Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 03 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Fairing Screen Gustafsson W e carry a f ull li ne of rep laceme nt & custom w i nd sc reens. 380 m od el s for to ur ing. cafe & rae in g. M ost are availab le in clear,light blue or smoke. Custom t ints are also availa ble . New re placements th is year include: Suzuki' s GSXR 750. Honda 's Rebe l - in sta nda rd size & enlarged - and the 1985 Cagwa . Start 1986 New Year out properly w ith a new Gustafsson re pla cem ent or custom w ind scr een mounted to your fairing. Fairing Scr een Gusta fs s on. P.O. Box 3567. St . Augustine . FL 32085. Call (904) 824 -2 119. Visa & Mastercard no w accepted. Dealer inqui ries we lcome. (20 2TFN) Husky KTM Sprockets & Chains Blac k loy rea r sp rocket $35.9 8. steel rear sprocket &24.95. counte rshah sprockets $11 .95 . RKO-ring $44 .95 . Freight prepa id. UPS COD. VISA and MC. M ike 's Cycl e Supply, 575 1 Eva ng el in e St .• Baton Rouge. LA 70805. (504 ) 355 ·4 525. (BOO) 367 5209 . (230/TFN) Sprockets·Sprockets·Sprockets Re ar sproc kets , 520 cha in size. all po pu lar late model din bik es . $ 16 .95 to $3 5.9 5 . Cou nt ers h ah sprockets , $5.95 t o $11.95. RKO-ring chain. $4 2.95 to $44 .95 . Freight prepaid. UPS COD. VISA and MC. M ike·s Cycl e Supply. 575 1 Evangelin e Str eet. 8ato n Rouge. LA 70805. (504) 355-4525. (BOO) 367 -5209 . (230 /TFN) MOTORCYCLE DISTRICT SE IC /PARTSMANAGER E FOR KEY ROLE 0&0 Kawasaki 750 Turbo Exh. 10% extra hp , saves 20 Ibs. 4 / 1. (800 132 7 -1 109 . Injec tion boo st kit also 8va i!able. (2 10/TFNI Rarel WITH BMW. 'S3 Kawasak i KZl000R . Lawson replica Supe rbi ke . Like new. many. many extras. $3600/080 . (9 16 ) 246 -8 364 . (3 10 / 11) RICKM AN EXECUTIVE TOURING FAIRING. Rickman red, clear screen, excellent condit ion. Made for sport tourin g w ith good w ind protection. $ 175. (502) 264 -19 23. At BMW, success is our standard. Since 1980, BMW is the only motorcycle company which can show sustained growth . In 1985, BMW increased their sales by 33% over the previous year. No other motorcycle company comes close. Tomaintain our superior sales perform ance we offer an op portunity for a Motorcycle District Servicel Parts Manager. This position will be based in the g reater Los Angeles area. You will have responsibility for 23 motorcycle dealers covering Arizona, southe rn Nevada (Las Vegas) and California (San Diego north to Monterey). This job will require 75% overnight travel. Requirements include motorcycle retail experience includ· ing at least 5 years' hands-on mechanical and 2 years' as service manager, or wholesa le experience, includi ng at least 3 years' as a district service manager. You should have a bac kground in retail service management and workshop organization. Your tech nical motorcycle expert ise must be sufficient to provide techni cal assistance and on-the-job training and parts management Excellent oral and written comrnunications skills are needed. A Bach elor's degree is preferred . Toexplore our competitive salary, outstanding benefitsarid advancement op port unity please send your resume including salary history and req uire" ments to: Regional Personnel Manager, Dept. 190/3·12. BMW of North Ame rica. Inc., Montvale. NJ 07645. An equal opportunity employer, m/f. (109 / 11) Attention Racers 79 Yamaha RD400 DaYtona. Purchased new in '85, 700 original m il es, race ready . on e w eek