Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 10 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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SR: 1. George Lawson; 2. John Gon; 3. Bob Ceplinger. SUP SR: 1. Ron Throckmorton; 2. Harold Newell; 3. Joe Heizer. OPEN: ,. Mike Burkhart; 2. Roger Struckhoff; 3. Gene Rampani, 200: 1. Rick Matteson; 2. Tim Kuchem; 3. Kevin ... O'Brien. JR: 1. Steve Leivan; 2. Warren Wilburn; 3. Lance Mills. BEG: 1. Raymond Williams; 2. Ken Brandt; 3. Tom Crimmins. OVERALL SERIES: 1. Rusty Reynaud (172); 2. Dale Hulsey (138); 3. Chris Caplinger (87). Smith bros. win D-38 Night Team Race By Bob and Diane Bell PLASTER CITY, CA, AUG. 23 The brother team of Bruce and Leslie Smith took a well-deserved overall victory in the fourth annual AMA District 38 Fudpucker RacingTeam NightTeam Race. District President Fud came up with the idea four years ago to have . motorcycles team with ATVs in a two-and-a-half hour desert race, switching riders each lap. The race startedatseven o'clock at nighL. Usually only the first two laps are in daylight, after that it's lights on and hang on. This year's course was run over a IO-mile loop of mo tly wide open terrain. A major dust storm blew in just before the start, but proved to be a blessing in disguise as the breeze that followed kept the dust moving oU of the course. The drop of the green flag found Lance Schoonmaker out front and pulling away. At the end of the first lap, it was time for the bikes to take over as Schoonmaker handed the lead to partner and Open rider Steve Walker. Run.ning second W'ls the incredible Craig Corda, teamed with 125ccrider Kirk Hester. Corda wasn't even at the start line when the flag dropped, but had worked up to second by check one. The Smith brothers were buried back in 25th place. For the next few laps, the Walkeri Schoonmaker team held the lead with Hester and Corda a solid second. Third overall was a game of shuffle between the Open teams of Randy Norman/Doug Roll, Tom Moen/ Greg Bringle and Randy Morales/Tony Dixon. Norman's chances for a good finish disa'ppeared when his motor blew all. lap five, leading Morales and Moren to do battle. Lap six spelled tragedy for Walker. While running way out front, his light went ouL. This slowed him to a crawl and opened the door for Hester to take the lead. "When I saw the emblem all. his race pams, I knew it was Walker," said Hester. "I pulled way out to the side, so hecouldn't use my light to ride with. My heart has never pounded a hard as when I knew we were leading overall!" By this poim, no one had even seen the Smith team coming through the pack. But by lap six, they were up to an incredible third overall and suddenly all eyes were all. them. Hester rode the wheels off of his I25cc Cagiva, but it was no match for the power of Smith's 490cc Yarrtaha, as on lap eight, he smoked past for the lead. At the checkered flag it was Bruce Smith with the overall and 'Open class win. "We didn't have a good start and everybody was kamikaze out there, but we just worked our way up," stated Smith afterthe race. Hester finished an outstanding second overall to take the l25cc class win. Walker earned third overall and second Open bike the hard way by riding the last few laps without a lighL. "I burned up two bulbs and ended up in the dark. Lance is a fantastic rider and he kept us up there," quipped Walker at the finish. Eighth overall was the 250cc class winner Rheynard Morgan (Yamaha) and Keilh Callen (Honda). Morgan had run as high as third o"erall before having unknown problem' two lap from the finish and dropping back. Vet class winner Robert McCarter (Husqvarna) was the la t rider to finish all 10 laps at ninth overall. He wa followed by the enior cia s winner. Jack Neeley (M-Star) at 10th overall. Results OPEN EX: 1. Bruce Smith/Leslie Smilh; 2. Sieve Walker/Lance Schoonmaker; 3. Randy Morales/ Tracey Dixon. OPEN AM: 1. Steve Clark/Ray Schooley: 2. Bob Towne/Steve Basin; 3. Bab Buckley/Mitch Thomp· son. OPEN NOV: 1. Rohn Elsner/Guy Barrow; 2. Paul Martin/Jon Colver; 3. Robert Smith/ John Schork. 