Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 10 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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oathern Ne.ada·Southern Call (Hon); 3. D.nny C.sson (Y.m). 125~PRO: 1. Donnie Best (Yam); 2. Jon Ortner (Yam). '2S0-JR: 1. Roy Farr (Han); 2. Roger Williams (SUl); 3. Manuel Labrador (Hon). 250-INT; 1. Ron Economu (Yam I; 2. Bob lamarooi (Yaml. 250-PRO: 1. Roben Laughlin (Kaw); 2. Donnie Hensen (Hon). Soo-JR: 1. Jeff Otten (Hon); 2. Jim Kokunis (Y.m); 3. Clyde VET: 1. Kent "Fifi" Shepard (Yam); 2. AI.n VerchiCk (Yam); 3. Gilben Z.v.l. (SUl), ~ ~ ~ ~ Giffin up at AM£ Summer SeriesMX M 11) ..0 o ..... u o By Tom Griffith VALENCIA, CA, SEPT. 2 Guy Giffin is on a roll in his march to be crowned Budweiser Summer Series champ in the 125cc Junior class. Giffin continued his mastery as American Motocross Enterprises returned to Indian Dunes. Giffin bagged one holeshot and worked to the from in the other moto to completely destroy the competition. But hot on his trail is yet another up and coming 125cc rider, Glenn Gordy riding a KX125. Gordy surprised Giffin in moto one by riding the tank traps in flawless fashion to stay ahead of Giffin's TNT Racing CR125. Gordy led to the checkers in moto one and finished the night in second overall behind Giffin. Returning from a successful shoulder operation, Tom Holt picked up third. In Pro action Kenny Zahn led a fine field of 250cc machines into turn one, only w be passed by the Arcosponsored Honda of Kelly Pugmire. Zahrt seemed w play catch-up then fall back and finally by the end of moto one dropped far off the pace. David Lynch and Kenneth Goldie provided much mid-race excitement but settled for third and fourth. In the second moto it was again Zahrt and Pugmire with Ken Beebe joining the action in second, but Zahrt moved out front and stayed there. Saving the best for the second mow, Kenny took top dollar wi th a three-point score ahead of Pugmire in second. • Results' PEEWEE: 1. P.t Wade (Yam); 2. Pablo Lara (SUl); 3. Jarod Whitel.y (SUl). JR CYCLE-BEG: 1. Jon Petr.lia (SUl); 2. Bud (Y.m). JR CYCLE-JR: 1. Damon Huffman (K.w); 2. John Sh.ver (Kaw); 3. Raben Ringus (Yam). JR CYCLE-INT: 1. Doug Huston (Kaw); 2. Eddie G.umond (Yam). MINI-BEG: 1. Billy Mclaughlin (SUl); 2. Scott V.rdley (Yam); 3. Todd Gireth ISul). . MINI-JR: 1. Michael Dawson (Kaw); 2. Ronnie Rosales (SUl); 3. Scott McDonough (Kaw). MINI-I NT: 1. Mike Kiedrowski (Kaw); 2. Jeff Mabery (Kaw); 3. Roben Hopkins (K.w). MINI-PRO: 1. Willie Surratt (Kaw); 2. Eddie Hicks (Yam); 3. Jeff Reynold•. 12S-BEG DIV I: 1. Se.n Anderson IHon); 2, I.n Greenwood (Y.m); 3. Darrell Hellops (Yam). 12S-BEG DIV II: 1. Robb Sa••en (Cag); 2. Bob Dempsey (K.w); 3. B.rry Willingham (Cag). . ' '2S-JR: 1. Guy Giffin (Han); 2. Glenn Gordy (Kaw); 3. Tom Holt (SUl). 12S-INT: 1, Cun F.rrar (Yam); 2. Joe Hopkins (Hon); 3. Eric C•••• (Han). 12S-PRO: 1. Russ Wageman (SUl); 2. Bob Kline (HOn); 3. Jon Ortner (Y.m). 2S0-JR: 1. Keith Smart (Han); 2. Jim Neub.uer (SUl); 3. Cun J.mes (K.w). 2So-INT: 1. Greg B••de (Han); 2. Jeff H.nzo (KIM); 3. Robb Webb (Han). 2S0-,PRO: 1. Ken (Han); 2. Kelly Pugmire (Han); 3. Kenneth Goldie (Hon). 500-:BEG: 1. Rick Gibbs (Han); 2. Eric Cormier (Hus); 3. Greg Moeller (M.i). '500 JR: 1. Rosen (Han); 2. Jeff onen (Han); 3. Richie T.ylor (SUl). 5OO-INT: 1. Gregg Blechm.n (Han); 2. C.lvin B.kis (Han). 5OO-PRO: 1. M.rk White (Yam); 2. Greg Torgerson (Y.m); 3. D.vid Lynch (Han). VET-JR: 1. Kent Johnson (M.i). VET-INT: 1. KentShep.rd(Y.m); 2. RobenFonier(M.i). VET EX: 1. Randy Lewis (Hus); 2. Bob Dunham (Y.m); 3. Ch.rlie Spellm.n (Yam). ATC 200: 1. Tom Reed (Hon); 2. Phil D.vy (Hon). ATC 250-INT: 1. Tom Dixon (Han); 2. Devid Souelle (Hon). ARC 2S0-EXP: 1. Jim M.tson (Han); 2. Greg Hunsaker (Han). ODYSSEY: 1. Mike Sm.llwood. Superblkea Production' G.P. Machinery Hallett is located 40 miles west of Tulsa, OK off 1-40 at Hallett. Ask toll booth attendant for printed directions. ---------------SZ·I I Sz I South Central WERA Region's Last Opportunity for riders to qualify for the Grand National Final at Road Atlanta, Nov. 12 & 13. WEST I SZ SPECIAL CYCLE NEWS Thluoa!:~~I~!~I~~I.~~o~,:rw . .k. ead dcket price or SI.OO oIl·WIItator .d......oa lor __d.y _ly.t B.nett Racla. Clrcait or P_ao R.cew.y. Coapoa . . . . oaly tbroqb OCtober 16, I"~ SZ I I WEST ~----------------~ ---AdVERTisiNG TIiAT WORks---

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