Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 03 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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favorite Ma rvin Wi lliams took the runner-up positio n beh ind motocrosser George Singler. In Seni ors, it was G eo rg e Skag gs stay ing in front . of Paul Lefle u r for th e top spot. And th e Women's class saw Beth Rew is take fir st-place honors a fte r a ra celong battle with Lee Kahn a nd Vick i W ilcox, who took second a nd thi rd , respect ivel y. T he combined AA , A a nd B riders race saw R ic ke tts lake the hol esh ot a head o f Husq va rna rea m rider Ma rk H yde. T hroughou t th e six-la p race. R ic ketts kept Ih e ga s o n , with H yde never gellin g d ose enoug h 10 seriously c ha llenge rh e leade r. All en Scot t rounded o u t th e top thr ee a t th e checkered flag . Well o ver 100 en tr ies fi lle d th e a fte rnoo n C classes, w ith th e 250c c C class hav in g a lmos t 40 racers in it . ma king for a n exci ting sta rt. R icha rd R obin son to p ped i he a ft e r noo n 's ac tio n a fte r so u nd ly bearin g Willard l\I irh aud in th e 250cc clas s. T he day wa s inj ury-Free, in s p iIe of th e tough co urse a nd crowded classes. Res ult s AA : 1. M arcu s Ricke tts ; 2. Ma rk Hyde; 3. All e n Scott . OPEN A : 1. Kenny Boyd; 2. Ian Johnston e; 3. Je rry Morgan. 250 A: 1. Bo Dupriest ; 2. J ohn Cox; 3. Conrad Eigenmann. 200 A : 1. Jerry Ruth erf ord; 2. Bern ie Noel. 125 A : 1. Eddi e W ilborn ; 2. Michael Jones; 3. Charl ie Haim es. OPEN B: 1. Gr eg Bogart: 2. Joey W infrey; 3. Warren Gl enn Jr. 250 B: 1. M ik e Phillips; 2 . Steve Boom hower; 3 . David Beede. 200 B: 1. Scott A shb y: 2. Ed Jack son: 3. s teve Mobbs. 125 B: 1. Andrew Fa ust; 2. Brad Bowe n; 3. Bilt A rrud a. Op en C: 1. Jo n Cone ; 2. Cra ig Borders; 3 _Ronn ie Johns. 250 C: t . Richard Rob in son ; 2. W illard M ichaud; 3. Ste ve Young . 200 C: 1. Ron Fu tc h; 2. Car l Wasi lesk i; 3. Paul Palmer. 125 C: 1. Woody Crumm; 2. Ty Rike r: 3. Ch uck Fee . . J R: 1. Steve Czyzewski: 2. David Russel l; 3. Lance Manfredi. MINI A : t . Chris Kaufman: 2. Dan iel Graham; 3. Rtc:hard Howard. M INI B: t . Chuck Stapleford; 2. Dwayne A ll gire; 3. Bryc e Wentworth. W OMEN A : 1. Beth Rewis ; 2. Lee Kahn ; 3 . Vicki W ilcox . W OMEN B: 1. Judy losta ; 2. Jolena Sm ith: 3. Step han ie Cox . SR A : 1. George Skaggs; 2. Paul Lefleur; 3. Sam Seay. SR B: t . J im Cade nhea d; 2. Thomas M issimer ; 3 . Fred Lasseter. SR C: t . Ron Stern; 2 . Paul M cD on ald; 3. Jim M cCray. SUP ER SR A: t , George Sin gl er ; 2. M arv in Willi ams ; 3. Don Thra sher . SU PER SR B: t , Geo rge Carin; 2. Char les Lehing; 3 . Rich ard Howa rd . M STRS: t . James Tall ent ; 2. Ed Butcher; 3 . Don Stewart. Chuppa corrals Gran Prix HS By Robert Lisey CANAL F ULTO~. OH , FEB. 22 Al Chuppa took h is Wetzel H usky to a n overwhelming victory in a Gran Prix R acewa y hare scrambl es as h e decimated th e co m petition wi th a Hag-to-flag performance. A major cha lle n ge to Chuppa 's cha rge failed to m at erialize when Wetzel teammate J ohn G al lagher suffered ignition problems o n his new 510 Husky. The -tl- year-old Chuppa is a leg end a mong Ohi o motorcycle racer s as h e en ters th