Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 10 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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content to sit back and cool it a bit when they know they have the com· petition beaten. Way to go, Ross! Results 250 COMBO: 1. Cuni. C.nnon: 2. M.n Oobrick; 3. AI M811lieno; 4. T.rry M.....; 5. R.M. Stoutenburg; 8. Gille. Gieuffler. SOD NOV; ,. Keith Peel; 2. Tim McEntee; 3. Bruc. BNIIy; 4. Jeff Pierce; 5. Ken King; 8. Ai.n 1lelI1Iy; 7. Ricky St••ick. SOD JR: 1. Rodd Saunders; 2. J.mes Kesoler; 3. Rick Henley; 4. Woortol Linduy; 5. O.vid Mesoimer; 8. Nigel G.le; 7. Ron Ban"o; 8. Don.1d Meiner: SOD/OP EX: 1. Roger Thompoon; 2. R.ndy BIrd; 3. John Barricklow; 4. Joel Windhem; 5. Mik• Boyl•. VETS: 1. Mike Boel; 2. Willi.m Banell; 3. Don Meiner; 4. AI; 5. Cherle. Mercucci; 8. R.lph Porzelt. 250 PRO MAIN: 1. Randy Bird; 2. Mike Boel; 3. Don Driggs; 4. David Ehrh.n; 5. Ken Barrow. SOD PRO MAIN: ,. ROM Klan; 2. Jim RON; 3. John Lundren; 4. Gr811 N.llOn. ~ ~ M Q,) ..c o .... u o McKenna flies at Sacto MX By Nuclear Neu'kam SACRAMENTO, CA, SEPT. 16 Hi-Poin tiE uroCycles-supported Eric McKenna had never raced at Sacramento Raceway before, yet you never would (Top) Chris Cannon continues to dominate the 260cc Combo clall during Ascot's Pro-Am Series (File photo.) (Below) Two Kewie ride... bum-it up at Indian Dunes Shadow Glen track. had fun just laying his bike over in flat-out trackin' style inspite of it being a 'IT not a half mile. Sharing Thompson's very quick machine was Veteran Mike Boal and in the first round of the Vets class he By Maureen Lee nearly left everyone asleep on the GARDENA, CA, SEPT. 15 line. For the rest of the moto and the Curtis Cannon continued his second one it was history repeating itself - Boal out front with Bill Bardomination of the 250cc Combo tels and Don Meiner chasing him and class at the ongoing Ascot Park each other. Last round though, Boal Pro-Am series. Even the overdid it, getting into tum two a bit too quickly and the overshoot cost fact he unloaded in the ess bends in the first moto didn't deter him; he him some valuable places to Meiner bounced up and got right back up and Bartels who were ever lurking into the lead again, leaving the rest of just behind him. the uoops to scramble around behind A slim turnout of Pro riders this him. Scramble around they did and it week, but the 250cc class especially was awfully good racing between made a real race out of it. Dave Matt Dobrick, Al Maglietto and Terry Ehrhart grabbed the lead in the start Maves as they settled out the other of the main tailed by Don Driggs, front running places. Mike Boal and Randy Bird, who Even the Pro riders this particular ended up that far back when he evening couldn't come up with the missed a shift coming out onto the excitement Rodd Saunders and Jim straightaway. He was back up into Kessler generated in their contention third very quickly as Ehrhart dropped for first place in the 500cc Junior divback wi th Driggs in the lead and Boal ision. Saunders got the holeshot each in second. The laps went down and time out but for the rest of the races Drigl$S had the misfortune to miss a Kessler was an over his rear wheel shift In the very same place, dropping and sometimes flying through the air him back. Bird then went for it, beside him over the jump. Saunders going to the inside just where tum managed to be out in front for the one tightens up, coming out the first two races but Kessler ended first leader and holding it until the finish in the third round for a second overflag. all but it was worth watching. Rick There were only four 500cc Pros, so Hanley and Woody Lindsay were it was Ross Klatt, Jim Rosa, John going almost as hard for third and Lundgren and Greg Nelson to put on fourth. the show for big-bike lovers. It was a Roger Thompson cleaned house show an right, one starring Klatt. He in the 500cc Expert class and after he demolished them and by the end of got out front with a bit of space' the main hewasafantast~cII seconds between himself and whoever was in ahead of second-place Jim Rosa. As second - either Randy Bird, Curtis tJu; laps went down, he j.ust kept Cannon...arJjolm..BauickJox,r., be•.