Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 03 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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AhernatorIStator Repair REPAIR YOUR STATOR - Japanesl - 50%0/I6st prica. Most Cli 'or info. S.nd c omplete stator prapaid to S..tor R.pair S' c. 14568 Arrow Rt• • Fontana. CA 92335. (714) 829-3084 . Work guarante.d 90 days. Call w/ info. Apparel Kit -0" road apparel packagls It • discount. AXO boots. pants. belts. jersey & gloVis in adult/kids siZ Buy more/ Slv, IS; lil. mora! 60 day layawly I V on pickage d••ls. Midway City. CA (714) 892-2575. 1 986 Yamaha YZ1 25 Wanted : Motor TIres A & A RACING SERVICE - Carlisl. Dirt Trock TIros AMA 19/51 ·S compound. Also n.w 20-5 compound for non-nationels. We ship daily VISA/MC or C.O.D. Dp.n Mon.·Fri . 9-5 2900 SpringSl #5. R.dwood City. CA94063. (800) 551-7155. .... pt CA (415) 368·6259 . Enduro Ro llcharts Sales RUSTAN YAMAHA SAVES $ Dirt Track JART - EnduroRollcharts - Easy to read - Usad byall factory teems - Mlny options- gusrlnteed . Any Induro. Iny plac. - $5 . I ch day. Club rite s. Subscrip60n service. 1210 N. J.Herson St . Sta. H. CA 92807. (714) 666-0136. For '84-'85 VZ250. (516) 798· 1044. (304 / 11) 198 5 YAMAHA VZ490. ONLY 20 RIDES. new Oun lop s. Boyesen reeds . or iginal bore , new rings. Excel lent condition, $1450 f irm. Call eve nings and wekends 1 18) 368-5232. 8 (10 8 / 1 1) Bolt Removal S e rvi c e damall" to hola' Also E2 ollIS.drib. " pS, etc. U.S. & metric thrllde dinsertsinstilled. 10' s.niel. most parIS. 1825 W. 144111. Garda CA 90249.(213) ... 323-38 34. Engine Building and Repair CUSTOM MANUFACTURED CYLINDER LINERS. Prototypa 2 Cycla iastal1a60ns.Chrom.borossle d. ... Small Engine Machi.e Works. Inc. 720 Northeast 242. Gresha... OR 97030. (503) 667-5224. FZ750. 3900 MILES . MUST SELL S29oo.19 191 274·6070. leave messag e. (307/10) It ali an Sport or Touring Have 6, on ly need 3 . Selli ng 1982 Laverda Jct a, 4400 miles, mint. $4000. 1980 Mo to Guzzi SP1000. VGD , $2000. 1972 Moto Guzzi A mbass ador. VGO , 26 .000 m iles. S15OO. CT. (20 3) 484-93 80 . Ken 1308 /11 ) afte r 6 :30p.m. 9 ' Dico Trailer 3 month old enclosed Dice trai ler . Pr iced to sell at only $998. Tow n & Country Honda, 44 60 E. Gage Ave .. Belt, CA 90 201 . (800) 243-5775. inside Cali (209/121 forn ia. (21 3) 773· 2164. 1985 Hu sky 4 Stroke TAP·EX co.- Broken studs disintegratedwithout Frame. less motor and ignition. Used motor for m icro spri nt . asking S550. (7 17) 432·4 219 alter 5p.m . (108 / 11) 510TX. ri dde n by old timer. many special features. excellent condition. S21OO. (4 151447· 77 68. (10 9/ 10 ) 1975 Sm ug gl er Trailer l S' fu lly self -contai ned. holds 3-4 bikes , front too l st orage. S35oo. Call Larry. (818) 249-4933 alter 6p.m . (309 / 10) Trim Road Rac e Bo ot s One of t he hott est pro rac ing boots avai labl el Mad e of special coat ed leat her with super sh in /ankle protection. Lim it ed quantities. ' Regular pr ic e SI 39 .95. Sup er sale S89 .95. (818) 8 99 · 4 B70 . (209/10) 19 8 4 Honda Nighthawk S 49 state model. purchased 1 1/ 84. Driven 4 months. 