end - h onest l $750 fi rm . '8 3 750 Inte rceptor. rac ed on e season . Includes on e Fox shock. Prog ressive fork sp r ings. steering damper, reersets. cli p -ons. extr o fairi ng. center ston d. $2000/080 . (21 915623 796 oft er n oons. (2 19) 463·2067 evenings. (309 /1 0) '84 Husky CR250 - $1000 10 months old. speedo, skidplate. excellent condi- tion . (7 14) 846 ·9522. (109 / 101 1 985 Can-Am 560 Chassis Two new, unused rolling chassis le ss engi n es. $595 each . (817) 294-8634. Aluminum Brush-Garda $39.95 Tr im. li ght weight. rugged. Free replacement warranty. At your dealer or direct. Enduro Eng ineering, Inc .• 363 5 Hillside Rood. Ypsilon ti . MI48197. (3 13) 434.0550. (108 /11) XR750 Axtell, Lawwill, Cer iani. many extras. call Rick. (813 )545-2366. (309 / 12) FOR SAlE. SMAlL ENGINE AMI BORING mechi ne. model 3000. Com pl ete with ce nterin g guides. $900. (605) 996-6 282 . (109 /1 0) New Hon. XR250/500 motors In cr ate s. will sh ip a nywhere. $300-400. Fr ee mo n t Honclo.(61 6) 924-6870 . (209 / 10 ) * Dyno For Sale * Hartzell M ode l 3 10 M ark II motorcyc le dy na m om e ter. Self -co ntain ed u nit with fu ll in st r um en tati on. d ig it al readout and 2 cooling fan s. Fre shly cal ibrated. excellent tool for analyzing stock an d performance b ikes. Approximat ely $2 500 n ew . as king - (106 / 11) TZ750 Yamaha National cal iber. m any special parts. plus spares, & $4500/080. or tr ode for new 600 Ninja. RZ5oo. FZ750 plus cosh. or ? (408) 462-4591 . (309 / 111 Own One of a Kindll Pro-Tee TT600. Thi s is the bik e Ric ky Joh n so n and Er ic McKenne rode t04~ stroke Nat ion al Champ ionsh ip s. As seen in J anuary '83 Dirt Rider Magazin e. Mu st seel $25OO 0 BO.( 71 4 ) 855 -2302 eveni n gs. / (309 /11 ) Bound For Glory ... That's what all your iss u es of Cycl e News w ill be when you put them i n a new Cyc le Ne ws Bi nd er. These gr eat lookin g bin ders are designed to pr eserve yo ur Cycl e News co ll ect ion for ye ars to com e. Each binder hol ds up to 25 issues, and cos ts on ly $16.95 or 2 for 530.00. To order your Cycle News Bind er , pl ea se use the Cycle News, Inc. Product Order Form locate d b e low the A d v e r t i s e r ' s I n dex . BMW OF NORl'N AMERICA, INC. (5TFN) $1095. Call Jim. (8 18) 956.0698. Tuesday-Saturday. (208 /1 11 LEATHERS CLEANED: Recond itioned. Fast service. M ike. (606) 787· 502 9. (2 10 / 13) Sunshine Cycle Is Moving Beg i nn ing Mar ch 17 ou r Fullerton store w ill be reloca ted ne st door to ANGELO'S at : SUNSHINE CYCLE. 529 South State College. Anaheim. CA. (7 14) 772 ·0800. (210) ** New Ninja 900-$3200 ** Well. almost new. Just 2500 m iles. all or ig inal equipment plus Targs bra s. Always garaged. must " New from ICO ." Th e most rugged and reli abl e ENDURO clock ever bu ilt. Complete with all mount· i ng h ardware. Ju st $79.95.ICO/Performance Prod . uets , P.O. Box 1294. 8ayou Lacombe, LA 70445. (5041882·3107. (205 /TFNI sell. Call Malt alter 6 p.m. at (213) 490-0012. (5AAAA) • ••• Hodaka Parts • • • • Cheap Yamaha IT175 Shipped ANYWHERE UPS. 24 hou r answering mochine. We'lI call bockl PHIUPPE SERVICES(714) 582 ·8332. (234 /NWITFN ) 19781T175 w /l0" tr avel front and rear. p lus m any extras . Al l or ig inal parts, $450. Call Man after 6 p.m. at (213 )490-0012. (5AAAA) XR750 Axtell . Lawwill, Cerian i, many extras. See bike at Busc h 'll mile or c on Ric k. (8 13) 545 -2366. (308 /1 01 * KTM * KTM * KTM * SALES-SERVICE-PARTS-M AIL ORDER SERVICEI Ohlin s shocks dealers. 