Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 03 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ATTENTIO N DIRT TRA CK RACERS - Suspension Th e W hit e Bros. ar e seek ing m ot iva ted i ndivid uals to work in ou r ra cing susp en sion department. M echanical expe r ience and tools a mu st . Send res ume to : White Bros ., 11750 Seaboard Circle. Sta nton, CA 90680. AnN : St ev e. No phone calls. W4INT MARZO CCHI FOR KS N ew M I forks o ffer light weig h t and the ultimate in wneabiilty. Availab le in 38 and 42rrm, WIth o r w ithout triple c la m p s. Separate compression an d r ebound d amp en ing · w i th external rebo und adjustment. (207 ITFN) Mechanic / svc writer / pts-s ales ~DS ...... M ajor Sou t hern Cal ifornia KawasakilHarley ·Oavid so n agen cy has ope nings for me c h an ic , parts counter sa le s. and front office se rv ice writ er w ith good pe rson al ity. Male or fema le , pa rt t ime okay . No ex per ienc e necessary bu t some kn owledge of motorcycles or previ ous parts expe rie nce would be he lpful. Complete seJection of calipe!'i. and rebuilding parts . Best inventory and prices available. master cylinders. Honda Salesman Mechanic/Service Writer Tom Wat kins. {1141871 · 2460. sa lespers on a nd parts cou nte rperson. Mal e or COUNTRY HONDA. 4460 E. Gage Ave.• Bell . CA 90 20 1. (BOO) 243 ·57-75; inside Californ ia. (2 13) 77 3-2 164 . (209 /1 2) (2 10) Service Coordinator A dv anc ement pote n t ial. m ust have experience in organ ization , admi nistration, some m ec h an ical. M al e or fe m ale . salary p l us commission, benefit s. Call for details. (206) 752 -9B l 7. Must send resume. (207 / 10) Honda Technician MTS3 Experienced Mechanics Needed Busy Southern Californ ia dealership needs experienced tec hnici an immediat ely. Year 'round wo rk, 5 days a w eek. comm ission and insurance pl an. PIRELU TIRES We still carry the popular Universal in size 400-19 . (209 / 10) Suzu ki experien ce a m ust. Good organi zati on, se lf m otivated, m echanica l skills. Or ang e County. call female m ay app ly. Please call W ayn e at TOWN & popular sizes. Jay Gleason's Grand Opening for AI or Tom. (71 4) 943 ·206 1. Parts & Sales Good selection of A k ront rims in To work on Honda. BMW. Harl ey -Davidson motorcyc les i n bea utiful Santa Fe. Good pay , 40 plu s ho urs a week. Con tact John or Ron , (505) 4 7 14000. Beaut if ul Palm Des ert area. can SlDI BOOTS • USPA STEERING DAMPENERSAGV HELMETS • SPEEDMOOE LEAlHERS. CATAlOG SU lO COSMOPOLITAN MOTORS INC. 301 JACKSONVIUE ROAD • HATBOllO. PA 1'9040 1-800-523-2522 IN PA CAU. 121SJ 672 -9100 (2 10 / 12) Mechanic Needed for large Honda dea ler in New Mexico . W e offer t rain ing programs. e xce ll ent pay w ith m ed ical and dent al insuran ce program . Send resume to: M&M Honda. 1425 Wyom ing N.E.• Albuquerq ue. NM B7112 . (309/1 0) Ft. Lauderdale Needs Mechanic Yam aha Sout h, Ft. lauderdale·s largest dea le rsh ip needs an experienced and profes sional mechanic . Must kn ow Yam ahas . W ork year ' ro und, excep- ti onal peyoend benefit s. ca ll Robin. (305) 565-31 14. (209 / 12) Opportunity Knocking? Ope n the door to a great ca reer. Techn tei ans w ant ed, $1 8 /hour, loo ki n g for e xperienced tecbn i cia ns to joi n our tea m. Earn upto $1 8 / f lat rate hour working on Honda and Yam ah a prod ucts. Good hou rs. full-time year 'round em ployment . Em ployer participation with medical in suranc e and uniform . Greatopport un ity forth e righ t pe rso n. Send resume to : Schwie n 's. Inc ., 16400 Cra in Hwy ., Brandywi ne, MO 206 13 . or call collect for Speed at (301 ) 645 -5686. or (301 ) 372 -68 53. (209 /1 2) Exp Japanese M /cycle Mech M ust have own tools . Orange County area . (714) 530 -3220. (109 / 10) • Exp Road Salesman Needed • To call on establ ished retail account s i n n ort he rn New J er sey. Lo n g Isla nd an d south ern New Yor k sta t e. Rocky Cyc le Co . is one of the nation's largest wholesale distributors of motorcycle parts and acc essories. Th e terr itory we offer i s pr im e, a nd i n add it ion , has excell ent growth pot ential. tf you 