1000 miles. Metzeler Perfects. &1975 . (213) 433-4345. (10 7 /10) Rider Available Brake & Lamp Certificates La8ARD& UNDE RWOOD-321 E. Imp.rial Hwy. La HIIn. (213) 691-0 553 or (714) 879-8252. QuaIn, HOlDA Sl ies. :amell, Pl rts & insurance siDcI t 946. Opl. 7 days....11.. 3 millS Wilt of57 Frwy. British Parts AIRCONE builds custom cona kits or pipes to your spies. Compllte custom mellll f.brication Ind pllt. ing shop.Nic"l. Cbrome. 8r.... Coppar. GoldPIIt ing doneby mail. 5901 Emerald A.... LasV.gas. NV 89122. 7021456-41 rt. Tennessee Dealer TOLLFREE # - Parts for NorlOn or BSA. Most clXllpl.ta· stock in USA. Shipp. d day. COO. IhstarCard or VISA. Cal (800) 527-5544. in OK(405) 787-3440 . EuroCycleImports.Inc. 1925 No. MacArthur. Oklahoma City. OK 73127. .. 8MW & Can-Am complate parIS, sales & sereiee. 21 years I SBMW dealer. Mlchine shop.Complete rabuild shop.UPSdaily Vi. . & M/C . 109 Noblitt St.. Sh.lbyville. TN 37160. (615) 684-2953. MOTORCYCLE TURBO - Turbo City the lu d.r ia S . turbocb.i ger pec r kages, off. r. OEM repll cem. nts. rebuild lIits, components. Ind I cc. ssories. Cltllo g only sJ.O . Turbo City Inc.• 1201 W. KlteUI , Orlng l , CA O 92667. (714) 639-4933. Crank Shaft Repair ICO Od ometer/ Sp eed ometer Jo in Terry Cunning ham and many ot he r top riders w ho w in w ith t hi s h i-tech inst r ument . Compl ete kit s w ith mounting br acket and f ull in str ucti ons for all bikes just $159.95 . ICO/Performance Prod ucts . P.O. 80 x 1294. 8ayou Lacombe. LA 70445. 1504) 88 2-3 107. (20 5/TFN) REES MOTORS - Frame Straightening Turbocharger RepairI R ep l ac e m ent Ve ry fast. expert ratedAMACCS, Bon, West Coast club races . Will share expenses. Cull Steve. (213) 392·337 1. (307 /1 0) EKhaust S ys t e m s THE FRAME SHOP - Profossional collision specialists. All forms.front Ind . swingarm. whee' reeenditioning. Completa Wilding ' acility to repair broken cases. fins. fr ont Ind acc.• tub.. or 7 11074 Mercen6I•• Stanton.CA 906Bo. (714) 8936700. Performance Headers that Last M ar shall . made in Holland, 4 /1 , chrome. bl ack ch ro me, 6 month manufacturer 's w arranty. access to oil drain and f ilt er. keep center stand and side stand, smoother engine . increased horsepower. no carbur etor modi f icat ion . MP Im port. MA. (41 3) (30 7/11) 45 8 -3687. 1982 HONDA C8X. PEARL WHITE . 2800 miles. bought new one year ago. 82500/080. (6 18) 942·3348. (109/11 ) Wa nted GS 1 000 Co mplete or PARTS. Rebu ild ing 1978 Suzuk i GS 1000. Need motor. forks, seat or whole bik e if pric e is righ t l Al so interested in aftermarket parts. Send list of parts wi th prices to: CRH, P.O. Box 876, Hamp ton , NH 03842. _(309/ 10) ' 8 5 Moto Morini K2 350 Red wi t h si lver strip e. Only 120 miles. European je tti ng. S28OO. (70 3 1830-2197. (307 / 10) YAMAHA XT550. ENGINE ONLY. und er 200 mil es. &500. Honda CRBO, engine only, $ 100. Cham pion framed '79 Yamaha VZ2 50. complete wi t h spares. S7OO. (21 3) 540-957 6 even ings. (10 9 / 101 ' 8 4 IT490 - '81 YZ50 Good con diti on. ma ny ext ras, w ell maint ained . IT4 90 . S12 50 ; VZ50 . S2OO (71 4) 528-3232 days, . (7 14 ) 638- 47 99 eveni ngs. (309/10) Frame S t r ai ght e n i ng FALICON PERFORMANCE ENG. - We are crank builders ' or the MIC Industry! We cln untwist nu Wild. I'b'ob. r.grind Dr do .nything elsa to Iny crank. When .ny ou do are cranks. you ha.. to do 1II.m rightl Folicon P.rf.. 2041 Range Rd.. Clear· water. FL 33575. (813) 461-4897 . Call or writ. for catalog. DRJOHNS - Prlcision framl straightening. HI.d Ingle rlk.. Pro Stock & D...rt rlcing. Mig whleiS. stlms. crowns & forll tubes strlightened. All model ATV·. casaw.Wing & fin repair. 