (Vam). MINI 12-13: 1. Brandon Backes (Kaw); 2. Pat Donaho (Han); 3. Chad Cunningham (Kaw). MINI 14-15: 1. Robbie Engstrom (Kaw); 2. Bill Wagner (Kaw); 3. Chad Cunningham (Kaw). SPECIAL CLASS: 1. Brandon Hopkins (Kaw); 2. Brian Fern (Han); 3. Bryan Shittz (Han). SR B: 1. Jerry Schulze (Yam); 2. Rolfe Otterness (Han); 3. Jerry Bumgardner (Kaw). SR A: 1. John Tieden (Han); 2. Tommy McWhorter (Han). 40+: 1. Jerry Becker (Hon); 2. Richard Peterson (Hus); 3. Jerry Haas (Kaw). 125 B (GRP 1): 1. Corey Donaldoon; 2. Corey Moritz; 3 Peter McKMlh (Kawl.

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