Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 02 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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R&D Technician W~NT ~DS CZ CZ CZ Parts CZ CZ CZ OG Perf ormance Specialties has jus t expa nded its research and developm en t department and is now seeking an indi vidual w ith mec ha nical know ledg e who is w illi ng to learn th e mo re tech n ical aspect s of tun ing 2 and 4 st roke motors. Good salary. be nefit s. Apply in pe rson or send resume to Tony, DG PER· FORMANCE SPECIALTIES . 12 30 LaL oma Circ le. . Anaheim . CA 92806 (7 14 ) 63 0 -5 474. (206) Pistons. gears. gask ets . bar s. CZ chain. Jikoys. air shocks. Barums, manuals and pans books . Much mor e . Also many us ed bike s and parts. Ph il Larsen , Bo x 97 . Bu shn ell . NE 69128. (30 8) 673 -5258 . (106NWXl Qualified Yamaha Mechanic **** Hodaka Parts **** Apply BELLFLOWER YAMAHA . (2 13) 925- 5097 . (206TFN) Shipped AN YW HEREI ' UPS. 24 hour answe r ing mach in e. We'lI call back! PHIU PPE SERVICES (714) 643 -8340. 1234 / NW /TFN) Parts/ Accessories Manager ' 8 3 KTM 250 MX Exper ienc ed car eer -m ind ed on ly need app ly. LA (2061NWXI area (8181 781 -0 738. Honda Mechanic Help Wanted Posit ion op en f or qual if ied pe rso n. Busy So Cal Honda de al ershi p . Call M - F_ (2 131 92 4 -481 1. (206TFNI One Suzuki Mechanic Suzuki Working Service Mgr. Service Manager Experienced. Wag es based on experi en ce and qua l ification s. App ly in person 8t ORANGE COUNTY SUZUKI. Costa Mesa or ca ll Vic for inte rvie w , 1714) 646 -2428 . (20 6 / 0 7) ' 8 3 Husky 500 XC Mint condit ion. desert tank, safe ty seat, m uch more . s 170 0 firm . Call aft er 6 :30 . (2 13 132 5 -6880. (30 6 /071 Serv ice M anager wit h knowledge of running a shop. Exper ienc ed on ly need apply. Pay depen dent on qualif icat ion s. BEAU M ONT YAMAMA/KAWA SA K I. Co ntac t J im Hayes (7 1 4 ) 8 45 -690 1. (20 3 /TFN) Good condi tio n. man y extras $1700. Also '8 3 H usqv arrt a 500XC: Grea t condition, hardl y ridd en $ 1500. Firm . Call (7 14 182 8 -2 126 aft er 3 :30 .(306 ) M arzocch i front f orks, Fox shocks , Kosman wheels, G rimeca brak es. $2000 . A f t e r 5pm . (81 8 ) 348-4696 . (106/ 0 7) * KTM * KTM * KTM * SALES -SERVICE -PART S-MAIL ORDER SERVICEI Ohlin s shocks dealers. BRIG HTON KTM , 327 Wal n ut . Br igh ton . CO 80601. (303 ) 659 -5419_ .' (20 9 /TFN) 'Christ ian Race rs Wa nted Da ytona Race Bike transport bi kes and eq uipmen t. Depart (106 / 0 7 1 ing 2-28 -8 5. Call (619175 5 -2939 . Desert s. GPs. Endu ros. fellowship rides . Racer s (306 ) Un der The Son . (7 14 1540-4 28 6 . ' 8 3 C Fi 125 Low Ho urs '8 3 Honda XL 6 0 0 R $1695 /D BO. (21 3) 434 -2962. Kn ight TT600 Yamaha Rolling Chassis . (406 /07) S imons fo rk spri ngs and da mpe r rods , shock mods , An sw er sil encer, 53T sproc ket. fr esh M etzelers. An sw er bar s. Not r idden since 9-83 . $700. (2 13) (t 0 5/ 0 8 ) 46 5 -5300. A ll 1985 KXs Im medi ate Oeliv ery . CONCORD KAWASAKI . (4 15) 689-5 770. (20 2TFN) Wareho use Manager DG Perf or mance Specialties is loo ki ng for a w ar ehouse manag er with knowledg e of th e mo torcycle industry . Good sala ry. ben eift s. Apply in person or send resum e to : Tony . OG PERFORMANCE SPECIA LTIES. 