Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 09 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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. --, , ... FOR SALE: 1981 Y2-260 YAMAHA. ExceUenl condition, 8900/OBO. 1990 IT-425, many extro., 8900/OBO. 1980 KLX-260, 8BOO/OBO. 1982 Hondo CR-260, ...ellenl condition, 811oo/0BO. (2131 B61-9957. (236-3B) Whit. 8rOl. luspension. purchaed new in ·S1. Still in _condition. 8800/080. (2131966-768IL Trial. Bike 76 KTM 260 - Street Ucen.., '78 Yamaha YZ 400 E (13~ Compllote enduro kit, Mid pl"', 8300/080. (213) 247-7136. '81 Mont... 349 Coto. Boughl _ in 1982, ..I· dom r_n, RlId tonk model. f760/Firm. Jock Weir (7141551-9146. (136) saw sh~ C135-;JII 6nc~ '81 430 CR Husky New tir., chein, sprocket•• Pro·circuit p'~ _ / M X tonks, Answer .ile....... dition, 8996/0BO. Tim (213) 343-6972, ...~ _. (135 67 HONDA 305 CLASSIC: Recently reSlorlld, many new pans and paim. Run. good. Asking 8395. (312) 464-5370. (135-36/NE) e-nem c.., 't'?la *** KTM Special *** 1983 KTM 504MX Demo. 60 mile. on biko, like now, 8200 worth of extro•. MUST SELL 82000. Also: 1983 KTM 420-MXC, brond _ , coil for VERY LOW PRICEI Both bike., MUST SELL bofore Sept. 30thl PERFORMANCE CYCLE WORKS, 7948 E.". Blvd.. Downey, CA 90241. (213) 8619957. (238-381 FANTASTIC PLASTIC DC PRO il the tpeCialill1 in "ign concepts for Works replica plastics. The greatest leIection in _ for your vz. RM, CR, KX, end ATV, Futuring: lou_lid oidlt PIO".I. (822.96); _ _ S ("9.96); SUPll' Flow n u _ pl_ w/mouma (816.961; Fork/Hubiluerd. (813.961; hnds.. (812.96); S_r Flow eir - . (879.961. COLORS: Whitll, Yellow, RlId, Gr. .n. s.. your _ ... or oon1SCl: DC PRO, P.O. Box 7191, Ri_ _, CA 92603. (714) 361-0633. ViA/_eard_lId. SEND FOR FREE CATALOG. (226/NW/ALTITFNI *_.. SMASHED PIPE? -_.. Don'tlI'orow_thotdornoaod_Nion _ _ or _ I Lot WIllIAMS PIPES ~ itl For _i· motes coil Tony (4151691-2822. (334-37X) '81 Honda CR 250 R ***83 KTM 260 LC PiP88*** ••• 'Z Racing Products• • • • Month. of re..erch end _ng he. rosultlld in more bottom end end mid·renge with _1ho top endl 18 ge~ helld pipe is 1· higher then _ . 8129.96 VlSA/MASTERCARD/COD. (Ose... Inquiri.. i _ . 1 Contoct: PRO CYCLE KTM, 1266 E. Lincoln, Anoheim, CA 92806. (714) 772-8170. (234-36/NSWl Pro link luapension. water cooled engine. compllotely rebuilt. Runs end looks greot' 81000. Coli (714)876-9883 efter 6 p.m. (334-37) Save $$$$$ Buy Canadian All shon supply models available from CANADA. It "PRICES TOO LOW TO PRINT'" For informelion: 1-112-(604) 584-6686. (334-37X1 1983 Honda CR-250 Low mil.., " . _ roclld, excellent shope. 