__.,gQ1!1g RVeJ; .when JIIOSl. nders. ~e. , Cannon still booming at Ascot Pro-Am TT 22 have known that by the way he roosted not only the combined Pro class, but the four-stroke class, as well. McKenna, fresh off the Wrangler Super Series, flew his Honda CR250R to both Pro moto wins while Suzukimounted Brad Bruns came from two mid-pack starts to finish second overall. Jimmy "Kamakazi" Robertson, aboard a new Cagiva, combined two thirds for third overall. McKenna, riding a Husky fourstroker courtesy of Dick West, "played" with Honda XR5OOR-mounted Eric Swager the entire first moto as he used elaborate lines in each tum, letting Swager pass as they went in, and squaring at the apex, then weelieing by on the inside; ditto in the next turn. McKenna broke away on the white-flag lap for the win. After Swager holeshot the second moto, McKenna eased his way into the lead and hooked to the win and the overall. Ron Pecio combined a second in the first Old Timers Novice moto with a win the second time out for the overall. Can-am-mounted Bill Arbogast won the first moto but flew over the bars late in the second moto to score a DNF. Mike's Cycle Kawasakimounted George Buttles combined two consistent thirds for second overall. Hi-Point/Kawasaki-supported J.J. Taylor won the 80cc Expert overall w,ith two firsts. Hi-Point/Kawasaki teammate Shawn Wooten became the first 80cc rider to clear the 65-foot "Oh Hem" double-jump gap but he paid the price late m the first moto when he landed on the crest of the second jump and snapped the top of his rear shock off. He rode his counsin's Suzuki to second in the final moto. Frank Bogan, on a KX80 he bought the week before, topped Daryl "Moose" Yount and his Mike's Cycle Kawasaki in the Intermediate division. Results _0 FOUR-STROKE: 1. eric McKenna (Huat 2. Eric S-r(Hon). o'f NOV: 1. Ron (y.m); 2. G-oe Butlleo (Kew). 125 PRO: 1. Bred Brun'ISuz); 2. Jimmy RobertIOn (C8ll~ 250 PRO: 1. McK.nna CHon). OPEN PRO: 1. Tom S_nev ( 2. Merk Hannum (Mai). INY: 1. Frank Bogen (Kewl; 2. tleryt Voum (Kew). EXP: 1. J.J. Taylor (Kew). . VET NOV: 1. Keillt V.ughn (Hont 2. Dick West eo eo (Hue~ 1251NT: 1. Stu P8rry (Yernt 2. Kevin McMahen .~(S.I"~II t OPEN NOV: ,. Rick Jenkin. (Mei); 2. Paul Vogtil (Han). 250NOV: 1. Billy Arbogell (Suz); 2. D... Cheider (Suzl. BONOV: ,. Mike O'AgOllini (; 2. Wynn Go selves (Sull. BO NOV 2: 1. Mike O.ughren (Suz); 2. Gonulviij (Sull. PP INT: 1. Oi.nn. Lenerd (SUI); 2. Donn. Mitehetl (SUI). PP NOV: 1. Juli Heuterbllck (Suz). • 80: 1. Spud W.It.,. (Hon); 2. Sreven Ho..-h (Y.m). r 125 NOV: ,. Eric McMunie (y.m); 2. Jell Baldwin (Y.m). 125 NOV 2: ,. McMunie(V.m); 2. B a _ (Y 250 NOV: ,. Arbogell (Suz); 2. Cheider (SazI. Donnie Hansen returns at AME v Indian Dunes MXI J By Tom Griffith .m VALENCIA, CA, SEPT. 11 The regulars were joined today by Donnie Hansen as American Motocross Enterprises raced the Shadow Glen track at Indian Dunes. "Holeshot" Hansen returned to racing at his "home" track and ran, so smoothly in the morning practicl; he looked almost slow, but no ODe caught him. Hansen led off the start of moto one in the 250cc Pros, only to drop the Honda before the end of lap on~ Remounting in last place, Hansen worked back to second but was not able to catch the leader Robert Laughlin before the moto ended. Running in the same race but on the first gate. the l25cc Pros blazed their way and made the 250s work doubly hard but Laughlin did manage to take the firslc overall in both motos. Joining Hansen on the comeback uail was 125ccrider Donnie Best. Best led Jon Ort;ner's YZ throughout most of the race and pulled to a 12-second lead by tl;te halfway marker. But Ortner did find a second wind in the sizzling heat and started catching the fleet Best. Pulling wheel to wheel. Ortner. and Best again charged into the uees at the start of moto two. Best again op. top he and Ortner stayed glued together the entire race. Ortner uied in vain to nudge the front wheel inside Best's YZ on every straight and every jump. Meanwhile as the 125's were dicing Laughlin came on and once more the KX250 flew into first overall, leaving the l25s wondering where he came from. Hansen dropped into the 250cc pack but mounted a drive in the closing minutes of the !SO-minute moto to finish second and second for the day. Steven Kotajarvi made his first appearance at an AME event since returning from Ponca City and Tennessee and showed why he is one Of champions. Pulling the holeshot iri) both Mini Junior motos Kotajarvi blew the compe.tition into the weeds . with a super-smooth ride to go I-I. Leading the racing for second was Brock Suter's Yamaha. Suter had to work from mid-field to score a 2-2 taJly and second overall. With this win Kotajarvi moved into the ranks of the Intermediate riders. Results PEE WEE: 1. Jeff Wilioh 2. Bred Schullz ( 3. Peblo Lera (Suz). JR CYClE·JR: 1. Demon Huffmen(Kewt 2 . ' James (Kewl; 3. O.n C1t.mbero (Y.m). MINI-BEG: 1. Robert Curcuru ( 2. Jeoon VOIhide (y.m); 3. Andy Murphy ISuz). MINI-JR: 1. St_n Kot.j.rv1 (Kewt 2. Brack Suter (Y.m). MINI-INT: ,. Mike K _ (Kewt 2. Shane T _ CHonn); 3. Ronnie Denalord (Hon). MINI·PRO: 1. Kyle l.ewi. (Kew); 2. Il

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