Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 02 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ 00 Q') ....... • FOR FREE BROCHURE ONF ULLLlN E OFGRAND SPORT KNOBBI ES. S END STAMPED, SELF ADDRESSED ENVELOPE TO: SPORT TRACKS CO. 12775 FOOTHILL BLVD . SYLMAR. CA 91342 (8 181 361 -6070 . IMPORTER; DISTRIBUTOR MOTORCYCLE TIRES . TUBES AND ACCES S ORIES • DESIGNEDIN EUROPE ~ 0 C'J ... C\S ;>- :s ... .c CU ~ • HARD & SOFT COMPOUNDS • THE ELITE MXTIREFOR STADIUM RACING & OUTDOOR TRACKS . ATIRETHAT WORKS ATA PRICE THAT WON'T RIP YOU OFF. • MFG. EXCLUSIVELY BY SPORT TRACKS CO. • DEALERS PLEAS E INQUI RE • UNBELIEVABLE TRACTION , ~ ..... ~ GS780 500-18 (available in hard or soft compound ) FITS 250cc AND OPEN CLASS BIKES (othe r s izes and panerns ava ilable l Corbin "Gunfighter" .- '...... ~ ~.'" ~ SPORT TRACKS COMPANY 12775 FOOTHILL BLVD. SYLMAR, CA 91342 (8 18) 361-6070 INVENTED BY MIKE CORBIN UO S A 800-5.'18-7035 ~ ~ . :662.~~ in CA 123-C LE ERD. BOX 1562 WATSONVILLE. CA95077 W OR L D 'S M OST ELEGA NT SADDLE MA KER . ' 8 4 & ' 8 5 CO LORS $ 1 4 9 .00 LOW & COMFORTABLE MOTION SPORTS 32 Shreveport. Louisia na Distributor of Qua lity Motorcycle Acc essories DEALER ONLY U.S . - 800/482-8124 Louisiana - 8 0 0 / 4 8 2-8 1 25 !~. _ (7 0 7 17 6 3 -7 5 1 9 • E_perl Fu ll Ra ce- P'~p HEADS CYLIND ER Damllg4" Re'PI''' ~ • ENGINE DYNAMICS ~ & We stoc k valves, g u tdes . 5P!'u"gs, ca ms . t! le \f 10 1 0 L.keviU. Hwy .• Pe t. lum ... CA 9 4 9 52 \ 0 Current 5 00cc World Road Rac ing Champion Eddie Lawson ro de his YZ2 5 0 t o t hi rd in the 2 5 0 cc Pro class at Co ro na Race w ay . Inn-rrnedi at es o n th e co ldest da y o f racing yet in th e 1984-85 season . Seve nty riders brav ed arctic tem pe ratures, snow . ice a nd co ld w inds to co m pe te in round six of the AMA northwest Win ter Series a nd th e largest clas s of the d a y was the 125cc C Iield . Bryan Summerlin (Ya m) rode amaz ingly well to wi n th e first mota co n vi nci ng ly over J erry Ai cher (Ya m) a nd Dennis :'\IcConnell (Kaw ), The second rime-out had Summer lin shoot in to th e lead OWl'Aich er . but McConnell went inside to take th e number o ne spot - only to crash short ly th er eafter. T his put Summerlin back into fir st on the Albany S tih l-sponso red YZ. a nd he too k the c hecke red a head of Aich er who went 2-2, a nd McCon nell w ho rode consistent lv for a 3-3 third 10 beat Ma rk H a m;lker (H o n) a nd C hris Moo re (Kaw ), Roseb u rg H onda 's " R ad ica l" Rod ney Kell er entertai ned a ll spectators that bra ved th e c h ill in th e firs t co mhin ed P ro m o to. Kel ler 's fast. smooth r id in g troun ced 125cc Pro Ken n y Ol son (Ya m ) a nd Billy H ohman (Han 500 ). R ich a rd Ea r le (H o n 500) wa s in the hun t but cras hed a n d pack ed it in - givi ng H ohma n a free a nd clear th ird p lace finish behind Kell er a nd O lso n . Keller has been o n a rei g n o f terro r. d om in a tin g Oregon MX racing and quick ly pu t hi s C R250 into the lead at th e drop of the gate in m ot a two. H o ltm an a nd Kell er duel ed for the first two la p s, hut af ter that it was Kell er leadi ng to th e last la p . .I ust when thin gs wer e in the ha g. Kell er threw a cha in and Olson breez ed bv to tak e th e lead . Keller was back oil th e gas a nd co rni ng into th e finish line wh oop-d e-does wh en he made a kamikaze pass o n O lson. winning by inc hes a nd nabbing the overa ll. Keller 's I- I bea t Olson's 2-2, a nd third