Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 03 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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competitors struggled wi th th e u nfam ili a r track. The nearlv m ile-a nd -a half course u tili zed the surro u nd ing h ill s a nd the nat u ral gran ite sa nd surface to good advantage, with th e circu it prov iding more tha n eno ugh challenge in th e face o f a fierce battle for third pl ace th at was event ua lly aw arded 10 Ton y Spear, riding a Kawasaki. John ~IcGinnispowered his Ho nda 10 the Open In termed ia te class victory after a rwo-rn o to dud with fellow Ho nda rid ers Art Ol ivie r a nd Kirt G oldie. O livier edged Goldie for the n u m ber-two slot, with Roger Gua rd cru isin g 10 fourth o n yet a no ther C R500. T he 125cc Novice race was a swe ep by Ka wa sa k i pi lot Gu y Deck ert . Deckert rea ched the checkers first in eac h rou nd despite a determined effort by Cagivu rider An thony Frenc h. wh o had to sett le for seco nd overa ll a hea d o f Kell y Pi che! (Kaw), C h uc k En scoe rode hi s Ya maha 10 th e Vet No vice class win. Enscoe kept hi s m ount ou t front mo st of th e day whi le a fierce secon d -p lace batt le raged bet ween H onda p ilo t David Weth erford a n d Larry La bro t o n a no ther Ho nd a . Weth erford o utpo int ed Labro t for th e ru nner-up spot. Br ian Teets wo n th e 60cc Novice class on bo ar d hi s Ka wa sa ki wit h Da vid O choa (Kaw) ta king seco nd and Carlos Pen a rh ird , ------------------------------------------------. ; Kawasaki OF RIVERSIDE Spring KX, KDX, Tecate "19 .~ 86$" ~ 9 46 s" - BLOW OUT - "t g We're overstocked and t h at means Unbelievable Savings f o r y ou on some o f the Best Race and Pla y D irt Machines Made I I Bring ad for discount prices We ship anywhere Full Accessory and Parts Dept. Sales & Service Experts @!!; Vanasse tops Snow Run Enduro Hi-Point Adult Pants . • • . $79.95 Mini Pants •• .• $64.95 Combination Offer $199.95 $145.95 Hi-Point Pro Boots & Adult Pants Mini Boots & Pants Apparel Offer Good Thna Mwell 0111" Cycle Specials 1985 Can-Am 250 ASE . .... . . . . . • ... .. 1985 Can -Am 500 ASE .. . . ... • . ... .. . . $1,895 $1,995 Appalachian Cyde Accessories 722 East 14th St .• W ellsont, OH 45692 call 614/384-6861 SuperClean $32.50 RepiarCut $28.00 Ceet Is revolutionizing Moto Cross seats again. Want Ad Information 213/427-7433 J'J' - "rl'. The FUll se,o,r ::I';:.':.r:v: The FUU SEAT tre IS one bike and gM's you the ultimate proteaiOn Huge Inventory Of CR Parts!!!!! pece foam constnKtJon w ith rxtrnd~ base ~--- • __ . . . . ._ f619' 727·7220 ".Z0WebonW."C VId&.CA.Z.... 0UUid . Cali'. ' _ ' 521..205 Fast UPS Service Daily ' By Diane Pavoni .li-_ : , == W. STAFFO R D, CT. FEB. 23 ORDER BY PHONE TOLL FREE Steve Vanasse charged his KTM 250 to th e overalI wi n at the 33rd Annual Snow R u n En duro p u t on by the Connecticut Ra m- (800)647-5700 (Outside WI) (800) 356-5700 (WI) b l e r s, V an a s s e dropp ed si x points. three p oints a head of A Light class win ne r Kris Dembek an d A Ban tam cla ss winner Dave Burn ett. who turned in ti ed sco res of nine. Dem bek a nd Burnett were seco nd and third over all. resp ect ivel y. Bo b Ellis won th e A Heav y cla ss with