Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 03 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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..... ,... . A 8 ~ There are still a few Surprises left in Europe 1 ---';;:======~~;;;;;;i;;;;;""I Z a en a: a:: the Gorge du Trient and liechtenstein K lamm are just two! al • 4 " A lpi n e Adve n t ures " an d a " Br it ish Bat" • BMW M o torcycle Pu rc h as e o r Rental • Automob i le Purchase or Rental • 2.000 M iles of In compa rable Scenery • Tak e Your Own Bike If De sired " d. Scotland .nd W.le. BMW of Nort h America, Inc. ch ose the Beach to ur ..s first prize for th e ir 1 9 81 " Ride the Alps" contest. ~ .' • • o lo J: a. • BEACH 'S MOTORCYCLE ADVENTURES, LTD. •• Box 36. 2763 W. Rive, Parkw ay Grand Island. NY 140 72 716 /773 ·4 960 Terry Poovey takes a victory lap, winn ing the trophy dash at Devil's Bowl in Da llas, Texas. Resu lts Who did how? Read results. (eJ GSX750 12.5:1 FZ 750 13.5:1 forged piston s l td .• 1 mm forged pistons std .• 1 mm COSWORTH PISTONS '86 HUSKY'S (eJ 400's & 500 's IN STOCK ' 8 5 250's At Blowout Prices Free Desert Conversion Kit w /Purchase of '85 CR250. Complete Stock of Husky Parts & Products. UPS Daily Suzuki of Van Nays 16 14 1 Sherman Way (8 18 ) 994-2800 World Class Quality & Performance More Models Ava ilable Call or W rite Racing Engine Components 205 Johnson, Weslaco. TX 78596 512/968-7802 Prepaid orders raceiv tr,t freighl (UCIlltovem l IIIliveri ,). ld igtl , M/C Th. Motorcycle Tire TIREWORKS end Wheel Specialists San Fernendo Valley Tor.. nee-South Bey 9025 S.pu lveda 26023 S Western Sepulveda. CA Lo mita . CA (8 18 ) 893-7806 12131539-~150 OVERALL HI POINT: St. v. ven.... (6). AU GHT: 1. Kris Dem beck (9); 2. Kevin Wall (11); 3. Mont Fairfax (14). A HEAVY: 1. Bob Ellis (101: 2.Jim Mit ch. 1I (t 2 ); 3. P. O'Caliahan (12). A BANTAM : 1. Dave Burnett (9); 2. Todd Stavens (11); 3. Pet. Hotkowski (16). B HI POINT; St eve Antoniou (17). B LIGHT; 1. N. Ch. mpagn. (22~ 2. Bob Comall i (231 3. John Provost. ; B HEAVY: 1. AI P.voni (17I; 2.J ohn Dunko (19);3. Hugh McQuaici (20). B BANTAM: 1. M ik. Herv (511: 2. M.rk J.nks (I BI. 4- STROKE: 1. Dave cie me eee ( 1 9~ 2. Bill john son (241 3. P.t. (25). ; C SU PER SR: 1. Ton i Moo re s ; 2. Vince Vrendenburg ; 3. Steve Agronic. C HI POINT: AI Carrillo (311. C U GHT: 1. Di. ne P. voni (27). C HEAVY: 1. C. Wright (3BI: 2. Rock Rovero (431 3. ; AI Br ightma n (46). ; C BANTAM : 1. Loyd Pe tt e rsen (321 2. M.rk (40); 3. Brian Som. rs (551 . A SR: 1. J.rry R. ndall (151 2. Deni s Laliberte ; (19); 3. Ed Avery . A SUPER SR: 1. Don Burnett (14); 2. Je rry Shinnere (23); 3. Jo. Mor.1(431. S SR: 1. Pete Haviland; 2. Wes Clard; 3. Bob Sw atik. B SUPER SR: 1. G.ry Doe r: 2. Bob R. il; 3. Jo. Curti. C SR: 1. John C.mpetti (42): 2. Bob Law (4 5): 3. Craig B. k.r (53 ). Sweet swift at was McCo y wi th a big lead , follo wed bv Pow ers. Prich ard a nd Tarlt