Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 06 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ry's Shop special. jim Sisemore was the winner in the second heat with Mike Parsons (Richmond Yamaha/ BMW/jawa) holding off a charge from Duane Yarrow on the Snooky Owens Weslake. Steve Marlin pulled up lame in the third heat while Pat Linn and Eddie Ingels hooked up for an old fashion sideway tour to the checkers. The Bast Bro . Welding emry of young Ban gated beautifully leading Paul Orlandi down the back traight when, inexplicably, Orlandi threw his Quaker tate/Free Flight Weslake away. AXO's john Volk copped the second tra nsfer. In the first Scratch semi, a banle ensued between Sisemore and Ingels off the line, but il was Delacy Ihe winner with Volk along for the main event. Exiting lurn two, Sisemore was down and hot about Ingels doing Ihe deed. Pelrich Cycle/Arai/Scoll/ Hi-Poim's Pal Linn Iried the outside for the second semi, bUI couldn 'I quile hold the line wilh BaSI off to the main with ease followed by Parsons. The fans were really ready for the main evem with lots of action already, when Volk drew the number two SIOl, the Team Vooch fans were ecstatic. Parsons drew the pole while Bast got the number Ihree sIal and Delacy wound up on the wall. At the gate, Bast cleared out Delacy and was off on a cake walk. Hi win was met wilh much emhusiasm and he saluled the crowd with some fine wheelies. Parsons held a good slrong line for second over Volk while Delacy laid low for founh. Duane Yarrow slyled the firsl Handicap heat on the Snooky Owens/ San jose Wheel!MPE/Cancilla Eng. Weslake with Houston econd over Volk while Tom Ferris lopped the second heat after Martin unloaded in the firsl lurn taking Gary Slewan with him. Ban BaSI did the big lime pick off in heat Ihree laking jim Brenner on the last lap with the fans loving it. Chris Paulson and Ihe A & A Racing/RPM/Miller Alum/Oilzall special handled Ihe final heal over Sisemore as Pat Linn was on the gas, catching Manz al Ihe checkers, bUI with 100 much impelus Ihat carried both imo Ihe firsl lurn fence. Trick Gas/Classic & Fashion-sponsored john Houslon wem for the win in the firs! Handicap semi with Delacy working extra hard for Ihird behind Farris. jim Brenner had a surprise for all when he won his semi over Manz and BaSI selling the stage for the main. Manz and Ihe AXO special wem for the from and held il wilh Bast working hard but, once again, unable 10 find a way around Manz. Ferris handled the third spot over Delacy and Houston with Brenner out on Ihe first lap. The Division II main was a wild and wooly affair with Ken Thiebaud the winner in eloquenl fashion after Dave Coupe threw his bike imo Ihe fence and Mike Solis spun out inlo the infield. Nick Ceranio and Ihe Hayward Kawasaki special followed for second with Derek Dorrestyn third on the Richmond Yamaha/BMW/ Linneweaver special. Mighly Mike Harringlon gal off the second place kick in the Division III main winning handily on the Dave Faria Racing jawa and likely a chance for Ihe Division II set. Shawn Reppen and Doug Mignano crossed the line for a close second with Mignano gelling the nod. Results SCRATCH: 1. Bart Baot; 2. Mike Person; 3. John Volk. HANDICAP: 1. Greg Martz; 2. Bart Baot; 3. Tom Ferris. DIV II: 1. Ken Thiebaud; 2. Nick Geranio; 3. Derek Dorreelyn. DlV III: 1. Mike Herrington; 2. Doug Mignano; 3. S~~ L.I .J:J. ~"I~ I .. ~ ...... . "" ~ . . ilt__._- __ Steve Crevier leads Keith Pinkstaff at Portland International Raceway in OMRRA action. Pinkstaff won three classes. Bart Bast rode to