Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 02 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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A TTENTI ON RESULTS AMA Dragbike 1984 West Coast Championship Series TOP FUEL Dale Wa lker Nige l Patr ick Bob Trussell FUNNYBIKE Richard Hargrove PRO DRAG Steve Rugg erio Greg Steves Bill Biggs PROCOMP Kevin Murphy COMP EUMIN Don Earll Tom Turner Howard larson Ray Richardson Tom Peterson Walter Lott Scott Som er s MOD ELiMIN Dan Quaran ta Joe M ejia STK Ji m Rich Ed Ciccor ia J i m McGlyn n ' ET J im Fox PRO STK Mark Sauro D-37 Desert Final Point Standings 1984 By Ron Paproski VET EX Scon Davis Gary Vanderpool Wa lt Feyling 74 59 27 Scott Sincla ir 25 M ichaell.oer 22 Paul Bierwonh 21 Bruce MaC8rther Eddie Egyed Greg Hubbs Pete Bierworth Bob Hurst Jerry DeKay David Morgan Oon Matheson John Swartz 20 17 14 10 10 10 9 7 7 T. Bracamonte 6 Phil Jacobson Tom Barbero Art McDade John Crljenko Scon Wolfersberg 6 6 5 5 3 Steve Marsh 2 Jack Nabors AI Waters Wes Broby Fred Wheeler VET EX MX Dave Ohl Rich Thornwaldson Buzz Pressor Russ Wyant 2 1 1 1 115 102 90 55 Steve Ferron i Chester Martinm88S Tim Green 54 53 45 Tom Jepson Mor ley Baker Charle y Smart Mark Martimaa r Norman Bearor Tom Bracamonte Art McDade Randy Wisse nback Terry Sage 3B 32 30 29 28 27 25 25 23 Tom Gardner 22 Jack Coulombe Craig SChulz Bill McCl inton Jerry De Kay Bruca Logan Russ Powell Steve Berilacqua John Herold Joe W illiams Mike Heiberger Bill Connley Roger Kevley Allen Posey Tom Gardner Gene Higginb otham Harry Bellicitti Rob Nichols J.P. Morgan Bob Dunn Joe Slep Jim Halla han J im Thra sher OTEX Curt McMahon John Fraser Russ Fay Doug McCaleb Richard Carlson Eric Hodel Wylie Wi lson Bill O'Br ien Darrell Coutr ight Don Whitehorn Paul Bostrom Alan Waters Roger Dubree Jesse Goldberg 21 18 17 16 15 15 13 12 12 11 10 10 10 9 8 7 7 7 5 5 5 4 65 47 32 27 24 22 17 13 12 11 11 11 10 9 George Neilson Jack Coulombe D. Fielding Peter Wos ik Phil Frisbie Fred Mo zingo Gary Nauman McClinton Larry M ulock M ike Heiberger Ed Hamond Gil Roberts D. Couu rtr ight Bob Sorensen ' Tom Muto Cloyse Holla nd Sr. Denn is Hausman Jeff Sm ith OTEXMX Rich Schill ing Jack Coulombe J im McClinton Bill McClinton W yl ie Wilson Stan Sta nton Bill Sturdivan Mel Hendr ix Jess Gallo Allen Bray Roger Kevley Dua ne Spence Larr y Mu lack Bernie Franza Dick Mann JoJo Castro M ike Heiberg er Bob Collins Stan Mi les Gene Higgenboth am Joe Hathaway Tom Muto A I Picken Bill J ones Ern ie Stair Ern ie Cabral AI Bauman Dick M ilan i Ma rty Tolott i Russ Wyant Denn is Hausma n Russ Johnson J im McCary Charlie Se xton Fred Strunk Rick Lokke Gary Nauman Rich Christian Gene Hrorsk y 7 7 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 0 159 116 88 84 83 82 73 66 65 63 62 57 49 46 44 ·39 39 39 36 35 34 32 32 27 27 26 20 1B lB 10 9 9 9 9 9 7 6 4 3 A MA Dragbike 1984 National Cham pio nship Series Final Stand ing s TOP FUEL Nigel Patrick Elmer Tren Steve Miles Bob Tru ssell Larry Hayes Larry McBride FUNNYBIKE Bob Hartn ess Jeff Lucar elli Ted Hoffmeist er Mark M iller Tom Pazolt M ike Lynch Ron Lioto PROCOMP J im Dodich Keith Hyde Bob Spina M ike Bru so Steve M ile s PRO STK Lee Hayes J im Beatty M ike Keyte Larry Ferram e Jac kOsbom Marty Hay PRO DRAG Kevin Cleary Ray LaFayen e Rick ie Mathis COMP ELIMIN Van Rayburn Bob DeBrular Paul Richthammer Ray Hug hes Huck Cameron Chuck Tamm er Ken M ayf ield Kevi n W ickwire Vince Chase Dave Huss MOD Jim Smith M ike Dilallo Junior Pippin Vinc e Chase Bruce Dickso n Guy Glover STK Van Rayburn Bubba Cauthen Malcolm Schlafor Art Costie Lloyd Frink Jon Binns PRO ET KERKER CHALLENGE J im Fox Larry Herold Kaw Kaw Kaw Suz Hon Suz Kaw Kaw H-D Suz Kaw Suz Kaw Kaw Kaw Kaw Kaw H-D H-D H-D Suz H-D Suz H-D H-D Kaw Kaw Yam Kaw Kaw Suz