p lace H o h ma n 's 3-3 fin ish . The 125c c B class had Beyer (lJ lven Fo rging Ka w) hurn th e first moto a nd' sound ly beat Da ve L ivingston (Ya rn) a n d Darren Rog ers (Ya m ). Th e second time o ut had Jeff La n d ru m (Kaw ) tak e the lead fro m start to fini sh , w hih- Beyer moved th ro ug h traffi c to take seco nd a nd a 1-2 overa ll win . T he 250cc B portion ra n combi ned and saw Wa yn e C h urch (Ka w) top th e first m o to over Husky mounted Mi ke H olbro ok a nd H an son . Moto two ha d C h u rch crash and PU( H an so n into the lead OVI·r. H o lbrook a n d Ya maha r ider C h ris Leach . H ol brook came fro m behi nd to ca tc h a nd d isplace H anson unt il sta ll ing a nd pu tting H an son back into th e lead . H an so n wo n . tak ing a 3- 1overa l l a head of H o lbrook (2-2) a nd C hurch (I -4). Res ults PRO: 1. Rodn ey Kel le r (Hon); 2. Kenny Ol son (Yam); 3 . Bill y Holtma n (Hon). OPEN INT: 1. Scott Russell (Hon): 2. Dean John son (Hon) ; 3 . Doug Eckelman (Yam). 250 INT: 1. Wes Hanson (Hon!; 2 . M ike Holbr ook (Hus); 3. Wayne Chu rch (Kaw). 125 INT: 1. Gary Beyer (Kaw): 2 . Jeff Land r um (Kaw) ; 3 . Darr en Rogers (yam). BO INT: 1. Lance Rudge (Kaw) . BOJR : 1. Scott Noe rd (Kaw); 2. Chuck Stande ford (Hon); 3. Joe Rushing (Hon) . 12 5 JR : 1. Brya n Sum merli n (Yam) ; 2. Jer ry Aicher (Yam); 3. Dennis McConnell (Ka w). 60 JR : 1. Chris Patterson (Kaw); 2. Ryan Leach (Hon): 3. M;ke Ulven (Kaw) . 601NT: 1. Danny Ulven (Kaw); 2 . Chuek ie Sta nde ford (Honl : 3. Bill Doug Eckelman (Yam). OT: 1. Dave Eak;n (Hon); 2 . Bob Leach (Hus) : 3 . Dave Weleber (Hus ). 0 -200 BEG: 1. Darr in Senseney (Yam); 2. Ed Peterson (KTM ); 3 . Corey Tennent (Ho n). 20-UP BEG: 1. Dan Clo (Hon ); 2. Chud< S m it h (Yam ). Beck, Mathieson steam Medford SX By C lay Light MEDFO RD . O R, FE B. 2 Suzuki -mounted Ri ck Beck worked hi s way through a pack of crashed com pe ti tors to tak e thewin in the 125cc main even t a t Medford 's Ex po P a rk Supercross a t th e beef barn , .Io in ing Beck o n th e vi ctory podi u m wer e Mark Mathieso n for h is O pen cla ss win . a nd Frank Word III for hi s 250cc class victory. Zac h R u nd (Hon ) opened up th e eve n ing by sto rm ing from last p lace to win a seve n rider 60cc A m ain event, a head o f Shaw n High land (Kaw ) a nd J oe Don Irela nd (Han). Wa yn e Fra m p ton (Suz) was o n the gas a nd ca m e away w ith a w in in the 80cc final , whi le Lance H ol d er (Suz ) and Kristin Cowan (Ya m) were second a nd third . Beck. Holder and Fra mpton led the l 25cc main ; a n event which proved to be marred wi th crashes. Most of the riders took their tu rns at testing the turf; co nstant ly changi ng positions in mi d-pack . Beck stayed o n two w heels long enough to co llec t a ha rd -fough t win. wi th H older taking second over a Troy Cobu rg (Suz), Th e 250cc m a in had Word la unch h is we ll- used Yam aha fla t-tr acker into th e lead a head o f SCOll P faff a nd Suzu ki -mou nted Ted Perrea rd. Word flat-tra ck ed it through th e co rners to pu t seco nds o ver P fa ff, wh o in tu rn wou ld gain grou n d o n Word i n th e w hoop-dedoo sec tio n . Word held o n th e gas lo ng enough to bag the wi n with P faff seco nd . In th e Open m ain event, Ma thi eso n put a ll 500cc o f H onda to th e grou n d to storm into a lead. w hile being push ed by Mik e Ham ilton (Ya m Tr500 ), Dal e R u n d (Hon 480) a nd

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