Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 02 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Louisiana WHIT£ BROS - 11750 5... lIaard Cird•• SlintD CA 906.0. .. c... pll1' ..m t-op•••n U.i-Tr Pr..ltok • FI.eiar. Wkito P _. III 2 day",," " - ' (714)'95-1991 . scorrs - San Diego Cou nty HUSIlYISUZUKI - 2 IIltrn. Bih./...m/cl.doi••••.1 kNw Ioawl ParlintI/llariai /_k r.loId• • MX/ •• / ATV ...cioliotL Bil ... rIO i mlJ. ..i, foot/UPS doily. Suolli at Sln... ,ort/B"'r.(31') 7420211113111 635-9nl . Sing leshoc k Service VISTA M/C nRE • WH lIlOdific . PiDQinoito""" nd po_ kill. fr.nt "ar. SlDi. . . ... _ 5... D.I.D. All., r I troiatI _wi... EJoetrDtlic ... Str.ot. dirt, r.. UPS/MoiI .rdar ...<11 • .nic.. VISA! M_re.nI. CDD. 0,•• 10 .... t117 p... II Fri.. Sot. 10 • .... til 4, 1155/G So. S F. A... Y-. CA 92083. (619) 724-9258. CDlDpll1l f.rk • sllock..rwic do/ ....0. M FlNtar. PraU.... OkH.., Fo.. W.rks. P.r1iJIB .lIr1O 11 148.00. 2127 H.....I. A.... M.I1"". CA 91028.111') 241-1747."... .DIRf CT ORY For Deller Directory Info. Cell Cycle News (213) 427-7433 SERVICES _Ill_.. Bolt Removal Service TAP-EX Co. - B"h..... lIiWtop.... t. ...1 Abo EZ - . *1110. lIpI, otc. U.s• • dor..... i.. .-11 ~ 1 day sanic.. ..... 1.25 W. 144l1l, _ G.-. CA 98249. (213) 3233134. Brake & Lamp Certificates lallARO • UIDERWDOD 321 E.1Ioporiol Hory. lo Hakr.. (213) 191.-sJ .r (714) 879.252. lIuIity HOlDA IIlos. ...... ,.,. ............ 1!141. lIpn 7 ....,. • _ .... 3 . . . _ 01 57 Frory. British Parts TOU FREE' - PlrIO for Tri- ' . . . . or BSA. MostcoropIoto IIltCk iI USA. S.ippod _ day. COD. MlSlIrC"d or VISA. CII ('00) 527-5544. in OK (485)7'7-J440 . Euro C,c1. IIIo,or1I. ..... 1925 10. MlcArthor. DIdo.... City. OK 73127. Engine Building and repa ir CUSTOM MAIUFACTURED CYUIDER 1IIERS. Pr.totyp. 2 C,d. inolIllotians. Ckr_ bar. .....Id. 5.., E.... MI.... Works Inc. 720 lordol.t 242, . Grou- OR 97038.(503) 6675224. COFFMAI'S k. n_W. I "" Ii•••f ATV Iitk ,.rf........ uboust .,....... AI .....mod for ~ooIity" porfomoa... 39200 S,,"pki.. R' .. IIlrri.t.. CA 92312 (714) 67&-4100. AlRCOIE IloiIds c _ .... kits til yo" sp.c ·1. 5901 E...,,1d .... ~...,.._.'-- c.-ploto D fociIity. (714) 738-0&31. (213) '97·&759, 282 Gonlioi. Bnoo. CA 92&21. IlrIko ...... is _ R. OFF ROAD REITAlS- M/CDirt. Str.ot. ATC70-250. Odyo. Tri-MOlD 10-22501. Suz.. llotll 4. jot D . P.rIO/occ. lui SImco. trlilon.LOI Alanoitoo (213)594B901.17141821-1590. 0"... (714) 771-7390. Azusa (BI8 ) 334-1234. Riding Apparel BEll HELMETS - Ito_ oloout f.ClaIJ c,_" s.nie. D.pl1 Mike yo" B., I." lad w.rk like .ow l Fro. iapl clion wido ~..t.. C.. Costo_ D.... b_... l0 . ... . • 12 1 p.a. .. 4 p.a. M...·Fri11 1 213j 921-9451 .r 714/522-'292. H._ ,.M..... CAUFORIIA MOlDrcyclo ....r..c. AB'.CY ..._ 1_ cost II/c illL W.'''11 ,.rioa ias. ca·... Pha.. or wrill for our rll. for yo" IO/c.