12 30 LaLo ma Circle. An ah eim . CA 9280 6 . (7141 630 -5 474. (206 1 Parts Manager/Service W riter Excell ent opport un ity . Commi ssion on part s. Live in beautiful northern cali forn ia. 150 mil es nor th of San Franci sco. Apply with Paul at HillSIDE HOND A . (70.71 274-5554. . (206 / 0 7) Partsperson Wa nted Experi enced partsperson needed for busy Suzuk i dealer Sou the rn California . Excell en t wo rking conditions and ben ef its . Pay commensurate w ith expe r ienc e . Contac t LA HABRA SUZUK I (2131 69 1-3273 . (206 ) Sales Opportunity For aggresiv8 self -m ot ivated person to sell motorcycles . Pay commensurate w ith position . Contact La Habra Suzuki fo r int e rv iew . (213) 691 -32 73 . (206 /07) ATK Fork Brace Want Ad Processor/ . Coordinator Cycle News l A TV News needs a mot ivated. ene rgetic person w ho is abl e to work effec tively in a fast -peced pub li cation work enviro nme nt . Skill s requ ired: 55 wpm typing. coordination. phon e cus tomer rela t io ns. deta il handling . proof reading . M otorcyc le knowl edge is a plus. Great compe nsa t io n /be nefit package. Call Nancy at (2 13 1 427 (505 /06) 743 3 for interview appointment. Experienced Mechanic Wanted Im med iate ope ning ava ilable. M ust have own tools. Year-round b usin ess. Good benef its . good pay . Send resu me to : A.J . Foyt Cycles , An n: Guy Wurst, 96 50 N. Fr eeway. Houston . TX 77037 . (71 3) 445 -4 227 . (105 /06NWX) The best Fork Brace on t odav' s ma rket . Favor abl y test ed in ma gazin es and endorsed by Calif. Sup er bike School.A vaii able f or Harl ey-Davidson, Honda. Kawasaki. Suz uki and Yamaha from 1976 up . In stalls in a few minutes. see your deal er . $69.95 , Visa / MC or COD. ATK LEITNER CORP.. 2650-C W al n ut Av e.• Tu stin. CA 92 68 0 . (7141 731-5 114. or call t oll fr ee outside CA. (8 00 ) 85 4 -4023 . (226 /EO I/TFN /NW) W e'r e the only dea ler on th e West Coast with the excit ing new liqu id coo led '85 K.X SOO availa ble for immed iate del ivery . Get yours now before some one else beat s you to it l SAN DIEGO KAWASAKI WE ST. 3444 M idw ay Odve_(6191223 -2154. (104/ 0 7) 3 -Ra il M /C Or ATV Tra iler - * '83 Yamaha YZ1 00 * With f loor, cu st om gea r and sto rage box . $650firm. Call afte r 6:30 (2 131 32 5 -68 80 . (30 6 / 07 1 Fresh '8 3 1 T175 top end . Clean and qu ick. $750_ (8 181 884 -4 783 . ( 10 5 / 06) Route Salesman M ike Bell Riding Cl in ic For Southern California . Exper ien ce requir ed. Top com mis sion. O'NEAL USA . ' A sk for Ala n . (8 18 1 998-1049 . (206 ) - Astro Framed KAW KX250ST Race Mechanic Wanted Partsperson Needed Experien ced partsperson w a nted for #1 Volu me Kawasaki Dealer in t he USA. Exce lle nt working conditions and ben efits . App ly in person. WHI ITIER KAWASAKI. 14043 E. Wh itt ier Blvd. , Wh ittier, CA 90605. (20 5 / 06 ) Salespersons Wanted Ixion , an established Dist ribut or / lmpon er w an t s hard -w or king sale s re ps; many prime areas open , joi n a good gr oup of peo ple . Ask f or Nor m . CA (800) 82 1-4989. US (800) 854-1 060. (22 8ITFN) Experienced Kawasaki Mech. Full -tim e posit ion . Wages based on experience and qu ali f icat ion s. Call KAWASAKI OF STA FFORD. Stafford. Texas (H o us to n ). (71 3) 2 61 -22 73 . (30 5 / 061 Anaheim Honda-Kawasaki Parts, sa les, and off ic e po si t io ns open. (714) 778 -6700. (206/07) Professional Mtrcycle Salesman seeking ca reer employment . One of t he ol dest Honda dea ler ships in th e Un ited States ,has an opening for one profession al salesman. Year- 'rou nd sout he rn Cali fo rn ia bu siness, m odern fa ciliti es: huge inve ntory, excellent commissions, exce lle nt ben ef it s. Top prod ucers only need apply. Bill McLean. KOL BE HO ND A . 