Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 10 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Archer (V.m); 3. Jerry Br.ndt (V.m). OPEN tNT: 1. AI.n Brunk (y.m). OPEN JR: ,. Jim Bowm.n (Hus): 2. AI.n Armstrong (Hen): 3. Cr.ig Porter (Hon). 250 PRO: ,. Joey Schlag (Hon): 2. Rick Mythen (Y.m); 3. Cr.ig Christian (Y.m). 250 INT: 1. D H.rrell (C-A). .... 250 JR: 1. Rich.rd Horne (Suz): 2. Mik. Lande· prof (Hon): 3. Jonas Smith (Hen). 125 PRO: ,. Cr.ig Christi.n (y.m): 2. Mik. Wh.len (Hen). 1251NT: 1. Mich.el Menpres(Suz); 2_ Scott Fr.zier (Hen). 125 JR: 1. Se.n LolI.r (Y.m): 2. Rich.rd Mulhneck (Hen); 3. Rich.rd Davis (Hen). SO EX: 1. Terry Bosterd (Kaw). SO INT: 1. Joson Assad (KIW); 2. Jimmy Clay (Y.m); 3. Ronald Coton (Suz). SO JR: 1. Jeff Landgraf (y.m); 2. Jasae (Y.m); 3. Don Pi.ntonida (Suz). VET MASTERS: 1. Jet-ry C.,on ISuz); 2. Larry Baker (Hen); 3. Glenn Pruitt (Suz). ver SPTSMN: 1. D Burgess (V.m): 2. G.ry .... Est.s (Suz). Heiberger hauls at Baylands MX By W. H. Spencer Chuck Sun travelled north to••nd C8me tHIck with two wins. 250 INT-JR: ,. Tom Schorn (Suz); 2. Mike Landgr.f (Hon); 3. Joe Towbis (Y.m). Schlac sharp at CMCSHRMX Schlag, Christian sweep SHR MX BY W.H. Spencer BRENTWOOD, CA, SEPT. 9 It's rare to find one of those Friday nights in between the San Francisco Bay Area and the Central Valley where the heat isn't too oppresive and it's not too windy, but the last two weeks of Friday night Continental Motosports Club motocross at Sand Hill Ranch has been just perfect. Joey Schlag got off work early enough to run off with the 250cc Pro class over Jerome Heiberger and a fine ride gave Eric Mashbir the win over Wayne Archer in the Open Pros. Tyrone Earl got the 125cc Intermediate win, but had a tough battle in the first round when Sean Loller kept him at bay throughout. Earl won the second round in front of LoIlar, giving the youngesttheclass win. Wayne Archer made a bold rnaneuver on the Berkeley Yamaha entry earJy in the Open Pro show and led Eric Mashbir around for half the disLance but Mashbir had something else in mind and swooped low in one high-banked corner for a clean pass. Mashbjr disappeared in the second round for the overall. Archer held firm looking for a mistake, but none came and the crowd loved the close racing. Randy Denton came out for some stadium practice in anticipation of the upcoming Tans-Cal Series wrule Jerry Brandt took fourth, still recovering from two collarbone breaks. Joey Schlag and Jerome Hejberger diced.throughout both 250cc Pro molOS, giving the fans a veritable thrill a second. Heiberger had the right lines despite Schlag's persistence throughout the first moto. Schlag was awesome in the second round while Craig Christjan borrowed a scooter and held off Heiberger. Results 125INT-JR: 1. Tyrene Earl (Y.m); 2. Sean LolI.r (V.m); 3. Rich Bob Ri...nback (Hen); 2. AI.n ArmVET-OT: 1. Mulline (Hen). Slrong (Hen); 3'-Rich Gr.h.m (V.m). SO INT-EX: 1. Terry Bast.rd (K.w); 2. J.son Assad (Klw); 3. Jimmv Clay (V.m). SO JR: 1. D.rrell G.II.gher (y.m): 2. Jesse (V.m); 3. Pele Pi.m.niOO (Suz). PEE (Y.m). Kr.merWEE: 1. Rv.n G.rdner (Y.m): 2. Johnny OPEN PRO: 1. Eric M.shbir (Hon); 2. W.yne Archer (Y.m); 3. R.ndy Danton (Hon). 250 PRO: I. Joey Schl.g (Hon): 2. Jerome Heiberger (Hon); 3. Rich Mythen (Yam). 