(714) 961-&222, (2131137-0751 . PO B.. 3.78. Allk.... CA 92803. Number Plates BUFFALO lUMBER PLATESI ••kor pll1n ••ticksn costo••••• for .otarcycl. & ATV·1. Ma, IIintrIck .cc.... rill. Sopor11m... 1207 KilI..DIy St.. livorm.... CA 94550. CIIIIIIJ (4151443-7012. ,DI A... CA1105) 522-3434 . OHlIIS SPECIAUSTS - Foct.ry Auth.rized ..Ios/s.nic. OhlillS si..I. /twin sh.cks. GIOUi.. pl rts instock.R.buildingl ,,volving. 1 dl' turnaround. Ohlins IXclusi•• U.S. disl SimollS Inc.. 2570 loghornSt. CI . Min Vi.w. . CA 94043. (415) 962·8899. R• 0 RACIIG - Tripi •illifl • w/k..d cDl1ld shack1Iady. EIiAoinoto. int. " . 1....k w... w11111 fiduc ial frict ioa . C•• shockllark llnic oItor cyIindor r ,;.., COlOpill...ICllin. shop c....kilitin. (213) 814-&218. 'Advertisers Index oIi.... iF 31 ATV" _ •• _ _ • •• •••• 41 Atnentln Honda •• • • • • • 9. in...n ..... c..p 34 lleltlloMrYam.ha •••••••• 41 80' " Be""," Limi..d • • • • • • • • • • 47 PAUL THEDE'S RACE TECH "Wlln proil.crio. IUII.asion co.. ponontsto work konor thoo do. roll C. .pll1l somc •• c..- rll......... Sp.ctra s_nsioo f111ids. 3227 Pradoc.. '127. P...... CA 9171• . (714) 594-7755. _.ntnd. BATES LEATHER SHOP E.. rydo.... fro.. ourTDlri',I.d Rlci.. leodo.n til • ., F.t le •• Bull, GI._ .... Cold W.odoor Toori.. S.ill, i. I.oillolo 11 do. bia..r-don -•• " B_ L.odo" Sk.p. SlIndord .... _ _ sizill .r dai.... Ska, wido til• Pras. ka fitted Irytho Pras. Mon, W_.. AltMoIi-. Rlpl CIII.i.,. C,cl. Acc_ri.... IIisploy to•. Op M-F 8-4:30; .. Wed'lil I. S.I.ctld SIl 9-2:30. (213) 43~-&551. 610 W. lido St..L... BliCk. CA. Ir.lI Fwy. • P.cific Caoot Hwy. VERA'S LEATHERS - bOltpor- OFFROAD M/C APPAREL REPAIR - ISpln r....i.... " ... ir .n b".... of boalo. Costom DIOdificlliolll • " .. brllldo ofpHil or.houIdorp..... low out at old I ••r or b.WI In .l1:rll.t! On...r (503)678·5175. .Il.xl"...... 41 41 45 Mission v...... MI t Tn Corp • • • • • • • • . NO Phlg' • • • • • • • • •• NMA 39 13 38 N,o Oil 35 PJ1 • • •• •• • • • ••• • • • • 3 PItty PToduc:tI • • •• ••• •• • 38 ItJ : Rlynolds T ob.cco Co. • • • • • 48 • _ • _ .. _ • _ 3. 33 25 37 41 39 32 45 3B 31 47 35 38 34 31 39 29 31 Inter·Shows. • • • • • • • • • • • 39 Ibcky Johnson Racing • • • • • • • 11 KIM 34 .... GanI Mtv- •••• _ • • • • •• 45 Steel Shoe ' .. .. .. • • 47 Motel 0nI 39 Mote AIct • • • • • • • • .• • •• 34 MotDrcytte Mlid 45 MOlorcycl, Plfformanc, Engin. 45 Sp.,. SRA S1 , i M/C tint.,. m Schillng PradUCIs • • i M.IClIlm Smith MIC • South ti ll' C yd.. • • 37 • • • • .. • • 45 • • • • • • • 40 • • • • • •• 45 • • • • • • • 35 Sp erro •••••• ••••• •• 41 , Sport TrICks • • • • • • • • • • • 32 St.diumMOlorsportl. • • • • • • • 36 P, .., Stm Prod. ••• •••• •• 11 $unshine Cycl, •• • • • • • • • • 47 Su.wki 01 V.n Nuvs •• • •• •• • 35 Torco 38 u.S Suzuki • • • .. • • • .. • • •• 23 . V.I.P. P.-ts • • • .. • • • .. • .. •• 34 W Clm ••• •••• •••• • 41 eb W m $cOOl... OisuibUlar •• • • 40 II" Whe.lsmitl'l Enginnring .... . . . _ 41 Whe,t WOfb •• •• • • _ • _ • • 40 WiId_o d Sports . ... ... _ • •• 41 Y .L. • • • • • • • • .. • .. •• 27 .P.O (l Vl/Mhl ln • • • _ • • 4 & 5. 