1524 " A" Industrial Park St. Covina. CA 91722. (818) 332-159 8. Custom Engine Tuning Helmet Service HIGH PfRFORMAICE DYIO TUNING - E..... b1dg/por1i.../ polishi... machine shopsarwicls IIy Herb Ka.... cOlllplete p8rts/SIfYiCI. MonSal 9-6. S.......n Oaks H_ -Tri_ h. 14460 V....... 81ft. S"nua. O.ks. CA 91423. (818) 788-2251. BELLHELMETS - W.nts you to know about 1IIeir 'act ory Customlr Sirvici Dlpt. nlY Cln makt your Ben Helmet 1 andwork lilll nlwi Frill insplction 0011 with Inct prica quote . CaU Customer SeniCI Dl pt be_.n 7 a.m. & 5 p.m. Moa.-Thu... at (213) 921-9451 eo........ FOR SALE : 500cc KLEMM BUILT M OTOR. carb and pip e. $1995. 1918) 66 3·2250. ext . 324. (918) 742 -5627 evenings . (309/12) California Dea ler Insurance PERF. CYCLE WKS - rpr/access dirt l ATV/ Jot Ski. "'I ~ronds partslac_ E.... bltlgl ~ orin./perti'l /crauk ra-~Id. /al.ctrical .kock sa"l-.. 111M ..Ios/parts /oorvic:• . UPS daily. 7948 E. F i r _. II-F 9-7. Sot. 9-5. (213) B61-9957. CALIFORNIA lIotercycla Insuranea Ag. ncy m.... low cost m/c ins. WI repreHnt Vlri oas ins. co's. Phanl or write for our lowlst rltl for your rill c. (714) 956-5222.(213)637-0751 . P.O. Bo. 3878. CA 92803. Bark Busters - Th e Real Thing Ther e ar e chea p im itati ons available but fo r the absolute fi nes t in ha nd protection join th e top Nat ion al Rider s w ho ins ist on Bark Bu sters . See you r dealer or call PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS. P.O. 8 0x 1294 N. Lacombe . LA 70445. 504/882· 3107. (205ITFN) Superbi ke Bar M ou nts Inter cept or 8t Ninja Billet alum inum CNC machined bar mounts replace stock clip-ens at a lower cost and allow choice of different bars. St orz Performance. 1362 Tower Sq. #2. Ven tura. CA 93003. (805) 654-8816. (205 /TFN) .** Hu sqvarna * *inKTM * * * * Low est Prices USA** AII '85s in stock. Husqverna 25OCR. SOOCR. 250XC. 250WR. 510TX - KTM 350MXC. 250MXC. 2ero Down Financing. Open 7 Days. ALBA HONDA. (619) 436-9771 (210TFN ) Used RZ350s/ Honda 500s Road racers. I can get you RZ350s or 500 lrrtercectors. All used . never raced, street r idden on ly. RZs, $1350 to S1800. 500 In ter cept ors. S2100 t o $2700. A lso '85 Ninja 6ooR. 3200 miles. perfect co ndition. 82700. Cell nowll (317)852-71 05even ings 't il midnight. (309/11) lZ WHEELS: EPM magnesium. excellent condit ion. front 16x3.50 wi th new Michelin , rear for 500 or 75 0~ 18x4.00 with new Michelin, w ill separate, Call Jerry for price . (312) 484-5565 days . (309/12) 1 9 8 5 Honda Sh adow 700 Many extras. low mileage. S25OO.