the Scratch main victory at Auburn, California. Ingels, Sisemore split Baylands By Bill Spencer FREMONT, CA. MAY 29 Continuing the early season baule for Class A Speedway supremacy both Eddie Ingels and Jim Si emore appear to be the men 10 beat. Ingel won his third of five Scratch main in Thursday nighl' Baylands action while Jim Sisemore collected his first Handicap win of the season. Sisemore's win came in a great dice with Ban Bast and Pat Linn after last week's winner Billy Scali bailed while in Ihe lead. Linn and Sisemore already had a good fighl in the first semi with Greg Manz holding them both 0[[ for the fir t transfer. Bast had 10 comend wilh the Snooky Owens Weslake of MPE/A & A Racing/San jose Wheel! Phil Cancilla Eng.'s Duane Yarrow as they snuck around SCali for the transfer and SCali kept Ingels at odds with that final. Scan held a good line for the first lap with Manz able 10 control the deep yardage guys for the second lap with SCali off in a cloud of decomposed granite. Sisemore had closed Ihe gap up the quickest and wenl to work on Martz down the back straight with just enough tactical push to get a line and the lead. It was also enough room to allow both Bast and Linn 10 close in, but it was no lime for passing wilh Sisemore the big winner. Sisemore and Ingels mel up in the first Scratch heat with Ingels Ihe gate geller and Ihe first transfer with Sisemore off to the semi. Mike Parsons tried to hold off both Duane Yarrow and John Houston jr. but missed OUI on both and the transfer on the Richmond Yamaha/BMW/jawa special ScOIl Briard threw away his transfer chances in the third heat with SIeve Manin having more than his fair share of troubles riding joe Leduc's jawa and floundering. Pat Linn took the win on the Petrich Cycle/Arai/ Scoll/Hi-Point Weslake with Chris Paulson second. The first semi was a cake walk for Ingels with Houston the other lransfer on Ihe Classic & Fashion/Trick Gas special while no such of the same luck in the second semi. Somehow, as the gate wem up, the tape didn't follow quite as fast and Yarrow and Bast wound up with a face full. With no disqualifications for only the Ihird lime in three years that has happened, Ihe tape was tied tighter and in the ensuing bailie il was Bast with the g,au: over YaIl:Qw_"!itb.S~l'J\orC:-t unable 10 gather the plans together. Ingels had the stan wired and motored off with Houston in grand fashion and was met with the checkers and lots of cheering from fans that appreciated his show. jeff Kniss continues to ride hard, going for the big win, but once again, got off. Mighty Mike Harrington mu cled his Dave Faria Racing jawa to the win in his first Divi ion II main over the Green Hornet, Vance Felicia and Too Tall Stu McDaniels third. Gordon Rudy and the Rudy ervice Station jawa topped the Division III go-fa ters for hi. first win and some added yardage. Ted cruggs caught the second place cneckers over hawn Reppen and Dan eilson. Ingels had a real good payday with a win in the fealured Match race over Yarrow to go along with the Scratch win and a host of poims toward the northern California title. Results SCRATCH: 1. Eddie Ingels; 2. John Houston Jr; 3. Bart Bast. HANDICAP: 1. Jim Sisemore; 2. Ban Bast; 3. Pat Linn. DIV II; 1. Mike Harrington; 2. Vance Felicio; 3. Stu McDaniels. DIV III: 1. Gordon Rudy; 2. Ted Scruggs; 3. Shawn Reppert. Pinkstaff, Morrow at Portland RR By Russ Cazier PORTLAND, OR, MAY 25 The Oregon Motorcycle Road Racing Association's second race of the season at Portland International Raceway drew a club. record 262 entries, bUI the big conungency money from Suzuki and Honda went into exactly the same hands as in the first race. Keith Pinkstaff and jeff Morrow were again a cool $1000 richer from Suzuki with wins in Open and 750cc Production, and Mike johnson once more pocketed .