Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Quaife 5 Speed & 6 Speed Gearboxes A ll variants; Comma ndo M anx.. G050. 7R. etc . Excl usive North American im port er. Rob Iannucci. 139 Henry St ., Broo klyn, NY 11 201. (2 12) 5 960504. (323 /24NE) 79 RD400F YAMAHA Dayto na Special. Exce llent co nd ition. S 1.300 OBO. YAMAHA TT 600's WE HAVE THEM and w e're deeling W HILE THEY LASTI T & 0 YA MAH A, 24020 Narbon ne, Lomita. CA. (21 3) 534 -231 1. (223ITFN) '78 YAMAHA SR 500 a $800 Excellen t condition . 7 500 mi les. new ba tt er y. c hai n, cu stom pipe w it h SuperTrapp . Call (2 13)7 68 ·232 5 after 6 p.m. (12 3) Custom Built 4 Rai l Trailer Ste el gauge mesh fl oor . w ith lock i ng carrier cases; h ol ds (2 ) 5 ga ll on gas cans. Heavyd uty s u sp ~ n s i o n . (3) full si ze Goodyear s w it h spare carrier. M IMt con- Call M ark (3121 272-B800 ext, 2 390 days or (3 12) 3 59-3969 evenings. (3 23 -2 5NEI dit ion . MU ST SEEI (2 13)8B9-4651 even ings. (3 231 Patrick Racing Products Exce llent condit ion. very low miles . SHA RPI (2 13) Aluminum off-set clutches. 515 lift mi le cams, aluminum pr imary covers. li g htwei ght exhaust pipes, ARD mags . (5 13 ) B78 -0061 . (323 / 25NE) 889-4651 even ings . 1980 Suzuki PE 250 C(") (323 ) TRAILER WANTED Wanted I Rickman MX Handlebars Must be 3 rail , Big Wheel. 14 "or 15 " . CA SH WA ITING I Call (7 14) 493·5252 days . or (71 4 ) 4 9 3 -87 9 5 evenings. (3 23) Type R010-006. Call A lan before 5 p.m. (BOO) 8 74 -4 800. (123NE) '83 CR 125 HondaaGirl Ridden a Journeyman Smuggler Trailer sion . M UST SELLI S14OO Debbie, wo rk (7 14) 75 1. 0 68 0, home (714) 754-7305. (32 3 ) 20 foot . fully self contained. 40 gall ons water, B rides. stock b ike . have extra parts. Works suspen - * Cycle Tra iler... $399 & Up * 1. 2, 3 &. 4 Rail Majo r Brand s l 4 &. 5 rail custom. Small or large whee ls . Also vehicle &. uuntv tre ue-s & h itches i n st all ed, M .S.C. (2 13) 7 6 7 -17 5 7. (208/ EOIITFN) KX 500 Racing Heads Bu tane. 2 batteries . joh n an d shower. refrigerator. Offer. 00 0") With a limited offer on select machines, your Husqvarna Dealer is now increasing the unbeatable value ot a Husqvarna even further. By asking for less and giving you more. Hele's how: Det onatio n problems? El iminate pingin g, i m prove stove and heater. Excellent condition . $2995/ 0 80. ALS O: 197 6 FORD SQUIRE, fu lly equ ipped inc lud ing lOw ing package . GREAT SHA PEI S1995 /0 BO. (2 13) 256 -72 B3. (323-25 ) Husqvama: An Expensive Tradition Becomes An Affordable po w er! Call Joh n Peter son (6 19 ) 7 4 5- 4 0 14 . (123 -26/ NW) 1982 HONDA CR 480R In ju ry serer Zero hours on totally re -b u i lt eng in e; top. bonom and trans. A · Trak, hav e rec eipt s. $1200. (714) 995-7266. (123- 24) Waterproof Enduro Bra kes Aljo brakes. New ad dress: 12 48 East M ai n St .