75 14 Reseda 8 l vd .. Reseda. CA 91 335 . (8 18) 34 5-7 6 16 . (248TFN ) Service Manager Southern Cali fornia mul t i-fined deal ership nee ds experienced q ualif ied Service Manager. Mu st be competent at cu stomer re lations an d w ar ran ty processi ng . Salar y negot iab le . Send refer ences and resume to : 81 6 1 Lin coln, Lemon Grov e. CA 920 45 . (206 /07NWXI Excel lent sbo rttracker.H ke new co nd itio n. m ust sa (106) rifice for $500. (406) 443 -0679. M ec han ic to trave l Nat ional M X & SX Ser ies (2 13 ) 258-0028. (104/ 06) Wanted Yamaha TA125 H-D Instructor Wanted Prefer w ater -coo led and /o r Hond a MT125. Call Martel M unoz (818)701 -79 86 . (306 / 07 1 For Motorcycle Mechanic s Inst itute, Phoen ix, AZ . Three years Harley exper ience min im um . Leav e messeg e for Dav e Kos hollek at (800) 528-79 95 or (202 / 07NWX) (602) 582 -1724. YAMA HA SUZUK I DEALER look ing fo r good co mm ission mechanic. M inimu m th ree years exper(20 5 / 0 6) ience on ly. (805) 522 -3434 . Service Manager & Mechanic M ust have experience . SA N RAFAE L YAMAHA. (4 151 456 -0335 . (305 /08NWXI Opportunity in Parad ise First rate Yamaha Deal er seeking motivat ed experi enced Yama ha mechanic in professi onally m inded service department . Liv e and w ork in Beaut if ul Sant a Bar bar a. Send resum e and recommendat io ns or apply in per son to YA M A HA OF GOLETA, 340 Pine A ve.. Goleta. CA93117. (80 5) 9 64 - 15 80 . (20 5 / 0 8) Honda Service Manager Service Director Large Southern Calif or nia Dealer ship needsaggre sive, organ ized. prof ession al Serv ice Direct or w it h heavy Honda backgroun d. Only top q ualif ied need apply. Mu st be capab le of handling volume serv ice department w ith large staff. Hig hly professiona l pay plan and benefit s. Send informal resume to be handled in stricte st con f idence to: Dept . OS. c/o Cycle N ews. P.O . Bo x 498. Lo ng Beac h . CA (206/ 09NWX) 90601 -0498. Partsmaneqer/Sales Manager Once in a life time, ground f loor oppo rt unit y for knowledgea ble self- starters - GROW WIT H US. Parts and Sales Managers. OUTR IDER. 10545 Pica Blvd ., Los A ngeles. CA . (21 3) 879 -3350. Harry . (20 3TFN) Honda Mechanic Wanted Seek ing exper ienced Honda Technician f or f ull t ime employment,.com m ission , benef it s. M ust have own tools and must be re liabl e . Sen d resume or cal l Keith at HOUDAY HONDA, 36 6 Broadway, Chu la Vista . CA 92010 (6 19) 427-2466 . (20 5 / 06NWX ) '83 Honda XR350R $950 Stoc k, on e year old . boug ht new Dec. '8 3 . Runs great. Shop manual. pa nts . jer seys incl. (7 14 ) 553 539 7 days. (714) 768-9 09 3 ev es. Before 9pm . (105 / 06) '83 Honda 750 Int ercept or Like new, me ticulous ly mai nta ined , Dunl op K391 S f ro nt a nd rear. $3100 . B ill . (4 0 81 354-4846 . 1105/ 06) '83 A TCl 10 . stock, clean . low miles. $6000/0BO . (105 /06) (213)532 -1418 . So. Cal Franchised Dealership Low overhead. blow-out location and leas e; Gr oss over one million in 19 82 ... ret iring. Call (6 19 ) 423 0 0 73 days o r aft er 7pm . (6 1 9) 479 ·3209 . (20 lTFNI Now $165 !! The sam e COM PUTER used by every TOP rider in the sport can be yours at a new low pr ice . See your dealer or order d irect . Performa nce Products. P.O. Box 12 94 N. Laco mbe . LA 70445. (504) 88 2 -3 107. (2 /41ITFNNEI Hodaka Parts " Ten tons. will sell all or what you need. (412) 586-7383 . (3-5/ 6N EX) Jawa, CZ, Rickman Parts Also 2 ne w