Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 08 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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only l2-rnan heats, thus equaling 24 of 33 riders in the program. The following day at Dayton, there were 36 Expert riders and they ran three IO-man heats, therefore allowing a couple of more riders to participate in the program. The more participants who can get into these· Regional events, the better; it's very valuable track time and experience for riders who are National championship riders of the future. Next, I hold concern about the running of the Old-Time Newsies Charity event at the fairgrounds in Dayton. This event is run for a good cause. but at the same time a bad one. This is a very dangerous track to be running a charity event on and at the same time endangering the welfare of the riders. The track has narrow turns whiCh don't even have enou~h room for hay bales or full l2-man heats. The lighting is also poor and there were a few Lights out in the back stretch that should have been repaired before hand. Of all the other fine tr'acks in Ohio why can't this event be run at one of them? LAWRENCE F. ASHTON Little York, NJ Threat to trail riding AFM at Sears Point Relative to the cancellation of the AFM/North road race at Sears Point .on July 5-6, 1986, the cancellation was not due to the issue of running or not running the chicane. The AFM is always willing to cooperate with any safety feature the track would like us to use. The cancellation was due to the fact that the new management at Sears Point required AFM/North to carry our own $5,000,000 liability insurance policy. There was not sufficient time to find and purchase such a policy prior to the race. I hope this clears up the issue for you. Thank you for correcting the previous erroneous statement. MIKE ROSS Chairman of the Board, AFM, Inc. Menlo Park, CA Letter to Maine Governor Brennan I recent!y had the pleasure of visiting Baxter State Park. I enjoyed the scenery and had a beautiful hike to the peak of Mount Katahdin. There was one irritating problem. I chose to ride a motorcycle to my destination. I . realize the laws regarding Baxter State Park and this is an infringement on my freedom as a tax paying resident. In addition to having to-put my bike in an unsafe place, I was forced to walk six miles to begin my hike. There were no facilities (parking, transportation) to help my situation. I have traveled through 42 other states on a motorcycle and never been refused entry to a state or national park. This 20-year-old law is a disgrace to the state that I am proud to live in. PHILLIP S. ROACH York, ME Ohio Regional dirt tracks I am interested in finding out the feelings of those dirt track riders who participated in the Regional events run recently at Troy and Dayton, Ohio. First, at Troy the Experts had 33 riders present and the program was run with only two heat races, while the Pro-Am class and Junior class had three or more heats. These were There are approximately 1300 miles of existing OHV routes in the San Bernardino National Forest. Currently, OHV use, as well as other uses, are being studied for a long-term management plan. Of the alternatives proposed by the Forest Service. the maximum opportunity for OHVs would be approximately 500 miles. The Forest Service preferred alternative would allow for 350 miles of OHV trail. None of the six alternatives proposed are adequate to· meet the needs of OHV users. At this point in time we are in the midst of a public review period of the Draft Management Plan. Input at this time is critical from OHV users who wish to maintain and enhance trail riding opportunity in the National Forest. Two items of particular importance are the "Cross Forest Trail" (which is proposed only in the forestry's "preferred" Alternate Number One; and the issue .of implementation. The Cross Forest Trail is essential to any trail system which. may come from the management plan. It would connect existing and proposed trail loops throughout the forest. running from Pioneer Town to Cajon Pass, in the Arrowhead and Big Bear Ranger districts. It is also a vital link in the proposed California OHV Statewide (Continuned to page 16) America's weekly motorcycle newspaper Sharon Clayton, Publisher Mik~ KJinger,Comptroller Skip Johnson, Associate Publish~1 National Sales Managn. Jack Man~s, Associate }Jubli.../u'r Senior EdItor Rh!=ba Smith. Circulation Manager Caroline Gendry, ExecuJ.;~ Secretary to' the Publisher Editorial John Ulrich, Editor Kit Palmer, Associate Editor Matt Hilgenberg, Associate EdittYf Paul Carrl1thers, Associate Editor Farren Williams, Associate Editor Advertising Terry Prau Sales Manager Tim Ryan, Sales Manager Mark Thome. Sales Manager Mike Church. Eastern Sales Manager Thomas R. Conter, Easter. Sales Manager Linda Brown We.Unn Ad. CoordintJtor Carla Borden. E4SUrn Ad. Comdinatar Nancy Waslcll. Advertisingl Editorial Asst. Graphics .nd Production Ginger Machado, Graphic Artist Malcolm Wilson. Graphic Artist Diana Hilgenberg, Graphic Artist Marion Hawhita. Typ~setter Carolyn Branham. Typ~seUt:T Dennis G~n~. Lab. Tech . Accounting/O.t8 Processing Donna Bryan. Accts. RUe1V4ble Coordinator ~neva R~pass. Assistant Fran Hamwey. Credit Circu"tion Sarah Taylor. Assistant Alma Anguiano. Assistant Linda Zamarripa. Assi5tant Cheri Chapman. Assistant W.ntAda Nancy Wastell, Want Ad Sales S.rvice .nd Support Chris Aiteheson. HeadqU4rtns Receptionist Leonard Herring. Service and Support Nlltion.1 He.dqu.rt8rs 2201 Cherry Ave.. Long Beach. CA 9080Q. P:O. Box 498. Long lkach. CA 90801-0498 ""(213) 427-7433; 213/636-8844. E.llt8m Office 4190 First Ave.• Tucker. GA. 50084; mailing address P.O. Box 805. Tucker, GA :i0085· 0805. (40-1) 934·7850. Cycle News (USPS 14"·340) is published wee.kJ y exct'Pt the lust and laSI week of the calendar ye-.lJ' for $52.SO per year by Cycle News, Inc., 2201 Oterry Avenue. Long Be-dch. 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