• No r - r istow n, PA 19401. (21 5) 277 -5181 . (323 / E0 1l33NEXI 1 98 1 250 Maico Mega II $ 1 150 1983 Ric kman 65 Page Catalog Str eet legal chassis k its. fairi ng s. Clubman bars. fe n ders. tan k bag s. helmet. st ereos. int erco ms . alarm s an d mu ch more. $3 , re f un dab le w it h ord er. Contact: ROBOT TECHNICAL IMPORTS, 30 Bonny Dr.. W estb ury . NY 1 1590. Dea lers in vit ed . (5 16 ) 333 -1228. (223 / NW ) 1213 ) 9 19 -10 9 1 efter 6 p.m. (122 -2 3) 250 CR Package 1 9 8 3 Suzuki RM-250 D Excellent condition, MUST SELLI S1350. (21 3) 44 5- 1609 . (122- 2 3) 1 9 8 3 KTM 495 Excell ent condit ion . like new. many extr as . S 1900/ aaaaa aaaSUPERCRossaaaaaaa ' 8 2 HONDA CR 250R Dirt bik e boa rd gam e. f un fo r th e whole fam ily. Send $6 .95 plus $2 .00 po stage and handling to : TRI GA ME PRODUCTIONS. 5470 Leigh Ave .. Sen Jose. CA 95124. (52 2-23X) A l umin um silencer, looks. runs good. $800. (7 14 ) 98 7 -3178. Prof e ssionally mainta ined. like newI To o ma ny ex tras to li st. call fo r deta i ls . Ale x (2 13 13 3 8 -2 7 3 9 or OBO. (80 5) 4 98 -3 551 . (12 3) (3 23 -24) aaaaa 1982 KTM 495 aaaaa Owned by vet eran tra il ri de r. Super clean and read y togol W ill Sh ip anywhere. See at PRO ·CYCLE KTM . (7 14) 772 -8 170. (22 2 -231 Street Supercharger (223 / 25NE) Precise Crankwork $1,895.00· We ere c n m kb u ild er s for t h e Motorcycle Industryl We can untw ist. true. we ld. stroke . regri nd or do anyt h i ng else to any crenk . Whe n all you do are crankshafts ... you have to d o t hem rightl FA UCON PERFORMANCE, 211 6 Sunnydale Blvd., Clearwater, FL 33 575 . (8 13) 4 61 -4161, call or write for catalog . (22 3/25NEI 250 XC Packaae Anew 1982 HusQvarna 250 x plus aHusky I Products 4 gallon plastic gas tank with 1983 graphics. T uillmate off-road mean machme. he BailSan a nd fits in stock.Z·' frame. Has injector and carboS950 . (813) 461-4 161 . Stan with a new 1982 HusQ varna 250C RMotocross plete with all the standard equipMotorcycle com ment: longtravel suspension. Ohlins gas shocks, alum inum tank and silencer. HusQvarna throws in ith a Husky Products 4 gallon plastic gas tank W 1983 gmphics and a Husky Products Skid P You end late. up W ithtwo tanks. a motorcycle capable of winning Motocross. Desert or Hare Scrambles and the preslige of owning a Husqvarna. $1,895.00· Honda FT-500 Ascot 800 miles. as new con dition. Cost $2 200. sell for S1450. Call Dan. WH ITE BROS. (71 4) 89 5-1 991 or (7 141643 -22 60 . (121 &2 31 Brembo Simply The Best TOTAL HYDRAULIC BRAKING SYSTEMS. Calipe r. , ma st er cy linders. disc s, pads. Street and rac ing. ff you are n ot buying BREMBO you ar e pay ing m ore for less. BREMBO BRAKES, P.O. Box 730. Kenwood, CA 95452. (70 7) 833-2622. (248-E/ ALTI EOIITFN) 1982 Class " C" Kawasaki 250cc Boots $99 - We Paid $140 M y bro t h er an d I h ave 4 pa i rs of Tri m bo ots . n ever wo rn . Sizes 8. 9 . 10 . 1 1. Colo r : blu e and yellow. Sell to you $ 9 9. fr eig ht pa id . Send m oney ord er to : Bill y Bar n e s. Route 2. Bo x 554. Rin co n. GA 3 13 26 . (122/ 2 3NE) Just Imported and Race Readyl S uzu k i RG B 1982. li ke ne w . spares kit . extras . Suzuki M ark VI 19 81 . ex - Franco Uncini. special p art s. spares. Qu ick fill w it h st ab fittin gs . Pho ne Gina, evenings (603) 569 -1110. (12 3 / 24NE) 1983 Suzuki RM80D Pipe In stock and ava i lab le from DG Performa nce . A ll ne w RM80D p ipe in creases top-e nd and ad ds m ore mi d -range po wer. Reta i ls for $89.50. Con tact your loc al dealer or: DG PERFORM ANCE SPECIA LTIES, INC.