Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 06 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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, 1986YlsON SALE We'l Seat Any Price AI 1986 Yamahas ON SALE CALL FOR PRICES Brown, Hamilton take Milan wins DEALER CLEARANCE '85 FJ11 00 $4499 $3999 '85 XV1 000 - '85 RZ350 '82 XJ650 '82 XS400 ~ 00 By Tom Thomas $2199 $1599 $1099 MILAN, MI, MAY 24 Near perfect track conditions met riders today at Milan Cycle City in Milan, Michigan and young Ryan Brown and Kelly all plus tall. license. dealer prep. SIMI VAu.EY CYCLES (805) 522-3434 2902 los Angeles Ave.. Simi Valley, CA 93065 PIPE PROTECTORS --_..... .........,~~. - The Banzai Bros. Pipe Skid. AI_hIlD Dr Ste.1 - Ie weill.. . . . . . . . 125cc . . . . . . . 2...... $2415 18$32" ...-.... Ask the rider who owne one -then. uk your Dealer or Order Directl " ~ P.0.... 41457 bile IleclI, CA -..1 . _ • (213) 256 4922 Cuslom fibrrglas.1II Trailf'r~ Ron "Wireheed" Jone. won the Open Pro cle.. et the Muddy Creek Motocro.. in Blountvill•• Tenn...... . tion rolling off his face after finishing the 125cc class, would hurry to the grid and get set to push his second Yamaha to the from in the first corner. His starts were greal and gOI him to the corner first or second. Greater familiarity with the course and desire to win were ingrediems that spelled the double molO wins that Wilson enjoyed. Coming in S/.·cond in molO one was jerry Caton who la ter faded 10 til ird overa II. Second in the second moto, close on the heels of Wilson, was Willie Conley on his Kawasaki, who ended up second overall for the evening. Results . BO MINI BEG: ,. John Peauler (Vam). BO MINI JR: ,. Chris McCallie (Vam). BO MINIINT: 1. Jerome T. Smith (Suz). 125 BEG: 1. Leo DeAnda (Hon); 2. Aaron Meeks Watch CYCLE NEWS For Introduction Of Our New 16' SUPDf SHUTTLE Stond Sl.OO rur D.,,,,iled 1111... <:hariut ManufaclurinK <:ompilny 209-(;1' Pickney S'rrel. Oldsmar. FL 33557 KI3/855-58Cl1 (Suz); 3. Mark Kerling (Hon). 125 JR: 1. Jerome T. Smith ISuz). 125 INT: 1. Rod Habig IVam). 125 PRO: 1. Danny Paladino (Hon). 250 BEG: 1. OlIVe Adair (Han); 2. Bobby Deason (Suzt 3. Tom Oakley (Han). 250 JR: 1. Jim Swicegood (Han); 2. Anthony C8b0di (Han). 2501NT: ,. Shawn Wilson (Vam); 2. Willie CanIeyu (Kaw). OPEN BEG: ,. Todd Lu.... (Yam). OPEN JR: ,. Tom Wallen (Hon). OPEN INT: ,. Stew zenana (Han). VET JR: 1. Richard Hames (Han). VET INT: ,. Peter CrUUanden (Soz). VET MSTR: 1. Run Daley (Suz); 2. Duana Hugh.. (Hon). Jones, Wood split Muddy Creek wins By S8m Gammon Specializing in personalized service. largeS1 Husky products inventory in So. 0111. .. I II (714) 524-5441 - UPS Daily - E. Dra"llethorpe. Un:::it;.;,K;..._...... .._ _....;,330;;Placentia. CA 92670- _ ..... ........ 1Wo._._,_. -._SIMly.": a.do_ OIIaowsmtS ....... IIIt _ _. _ , _ _,IIt.:_ ,_,ll,_SoooM!. _1oIl,llIdO"-'_ .....,~._,I . ..., VHS!IItI, ......., . . . prices, FriMdIint & ~ c....Ine.WriIo .. caI"'~: WI. _ ~ .2J022S._ .... ~ . Ca. 90502- '2Ul326-iM& can-am __ W AIIII 56 ".atu'ME. . . . AllllA-.ieI . . . Vehicle Senlc. AC rNa DIrt P.O Bo.337. Down,ownChatsworth. NJ08019 Call 6091726-1717 2!il¥l: ': .Step"!'n. Pjauptl(~nl;,2, Jay Hay.. (Han); 3. JIm JennIngs (Kaw,. OPEN AM: 1. Mike Bradshaw (Han); 2. Naal Ca_ (Han); 3. Denny Eller IKaw). SENIOR: 1. Randy Wolfe (Yam); 2. 51..... Lady (Cog); 3. Gary Elswick (Hon). ENDURO: 1. Goose Darnell (KTM); 2. Chris MeAl>bee (Cag): 3. David Rose IKaw). BLOUNTVILLE, TN, MAY 25 A steady rain greeted riders from seven states at Muddy Creek, but it was Ron Jones and Gerald Wood leaving town with the largest portions of the Pro purse as each won three Pro motos. Chris Brewer flew to the lead at the start of the first 125cc Pro molO, followed by jim CheSler and Wood. Brewer pu lIed out a four second lead, but on lap four he fell while negotiating a turn. This allowed Chester and Wood to fly by and it wasn't long before Wood also nailed Chester to take tbe win. Brewer led the start of molO two, but he stalled his bike in the woods on lap one allowing Robbie Neeley to take the lead with Wood in tow. Neeley held the lead for two laps. but Wood's constam pressure paid off and he soon took the lead on his Yamaha. Wood won the first 250cc moto after leading from start to finish. Brewer started second, but fell and jones inherited the runner-up spot. jones grabbed Ihe holeshot in the second molO, but on lap three he fell and Mike Parker took over. jones quickly recovered and closed on Parker. One lap later, Parker crashed hard over a jump and jones moved back to the front. This time he made no mistakes and look thewin. Wood. who