81676 (213)985-1272, dltys. (336.37) '81 Yamaha YZ-465 Exceptionsl condition, ve,.,. low hours, .1 ooo/OBO, including riding goor. (213)'325-3419. (.336-37) CZ 250 CZ 400 CZ Two exqui.ite RlId freme CZ·. with _ r... Both "'eiloble for only 8976/0BO. Oon (702) 329-4736 Kaw 650 900 1000 Parts H_, trons.. frema, _Is, forb. Priced right. (136/37/NEI Buy, ..II, trodlt. (2061648-6380. Aircone Custom Cone. & Meg. ***** Fuellnjeetion -**** Pipe builders writ. Of ~II in your dimenliona. We elso hlMt e piloting shop (nick", chrome, br_ end gold) end e compllote m...1 fsbriclnion shop. AlRCONE, INC.. 6901 Emersld A.... L.. Veg.., NY 89122. (702)466-4177. (23O/NWITFN) RBbor. Iystem for the '81·'83 GPz 11oo·s. More aitIfuel now capacity for an amazing in horsepowerI PLUS the entir. mixture range is adjustable. and has been tested on everything from stock to pro-stock bikes and has the r.nge to handle anYthiog you con build" PMC RACE ENGINEERING, 3700 S. High, Oklohomo City, OK 73129. (405) 677-9593. (135-36/NWX) 1983 CR-250 RHonda Ridden 2 month., Metzeler lire., 81595. (7021323(336-37) 6151 or (702) 972·8040. **Maico 250 & Yamaha 465** '80 Midnight Special 1100 Both 1980'., SHARP' Low hours, eXIT.., $760. (714) 629-9807 bofore 6p.m. (7141628-9691 ofter (335-36) 6 p.m.l_kend.. Excellent condition. many extras, new tir... well ..rlld. Frenk (619) 757-2719. (136) MPS Mixture Control Unit Offer. edju_lily to fuel injection on GPzll 00. A muot with e _ . R....m _ by Kerker. 869.96. MOTORCYCLE PERFORMANCE SPECIAlTIES) Box 1936. Co... Iberry, FL 32707. (306) 695-2154. (I281NElEOVTFNl METRAUA ENGINE: 175cc. high compreui"". 8100. You .hip. Bultoco literoture included fr... (6141891-2425. (136/NE) Interceptor Overheat? Ours Doesn'tl Heschimura Racing (24 Hr. winner)oil cool" adapter. 839.95 COO. shipping. Roce proven.lmereaptor pans and accesorie•. Keith Ma'lhilll. Nonhgate Hondo, (412) 931-0880. (236/37/NEXI WANTED: Poir of Ohlin••hodt. in good condition for 81 Husky. 12161659-3463. (336/NE) HPF XR500, FOX FORKS, Fox twin clicker, Megacycle cam, WisKo piston, excellent condition. (135-36) 1415) 339-0731. 1968 Triumph T1 OOR Daytoria Super Spona rere 500cc dauie. 8.000 miles;stock, complete, not running, begging for reetora· tion. 8500. (415) B62-2403. (336-37) 1983 TT·600 Yamaha like new, leas than 100 mil••. Illness force. . . . 82ooo/Firm. (8051622-0345. (336-371 '83 V45 Honda Interceptor Like _ , _ r roclld, undor 4,000 mi.... Red w/r. .r cowl. 83B60. (213) 372-6860, ~ tryingl (336-~ r------------------------------------------~ WANT AD BLANK Cycle News P.O. Box 498 Long Beach, CA 90801-0498 Ads ere eccepted on e first come. first serve besis. Cycle News reserves the right to edit ed copY, REGIONAL RATES (Cycle NewslW..t only) PRIVATE PARTY Per word No canc.lI.tlone etter 5:00 p.m. Thur..t.y . NAnONAL RATES (Cycle N_./W..t .... Cycle""" ~t, PRIVATE PARTY WANT AD DEADLINE .. s . Heedline in bold type ... Pholo 213/427-7433 . S3.1l1r8 .....1l1r8 Per word. .. Friday noon for the following Wadnnday·. iaaue. Fill in the Vi.. /Malter Charge blank Of . .nd (No larger than 5 x 7) _ . (No larger 1hon 5x71 check or money order 10: Above Add,.