(714) 793 ·4 084. (309/10) 19 8 4 8 rand New YZ125 L Only S1099. lim ited supply. PASADENA SUZUKI YAMAHA. (8 18 1795 ·4 129. (244TFN) Ridin g Leat hers Custom En gine T uning Maico Motorcycles PRO·TEC - Go wher. 111. factori.s go Ie accu.....otar and ratelymtcb parIS for .... _ r . Dyna flow IIIlld1e...,...r twa or 'nr.mob ...iIta ia ourc......... R& D fadity. (714) 738-0631. (213) 697-675 9. 282 GIIUitri. Brea. CA 92621. CAL WEST RACING - Maico/MS parts and sar· wici. Engine rebuilding. portinglcrank rebuilding/boring. All Euro dirt motorcyclas repaired. 1949 CommOllwoal1ll Unit A, Full.rton. CA 92633. (714) 526-0241. Custom P a inting 8UFFALO NUMBER PLATES -Number plate. & stickers custommad. for motorcycle & ATV's. Min., dirt track acclSsorin. Supersenice. 1207 KillarnlY Sl, Livermore. CA94550. CallMary (4151443·701 2. ~ 1{oa Hold Th e Pho ne l! ;p"".". ~ . CYUNDER SERVICE H...dcraft8d CylInder Unen 66 -porting. engine belanc ing on our new PMC Seta Vibra tion Anllyzer. Bill Wagner's Northwest Sleeve and En8ine Works. 903 N.E. Clevellnd. Gte .hom. R 97030, • - - (503) 666-8430- Pipe Protectors BANZAI 8ROS. RACING sulu60n for mash.d pipe problems. thl Blnzai 8ros. pipe skid. Adj. to III 12Scc thru open pip" . no welding. Ilum . or 14 gauge ste.l . $27.95-$32.95. Ask your dealer. P.O. B0141457. Eagl Rock,CA90041.(213) 256·4922. e Kawasaki East did what could not be don e. Top quality forged pistons. Also 8 50 kit for 750 turbo. Call or write for informat ion. Kawasaki East. 421 Amherst St.. Nashua. NH 03063. (603) 889-2166. (109/ 12) Wanted: XR 750 Y2 Miler " .. 900 Ninja 10 0 0+11 OOce Kits SUZUKI PARTS . MUST U aUIDATE to make addi tional space . 620.000 dealer net value for only &3000/080. Excellent opportunity for repair or salvage shop . Send inqui res to : Sippin Cycles. 234 Main St.. Monroe. CT06468. orcall (2031261 ·3668. (309/10) N um be r P lat es SUPERBIKES BYSCOTT - Specializi. .. in c _ graphics& FoC!Ofy _ r repairs. Also .....utina. fr_. IC COSaory & - . . . refinilloed. For all your painting MIlk. Scott O......rty. (714)650-5214. Speedmode 2 piece zip together rid ing leathers. Both gr ey with silver tr im and worn only 5 t imes. European sizes 50 and 54 fits 5 '6 " 140 Ibs. and 6 '2" 190 Ibs. Sold new fo r $395 each, will sell fo r S250 each or S475 for both. Call Jim. (717) 3862909. (309/11) Now di al (213) 427·7433. and tell the nice person on t he othe r end to start you r subscript ion to Cycl e News. It reall y is tha t easyl Just $25.00 for a one ye ar su bscri pti on (50 issues) or $45 .00 for two full years (100 issuesl. and America 's weekly motorcycle newspaper can be delivered to your home. We've even included a handy subsc ription blank in this ' issue if yo u hate using th e phone. All you hav e to do is fil l itout and mail it in. But whichever method you decide on. do it Today. (5TFN) and 600cc TT Oirttracker. Will pay reasonable cash. or cash and trade. have many street and MX bikes. Call Joe . (7 14 1 364-5805 or (714) 4 95-3352. (2071TFNI Champio n Can-Am 500 Raced only one season, motor built by Robinson's ~ochester Racing. has bast of everything. Best offer. (717) 754-7311 . (109/10) 1 9 8 5 YZ2 50 Tore knee ligament s 5th race , stored since 7 /85. Excellent condition. $1495 firm. (513) 797-6619. (109/11)

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