Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 06 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Jr. bringing up second. 'By (He end Phelps had passed Anderson for the win. Donald Bannerman took third with James Knapp fourth. Results "THE BEST IN THE END" _ 86: 1. Ryan Brown: 2. Harley Smith 200: 1. Kelly Hamiltoo; 2. Raymond Garrett; 3. Joey Phelps. 250: 1. John lowe; 2. Ronald Forstnar; 3. Garald Foor. 400: 1. Dan Crawford; 2. LarryVanValkanberg; 3. Richard Murdock. 500 A: 1. Tim Lowe; .2. Dan Butler; 3. Rick Russall. 500 B: 1. David Groebner; 2. Ricky Sawdey; 3. Randy Friars. 750: 1. Jim Phs'lps Jr.; 2. Donnie Anderson; 3. Donald Bannerman. SR~ 1. John Warren; 2. Dan Crawford; 3. James Knapp. SUPEITIAPP .ipped HarleyDaridsons took tile top two positions at tile Camel Pro Louisyille Half"""e: SCOTT PAIKEI WOft tile race Oft his 8111 Werner tuned factory Harley followed by CHIIS CAl' Oft a Mert umllII Harley. These competitors can't afford to compromise Powers wins at Stayton's MX perfonnance•••that's rrhy tIIey use SUPEITIAPP exhaust systems. You can 6et the same "no compI'omlse" perfonnance with a SuperUOt Stainless Steel system from SUPEITIAPP. UItTa-t;:1' and COIToslon free, tile $uperU Is the ultimate exhaust system. you already bew that By.Joel Church MORAVIA. NY, MAY 25 Doug Powers topped the Open Amateurs class as the Stayton's 'Thrill Hill" saw use when C.N.Y.M.R.A. visited the track for the first time this year. Powers followed Tim Voorhees and and Mark Rose on his Honda CR500 in the Open Amateur class through the first molO. MOlO two saw Larry Loudis holeshot on his Honda with Powers soon moving by. Loudis dropped back while a healed battle for second started with Voorhees leading Rose and Gordon Pollock. Pollock jumped up to second with Rose following when Voorhees had trouble. Powers led with a slight advantage over these three riders to the fi nish line. Dan Halladay got off to an early lead and was only chased closely by Paul Grimaldi in the first Open Novice molO. Round two was holeshot by Halladay but this time Grimaldi had his hands full with third-place rider Hank Tarr. Tarr passed Grimaldi but by then Halladay had opened a lead never to be challenged. In 250cc Expert action, Bob Cuddeback grabbed the early lead and was pursued by Honda £lier Scott Pinney and Kawasaki-mounted Chris Coleman. By lap three Coleman had control of first place and Pinney dispensed with Cuddeback as well. Bill Denman began lO chase Pinney in the late stages of the race but he couldn't pass his fellow Honda rider. Second time out saw Pinney holding down the lead with Denman knocking at the back door. Coleman moved around Jarrett Newby to take over third. By midrace Coleman was right behind Denman and Pinney. All eyes were on the three as they headed into the back section out of sight. When they reappeared, Pinney still Had the lead with Denman following but Coleman was not to be seen. Coleman resumed his chase with about a 10second spread between himself and the leaders. On the last lap Denman passed Pinney for the lead and took 'the win after a close dice for the top spot. Results 200 NOV: 1. Gary Moth (Han); 2. Mark .Herrala (Han); 3. Bryan Wilson (Kawl. OPEN AM: 1. Doug Powers (Han); 2. Mark Rose (Han); 3. Tim Voorh_ (MST). SR MINI: 1. Mika Dries (Kaw); 2. Larry Maxwell (lCawl; 3. SIeve Spohn (lCawl. OPEN EX: 1. Scott Pinney (Hon); 2. Mike Dougherty (ICTM); 3. Frank Calandra (Han). 250 AM: 1. Man Drake (lCaw); 2. Petrick Anderson (Hon); 3. Randy Gardner (Honl. JR MINI: 1. Shane Ups (Yam I; 2. Mark Calandra (Hon); 3. John Blaka (lCawl. SR MINI NOV: 1. Mike Callahan (Yam); 2. John Turk (Kawl; 3. Todd McCloy (lCaw). , 125 EX: 1. Chris Colaman (lCaw); 2. Bill Danman (Han); 3. Bob Cuddebeck (lCawl. SR EX: 1. Jerry Harris (Hus); 2. Ed Downing (Han); 3. Gordon Pollock (Hon). SR AM: 1. Doug Powers (Han); 2. Jim Smith (Yam); 3. Leon Whaley (Yam). SS: 1. Ray Goulet (ICTM); 2. Tom ICrawczyk (C-A). fAST. lOT flCTIOIL SuperTrapp dMsion of ",.lIer Corpofltion 1222 Reu,rch p,tt Ortre, Oarls, CA 95616 (916) 756·5069 THE WILLIAM H. KING PRESENTS Ic,ll~ec.1 BATTLE OF BOURBON ST. SATURDAY, JUNE 21 2 P.M. THE FAIR GROUNDS ..... A Motorcycle Mardi Gras," .'The Daytona of Dirt Tracking." c.................. · ".. .·.I. n_.. I _·/_·/_·j...·I ...· .... ... • . :]~~!::! ··1 ~!~l' , c " "., ll\.OO • ~ 0 & acsDV&tl C SEaTS 51\.00 C,.ndeU."d II•••' ' ' . 00-' TUIU' $1\.00 " " " " " " OJ_ue IlClC* !:::: . I Race Headquarters I a.u. IlDDlIal IOXU 'U.110 Alr_ca.dIU _ _ I::: .- ,» SCATS 115.00 ~ ~:-~ ... '.7.'00- I I • Special Rates I502 ) 964-6415 Send Chedt or Money Order To: WHK Enterprises, P.O. Box 32457, Louisville, KY 40232 44 c_au_800_V_5-8_66_7... . NEW ORLEANS MILE New Drleans Hilton """- ~SALTPALACESUPERCROSS • $20 000 Purse . , June 20tll & 21 FeafMrIq: 12511at1ou1 cu WorIfI s.,.nna ~ YAMAHA Pro's 80th Nights ......, 0'IIa,. • HoI.., .MA 0II11ifier (8odI DIJII SCHEDULE: FrL 2l1d11 Sa 21st AJutaar • •mce • Bitl Billa. Milli • OWlr 30 • Expert • Opn I Milli 7 a.m. Sign up • 9 a.m. Practice. 10 a.m. Race E.,.rt Pro - 125 I 250 4 p.m. Sign-Up. 5 p.m. Practice $lSO.DOCa* 6 p.m. Qualifying. 8 p.m. Finals OUTSIDE START USRA Points - Saturday Only All entries include admission to race. c__ Frid-v • Saturdlly Salt Lake City, Utah lIIL J..,_r C... P _eaa- 125 & 250 Pro Only • Ell Pro 1251250 150 Entry, $12.000 Cash Pune. • Ell Pro Open - Mini & OYer 30 140 Entry. 80" C Psybaclt .... • Mini-Naviee-Amateur 135 Entry. IS.OOO Awards & Conangenci.. OGDEN !ICC I I u=A JLl1~ PWA CYCLE YAMAHA CYCLE INN YAMAHA ~ ' • .., , FOSS LEWiS CONSTRUCTION c:.._ ,. N _ iii _ - For More Information: Mlrk PIt.rson BAI Bit. Rlldy Smidl (801) 621-8551 (801) 621-8551 (801) 782-2013 57

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