're a hard-working self·starter and would like to realize an excellent i ncom e, this territory has it . Send resum e to: Rocky Cycle Co. East. Box 305. Bridge-POrt. NJ 08014. or call Jim Bu... (609) 467·3442. (210ITFN) * Attn Western N.Y. State * Rocky Cyc le Co. East is looking for a f ull -ti m e experienced roa d sa l esma n t o ca ll on e stablished retail motorcycle shops i n the western h alf of New York st at e. (Buff alo, Bing h amton. Syrac u se. Rocheste r. and a ll po in ts in between ) Territory need s II ha rd worki ng i ndivi du al to up-sell and c ul t ivate ex isting accounts. Rocky 's got t h e product line, servic e an d sup port. A ll we n eed is the right pe rso n to ma ke It ha ppen. Ser tou s inq uires please se nd re sume to: Rocky Cycle Co. East. Bo. 305 . Br idgeport. NJ 0801 4. or contact Jim Busa. (BOO) 257 -53 15. (2 10 ITFN) Mechanic Needed Experie nce m otor cycl e m ec ha nic neede d. Conta ct Art or Wa nda. (7 14) 533 ·1 309 . (7oo) 836 -0083. Tuesday-Saturday. 10a.m.·5 p.m. (107 / 10) Anaheim Honda /Kawasaki A na hei m Hon da-/ Kaw asaki is looking fo r exper ienced partspe rson and mechan ic. (714 )77 8 -6 700. Bob. 60 7 W . Kat ella. Orange. CA. (1 14) 639-2B86 . (110) South Carolina Mechanic large Ka w asaki/Ya maha dea ler est ablis he d 17 years. Sala ry equa l to expe rience . call W ayn e 1 209 /10) Joh nson. 1 803 ) 223-4093 . Greenwood. SC. (309 / 10) Kawasaki/Yamaha mec h anic needed, 3 yea rsexpe r-tence. Top pay an d ben ef its. Con tact Crai g or M ike Immedi ate opening . Fast growing bay area dealer sh ip for ex perienced sa lespers on . Submit resu me at (805) 653 -5884. Kaw asaki /Yamaha 01 Vent ura . (20 B/l 0) to; YAMAHA COUNTRY. 77 6 No. 13th St.• San Jose. CA 95112. or cal (40 8) 287 ·2946. ask for Kathy. (2 10 / 11) Life 's a Beach l Experienced Salesperson Monterey - Carmel Area Honda /Kawasak i/BMW of M on terey is looking for an experienced mechan ic, pay $1 5 per p rod uced ilJAN':R.A .. ANCRA CORPORATION 2233 EAST GRANO AVENUE EL SEGUNOO . CA 9024 5 ~ - . I: So. Cal Franchised Dealership low ov erhead. blow-out loca tion and le ase ; Gro ss over on e million in 19 82...reti ri ng. Call (6 19) 423 · 0073 days or alter 7 p.m. (619) 479-3209 . (20lTFN) No. Calif, Parts & Service Complete servic e shop. 6000 square fe et with part s an d acc essory st ore , downtown locat ion. low . low overhead. return on in ve st ment, 2 years . $49,000. Call Shane. (91 6) 74 3-2 04 1. Florida - (309 /12) Spacecoast Well establ ished motorcyc le shop for sa le . Excel ~ lent location, owner w ill f in ance. Can M itch. (305) 63 1·1657. or (305) 632 -3936. (309 /11) M/C Bus. Opportunity ATV - M ajo r franch ise's ann ual gross 1.5 million. locati o n, fr es h ai r Ut ah. Int er est ed purchasers send ' detailed qualif i ng inf orm at io n to : P.O . Box 2456. S.L C.• UT64 111. Qualifier. rosponse guaron t__ 11 09 / 16) Iowa Yamaha Dealership Selling mo toreydes. 3 Sa 4 w hee le rs. snowmobiles. In business 20 ye ars. owner reti ri ng . (5 15 ) 964- 152 6. 1 309 / 10) Colorado Frontrange Honda motorcycles. ATV and power equipment . dea lersh ip fo r sa le . Exce ll ent location. f ast gr owi ng business. Send i nquiri e s to : Motorcyc le Sa le. 1094 Princeton Dr.• longmont. CO 80501. (3 10 /EOI/ 14) HONDA DEALERSHIP IN HEARTOF DIXIE. Franeveryt hing. (9 12) 246 -6B78 . (109/ 10) Wanted Absol ut ely hi ghest pr ice s pai d on t he following : Fact or y Tr iump h Grand Pr ix, TT Special. and Silver J ubilee mod els ; lo w m ilea ge Oucati 750 SS ; Vin cent Black Sh adow, lightnin g; M at chl ess G-45, G· 50; Velocene KSS . KTT, Thruxton; Norto n M anx, , swi n gar m In ternat iona l; BSA Horner. Rocket Go ld St ar ; p lus all p re·1970 Tr i umph twin s. MV Agusta , D ucet l Si ng les , Par ill a, Mandie!. Gil era, oth er ex ot ics, etc ; also all ty pe s of A m er ican and European rac in g m ot orcycle s, pa rt icu larly roa d race rs . Extr a or dinary pr ices paid for top co ndi tion motorcycles. Kir k W hit e. (2 15) 525 -6036 days. (215) 687 -

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