18 & 19 KIl'kIl' • •• • ••• •• • • _ • • • 3 r -- -- --- -- -- -~- - -- ---- --------- -- -- --, Cycle News Pr oducts Order Form 1 Fin in th. Vi../ M••tft Cta.atv- blank or Mnd check« money order to : Na""' Trailers CUSTOM TRAILERS - Dic. cnt_·...illl cuto.1 koy fr...,lIltck..cIoood llcurity troll.... .1101 frilli 12~-16~-20" si.. ..I lind.........pIi....po. 7 days. St.p/c", 323 E. B.I Rd. A••k. ... CA 92.05. (7141 966-2960. _ - Akron. OH lAIDIG'S CYCLE/ACC - ....1 Con-Am/llYll/Moto Goni/D.CIli/ Ski-Doo/M_/CZ/lo"""'/"""" ptI/. . UPSiWy• h.I...ll/tiros/k.noriIS/E.,o spa.d IllJIl. 364 S. ArIi..... S~ Akron. OH 44301 12111 2537455. 24 kr pts onl ••ckino. 1 I I I : - - - - -- _ _ 5'.18 1 2,0 I I I I Cred It Card Number Card Exp . Da.. _ICli... ."W. •• DEALERS I P.O. BOX 498. long Beech CA 90801 -0498 Addre ss 101III sortie.I."u.1doI;"ry limo. racing .pp.rel/strlat WIIr/urling.T"w/dosignconsuhanl or pricos. (714) 592 ·4735. Rlpl ir1I IlI r .., Illthor g.....nt. 416 W. Arrow Hwy.••It Sin Dimn. CA 91773. • • • .. • • .... 45 _ • •• • 39 40 31 O •. • • • _ • • _ • • • • • •• ico DiI1 Ci gm Nonh M,t. • • • • • • g O iltricl 38 •••• • •••••• _ 0,. Jolin Fnm. Streighlninll • • • • . Doub Cr Rating A le oss lln. • _ • • • EDCo ( X1Tud. Hone •• _ • • • • • • •• Fall Tr ck Promotions • • • • • • • . f inish Lin. Promotion. • • • • • • • H.lm Enll rpns.. • •• •• __ • .r Hi PojJl • •• _ • • • • • • • • 9, l ond. _. • • • • • • • Ho llywaod H H oUll 01 ~ndleb.rt. • • • • .. • • Husqv.,.. Molar Corp. • _ • • • •• lncIien Dune1 _ _ Intematon M i .r otorrye • • • • • • l. Inllmltion. 1SpeedWlY • • • • •• WHEElSMlTH MOTORCYCLES - M-SI Moica soils. plrlO. ..I Ohlins .poci.liSll, full Iino ofICCllSOrioo. rae. producll, pi..... partin•• Mlicomodific.lioAS. 7722 TII..n A•• • Unit E. Hunlinllon BOlCh. CA 92647. (714) 841·325B. SpocifyrtC.typo .14~r-boalI _ Maaima MegKydt CIms _ . . . . . . . . MiUtt Dill • _ • • • • • • • .. -So"" Moto-X Foa Cre" ._ ContlSf Sales and Servic e 185. Ev.rflhint for Spoodwoy. 8580 lIotI.rd Matorway. Cor- . CA91720. (714) n5-0540. ....51 C Ne_ ProdUCtl •• • • • 32. 45, 47 rdt Cycl N.- Suh Into • • • • • • • • 17 . Cyclt Ram • • • • _ • _ • _ • • • 47 PRO-TEC - c-. rid.. rohild or ropoir .. ointII.. sh..k 11ISp1.siae Elilllin... I...,...... . siOI-CIOlld swop. IIack • Ooick ",rllrDlad (7141 73'-0131.(21 3)697-6759. 282 G.minL Br. .. CA 92121. . STEEl SHOES - Iton 1I1I1y . sinc. 1950. Din T"ck 175. L l WI. Spdw., IB5. s.nd kat. Mib Itidd PromotiOftl • • • • • •• 39 Lont Blld a Y.__ • •• • • • ••• • 39 Sui Entaf • • ••• ••• ••• •• 39 . Ek.wtta1* y.m-. • •• • _ • •• • 40 CMt • • • • • •• • • • •• •• 36.37 eRe • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 37 Champ Motiwaki • • • • • • •• 40 ion Corona RaceMY _ . 37 Carbin Paotic: •• • • •••••• _ 32 til ~dreu Qange • • • • • • •• 45 Eklhop's c,dI ._,w."•. Rentals Cylinder work 42 ~""""""'pric. ....,.,. CII .. Old ...,..... W. .ki, ••ywkor.. R... rI ClIoic.. 2330 ""'"_ 5_ -.. CA. 92707.1714) 754-7305. SIl-.,. THE FRAME SHOP - Pralnsi...1 collili.n spociolil1l. All ' - front.nd. xwi,,"nn. wh.oI roc.nditi...... c...pll1. _Id. . fociIity to r.,lir br.... can. fi... front .nd 'cc. c"sh.d frome t.b. or111 07411"c... Iii. . SlInto.. CA 90680. (714) B93-1700 . HAiDCRAFTED CYlIIDER UIERS IISTALLED - Cootl C'--. HiP ,."",-c. poni........... two _.ks turn ...... UPSiWy.