Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 09 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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AMA GOLDEN STATE CHAMPIONSHIP ENOURO Rod CA. Martlod ~om Hwy 395 .nd T..... Rd. All cl_•. 0·37 cords ro•. 0·37Il11n. Key tim. 7 .m. Ently f••, 2 I....' $32 bolh dors. 1 loop $l6. 3 moo t..... odd 11. Ently f.. Sundly 117. Poll ontrios odd 15. Moil ontrin .. Colijomi. Enduto _ion. 1316 Soudl Sinl. A.... W.II Cowino, CA 91 790. Info 213/448·6351 or 267·6157. _in. Wl'RA/CIIflC'TEXAS ROADRACE COUtg. SInon. TX. Appro. 4 mi. .... of Collogo SIOlion TJ( ... Hwy 6. All cl-.. T........ ond - ' n · ci.,. Sat· proc ond 4 '" ond.. Sun-proc. rog. sprints. Into 713/49!1-23Z3. G(") 00 (j') N_Amerl.,.·.ATV ...tII.....oto .,.n k_ up to .m wl1h iheir_ _ n ° - - ' I RMding ATVN_._·. only_AlT_n Vehicle _ ...... you --_._- SUbs _1__- - 0·37 CAUFllftIIlA EllOURO Ilod Mo....oin, CA. m....d """' H..., 395 A Tron. Rd. All d_n. 0·37 cords roq It pittl. T... 50 mi I udl dIy. 200 mi. d. Enfry ' " Z I ' 132 bolll dip. 11_ 126. 3 min t••ml Idd S1 PI' rider and mail IOgothlt'. No Sun only ........ Sun 117. Post .ntrils III ridln add S5. Info ZI3/448·8351.287·8157. I". ·be Today $5' • en S tII.... _ n · . ~ ROAD RUNS bnp, ..._ ••la ... tM:henk:lrN. .ncIlocol _ _ •• camp!oto ...Ii...... .,._r of • _.nowpn>d.-.nc1 mor••,. month", lu.... Ancllfyou _ _• 411.00 win _ you 13 I...... of tho moot oction· _boIow_ . AM ERRAIN VE£IlH~IC~L;;;;;;;;;;i ALL T =: September 2-5 ~_ofyour tovorlto _no FIR out tho CAUFORNIA ROAD RUN Pig Form. 15141 W. Si Hwy,' Cony... Country. CA. All 1· com•. Run Pi.., tlopIls. 50/50_, contingenci.l. No alcohol drugs Of firo....,. Sign-in . . . Friday, 2 • t'!i pm. Emry 120 5th CllotItIf M/C pltChholdll', 125 .11_11, 4 .. m... """01" 125 pOlm holdo<. 130 III others. '5 11th far paul... r. Fifth CIlaptor MIt. Info 8051251·5500. ou_IOATVN_ \OdIIy1 I 0 'lISl _ _ a M _ (t2 '-""!I} pIuo : : i • NAME • • • • • PHONE pIeose check boa Poyn)ent encloted Moste 1 _ _ afA'fV_loranlr~1 ,- Dote 01 thi, orde< Cold expiles _ STATE _ _ ZIP _ _ _ SIgno1ure _ The Issuer d It1e cotd idenflfted on ....i' Item Is ~ 10 pay"'" c:mounl show'n as TOTAl uoon PfODlI' ~1OtiOn IPfO'T\IM 10 pay such JOTAl (fo9I"I"* wIIh 0f'tY orr. chQrgM due tI'le!eon) sutltKt Ie onCIln accOtdonce with Ihe ~ ~ me ce',' UIe d such . ATV NRn PleaM maIIlD. P.O. lox 1030 a-g leach, CA 90101-1030 or call (2t2) .....70 ~---------------------_._-----------_._------------------------------------------------ DRAG RACE WHEELS LIGHTW£JGHT - STRONG 1815'h* ............---..'" FroM_ ......... ....for lIlock dille ........... tCaMuki. Iforfey-Devideon, ..... . . . . orwl1h -...-I*for........ dilIe ...... .; ,.nce IDAHO POKER RUN MIn. Ho... KOA Co..........,d. Ait F_ App

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