Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 02 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ ~ cc w '" ..J ~ ::li i= > '" 0 ... 0 :r ll. ).!") 00 ~ ...... ~ 0 C\J ;>~ ro :::3 ~ ..0 iU ~ (A bo.v el Kenny Kop,:cky (11 I leads Scott G'ray (31 I, John Ashmead and Curtis Adams (2 8 3 1 In the Open Mod Production class at Willow Springs (Bel o w) DeAnza Vet Master winner Jon Hall. . Kevin Norton was second in the Expert class at ATA 's Valentine trial . Robertson romps at ATA Valentine trial By Tim Walker RECH E CYN .. CA, FEB. 3 John Ro bertso n (M ission Yamaha ) scored his second ATA trials win in a row rather convincingly by 18poi nts. Robertson had h e l ow e st l oop sco re o n h is third round w it h II , his closest co m p et itor, Kevin Norton, had a sco re of 21. Oli Thordars on (Beach Yam aha ) pi lot.ed a TY350 he pi cked up the even 109 before to a third-place fin ish beh ind Norton . Six points behi nd Thordarson and first ' non-Yamaha was Bultaco rid er Mark Oldar. Dereck Bernard (Bur ban k Yam aha ) easily took th e Amateur-class wi n with a scC?re of 42/ IO. Bernard is q u ick ly com 109 back to Expert form after being away from tri a ls for two years . Sixteen marks ba ck for second was Ri ck Spruell (M itch May es Yamaha ). Art Webster (Art 's Parts ) out-scored th e yo u nge r Amateurs for third. . Ex-road racer Larry T heoba ld, rid109 a Yamaha clever ly disguised as a Honda , won t ~l e N ovice class by a scant four pomts. Gary Anderson edged by' Allen Anderson for seco nd by .one clean after being tied with 40 pomts. Cycl e N ews Asso ciat e Editor Kit Pa lmer had what cou ld be described as a clean ride o n his way to the Beginner class win. Out of 23 sectio ns, Palm er cleaned 2 I . and dropped only th ree points from th e other two sec tions. P ro motocrosser Pete Murt 30 ray, fresh off racing th e Anaheim S~percross the nigh t before, powered h IS II-year-old TLl25 to second five points behind Palmer. Murray pr~ved th at you don 't n eed a new Yamaha to hav e fun a t trials. The Nov ice class is await in g th ese IWO th e next tim e. Finishing sixth was another notable Pro motocrosser , R oss Maeda . . The o n ly cla ss not dominated by new Yamah as was in the Senior Bs. Bob Grove a nd .J im Brodeske, both mounted on Bulta cos, tied with 12 points. Grove had 17 cleans 10 Brodeske's 16 to tak e th e win . Bill Mark ham four -stroked hi s Honda to third. Results EX: 1. J ohn Robert son (Yam); 2 . Kevin Norton (Yam ); 3 . Oli Tho rdarso n (Yam). AM : 1. Derr ic k Bernard (Yam); 2 . Rick Spru ell (Yam); 3 . A rt Webster (Yam). NOV: 1. Larry Theobal d (Ho n); 2. Gar y An de rson (Yam); 3 . A llen Anderson (I· J). BEG: 1. Kit Palme r (Yam ): 2 . Pete M urray(Hon)' 3 Bill Haskel (Yam ). • . SA N: 1. Ron Steven s (Yam); 2 . Robe rt Thorton (Han); 3. Duane Stone ((.J). SR B: 1. Bob Grove (Bul): 2. Jim Brodeske (Bu l); 3 . BIll M arkh am (Hen). , Hall mashes Vets at DeAnza By Nate Rauba SUNNYMEAD, CA, FEB . 3 T eam Tamrn's jon Hall proved he was the Master Vetera n today at DeAnza Raci ng Club's Su n day MX, turning two poor starts into win n ing performances, Inter m ed ia te Dennis Bo u l wa re (Hon) started the firs t mota with the lead as Vet Se niors R o n Brehm (Yamaha of Red lands), Larrv Lowen (Suz) , and Paul Wi lde (Yarn) ch ased from beh ind. By th e second lap H a ll had passed Wilde for fourth then moved in on Brehm who had been p assed by Lowen . Breh m 'p ro ved to be rath er tough to pass, a n d it took H a ll over a lap to work his way into thi!d. Aft er passing Brehm , Hall quickly too k care of Lowen and was challeng in g Boul ware for the lead at the .begin~ingof lap fou r. Going into a tight TIgh t hand hai rp in, Hall stuffed under Boulware and took the lead . with .Bou lware stalling in the corn er. Lowen also got by, and Bo u lware restarted to slip in just ahead of Brehm. Once into the lead Hall had no trouble moving away a nd went on to a comfortabl e win. Lowen was second across the lin e and first Vet Senior, whi le Boulware was third and. th e Intermediate winner. Brehm grabbed the holeshot in moto two, wi th Boulware, Lowen and Hall tra iling. H a ll quickly went by both Lowen a nd Wilde, and then zapped Boulware ne ar the end of the op~n i n g la p . Once again H all had to wal.t a lap foll owing Brehm, finally taking th e led wh en Brehm sta lled in a co rner while under heavy pressure. Low en held third , only to run into Breh m as het r ied torestart his bi kesending both riders to the ground. Boulware a n d Wilde both went by a n d went on to claim second and th ird. Once out front no thing could ' s~op Hall and he went on to an easy victory. But second was still to be decided. After his sp ill, Lowen got on !he g~s a nd caught up to Wilde, passmg him two lap s later. Wit hin another lap Lowen reeled in and passed Bou lware to place second. Lowen's second in the mota placed him first overall in the Vet Senior class whi le Boulware was thi rd for first Intermedia te. Ed Michetti ret urned to the track (broken legs and a ll) to just cruise to third in th e Vet Junior class. Results PEE W EE DIV II: 1. Chr is Wi lliams (Suz). PEE WEE DIV III: .1. David Cooke (Han ). MINI BEG: 1. DaVId McLeod (Kaw) : 2 . Todd Smith (Kaw ); 3 . Kan Sommer (Kaw ). M INI NOV: 1. Er ic Browne (Kaw ). . M INI INT: 1. Ad am Fitzgerald (Yam): 2 . Dana W iggtns (Kaw). 125 BEG: 1. Kir k Pag e (Kaw); 2. Bruce Gu ertin (Han ): 3. Paul Quinn (Suz). 125 INT: 1. Michael Daverss (Han); 2. Billy Niel son (Hon). . 250 BEG: 1. Ron Mowry (Han ): 2. Nyla Arzolean (Kaw); 3. Ron Burrows (Suzl . 250 NOV : 1. Devid Halve rson (Kaw ); 2. M ike Giannaatas io (Y~m); 3. Bob Nunez (Kaw) 250 INT: 1. GIlbert Vald ez (Suz)' 2 Lee M ill er (Han) ' • . 2 50 PRO: 1. Eddie M ich en i (Yam ): 2. Tod Gibboney (Yam); 3. Greg Nash (Kaw ). OPEN BEG: 1. Tim McCue (Han). OPEN NOV: 1. Robert Temple (Yam): 2. Mickey Brennan (Han): 3. Don Abdell a (M ·S). VET J R: 1. Larry Lar ivier e (Yam); 2. Bill Hen sche (Yam); 3. Ed M ich etti (Yam). . VET INT: 1. Denn is Boulware (Hen); 2. Robert Cool

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