e 250cc class a nd regul arl y fin ishes among the top three o vera ll. r iders. Todav was no different, a s Ch uppa 's Hus ky sped around th e tr ac k as if o n rai ls. " I rea ll y found the groove a nd every thi ng wen t ri g h t. T he track was setup well toda y, " Al rem a rk ed la ter. " I reall y wis h Gallag her hadn 't had trouble. H e beat me la st week a nd I knew we wo ul d have fun wi th each o ther today. J ohn is tough a ll year bu t he sh i nes in th e win ter - maybe next week ." John Young inherited the 250cc go ld as he waxed Kevin Stipe 10 round out the class. Ro bin Miller. a ser io us Senior threat i n his ow n righ t. jumped o n Gallagh er's mis fort u ne 10 gr ab the victory. Mill er found en o ug h ground to o pe n h is YZ490 up a n d th e final res u lt wa s a finish a mong th e o vera ll leaders . T om R ick hrod t took a nother Wet zel H usky 10 th e winner 's ci rcle as th e " Silver Fox" smoked th e Senior II division. Yo un g J o~ Maurer , in hi s fir:.s t ra ce since h e bro ke a leg . clea ned up th e I25cc class after a mecha n ica l D:'\F in th e Min i race. Carl Strahler . a nothe r displaced Seni or rider. gra bbed second in Iront of Mike Knapp' s Suzu ki. In th e Jun io r Mini class, a n unrimel v crash cost :\Iik e Ka lin hi s fift h co n secuti ve victory as T odd Applega rt h mov ed past th e do wn ed Kar in to nab th e win. Matt Ma rt so lf closed th e to p th ree with a super bronze pe rform ance. Phil Gauthier rolled o n with the Sen io r Min i win o n his we ll worn Ya maha. Brad Quea r kept a stea dy pace flowin g 10 nab th e silver whi le man y o the r Minis fell p rey to cr ashe s. Results We can 't Imagine you wanting to replace t ho. e bor ing , ru st ed-out muHler. with any thing but Jardine mufflers. . NEW MODELS TO FIT : HONOA 650 Nig ht ha wks YAMA HA 750 / 8 50 3 CYL. Spe cial s . NOV: t . Tim Campbell Jr. (Su zl; 2. Bret Greco (Hon); 3 . Don Kosco (Hen }, 125: r. Joe M aur er (Kaw) ; 2 . Carl Stahler (C-A ); 3 . M ike Knapp (Sul i. 250: 1. Jo h n Young (KTM); 2. Kevi n St ipe {Yam I; 3 . Cra ig Ril ey (Hon). SR I: 1. Robin M iller (Yam); 2. John Galla gher (Hon ); 3. J im Kendr ick (Han) . SR II: 1. Tom Rickbrodt (Hon): 2. Tom Knapp (Yam); 3 . Tom Sch aeublin (Han). J R MINI: 1. Todd Applegarth (Kawl: 2. M ike Kat in (Kaw) ; 3 . M att M artsolf IKawl. SR M INI : 1. Phi l Gauthier (Yam); 2. Brad Qu esr (Suzl . Jardin e mufflers are precis ion eng in eered to ' be a perfect replacement for your old ruste d-out, restrictive OEM. mufflers - but w i t h three v e ry exc it ing differences : First, ST YLING. Jardine mu ffle rs are ava il able in several styles to com plement your mac hine and your own personal taste. Second , PERFORMANCE. Jardin e mu ffl ers will add a modest am oun t of horsepo wer and torque. as well as a pleasin gly me llo w exhaus t note : Third. PRICE. Jardine mufflers cos t only a fraction of factory muffl ers . SU ZU KI 70 0 Madura for mo,. in lormatio n. conlacl your • foca l ct • ' . r or : SUM MIT INDUS TRIES I NC. 1821 Daw ", W.y, FuU.rt on, C A 11 2831 (71 • ••g 1 -0414 ~------------------------------- When You Move••• 1. For FASTE ST service attach old ma il ing l abel in space be low If mail ing lab el is not ava il