250 EX: 1. Rheynard Morgan/Keith Callen; 2. Mark McNulty/Greg Gibbs; 3. Jeff Boyd/Chris Bigelow. . 250 AM: 1. Ron Beany/Hersh Deck: 2. Tom Gai· an/Scott Prather; 3. Andy Wetzel/Scan Smith. 250 NOV: 1. Kregg Ham/Dave Morford; 2. Rob Taylor/Don Ransdell; 3. Craig Britt/Mitch Rickart. 125 EX: 1. Kirk Hester/Craig Cordca; 2. Bob Bell/ Greg Row; 3. Tony Darr/Kelly Hori. 125 NOV: 1. Oave Tubbs/Mike Bickle; 2. Mike Pendley/Brian Crittendon. VET EX: 1, Robert McCarter/Coy Brigman; 2. Terry Stauwald/Jeff Enz; 3. Scott McClintock/ David Collier. VET AM: 1. Floyd Hudson/John Wellnitz, VET NOV: 1. Thomas Sullivan/Howard Carey III; 2. Ken Tubbs/Jim Terral; 3. Ike Foss/Jes Rosales. 5R EX: 1. Jack Neeley/Dan Johnson; 2. Roger Adsit/Billy Adsit; 3. Chuck Nelson/Hal Drew. 5R AM: 1. Mike Govern/Mike Maxwell. 55: 1. Himey Means/Bob Thompson; 2. Richard Bird/Robert Haime. BEG: 1. Ray Baker/EricSargent; 2. Bill Engstrom. WISECOATV and Motorcycle High Performance Pistons HI-5l1icone allay bar stock provides dense grain flow without adding weight. Greater operating strength and lower expansion at high temperatures. Full line tor 4-cycle and 2~ycle vehicles. ~ V ,.0 New! Nolan N-42 Now Snell '85 approved! A new standard in high·tech construction utilizing the best of fiberglass and polycarbonate components. Interior provides best fit in the industry. Plush velvet lining, generous padding. Comfort and defogging by NASA inspired -.J venturi (exhaust) ventilation system. L.~=~ ~ 00 o .... u o If your dealer doesn't have it...have him contact KK Motorcycle Supply for overnight delivery DISTRIBUTED BY @II MOllle,ele SHill, P.O. Box 45, 431 E. Third St•• Dayton, Ohio 45401 Howard jams at S.I.R. MX By Jay Marcell KE T, WA, A G.8 Joe Howard piloted his Honda CR to 2-1 moLO finishes and wrapped up the overall victory in the 80cc Novice class at Seattle International Raceway motocross. In the first moto, Trent Rice blew into the lead ahead of Howard, Eri Balshaw, Joe Del Vecchio and Mike Koehn. By the halfway point, Del Vecchio had moved into the lead, while Rice had dropped back to fourth and was being pressured by Justin Homan. At the finish, it was Del Vecchio hanging on for the win, followed by Howard, Belshaw, Homan and Koehn. In the second moto, Homan LOok the holeshot ahead of Del Vechio, Howard, Robert Wissinger and Belshow. In the first turn, Del Vecchio crashed and had problems restarting his bike, dropping him back to dead last. Shortly after, Howard motored by Homan, taking over the lead, while Bel how slipped into third. Coming from behind, Del Vecchio labored hi way back up to fourth. In the end, it was Howard out in front, collecting the overall, followed by Belshow, Homan and Koehn. Results PEE WEE: 1. Kris Conner (Yam); 2. Bren Boehm (Han): 3. Oax Folk lHon). 60 BEG: 1. Jeff Backus (SUl). 601NT: 1. 2ach Taylor(Kaw); 2. Aaron Schweiger (Kaw). SO BEG: 1. Cody Cawley (Kaw): 2. Shane Chapman; 3. Robert lahara (Yam). SO NOV: 1. Joel Howard (Han); 2. Eric Belshaw (Yam); 3. Justin Homan (Yam). SO INT: 1. Rod Tapia (SUl); 2. Manhew Schwiger (Yam). 125 NOV: 1. Doug Leach (Kaw)p 2. ;Joey Belshaw (Yam): 3. Jay Marcell (Han). 125 INT: 1. Jeff Jacobson; 2. Jason Crandell (SUl); 3. Jim Conet (SUl). 125 EX: 1. Lance Smail (Kaw); 2. Wayne Dixon (Han); 3. John Vanderberg (Kaw). 2501NT: 1. Dan Engelke(Hon);·2. Kevin Miraglia; 3. Jim Myers (SUl). 250 EX: 1. Mike Greenwood (Han); 2. Jim Pit· tman (Hon); 3. Wayne Dixon. OPEN NOV: 1. Dan Jansen; 2. Don Spragua; 3. Jeff Call (Han). OPEN tNT: 1. Ken Workman lHon); 2. Mitch Trotter ()Hon); 3. Kevin Miraglio. OTH INT: 1. Ted Abernathy (yam); 2. Steve Taylor (Yam); 3. Steve Johnson. OTH EX: 1. Eugene Tom; w. Ken Yort

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