Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 09 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Sales/Parts/Service Departs. Turbo Z-1 We're expending and need additional full time, experienced people. Will negotiate moving expenses. BURBANK KAWASAKI, 1329 Hollywood Way, Burbank, CA 91505. (213) B48-6630, Leon. (136X) Over $9,000 invested. 1,000 miles on fully built turbo engine. Exceptional condition. Sacrifice for $2500. (303) 328-7123. (33?-36) Wanted: Parts Person Excellent opponunity for the right person I Contact Jim at CONTRA COSTA HONDA/SUZUKI/KAWASAKI. (415) 432-4383. (236) Red Honda Interceptor Showroom conditio(\, less than 1 ,OCX> miles. $3500. (303) 326-71 23. (335-36) CAN-AM 500 BOSS fro me plus 250 Honda Boss frame. Both new, call s.ammy Potter t4051 7227733, (405) 789-6828. (135/36/NSW) Gold Wing Fork StJlbilizor N8)N from KM. SUllPY Co_ Abo _ for GShighly poliIhed. adjustable design. _ in _ _ requiring no modificationsto_c.... - 1 l00GK. KZ-13Oll. ···Free Plane Ticket··· Fly to San Francisco FREEl Ride home on a NEW Hondo from OAKLAND HONDA. Call Mike ot OAKLAND HONDA for details. (415) 835-2939 (135/3BX) ~ era are aVllitllblelor maR models 01 BMW, Harley, Honda, ~ : - .Y _ S e e _ _est KM. Dee.... ~ ~ 727-ff1fS7_ (234/NSWITFNI. Help Wanted • Exper. Pro Service Manager 4 year. Honda dulerlhip experience necessary. Competitive ulary plua benefits. Orange County, <:.li1. (714)554-0762: DIn. (236/NW) Mechanic Wanted Full time. ben-'its. commission. advance to Service Manager. Must have own tools. good references. South BlY erel (213) 676-2264. (236) Mechanic Wanted Honda or Yamaha shop experience necessary. IMMEDIATE OPENING. Located in "Smog FREE" Central California, 2 hours north of Los Angeles. (805) 928-2656. (235/36) Experienced Sales Person TORRANCE HONDA MOTORCYCLES (213) 3717533. (236-37) Honda Personnel Honda Service Manager, Honda mechanic 2 years experience. Honda motorcycle sales person. Auto Of Motorcycle experience. Beautiful Palm Springs. CA area. Send resume to: HONOA OF INOlO, 80126-Hwy 111, Indio, CA 92201. (619) 342-4484. ( 136-371NWX) Pro Kaw M/C III Jet Ski Mech. Good commiuion to experienced profesaionel. IMMEDtATE OPENING with GREAT companyl Apply in penon a< contact Deve It LONG BEACH YAMAHA/KAWASAKI, 4200 E. P8cific Coest Hwy., Long 1Iuch, CA. (213)597-9927. (233/TFNI Long Beach Honda Motorcycles Is Where It's Happening w. need .......,-reon thet'.got it.1I together. Must heve motorcycle ..... experience. All compony benefits, super pey pI.n to the right pe...,n. <:'11 c.rl Diemond, (213) 423-1433. (233-36) Sales Reps Wanted I\9gr_ive M/C distributlng COlTlpllny wanll hard working uJ.. reps. You muat now be selling to M/C shope and want to odd to your line. (800) 854-1060 a< (619)747-1068. (206/TFNI M/C Warehouse Mgr/Assem. Learn M/C MechanicS and Indust. TraininG/Tuition Free AT: L.A. TRADE TECH. America's most respected public vocation.1 commercial College: Advanced placement for motivated men &. women capable of staning in the 2nd, 3rd or 4th semester. If H.S. Greduate or over 1B, CALL: (213) 746-0800 Ext. 209, Rick Sherer or Bob Sirkegian. Ext: 212, Pat Owens or Pet Moloy. (136X) Accessories Sales Person Long established Yamaha dealership in South Bay area. Experienced preferred, will train. T & 0 YAMAHA. Lomita, CA (213) 534-231 1. (235/TFN • ...-J • D~W Cunningham • Melton • Martin • Kuenzer·Bertram·Hines·Brown All have switched to the PBO. It is 8 MILEAGE COMPUTER that changes SPEEDS automaticolly, has a built in ENDURO CLOCK, and will even warn of POSSIBLE CHECK LOCATIONS. Models from 8185 to 8205. Coli or write for full detoils. New dealer program available. PEFORMANCE PRODUCTS, P.O. Box 1294-W. Lecombe, LA 70445. (504) B82-31 07. (233/TFN/NE) Racers/Collectors Business Opportunities FOR SALE: Franchised DLrshp In Florida, 2 major cycle bronds. $700,00-'800,000 per vear in annual sales. Willselt for '150,000. Call _ n 3-5pm. Mondey-Fridoy. (9041576-4831. Tenn. eveilallle. (232/NSE/TFNI Wanted: Cycle Shop Equipment Looking for all typeS Cycle Shop service equipment, perts, Sales, furniture, fixtures, display materials, etc. (714)859-6907. (134-35-371NW) Opportunity Wanted Young, aggressNe, degreed General Manager; innovative, hard working. Experienced at all levels, seeks k)ng term opportunity. Buy in- Buyout. 7734 Many, Overland Port<, Ken... 66204. (335-36/NWl ··Cycle News Collectors •• 1968 to present, all WEST editions in good shape. Accepting 8EST OFFER I (213) B65-8419. (336-37) '82 CR-480 RHonda Experienced person to handle warehousing, pickup and assembling of motoreycles for TOP San F8r~ nanda Vaney dealer. Experienced only need apply. good salary. benefits...excellent working conditions. Contoct: Bill Mclean, KOLBE HONDA, 7514 Resodl Blvd.. Reledo, CA 91335. (213) 345-7616 olter Sept. 12th. (235/TFN) Speedway Mail 8ritain', leading sp4ledway peper is published weekly without CftSIIt;on throughout the year. Full ~oge of Britioh Speedway. plu. finest world ~age of the aport wherever it _ place is offered. Subscription rate., peyable by 'nterna· tiona I Monev Order, are al follows: One year aur· face mail - US '57.44; one year airmail - US 182.11. send order with covering remittance to: SPEEDWAY MAll. Sublcription Dept., 460 Hoe St, Wolthomotow, London E. 17, England. (515/ElTNF) 1982 Katana 550 Suzuki Shoe; fairing, 3500 miles, VERY CLEANI .1750. (805) 967-3668. (135-36) Motocross Clearance 1983 Maico 490 ($500 in extras) :3 races, nice' 81800. Honda 1983 CR 80, 10 ride., moved to 125 cia.., extra., 8750. XR-200 '800. ATC 70, 1976, 8200. Hondo expr_, 8150/will trade gun•. (213) 998-1049. (213) 709-B755"eveningo. (234-37) '82 HONDA XR 200.ft Fresh top end. Re-built trick shock, new tires, chain and oproct

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