125 PRO: 1. Kimo Cosay (Hon). OPEN INT: ,. Alan Brunk (V.m); 2. Jeff Irwin (Hen); 3. Fred Bellm.n (Y.m). OPEN JR: 1. JIm Bowman (HIlS); 2. Alan Arm~wcnil ~O'" II.;'. FREMONT, CA, SEPT. 8 MOlOrsport Center of Santa Cruz Yamaha. Gros j will get ready along with the rest of the crowd for the up· coming Trans-Cal series as Baylands announced the continuation of the Continental Motosports Club-sanctioned Thursday njght show into October with Moto-X Fox sponsoring the fi ve-race series. Heiberger and his Contra Costa Honda tagged along with Rich My then on the first 250cclOpen Pro moto start and through the first turn while Bill Grossi cruised along in third with his brand new YZ. Heiberger then held all at bay for both rounds while Grossi cured a bit for a second-round second and a lillie more comfortable feeling, not having ridden the stadium style tracks in some time. Randy Pond swapped 250cc Junior moto victories with Bill Arnold, taking the final round overall with Jeff Wright third with a 5-3 count over Brent Peterson and Dan Slocum. Mike LaPaglia continued his sweep of the Open Junior class, and will join the Intermediate ranks quickly. Danny Robinson scored two seconds and Bub McElroy two thirds. Results so INT/ JR: 1. Ron C.'on (Suz): 2. Jeff Ch.lmers (Hon): 3. Andy Urrutia (Y.m). By Jim Bowman BRENTWOOD, CA, SEPT. II Joey Schlag and Craig Christian each rode two classes today, and ended up winners in the second round of the Red Cross Benefit Motocross series al Sand Hill Ranch. Schlag rode his Piping Systerns/Bob Porter/Petaluma Honda to four moto wins between the 250cc and Open Pro classes and now leads the 250cc Pro points battle. Chrislian (Cycle Gear/Karl's MOlors) took third behind Schlag in the 250cc Pro competition and traded runaway wins with Mike Whalen in the 125cc Pro motos to come out tops in class with Ihe lead in series points. The Open Intermediates and Juniors were combined in the same race and turned in almost the same results as the firsl round of the series. Britalia Motors Husky/Cycle Gear-sponsored Jim Bowman holeshot both motos, but Intermediate rider "Big AI" Brunk (Hayward Yam) worked past each time to score his second win of the series. Junior class riders Bowman and Alan Armstrong. (Contra Costa Hon) finished second and third overall to duplicate thcir 1-2 finish in the first round. In Veteran and Old Timer action, Jerry "Too Cool" Caton worked from behind Larry Baker in both motos on the hillside track to take the Masters class win. Baker finished second and Old Timer Glen Pruitt third. Fourth and fifth overall were Sportsman entries Dave Burgess and Gary Estes, who traded wins to finish first and second, respectively. With parents cheering and announcer Tom Anderson joining in with good humor and fun, the most exciting race of the day had to be the 80cc Junior race. Jeff Landgraf and Jesse Britain finished an undisputed f'Irst and d t ·Ive Iy, b ut a II secon ,respec eyes were on the race for third. Little Don Piantanida fought with Anthony . Viscia both motos, and w hen It came down to the checkers, it was a classic photo finish. Pian tan ida took the nod for third, but fortunately Ihere h·d . th I th t were enoug TI ers In e c ass a both riders went home with trophies for their efforts. PEE WEG: 1. Jeannie Pruin (Kaw); 2. Brian Gouveia (Kaw). 25O/0PEN PRO: 1. Jerome Heiberger (Hon); 2. Bill Grossi (Y.m); 3. Cr.ig Christian (Y.m). OT/VET MASTER: ,. Jerry Coton (Suz); 2. Glenn Pruitt (Suz). OT/VET SPRTMAN: ,. D Burgoss (V.m): 2. ••e Rick Souza (Hen); 3. Fr.nk Seronello (Mai). 125 INT: 1. Mike Minj.res (Suz~ 2. Dave Sojorquez(Y.m). 250 INT/OPEN INT: 1. Scott Lohr (Suz); 2. AI.n Brunk (y.m). 250 JR: 1. Randall Pond (Hon); 2. D.n Slocum (Hon); 3. Jeff Wrighl (Hen). OPEN JR: ,. Mike LaPagli. (KTM); 2. Danny Robinson (Hon); 3. Bub Mcelroy (Hon). 125 JR DlV I: I. AI.n Corloon (y.m); 2. Ken Johnson (Hon); 3. Man H.rvey (Hen). 125 JR DIV II: ,. Doug Hagio (Hon); 2. M.rk Anz.lone (Hon): 3. Mike Powell (Suz). The Sun shines in Alaska MX By M.R. Edge ANCHORAGE, AK, SEPT. 4-5 1980 National500cc MX Champion Chuck Sun came to Alaska to promote his new line of racing apparel and participate Results 4.'; ....... "'~.