o n. .T ra ce Pol son da sh ed int o th e lead a t the sta rt of the J u n ior P ro main event , follo wed hv Mik e Hal e. Hale fin ished the first lap in th e lead. with Pol son seco nd . Brian Isa bell th ird a nd Ro bert Adams fou rt h . O n lap four Pol son did a dou ble ta nk -slapper o f the worst kind ; h is bike flipped end-aver-end , knocking him breat h less a nd ca ll ing o u t the red flag. On the restart . Hal e was q ui ckes t o ff th e line. follo wed by Isa bel l. J ames Harr is. Don Fai r a n d Jack S u rber. On lap three. Hal e and Isa bell were side-bvside with Adams a nd H ar ri s d icing'a wa ys back. Isa bell got by Hale. but Hal e took th e lead rig h t back . The bail ie co nt in ued rig h t to th e ch eckered n ag . with Isab ell wi nni ng o u t in the en d. The Trophy Da sh wa s sponsored by enthusiast ic co n u ibu tio ns from th e gra ndstand wi th one box for H arlev riders and o ne for Honda riders. \ Vith the hol esho t it was Poov ey (H U D Raci n g/ Ha rley Davidson of No rt h Texa s) followed by Charlie O rr (Arling to n Honda ) and Sweet ( Ha rley David son o f Nort h Texa s). O rr 's mo tor quit. leavi ng Poovey to bailie with Sweet, ;\lcCoy a nd Bill y Herndo n ( Best Harley Davi dson ). Poo vey got the nod a t th e nag for the ca sh. foll ow ed bv Sweet, McCov and Herndon . ' . S weet a nd Poovev were back for th e P ro -Am EXIX'rt main, but this tim e it was S weet's turn in th e wi nner 's circle . Sweet got th e hol esh o i. wit h Poov ey a nd :\IcCoy in close pursuit. Swee t and Poov ey battled side-bvs ide, wi th McCo y holdi ng so lidly o n to third wh ile H ern do n a nd Orr thrashed it out for fourth. Poo vey broke away a n d began to build a big lead. but sudde n ly he was forced to slow for lapped traffic. Poovey drew the wrong groove and Swe et made h is move for the lead a nd p ushed it th ro ugh to th e checkered flag. Poovey carne in second followed by Ph il Darcy a nd H erndon , with McCoy stuck back in tra ffic. Results ZNGR: 1. Billy Kennedy. BO: t , Clayton Hull ; 2. Gr.g T. agu e. 125: 1. Clayton Hull; 2. CI.y Carroll ; 3. Gr.g Teag ue . 250 : 1. Ja mes Harris; 2. Micha el Har ris; 3. Tim Kay. OPEN: 1. Brian Isabell ; 2. Mi k. Hal•. PRO·AM J R: 1. Willi. McCoy; 2. Chuck Prich ard; Devil's Bowl 3 . Alan Powers. By Frank A . Harrison Sweet; 3. Willie McCoy. PRO EX: 1. Sammy Sw••t; 2. T.rry Poov.y; 3. Ph il Da rcy. TROPHY DASH: 1. T. rry Poovey; 2. Sammy DALLAS,TX, FEB . 23 Have your dealer call... Com bine luxury cRJiSing with a twoweek motor cycle tou r o r M ex ico! Fa< b roch ure: VON THIElMANN TOURS, Dept. MCT-MEX. P.O . lox 8776ot , Son IIMltlrmllIIIIII 43 ~ (513)222-1818 Diego, CA 92138. @can-am Ridersville Cycle Center • 1986 Models Now In Stockl • UPS Daily Call 304/258-1449 B.,b/.y Springs. WV Houn : Mo n .-F ri. 4pm-8pm. Sat . 9 am-5pm Sunshine Cycle is MOVING BeeJnnln/t March 17 Our Fulle n on st o re will be relocated nex t door to ANGElO'S a t : SUNSHINE CYCLE 529 So . State College Anaheim. CA (714) 772-0800 ~ A H",,", Of"erfomrane.