H-D Yam H-D Suz H-D Kaw Kaw H·D Kaw Suz Suz Bill Wa lter Art Cost ie W il liam Wood ruff Chuck Tanner Kaw Kaw Kaw .ATV. eUl( Readers! Up! Subscription Price Going Last Chance To Save Money! O.M.R. A.1 984 Enduro Results By Edd Pri ce A George Paton Barren Brown Chuck Steahly Dan Harte Ron Gustin Steve Simo n Larry Nord uft Robert McBeth AOT Dewain Beard Chuck Hodson Don Cramlet Perry Aider Pete Jo hn son B Paul Walla ce Daren Bun Bill Bennett J amey Adams Rick Hill BOT Fred Engleking Barry Ballew Cliff Bent son Bruce Brown Bert Bessert PP Joene Lingle Sunshine Wel ty Susan Schuster 4-STROKE Jim Redden Dale Demar is Glen Baxter 125 EX Wi llis Taylor Steve Branstener Dave Riant 200 EX Charles Steahly Joe Lieuallen Wes Anderson Wa yne Krug 250 EX David Morton Dan Harte JDAmen OPEN EX Brad Turnidge Barren Brown Ken Maahs CLASS 30 EX Richard Welch Rick McUne Gary Gump 315 290 290 250 195 168 154 140 195 170 160 140 110 350 27 5 160 90 B5 245 195 175 140 i 00 340 190 75 145 140 115 350 295 175 A TV has ./ways b.en th" best bargain in A TV in form ation. You always get more 'acts. mor. news. more action from ell across the country than you do from any otheT A TV Publiution. 390 140 If you act now. you can still start a new ATV News subscription (OT extend yOUT cu"ent one) 90 90 360 345 250 412 410 fOT up to two y.en at pricesth.t .re ONE THIRD OR LESS than the subscription cost of .ny otheT nation.1 A TV public.tion· When you subscribe you also save between 58% and 62% off the .Iready low (lowest In the businessl) A TV News cover price. A TV News. A merica's Monthly All Te"ain Vehicle Newsp.per delivers the most read"r value for 'lour A TV publication dollar. 395 395 351 Order your ATV News S ub scription NOWI (Co ntinued next wee k ) A TV N ews S ubscr i p t io n Order Form (pleese print cleerly and check all appropriate boxes) HosPITal STOP M ik e La r son, 18 , s u sta ined head injur ies during second 500cc Pro m o t a at Round 4 of CMC Golden S tate N a t ion a ls at Ma rysville. CA. a t the E Street r ace track. Sunda y, January 27. larSOn c lipped t he t op of a d o ub l e j um p and was th r ow n off h is b ik e . land ing on his hea d . Diagn osis a t a local h ospi t al re ve aled a b lot clot, br u ising and modera t e swell ing of th e bra in . No h ospit al t ime w as spent. but M ik e is cu rr en t ly recuperati ng at home , t ak ing medica tion. and is be in g carefull y monitored f or h is c on di t io n . Recovery is exp ec ted to ta ke up to tw o months . Ca rds and leiters ca n be sent t o M ike 's h ome a t 4194 D ivi sion Ave.. W . Bremert on, WA 98312 . Trophy Pickup For listi.IS in th is d epart.. m ent, please mail informal i on with SI .O per w eek O that it is run to: C ycle News Trophy Pick-up. Box 498. Long lI<.ch. C A 9080 I . I want t o lave m oney. S e nd me a lublcription for: (1 2 inu es' • .. • . ... . • .• •• • • .• • .• • • . • • _ • •• • ••• • • • • • • • • • •. • 85.00 I want t o aave eve n m o re l • Two Yeers (2 4 issues) •• • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .• . . _• . • . . . . . . 89. 00 • One Yeer Name _ Address _ City S tat e Zi p _ Phone _ o Thil ia a new aubacription o Thil i. a renewal o My payment is encloaed (check or money order please) o Charge my MasterCard o Charge my VI SA Charge Customers: We must have co mplet e account number 8r. card expi ration da te Card expires I I I I I I I I I I I _ Date of this order _ Signature The issuer of the card ident if ied on this item is authorized to pay the am o unt shown as TOTAL upon proper presentation. I promise t o pay such TOTAL (together with any other charges due thereon) subject to and in accordance with the Agreement gove rn ing the use of such card. ATV News Please mail to: P.O. 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