a sco re of 10. New England riders never know wh at to expec t from thi s unpredictable winter end u ro . a nd this year 's Sn ow Run offered quite a variety of track co nditio ns. Riders without those vital studded tir es were doomed to a day o f constant cras h in g. thrashing. a nd push in g. Six in ch es of sn ow in so me area s crea ted ru ts whi ch weren 't bad in Ihe 300 m orning tem ps, bu t lat er in th e afternoon trai ls became a bit soft a nd slick . Ice-covered h ills a nd mud bogs ga ve riders a cha lle nge wh en th e snow wasn 't enough . T he 72-mile en d uro wa s prett y much a timekeeper this year. The chec ks were well -p laced a nd took a n a bu ndant a mou nt o f ea rly points from riders. 683-8839 SALE can-am Appalachian. Cycle Accessories Hi-Point Pro Boots • • •• $129.95 Mini Boots . • • • $89.95 Results OPEN PRO: 1. J oh n RaV (Han I; 2 . tan FitzGi bbon (Yam l; 3. Greg Bleckman. 250 PRO: 1. Chris Lance (Kawl; 2. Gary Sa il or (Kawl; 3. Tonv' Spear tKawl. 125 PRO: t , Ji m my Pa lmer (Kaw); 2. Tom Holt (Kawt 3. M ark Oeck er (Yam) . OPEN INT: 1. J oh n McG i nnis (Han); 2. Art Olivi er (Han l; 3. Kin Goldie (Han) . 250 INT; 1. Cra ig Oavis (Kawl; 2. Ch uck Whit m ore (Ka wt 3. Gl en n Cave (KTM ). 125 tNT: 1. Chris Young (Yaml; 2. Kev in Neal (Kawl; 3. Jason Jones (Yaml. OPEN NOV : 1. Bob Wa tson (Kawl; 2. Garr v W ei r (SuzJ; 3. Ma rk Wright (Han) . 250 NOV: 1. Bob Kerz (Suz l; 2. M ike Sc hn yder (Kawl; 3. Dave Larson (Honl. 125 NOV: 1. Gu V Oec ken (Ka w) ; 2. A nt hon v Fren ch (Cag); 3. Kell v Pichel (Kaw) . VET EX: 1. Jo n M ill er (Kaw ); 2. Ken RatzloH (Ha n); 3. Ken Ehler s (Vaml. VET INT: t , Dennis Boutware (Ha n); 2. John He u gel (Han); 3. David Knapik (Suz). VET NOV: 1. Ch uck Ensc oe (Vam) ; 2. David W eth fo rd (Han); 3. Larry Labrot (Ho nl. BO tNT: 1. Bu tch Sm ith (Ha n); 2. Gu V Deckert (Suz); 3. Dana W igg in s (Suzl. BO NOV: 1. Levi Noble (Vam) ; 2. Ra V He nslev (Vam ); 3. Jeff Rat loH (Han) . 80 BEG : 1. Kevin Scha fer (Yam); 2. Trevor Barker (Kawl; 3. Robert M on tu ya (Yam). ~II for(714) Prices C .O.D.arChargeTaVisa-MC Cedarburg, WI Barr's CompetitioD Complete Enline Modillcations U AU Types Suspension Work , - - - - Our Riders' Performance Says nAil ---..., N.·...·.Vl.·.·.·,.·...·•·•·•·...·...·•••·••..... John Agin Milta Bin Damon Bradshaw Jeranry Bill" Jim Chnblr Silvia Chiklrass Stevia Crowe Rock BottOIll Prices YZ2S0N Tocld DaHopp Kaitll Fox Milta Jonas John Kitsch Bri.. McElroy Jay Mann AacIy Michnar Flip Pala (ATV) Carroll Richanlso. JlSon Sc...1tz BrUin Sblnl.y Jaff Sblnltln Woody StricklHd Tommy Wilts In Stock 1984 Yl49Dl We Will Not Be Undersold "We CaD Save You MODey" BURBANK YAMAHA 1801 W. Burbank Blvd.• Burbank. CA 91506 1---(818) 845-8738_----' MICHELIII New ROAD RACE TIRES Slicks. Reins & Intermedia tes 12 5cc ©W©l1rn ~!lID~ !l~©.. OPEN 7 DAYS AWEEK (714) 621-5061 Call far 5 So. Cal. focat ia n s 10 l000cc. M any Compound s Welt Sch.efer Cycl. Supply Rt . 3 . Bo.231 Altoona. AL 3 59 52 205 /638·6906 lIidooI.. _ TIn. 111_ HI-SPORT TIRES Now Available & In Stock! A Totally New Approach To Street Legal Production Class Radng Tires! Experience The Winning Difference Call Today! Dealer Inquiries Invited 51

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