ISO T 35 0 cc . (412) 58 6 - 7 3 8 3 . (3-5/ 6 NEX) '84 Interceptor Honda SOO miles, road damaged, 70 0S Int er ceptor. $900/ 0 8 0 : Tom Scott. Box 39 . Parowan . Uta h (103 / 071 84 76 1. (801 ) 477 -80 8 1. New top end . FMF pipe, A TK fo rk spri ngs . e nn eevtta tors type 55 Bing , White power shock. Extra sprockets. Su n rims . near rea r brake shoes. $1400. (213)465 -53 00. (105 /08 1 Business Opportunities New 1 9 8 4 Cagiva 250WMX Onl y $1399. Limited to bikes in stock. We also have a good selection of late mode l used din bikes. PHIL"S MOTORCYCLE SHOP (805)481 -Q83O. Grover City. CA. (1OS/ 06) Her hom e. Last one. BAY AREA CYCLE CENTRE. 5606 M anchester. LA . CA . (2131649 -1700. (206) Fast ' 8 4 CR250 Southern Calif or ni a fa st ·growing dealersh ip needs experienced, qualified service manager. Send ref ere nces and resu me to: Dept H, Cycle News, P.O. 80 x 4 98. Long 8e ach . CA 90801-0498 . (250TFN) Lea rn rid ing/racing tech nique from former National Champ ion Mike Bell. Pri vate lessons design ed fo r your rid ing ability. Please call for more information (2 13 ) 866 -26 24 . (10 5 / 0 6) *85 KTM 500*Act Now & Take Warranty Depart. Supervisor Major Motorcycle Distributor We are seeki ng a n individua l, to supe rvise our warranty depa rtment. with motorcycle ind ustr y expe rience. Individua l must be pr epa red to plan , org an · ize, and adm in ister th e needs of ou r US dealer network. Respo nsibiliti es w ill include pr odu cin g procedu re ma nu als, as w ell as dete rm ing corporate goa ls a nd progra ms . W e off er an excelle nt salary. ben efi ts an d a friendly working at mosphe re. M otor cyc le indu st ry expe rience a mu st . D istrib utor level experience a pl us for selec ted . individua l. Ma il resume to Dept . MC . c /o Cycl e News. P.O. Box498 , Lon g Beach , CA 90 80 1-0498 . All inqui ries handled (106 / 07) in stri ctest confidenc e. '8 5 KX500s In Stock Now!!! BoTT Racer 'S2 Visio n, Fox shock, oil coo ler. remote oil f ilter, fr esh motor , Europea n fro nt end . Double discs. $1 800 / 0B O . (4 15) 4 93 -3414 . PALO A LTO (30 5 / 0 61 YA M AHA. King Kenny Model Kits! ! Here for Chr istmasll $24.95 pp . RSC PERFORMANCE. P.O. Box 14664. Atlanta. GA 30324. (50 5 / 06NWX) '84 RM250 Excell ent con dition. ext ra parts. "1350/ 0 80 .(2131 49 3-20 17 . (405/06) r Sell Out Cheap Honda pans inv entory, shelving, plugs. metr ic hard w are. teste r. cata log s, mic rof iche, mis c. used pans. etc. Great oppon unity for starte r shop. (7 14 1686(30 5 / 0 61 1681 or (7 14)683-2424 . . AC CESSORIES STORE FOR SALE_ Well esta b· lished. $12 -15 .000 advertising budget . $25.000 inventory cost . $10,000 f ixt ures. t ire changer. bal ancer, compre ssor , cable ma king equipme nt . 19 83 sa les $1 30.000. 198 4 mon t hl y sa les up 15 -20% . Exce lle nt lease & Sout hern Californ ia location. Computer ized sales & inve ntory software, and 9 ,000 cu stomer mail1ist included . Onl y $25 .0 00 cas h. (7141898 -3985 . (205 / 06) 1984 19FT. U-HAUL. built 7000GVW flatbed trailer, elec . br akes . 11 'h ft. camper, haul s 3 bikeslATVs. load leveler hitch. $1950/ 080. (71 4) 794·5082_ (305/07) Kawasaki KR250 Rare factory bike. Has bee n in storage t hree years. Com es w ith plenty of spares. $3300 negot iabl e. (8051736-7615. (10 5 / 0 6) Eurostyle Motorcycles **Kawasaki KR250 * * New i n crates . Cal l ( 4 1 5 1 48 5 - 1 9 2 1 . (305 / 06 NWX) 43

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