(BilW. .sl IW 510... lad Elliot. 903 IE C1noIaod. Gr...... OR 97030. (503) 666-1438. JART - Eodo" iI.lcurlO Easy.....-lJoIlIIlry" '-ry ta_ -II., option - ,........ AlIt .......oy pliC' - 15 .... d8y. CI . rlln. Sa. KripliH . . . . . 4&73 YII lo Prianor.. Yoril. lild.. CA 92Ia. (714) 970-&171. 10_ Radiator Repair Insurance Enduro Ro ll charts Racing Fuel PRO-FUEL - Hi.h porf_.... IlSOlin. 108 .ct.... L.... for II raei.. or••llizatio.. AthiDIi.....odwoy .. dr'l "c.o: __ noifoW.. W. oIoi, d.a, - UPS • fr.i,bl (213) 838-4178. PAUL THEDE'S RACE TECH c"cksd. b.nt II...in_ rodillon • oil co".n. W. fil whit Otll.fScan't. All work prl'.uro tnll' .. ",,"_II.d. UPS dlily 3227 Produc" '127. Pam.... CA 91718.(714) 594-7755. Helmet Service PRO-TEC - G. wII'" dot flctorin ... _ _ ..... porto _ _ _.L'ye, tar. pi,. Frame Straightening Wnt Cydo. 4297 Wost 01'" Fall...... CA 92&33. (714) 5a-n. Custom Engine Tuning RACERS CHOICE - Gl1doo Mot f.r ..... W. 011 do. 11100t Ill. RaM Ro Str•• lad ATC Pipe Protectors BAIZA' BROS. RACIIG soluIi•• for .....d prolll..... do. Blnzei 8r•• . pipo Uid. Adj . til III 125cc dor. oponpi,.: no w.ldi..........r 14 pa,....... 127.95-132.95. Ask yo.r dill". P.O. B0141457. Eo•• Roc... CA 90041. (213) 256-4922. Avo. Lao v.... IV 89122 (7021 456-41n. poir ...... ka'" crooks. a.- cylioIIor ropoir. 2-strok. cyfi"'r • cark.,oIi •• w.rlL Goa....rwico • _ ...... Col PROFESSIOIAl.,.,..aft ,,- Sim i Valley SIMI VAllEY CYCLES - y _ .../ Sozoki/Hally lIirt .... IlL '14 Yl2500 .. _ 5* ·. 2-. 3-l4 l1irtlotr. l1 CII .. 1Iofort koy _ . T Fri iii 7 , ... 5119:38-5 , ." 2m Lao AIIBoIn SioIi Valoy. Exhaust Systems DR JOHIS - Procisionfrlm. strli . ht. ning. Hlld ".,," robs Pro Stack" On.n roCiA•. Mig whools, .1I..s. crow.. • fork tubn strlighton.d. All mod.1 ATV's CISI_Iding. fin roplir. 1524 "A" Industrial P.rk St..C.. tin.. CA 91722.(81B)332-1598. C rank Shaft Repair HOIDASHOCKSPECUUJST.,. •• Raci.... wi. rebuildl " ..In yo'; stack k lor .......... porf 19.5 CR .ad ATC lIads ready. 0.. day sorwic.. Rick Jah....... 19333 Sturg... Dr.• T.rrl.c.. CA 90503. (213) 371-3887. Santa Ana _ Below, Ind ice le emounl of pr oducts ~ eire » th e sin . Above. pr ml your neme. IMId reu end e~it card number. I I I I 1 . 0 MX c.t Comic Book .75 0 --w. Don ... c... How 1'-"'" . CCycs. News &aT·Shirt IS.95 5 M LXL Thty Do It in e.utomIia- '1 .00 Cvc" News Blnct.n .1•.9& N . 0 Cvcle News Patch . 1.50 Z". 4 " I ··O~ A Month...•• Cyct. News : a-bel1J..-y110.00SMLXL I : Oevc- _ _ c..U 1 • 1 •° ° I O~~'ii:~~~-:'- I Cl "Anything ElM .. HIot...,.· I T·Shln '7.00 S M LXL I CJ ••Anything Elee I. Hlatory" IJ.~.'O.OOS MLXL t I I Pt'oduet Order SubtOI.1 l · e~ l •• I~ ~. ~y, loa An g8 1ea Co . re • . -e ~%I I , I I I D l !-mAJ I I I I I 1 I I I : : I I I Prod UCI O rd8l" Gr.nd Tal e' I I _____ _ _ __ _____ _____ __ ____ ________ ___ _JII

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