• 1230 La Lama Circle, A na heim. CA 9 28 0 6. (71 4)630-547 1 (i nside Californ ia), (800)B5 4 -9 134 (outside Californ ia). (22 3/ NW) 1981 HONDA XL·500S Street or Trail. 2300 miles. do n't usa, MUST SELLI 6950 . (2 13) 4470668. (123) Winner of the 19 82 " Pikes Pea k " h illclimb an d Co lora do 2 5 0Cc Expen c la sse s. Kn ight frame. G ri m eca b ra ke. Marz occ h i forks . Works Perfor ma nce shocks, mod if ied KX -KOX m ot or , set -u ps for Y.z m ile . IT. &. ST. Ext ra parts. ve ry competitive. wHl sell chassis on ly , complete price. $4200. (30 3 ) 475-21 65. (323 / NW) Honda's "Top Of The Line" Th is CB· 1100R. is the same m ac h in e feat u red i n the Oct . 1982 M OTORCYCLIST MAGA2INE . Cust om in st r u me ntat ion pa cka ge. headlight modula tor. and spe c ial Du n lop t ires. Su pe rb ly detai led l Licensed. Experienced. ma ture men only. THI S AINT NO TOYI S13,5OO.(213 ) 530 -6 568. (3 23) PARTING OUT 198 1 YA MAH A 250Y2. Sw in g- New 430XC Package P urchase a new 19 82 HusQvarna 430XC at this inou'lI get me King of the 011· credible, special pnce,Y Road Open C plus a Husky Products 4 gallon lass 983 plasnc tank with 1 graphiCS. II's everything you need. complete and race ready! $2,365.00· These and other select specials on new Hosqvarnas are available now, but onlywhile they last. All com plete wilh Husqvarna's wlltten warranty. All supported by knowledgeable dealers who care. Hurry in. This is your opportunity to gam the uilimate ill olf-roadmotorcycleatapricethat W blowyour mmd HlISlIftmll 4925 MercoryStreet San Diego, california 92111 (61 565·1 4 9) 41 arm; 87 5 . M on o sh oc k; 89 0 . Re ar wheel assembly. completa; S7 5. Engine , complete; 62 50 . (B0 5) 52799B6. (123 ) -Manufacturer's su ggested retail pnce Remember when? 520 Alum. Alloy Sprockets S21 .9 5, all M X bikes. S.S. M ACHINE PARTS. Rt. 1 Box 368B, Traveler. Rest. SC 29690 . 2 p.m .-B p.m. (123 -26 / NEX) (B03) 895 -2895. Superbike Dunlops Fresh KRI 08 's 375 / 650 - 18. T25842 rears and 325 / 450 - 18. T264768 fr onts now available . Call for p ric e and qu an t it ies. As k f or Lar ry or J oh n. (21 3 1 32 3 -83 14 . (223 &25) 1983 CR 250 R Pipe Dyno de signed. tested. and per fe ct ed I Sit s higher t ha n stock so it w on 't get cr u she d, greatly adds to you r engin e's perform anc e fo r sm ooth controlla ble power. Bol ts right on in m inutes. NOW IN STOC KI O n ly S104.5 0 . As k ab out our full li ne of fa ct ory pipes. Dea le r s please i nqu ire . Con ta ct : ROO ST FA CTORY, (21 3 ) 53 0- B401 . 14 30 W . 259th St.. (223 /NW) Harbor City, CA 90 710. Russ Darnell Motocross School JU NE 6t h-1 0th : San A nt onio, Texa s, JUN E 13th 17th: Tulsa, Okla. AUG UST Bth- 12t h : Rio Bravo: Houst on. Texas . A UGUST 2 2nd- 26th: Sunrise ; Adelanto. Calif. A UGUST 29t h-SEPT. 2nd: Saddla(21 9NW / A -EOIITFN) back. (7 14) 980-3 2 12. e2-!MA~ Just enclose 51.00 t o cover po st age and han dling for lat est street and dirt tllk~ accessory cat alog and mall to : MO TO-X FOX. DEPT. C, 520 McGL/NCY LANE. CAMPBELL. CA 95008 U.S.A 43

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