$700 of Honda money by winning the Interceptor class. Pinkstaff, especially, furthered his claim as PIR's faslesl, winning all three classes he entered: Formula One Superbike and Open Production. He had to work for his Formula One win. On the first lap of the second heat his GSXRllOO flat quit going into turn one. By the time he located the problem (the ignition key had mysteriously turned itself off) he was in eighth place. One lap later he was in fi~th, another lap in third, and on Ihe SIxth lap by l}dle Quanerley for second, WhICh combined with his first-place finish in the first heat for the overdll win. jeff Morrow benefited from CharlesJfitJ-IJI~I1) ~fi!! oJ[-Jr~l;k_~x_cuJ: . .. sian in the second heat of 750cc Production. Pillman won the first heat but finished eighth in the second, and Morrow paralyed two secondplace finishes for Ihe overall win. Mike Sullivan, one of Ponland's best all-around mOlOrcycle racers, showed up with a spanking new Honda Formula Two RS250 machine and won that class handily. Sullivan said, "It's nice to have a bike that's as fast as anyone else's. I'm going to back out of AMA din-tracking and concemrate on National Formula Two races." Tom Walther, a Canadian but nearlya regular at PIR, might we)) have won 750cc Production, except that his nonh-of-the-border G XR is not legal for produclion racing in the U.S., so he raced in 750cc Production "for fun." Walther, who took a legal second in Superbike, had no complaints aboul the ruling, sin e he knew of it in advance, and had laudatory comments about OMRRA's racing program at the trophy presentations. He also slyly invited one and all to come up to Westwood, B.C. for their next race. Results OPEN PROD: 1. Keith Pinkstaff (Su~); 2. Jeff Morrow (Suz); 3. Chuck Wiley (Suz). 750 PROD: 1. Jeff Morrow ISuz); 2, Chuck Wiley (Suz); 3. Brian Morgan ISuzl, INTERCEPTOR; 1. Mike Johnson; 2. Scan Moon; 3. Bob Schuff. 600 PROD: 1. Mike Johnson IHonl; 2. Mark Haskins (Hon); 3. Charles Pinman IKawl. 450 PROD: 1. Roger Greene (Yam I; 2. Kevin McDianmid (Yam); 3. Dick Johnson (Yam). SUPBK: 1. Keith Pinksteff (Suz); 2. Tom Walther (Suz); 3. Steve Crevier (Vam). 600 CAFE: 1. Dave ChilWa (Suz); 2. Mark Hasltins (Kaw); 3. Cliff Baker (Yam). 450 CAFE: 1. Alan Schwan (Vam); 2. Rod Morse (Vam); 3. Roger Greene (Vam). F-1: 1. Keith Pinkstaff (Suz~2. Dale Quanerley (Suz~ 3. Steve Crevier (Yam). . F-2: 1. Mike SulliYlln (Han); 2. Jeff Doen (Yam); 3. Bruce Bahal (Kaw). F-3: 1. Scon DeSert (Kaw); 2. Andy Crane (Hon); 3. Bruce Bahal (Kew). OPEN BOTT: 1. Ward Rodgers (BWM); 2. Did< Winningotad (ceg); 3. Brian Wynne IM·G). 750 BOTT: 1. Ed Witte,Suz); 2. Randy Shemwell (Mar); 3. Scan DeSert (Han). OPEN SGL: 1. Ed ceswell (Han); 2. Howard Pinksteff (Yam); 3. Don Hansel (Yam). NOV: 1. Steve Scott (Hon); 2. Man LippertIHon); 3. Devin Saferos (Han). LaRocco flies at RedBud By Angie laRocco BUCHANAN, MI, MAY 25 Yamaha-support rider Mike LaRocco double jumped his way to victory in the 250cc A class at Red Bud T.NT. today. First moto action saw Kawasaki/ Dynamic Racing-sponsored Bobby Wagner pulling the holeshot with Mike Roth close behind. By the end of lap one, LaRocco (Scali USA, Dynamic Racing) had taken over the third position and was racing at an all Qut_cW!rge 190nch tile I~d,den·. 37-

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