was involved in a first turn crash. charged to the finish and was rewarded with second place. Mike Crawford finished third. jones dominated bolh molOs of the Open Pro class on his Atlas Hondasponsored machine. He took the' first moto win over Neeley and Steve Lewis and in the second Scott McClain took the runner-up slot with Neeley third. North Carolina's Stephen Haupl took bolh molOS of the 250cc B class to take the overall. He led the first molO from start to finish over Jay Hayes. Hayes grabbed the holeshot in the second moto, bUI on lap three Haupt got by when Hayes bobbled. Hayes again finished second behind Haupt. Tony Smith led Ihe firsl moto of the 125cc C class for two laps, but a hard crash over the doubles dropped him out for Ihe day. Ray Boruff took the lead followed by Steven Ratliff and Steve Lady. They finished in that order with Lady almost passing in the last turn when Ratliff gOI out of shape. David Brogden won the second mOIO, bUI Boruff and Ratliff batLled 10 the end 10 determine ijle overall winner. The duo came out of the last turn side-by-side and neither let off for Ihe doubles at the finish. In the air and side-by-side it was Ratliff by six inches to lake the molO and the overall . Results '25 PRO: 1. Garald Wood (Vam); 2. Chris Brewer (Kaw); 3. _ Nealey (Kaw). 250 PRO: ,. Ron Jon.. (Han); 2. Gerald Wood (Yam); 3. Chris Brewer (Han). OPEN PRO: 1. RanJan.. (Han); 2. Robbie Neeley (Kaw); 3. SCott McClain (Vam). JR MINI: 1. Donnie Hensley (Yam): 2. Chris Beiley (Han); 3. Bryan Hall (Kaw). SR MINI: ,. Mika Brown (Hon); 2. Kanneth Merrin (Han): 3. St.....n Vatach (Kaw). 125C: 1. Sleven Ratliff (Han); 2. Ray Boruff (Soz); 3. David Brogden (Yaml. 1258: ,. Darrell Stallard (Kaw); 2. Stephen Heupt (Han); 3. Jimmy Laach (Kaw). 25OC: 1. John Brown (Han); 2. Bobby Jacobe (Hon); 3. Cley Crowder (Yam). Hamilton took advantage ofthesituation to win the 80 and 125cc classes. The night started OUI with the 80cc class, and Brown jumped out to the lead with Harley Smilh running seC-I ond. Smilh had some problems and the bike slid out from underneath him, but he got up to finish a strong second. joey Phelps entered the race, but had bike problems and never made it to the heat. The win went to Brown. The I25cc class had Raymond Garrett getting the holeshot with Hamilton starting to put the pressure on. The pressure got to Garrett and Kelly got by. Garrell came up to make a move on Kelly, bUI just couldn't quite get the job done. The 250cc cla'ss broughl a IQ-man final to the line. john Lowe look the lead from the start and led all the way to the checkered. With most of the field gelting fairly spread out, Ronald Forstner finished second and Gerald Foor look third with Patrick Towler finishing fourth. Dan Crawford did an oUlStanding job in the 400cc class leading from start to finish. Larry VanValkenberg and Richard Murdock baltled it out all the way through the race for second place with Van Val ken berg pulling away to finally take the runner-up spot. You definilely wouldn't know this was the Senior class by the speed and roaring that laJces place during the race. One thing is for sure, you know they've all got alleasl15 years experience by the way they ride so close and have so much comrol. This was the best class of the night. john Warren took Ihe early lead followed by Robert Watson in second and Dan Crawford on his tail and James Knapp not too far behind. Crawford losl his hoJd on seoond, but thai didn't seem to bother him too much because he soon blasted back by to take second. By this time Warren was way out in from. Crawford ended up second with Knapp and Watson' dropping down to fifth. The 500cc B class was Ihe busiest class of the night with 15 racers signed up; running two healS and taking five from each of the final. Winning heat one was Michael Bedwell with Ihe second going to Rick Sawdey; Ihey would be the two men to look for in the top slols of the final. As. the final started there was a newcomer in the bunch, David Graebner, in the lead. Wilh the posilions in the top four spots real close, Sawdey was having probJems at the start, but started moving his way up to take a second place underneath Graebner. Friars look third. with Bedwell fourth. The 500cc.A class had only five entries, but they were all definitely A-rated riders. Tim Lowe took the lead with Dan Butler second, Rick Russell third and Richard Sawdey fourth. Nine men at the start in the 750cc class heat race caused some problems in the first corner with three going down. The final had Donnie Anderson taking the lead and jim Phelps

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