•• (One photo per Ad) There ere cheep copies ..,eil.Io, but our "BAR\( BUSTERS" ere the ONLY hend guards trustlld I>Y Terry Cunningham, Mike Melton, John Mertin, Dicit Burleson ond EVERY other FACTORY rider Why should you SOllie for ....1 Insist on the best. FREE roplecement guoront... AI your _Ier or ordltr dirKl, 849.60. PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS, P.O. Box 1294-W, Loc:ombe, LA 70445. (604) 862-3107. (232ITFN/NE) 8._ COIIMERlCALI' H£LP WAIITED COMMERCIAL AND H£LPWANJED Perword.. " . 85.00 CREDIT CARD LIMIT MINIMUM $6.00 PLUS .50 POSTAGE and 'HANDLING [III .: 12 Pholo Heedline in bold type . . . . . . . . .. 86.-. Pholo. . . . . . .. .................1l1r8 lOne photo per Adl _ Heedline in bold type. . . . . . . . . .. IOC Blind Box Service Charge "Bark Buster." Handguerd. " Guaranteed Unbreakable 85 e _ . .......•7 Pholoa....... (One photo per Ad) Per word. . . . . . Heedline in bold type. . . INo I8rger 1hon Sx7l lOne photo per Ad) ....... fill In your Comp_ acCount number end .xpIretIon cIste of" '82 Yamaha IT466 - Cleanl* PHOTOS RETURNED ONLY WITH SELF ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE The ..... C8fd identified on tNI ....... ~ to pay the MnOUftt.-.wn .. TOTAL "PO" proper PO_"illilkwl. I promtee to ,.y euch wI1h...,. . . . . . . . . . . . m..on eubtect to Md 8CCOf 1lCe wfIh . . ....,..,.. govemf", the UN of euch C8Fd. PJ_ run my lid _ ....... run my lid _ Good condition. g~renteedNOT RACEDI Pleasure bike for 43 yr. old kid. 8999. (714) 654-9436. (136-36) 21 Foot Smuggler Trailer W88ke in West WMkeln Awning, .I. .p. 6, hoidl 5 bilcos, storoge box. fulllIc ..If-contoinlld. S43OO/OBO. Also: '79 Y2-400~ 8696. 'B2 Hondlt XR-2oo, 8B76. (213) 241-6356!' (136-3Bl N8me -_._------ Add,... S1IIt8 City PRINT BOLO HEADUNES HERE - EXTRA (_ve splice.' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 15 Porting and 8alancing All mak... 2-Slr_. 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE. (213) 843-0926. (136-41 X) 10 5 18 19 20 28 27 28 32 33 _ 34 36 -~,__---., _ _ _ _ _ _ 29 30 31 36 37 38 39 40 _ _ _ _ _ _ 43 44 46 46 47 52 51 52 L~~~_=='_be_~~~a::=:=:: _ TZ 260-H rolling _ ..i.. TZ 260-H _ _ for RD engi".. TZ 260-D rolling _ , new HI J _ .elve gover_, ce_ end many DIller TZ RD rKing PIOrt•. (6191 440-0214. (336-36/NW) 2' 25 ~ TZ 760 & Spare Engine 14 24 _ _ _ _ _ _ so 7 '3 23 _ _ _..:..- 12 17 _ _ 22 _ 11 16 ~----- *"BULTACO PARTS --- LARGE STOCK. WILL SHIPC.0.D.14161332-3659. (2211TFN) Want Ad minimum ... $2.50 __________________4 ______ 9 Zip 53 a FREE CYCLE NEWS STICKlE 42 I I li6 I I I 48 54 _=~==~O~ __J Ju.t right for your 10ol /lOX, Truck, Ven, Treiler, icebox. girllriend or boyfriend; or rnoybo it'. your wite, husbllnd or kid lI'oot _ e CYCLE NEWS STICKIEI All you hlMt to do i. . .nd e S.A.S.E. to CYCLE NEWS WEST, P.O. Box49B, Long 90B01-049B. AnN: FREE STICKfE OFFER. (5261TFN) TZ-760 A Road R.cer 1974 Frnh, low tim.. will ...1 ~ 83600. ~ only/83000. (4171 486·2830, (811) 763 . (136-371NW)

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