8RIGHTON KTM . 327 Walnut. 8righton. CO 80601. (30 3) 659 ·541 9. (209/TFNI FRAMES FORKS STEMSU CROWNS MAGWHEF.IS Time Master Clock - THE RAZOR'S EDGE ••• NO CHARGE IF VMIlEPAIRABLE eee ••• FREE INSPECTION e.e It Was A Very Good Year 1974 saw Nixon nosedive i n th e po li t ical world an d Kne ive l nosedive i n th e Sna ke River. What a year, and no w you can h av e a pie ce of it cou n e sy of Cyc le News. We have a limited number of very spec ial Posterbook Newspapers avail ab le from that memora ble year. The photographs and illustration s in th e Posterbook will co nj ure up wonderful im age s and m emorie s f rom that en igmatic era .Sa ve a bit of hi story fo r you rse lf. Order yo ur Cyc le News Post er book Newspaper tod ay for on ly $2 .00 from the Cycle News Inc. Prod uct Order Form located be low the Advenise,s Index. REINFORaNG ATC'S ODYSSEYS PICK-UPU DELIVERY JIM POET U MARTY VOGEL . . . WltII TIl_ "'sor'. BAa- 15%4-A.lDd_trIal Park St. Coriaa. CA. 91122 (8 18) 332- 1598 .. Loo king for a goo d deal ? R ead th e Cycle News Want Ads. (5TFN) 4-STROKE HUSKY 510TX. LIKE NEW. some extras, $225 0 . A uto 4 20 Husky. w if e's bike. low miles. $ 1050. Call olter 7p.m.• (209) 75 9- 3784 . (108 / 11) BARNES "Bates" Racing Leathers RACING PRODUCTS Bates one p iec e c u sto m leat h er s and ma tc h in g boots. Red w it h w h it e tri m, worn twi ce and never been dow n. Excell ent con dition . 5 '10" . 16 5 Ibs .• $47 5. Call 8 ill Emerson . (805) 86 6-7530 days. (805) 922-0782 eveni ngs . (309 / 10) ** Pro-Cycle KTM/Husky ** 1986 Husqvarn a's in stock: 25 0 CR. 250 End uro. 4OOXC. 500XC. Pro -Cyc le has th e lowest p rices on 1985 Husqvarn a 250 ond 500cRs. Call now l (714) 524·544 1. Or ong e Count y. CA. CAU FORNIA ' S LARGEST INVENTORY OF HUSKY PRODUCTSI (207/TFN) $14.95 Ancra TIe DOWD$ • • • • •• • • • • • • $13.95 Team Gear Bags $24,95 XL $19.95 L Team J ackels (Satin) $29.95 NO & NGK Spark Plugs $1.39 Answer Handle Bars $19.95 Scott Ch am pionshi p Tra i ning: Bra d Lac key' s co m p lete pr og ram pl us fi t ness inf o for all spo rts. $9 .95 . Ima ges : Gr and Pr ix motocross; over 60 pages , $1 4 .9 5. Lac key Motocross : 224 page s. 400 photos. $11.95. Schreiber Tria ls: 19 2 pag es. 400 photo s. $ 12.95 . Lea vitt Tr ial s: 160 pages. 400 ph ot os. $9 .9 5 . Oom oko s W heely i n ' : 144 pag es. 12 col or pages. 97 .9 5. Pos tag e $ 1.50. 60 C each addit ional. Free desc r iptive fl yer . Cle ans hee t Ent erprises. P.O . Box 24 1C. Torzana. CA 9 1356. (24 6INWX/TFN ) Want To Race Speedway? Two Ma ch V W es lak e motorcy cl es . Tons of spares . . Everyth ing you n eed to race speed way. The bes t m ot orcycles. 1st Divi sion ri de r re tirement sa le ! (714) 739.Q990 . (309 / 10) Ggggies Griffin & Maxon Full Face Helmels Real Bark Busters • • All Bikes • Blendloa • Klotz _$39.95 $44.95 • Bel-Ro, Genuine Suzuki & Husqvama Parts !!Lowesf Sale Prices On All Husqvarna Silces!! 9 1~?o~4L~~1~1~J3 [I] 91'1&&9 HusaVARNA Hus a V ARNA sates » servi ce . parts • 198 6 mode ls in stock • • • • • • HUSKY Parts in stock Technical Assistance Ohlins shock spec ialist Complete machine shop H.S.lEnd.lMX Equip. Overnight Delivery avail. Serving Dist, 17 and the nation's riders. 1/312/495-2273 Motor Cycle Center, Inc. 1015 E. St. Charles Rd. Lombard, IL., 60148 UPS '01IifrJ • Viall • AIIl. eX. • CO'O 65

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