~ Sherman Oaks Honda & Triumph 14460 Ventura Blvd.• Sherman Oak CA s. 52 (8 1 8) 788-2251 Eas t nmd 5 1 • Daytoo , Oh tO45402 • ~ RACING FUEL ~ ..d 113 Ld qUfld Canyon Rd t aqcn e Beacf CA 92651 (714 )497 .7525 u.s. 800/858-4327 TX 800/692-4045 GA 404/923-5232 . • ' h.. U ll"l1~!t· 0" , R,k.. S4580,OO AIlJII\f rlb l.. I !!Jill Flfl k Spr lll l' KIt to! SIr .... ' ollie! 011' 8,10..... S49 9S • A Trdk Chd!11 '!l HIU!! lI""""" " _~ ~&pfi'J $119.00 MAICO : ~~ e SERVICE MOTORCYCLIST SERVICES " W e care about you and your cycle. " BBO Pine r Rd. #4 3 & 44 (707) 526-3804 Santa Rosa, CA 95401 It was Sammy Sweet over T erry Poovey in th e Pro Expert fin a l a t th e AMA Devil's Bow l ProAm H alf Mil e a t Devils Bo wl Speedway th is warm , Su nday a fternoon. Poovey a nd Sweet each won th eir hea t races, then Sweet got the best of P oo vey after the two battled side-by-side in heavy traffic, A top fiel d of Amateu rs a nd P ro fessio na ls met on the perfectly prepared half-mile track th a t developed into a wi de groove, wi th virt ua lly no dust. Former Nationa l flagman Ph il Dyson sta rted th e a fternoon by droppi ng the nag o n Zin ger class wi nne r Billy Ken nedy. Next, C layto n H ull gOI dow n to bus iness, wi n ni ng in bot h the 80 a n d l 25cc classes. T he 250cc m a in belo nged to james H arris. as he bea t Mi chael Weed in and T im Kay to th e checkered . In th e P ro -Am fina l. it was J imm y Tarlton first off th e gri d Io llowed by Willi e McCoy an d Ala n Pow ers. On la p two . McCoy po wered to a fu ll turn lead , then stretched h is a dva n tage to the len gt h o f the srra ig h ta wa y. Ch uc k Prich a rd moved up to thi rd a nd p ressured Powers for th e n u m ber-t wo spot wi th Tarlton dropping back to fourt h. At the checkers it Astronaut Trail HS to Rickett By Carl Wasileski COCOA, FL, FE B. 23 H onda-m ounted Marcus R icketts took th e H i-Point trophy a t th e Astronaut T rai l H are Scram bles, th e fifth ro u nd of th e Florida Trai l R iders C ham p ion ship H are Scram ble Series. JUStunder s 300 rid ers came to the Breva rd County O ff-R oad Vehicl e Park for th e Apollo Mo to rcycle C lub-sponsored race to do batt le on the 6.5-mi le co urse lai d o u t by La rry Pal mer. Two in ch es of ra in the day before the rac e pa cked down th e san d o n th e co u rse which included a portion o f the mot oc ro ss tra ck , a la rge sec tio n of du ne-buggy co ur se, and woods tra ils. Each I-TR har e scram bles has a three-ra ce format , th e firs t, a mo rn in g run wi th Sen iors, S upe r Seniors , Masters, Women a nd Min is racing in it. All classes have thei r own starti ng li ne and ta ke off o ne m in u te a pa rt fro m a dea d-e ngi ne start , sta nd ing in fro nt of the bike. In the Super Senior class . loca l

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