able, prinl your ol d na me and add r ess in th is box. Ross wraps up Cyrus Cycle HS By Dennis Blevins . ARGILLITE. KY, FE B. 23 Jimmy R oss ro de to th e overa ll win o n a new C R250 at the Cyrus Cycle H a re Scram bles in Argill ite. Ross led the entire ra ce from flag to flag. The newl y designed, longer, tougher co u rse was cha lle ng ing for a ll co m pe tito rs . Even the parade lap claimed its share of Iir st tim er s. Kno wi n g i t wo uld be a tough o ne, th e h ar d -core racers proceeded to the sta rt in g line. T he dea d-en gine start looked lik e the start at a mo tocross as th e bik es lea p t o ff the line in a furry . Once on th eir wa y, riders had to contend wi th suc h obstacles as peg-dragging ruts at th e creek crossing, and a clay ditch ni cknamed th e "Hell H o le." Firs! p lace in th e 200cc cl as s was Scott Dalton aboard a n R M. Roger Ward a nd Greg Beckett ro un ded o u t the to p th ree in th at class. Wenda II Schwartz from Phelps, Kentuck y won th e Open cla ss a fter di cin g a ll d a y with Kei th "Th e Charger " Mills. Schwartz a nd Mill s fin ish ed e ve ry lap w ithin a few seconds o f eac h o the r. Brad Sullivan a nd Charl ie Wat son wer en 't far behind . lakin g th ird a nd fourth, respect ivel y. T onv H a ll look th e 250cc class win , fo llo wed by Bill Atherton. Jeff Tatter son took third o n his Cagiva. The Senior class provided its sha re o f th rill s. It wa s a co n fronta tio n o f woods rider versus motocro sser as Dick y Eg an a nd Steve Du n n h ad th eir hands Iu ll dea ling with MXer Carl Blevin s. Blevins managed to evade the two for the duratio n of th e race to take th e class win . Egan and D unn fin ish ed beh in d h i m in that o rd er. Results OVERALL: 1. J immy Ross. 200: 1. Scon Dalt on; 2. Roger W ard ; 3 . Greg Becken . 250: 1. Ton y Hall : 2. Bill At h ert on; 3. Jeff Tan erson. OPEN : 1. Wendell Schw art z; 2. Keith M i ll s; 3 . Brad Sull ivan. SR: 1. Carl Blevins; 2 . Dicky Egan ; 3 . Steve Dunn. Pleas e allow 3 weeks for ch an ge to t ake effect. 2. Print your NEW address here . NAME ADDRESS C ITY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ STA TE ZIP _ 3. Mailla: Circ ulat io n Depsrt ment L CYCLE NEWS. I N C . P .O . BOX 498 L ON G BEACH , CA 90801 -0498 C J ompet it ion ycle . Services Performance Items/Parts • Cytinder Boring·Sleeving • Bu tteco & Britit;h Parts . ~ . E~l hrU e WhMt.. a.,. • Will8CO Pistons For Ma ton::yd . . & ATV. • Hug.l~nto,., Cumtnt 81 Obsoletli Piatons. Big _IOu • F,.. Freight On W~ Orden • Recing ~·fa.. G... 12 8 Sa 140 OCtane • Fitt.n - Kla N and Uni Fih.,. For Bener A i, Row · • w. c.n S...". A ny Cyttnd... Beca .... W. M.nuf -etu,. Our Own $lHwa ~= ~~::...,.-~= ~~~~:Vnk~~ R.~iring - Carb...~ Boring - CoofI~R~r- ~~~r: ~~=.~ ouc.:e;t. Om:;. g; n • BMW 81 tt.11ey TwrinPlug Conwrliona • o-Ier Discounts Competition Cycle .' 2629 W . National Milwaukea, WI 53204 N at io n al Local Wis con sin 800/662-9253 414/662-9253 800/242-7902 Cycle News Ad Hotline 213-427-7433 SACHS DIR T BIKES & PARTS WHOLESALE & RETA IL PENTON HONDA PHONE 1 16)262 ·5108 2 1423 Fos t er Park Roa d A mherst . Ohio 44001 ... Distributor For .\\AII.\\I lJRI1CtJ ~ I . 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