~ t ... ~~~.~~~.?-.~~ Jerome Heiberger continues to be the hot Pro at Baylands Raceway Park, with the addition of Billy Grossi on a newly acquired . .••. in the last round of the Alaska State Motocross Championship series held al Kincaid Park. The former alional Champion rode Hondas supplied by H d f Andt S ·1 :..9P.~!' .. P~gfl' ...U_'!.~_S! won every moto he entered and added some more excilement 10 an already exciting series. All class champjonships were up for grabs. The clouds cleared for the weekend and everybody was anxious to find out who the new state champions would be. Sunday saw Sun rocket to two 500cc Expert wins, leaving the Alaskans behind to battle for second. Moto one had Sun in the lead with Jeff McDonald (Suz) and Mike X9chum (Yam) fighting for top Alaskan honors. MacDonald got by Yochum and started to put some ground between them, but a split exhaust PlPe slowed hjm enough to allow YochUm to pass. The moto end saw Sun ~n first, Yoch urn in second and MacDOnald in· fifth. ,With a new pipe MacDonald holbshot moto two, but was soon pass&! by Sun. MacDonald and Yochum switched positions this mOlo and tied on points. Sun decided to sit out the 250cc Expert class on Sunday and 13-time Alaska MX champ Scott Davis todk advantage of it by running away with motoone. Well, almost. Davis' Suzuki sucked a filter washer on the second to the last lap. Davis watched Jeff Roskelley (Suz) take the moto win. Moto two was a Roskelley holeshot. He held Davis off for half of the moto but Davis passed and kept the lead until the checkered flag. Roskelley is only 15 and with a little more experience will definitely be a rider to look for. Even though Davis hadn't competed in Ihe 125cc Expert class this year he decided to gi ve it a try th'is weekend. Kelly Butler (Kaw) Cache, took the lead of moto one with RalQh Blanchard and Davis in tow. Burter crashed hard, leaving Blanchard and Davis 10 fight for first, but Blanchard's Yamaha went out with' seized motor. Suzuki Motorcycle arrd Marine-sponsored Davis took the win with Erik Munson right behind. Munson really wanted the state championship and even spent the winter racing in Florida and California in preparation for the series. Muns jetted into first in moto two followecI closely by Butler and Davis. Tfte three diced for the entire moto with butler staying on top of the moto[(~ cle this time and taking [he checkered. David took second with Joe Good (Hon) in third. Munson fell off the pace and was only able to get a fourth. rThe Alaskan riders showed that they are as tough as they come. The besl example of the unwillinRJless to give up was Danny Daniel (Ho~. Daniel has a paralyzed left arm and races in the 125cc Novice class. His motorcycle has the clutch, front bralf.e and throttle mounted on the right side operated by his good arm. He tightens his steering head, straps his paralyzed arm to his body and goes for it. Danny is amazjng. He doesn't win but always finishes well - flying high off the jumps and tackling the deep sand with speed. Danny is one gutsy rider. Monday was the last day of the 10race series and a lot of tired racers came to Kincaid Park to find out who the 1983 stale champions would be. Sun opted [0 race in bOlh Ihe 250cc and 500cc Expert classes today which left Ihe spectators happy but his competitors not so happy. For a while, though, everyone though I that they wouldn'l get the chance to watch Ch uck ride. During practice a snagged brake cable tossed Sun on his head after landing from a downhill jump. It took him a while to recover bUI \ " .. I ... " • " -~""'.' \ ... ~

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