Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 02 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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mead led down the front stra ig h t, h elost a plug wire, with Gray drafting him . '" a lmost went right up his tailpipe wh en he just sto p pe d on th e front straight," sa id Gray. Ashmead pulled o ff th e track an d o u t of th e ra ce. The ra ce was then between G ray a nd Kopecky. Gra y wa nted the win too badl y; Ko pe cky had to settle {or th e seco nd place troph y. The closest co n flic t wa s {or third between C u rtis Ad ams a nd class cha m p io n Craig Huber , who {ou ght so fiercely th a t Adams fin all y crash ed in t urn o ne o n th e la st la p . Kopeck y led th e fir st three laps of th e Formula One ra ce, with Rol off whizzing by in th e turn -tw o sweeper on the third lap. Ro lo ff led th e way to the checkers, followed by TZ250m o u nted J ohn Gl over an d a dogfight for third between Ashmead, Birnotamounted Dave Zirkl e a n d Du cari pilot John Williams. At th e fla g it was Rol o ff out front , wi th Ashmead and hi s big H onda motoring p ast G lover for second. Ashmead, Zirkl e and Kopeck y decided th e Open Superstreet honors a m o ngst th emselv es; Ashmead wa s _ abl e to squeak out a lead to win it. Alt hough Kopecky tr ied ever ythin g h e co u ld thin k o f, h e co u ld n ' t get by th e Bill Foster -tuned Bimota/Suzuki of "Bezirkle", a nd had to settl e for third. J eff Stern and Kei th West argued bri sk ly o ver fourth. with St ern co m in g out o n top. Pete Carroll and C h ris McN ellis went a t it in th e 600cc S tock P roduction. After a tough o ne, Carroll lo st th e front end in uphill-off- cam ber turn three a nd cras hed , trash ing hi s FJ. Meanwhil e, Gary T atsurni had been sneaki ng th rough the pack a fter a m ed io cre s ta rt , a n d su d de n ly appeared in second to cha llen ge McNellis for th e lea d. But McNellis held hi s ground and took th e win. Kevin Cl ark (so n of Yamaha Racing Man ager Ken Cl ark) tried his hand a t road racing and took a hard-fought third o ver Eddy Kawaguchi and Dan n y Brown . Results OPEN STK PROD : 1. Scott Gray (Yam): 2. Mi ke Boyd (Yam ); 3. Craig Huber (Kaw ). 750 STK PROD : 1. Scott Johnson (Yam) ; 2. M ichael Cro ugh (Kaw) ; 3 . Carl o Rao IS u. ). 450 MOD PROD : 1. Fran k Callinicos (Yam); 2 . And y Leis ner (Yam); 3 . Jack Havel in . 600 MOD PROD : 1. Scott Gr ay IYam ); 2 . Ear l Roloff (Yam ); 3 . Gary Tats umi (Yam l. Fl : 1. Earl Rolo ff (Kaw); 2 . J ohn A shm ead (Hon) 3. J ohn Glover (Yam) . 450 55: 1. Frank Callinicos (Yam); 2 . Darren Fulc e (Yam): 3 . M att Smith (Yam) . 750 MOD PROD : 1. Henry 'reese : 2. Scott Johnson (Yam); 3 . Scott Reif . OPEN M OD PROD : 1. Scott Gray IYam); 2 . Kenn y Kopecky (Kaw) : 3. Craig Huber IKawl. 600 STK PROD : 1. Chr is Mc Ne llis (Yam); 2. Gary Tatsum i (Yam ); 3. Kevin Clark (Yam).. F2 : 1. Clint Whitehouse (Yam) ; 2. Brian Benevedes (Yam ): 3. Scott Walters (Yam). 7 50 SS : 1. Scott Reif (Hon ); 2 . JerryWalker (Su. ); 3. Jim Gianatsis. OPEN SS : 1. John Ashmead (Hon); 2. Dave Zirkle (Biml; 3 . Kenny Kopecky IKa w ). . TWIN S : 1. Fred Eiker INor~ 2. Bill Fennessy (Yam); 3. M ick OIield INor). 600 SS : 1. Tony Matthews (Yam ); 2. Earl Roloff (yam); 3. David Morris (Kaw). 450 STK PROD : 1. Bill De Bere (Hon); 2 . Kei th M cKibben (Su z); 3 . Joe Yates (Hon) . F3: 1. Rye Hefley (Hon ); 2. Ken Bruce IYam~ 3 . Renard Fiscus (Yam ). Beyer, Hanson Snowy Albany SXwinners By Clay light The " Danamic Duo" did it again. They took their new liquid-cooled single-shock Husqv:una 500XC and put it in the winner's circle at the p restigious 198 5 Parker 400 desert race. Wmning tim e : 5 hrs. 17 min., 4.11 sec. Now Dan Smith and Dan Ashcraft an: hardly strangers to the checkered flag. They've been bringing home th e gold fo r Team Husqvarna for a long time. But th ese gu ys an: ab solutely w ild about the '85 5OOXC. "It's quicker, faster, lighter and more reliabl e than anything I've ever rid den," says Ashcraft. We humbly agree. But then we built it to be exactly that-the most devastating cross country weapon ever built. In second p lace, less than four minutes back , were Husqvama team riders Wry Roeseler an d Kurt Pfieffer on th eir 1985 5IOTX four stroke. "There's never been a four-stroke d esert machine with this combinatio n of performance, handling and light in the great white north , winning th e first mota a nd com in g from behind to nab second in moto two for th e overall. In the same race it was Salem 's Wes H an so n (H a n) topping the 250cc .. Husqvarna Motorcycle Co . ~ 4925 Mercury Street . ~ H~q;ama. THE FINA L STEP UP Ashcraft & Smith Ride New 500XC to Parker 400 Victory! Roeseler/pfieffer Second! Cycle News Calendar - Wh ere. Why, When &: H o w to get there. THIS SUNDA Y NIGHT'S SPECIAL GUEST ON MOTORCYCLE WORLD: ** WORLD ROAD RA CING CHA MP I ON EDDIE LA WSON ** Plus Jeff Spencer on tra in in g , Warren Reid with worldwide race resu lts and In sid e L ines a nd Dr. Carver on sports medicine. Due to list en er's response, we are expanding to a full tW? hours, 8:30 to 10:30. ALBANY , O R , FEB. 3 Gary " Bad Boys" Beyer won the 125cc B class for the second race in a ro w at Albany's District 28 AMA Supercross ac tion weight," said Roeseler. " It ran perfectly all day-wide open! The 'Danamic Duo' bener watch out next race." Sounds like a friendly challenge from a serious competitor. We can hardly wai t. Neither should yo u. The '8 5 Husqvarnas an: disappearing from your dealer in record numbers-Hurry! SPONSO RED BY: Sa nta A na Ka w asak i Lo ng Be ach Kawasaki Cha mpion Kawasaki t 8 5 0 E. Edinger Santa Ana, CA 92 705 (714) 5 4t-52t7 244 t Long Beach Blvd. Long Beach, CA 90806 (ZI3) 427·8941 1980 Ha rbor Blvd. Co sta Mesa, CA 92627 (714) 642·2311 Arvil Spa r ks Sales Kawasaki 607 W. Kate lla Ave. Orange. CA 92667 (7t4) 639·2886 Whittier Kawasaki t 4043 Eo Whittier Blvd. W hittie r , CA 90605 (2 13) 945-3494 (7t4) 994-t670 Motorcycle World with Larry H uffm a n . Every Sunday night at 9 on 50,000 watt KWVE, FM 107.9. Call 1-BOO-22B-5249 or (714) 661-1962. 31

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