Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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'76 KH 500 Kawasaki Triple 6.000 miles . rolling frame. basket case engine. have all pans. many extras. $3 75. A I.. (21 3) 338 · 2739 or (213) 919·1091 after 6 p.m. (123· 24) '78250 MAl CO MAGNUM Simon fo rks. piggyback shock s. excelle nt cond it ion ' $675.Alex(213)338·27390r (2 13)91 9·1 091 aft er 6 p.m . (123-24) Maico's At Cost '83 KTM 504 198 2 250's MX - $1400. 1982 490's MX _ "500. Plus 10% disco unt on part s. Buy one of these and qua lify for 8 free Ma ico 10 speed bike. Stop by or call fo r deta ils . We sh ip anywhere in the U .S. WHEELSMITH MOTORCYCLES . 18020 Euclid. Fountain Valley. CA 92708. (7141 751 . 0680. (211 ITFN/ ALT/EOI ) Low ho urs . m in t cond it ion . 38mm Mikuni. Z-racing pipe. $2100/trade for '83 250. 500 Husky. (415 ) (122. 23 ) 967 -2794. W anted: Pro-Trac Trailer 16 ' .andem axle . Call 8an (7 14) 547 -6041 days. (714) 543 -6888 evenings/weekends. (322 -23) CZ - JAWA - BA8ETTA Pans & accassor ies. JB CVCLERY. 17468 Road #25 . Madera. Cal~ . (209 ) 674-4788. (204/TFN) Buy My Ascotl 1982 HONDA 500cc Asco•• red. perf ect . stock, low mil es. MUST SeLL. no room l Fram e #59. $1 59 5/ 080. Call (71 4) 645-754 7 early or late , or leave (5 23- 24) GETTINGA TRAILER?BUY MINE & SAVEl Single axle PRO -TRAC tra iler. Three yea r s old , low m iles. Extras inc lude: heavy-d uty ti re s. 2 extra t ires &. w heels, roo f rac k. ladeler, electric brakes, bike racks, t ie -down hooks, roof ven t, & inter ior light. Spondon Lightweight Calipers No fle x. on e-p iece construction, 1 lb . 7 cz ., excel - lent pad retr act ion . Fits 13" discs. Sh ipped w it h Ferodo pads. $130. PERFORMANCE RESEARCH ORGANIZA TION. RD #1. Dreahook Rood. Lebanon. NJ 08833. (20 1) 236-6947. (3 1512 41WX ) Painted plai n wh ite. $1200/080 .(213)827.5680. (323-2 6) Belo w Dlr Cost XV750 Engine Brand n ew, n ever run, cha in dr ive XV750 w ith Road Race Leathers carbs . $I .000. (901 ) 386 -8072. H 1 year old, Bates . never down. 6' 2 185Ibs.• MUS T SELLI Call Harry Klinzmann. (714) 636 -273 1. (322 ·231 (322/25NE) J ollisport Gloves 3 STYLES wilh studded palms . Also speed mode lea thers. Jab's hel m et s. Reta il cata log : &1.00. deal- ers welcome . OUADRIFOGLIO . 5745 N. I I .h 5... Phoen i x . AZ 85014 . (602 ) 265 -5846 . (322· 23 / NWX ) 16' Pro-Trac Trail er, must sell Ext ra w ide , enclosed race trailer with side door, w indows, work-bench, 2 bunks and walk-en roof. $2200/080 . (4151479-4732. (123. 25) , ••..· PRO CYC LE KTM······· California Su perbike School " KTM" Special ists ." U.P.S. Daily . (714) 772-8170. (215 /TFN) Course fee includes leat her s. helmet. boots, gloves and SuperTrapp equipped GPZ Kawasak i. Rid ing sem inar by Keit h Code and 40 m iles on the treck. 1983 SCHOOL LOCATIONS : Texas World Speed- 1 980 Honda 7 50 Ro ad Rac er way , Road Atlanta. Mid Oh io. Road Amer ica. Loudon, Pocono. Sears Point. Brianerd. Laguna Seca, Set up for AMA 750 Superbike Racing . Professional set up w ith spares and gearing. $2475. Call Riverside. W illow Springs and Portland. Dates available. P.O. Box 3743. Manhattan Beach. CA 90266.(213)484-9323. ADVANCE RESERVATIONS REOUIRED. (213-EITFNI Tom at RACERSSUPPLYfor details . (213) 781 -6386 or (213) 873 -6 I 00. (122- 23 / NW) COMPLETE 465 CHENEY: Rolling chass is. less Mike 8 ast Speedw ay School motor, '795. Will trade for Yamaha 500 frame or Fo r t i m e and inform ati on (7 14) 780·8261 . (21 5/TFN) complele bike. (40 2) 228-4506. Speedw ay Mail JOHNSON SERVI CE now offers a h igh pressure eq ua lizer kit f or the Husky li n e a nd all other n itrogen cha rged dual shock rear s uspe n sion s. The advantages are equ al pre ssur e, w h ich eliminate s swingarm fl ex and makes pressur e adju stmen ts one st ep, whic h makes th e be st suspensi on better . Th is prod uct is a M UST on all dual shock s uspension s. S 18.9 5. Dea ler s, call fo r pr ice. JOHN - Husky Ow ners Please Read ll Br itain 's leading speed w ay paper is pub lished weekly without cessat ion throughout th e year. Full cover age of British Speedway, plus fine st world Ray Racing/Touring 800ts Several models lind colors. Reta il catalog: " .00. Dealers wereeeee . OUADRIFOGUO . 5745 N. I l.h 5 1. • Pho e n ix. AZ 85014 . (6 0 2 ) 265 -5846 . (322 · 23 / NWX) (120 / 23NEX) cov erage of the sport wherever it takes place is offered . Subscription ,ates. payable by Inter na t iona l Money Order, Ire IS fo llows: O ne ye ar su rface m ail - US $57.44; one year airmail - US 882.7 1. Se nd orde r w it h covering rem ittance to: SPEEDWAY MAIL. Subscrip. ion Dept.. 460 Hoe St.. Walthamstow. London E. 17. England. (5 15 /E/TNFl SON SERVICE. 1891 Yell owslone Road. Rock Spr ings. Wy o. 82901. (307) 382 -9601 . (120 / 21 . 23NW/24WX) Want the fastest smoothest Sh ift possib le ? Dale Wa lker's orig inal Kawasaki ' 'Z'' , GS Suzuki and Honda " F" ser ies electric sh ih kit allows f u ll t hron le sh ifts, w ithout tou c hi ng the cl utch . J us t pu ll on t h e sh ift lever, w ithout ever m issing 8 sh ift aga in I Perfect for t h e drag ra ce r, road racer, and st reet ri de r I (Bew ar e of i miunion sl). DALE WA LKER'S HP PRODUCTS. 311 Ches.nul 51.. Santa Cr uz. CA 95060. Orde r by phone : (408) 427 -3625. (123XI TRI CK TT 50 0F 600 motor, cam , poned, M ik un i, Fox forks, Motors- pon shocks . elc . clean. fasll (8 05) 252 -9616.(123) ' 83 HONDA CR 250 Honda MX'R, exc ellent shape, seven race s. Has not raced sinc e w inning Ha ngtown 250, Expert class. Rider must sell. 8ay area. (4 15 ) 757 -8 256. (123) YAMAH A PARTS Ohlinsshock for 1982 YZ-125 . $300. YZ-l 00 barre l $50. Assort ed plastic fo r YZ·125, seat for Yl -125 1982. s30. (6 191444-4 2 11. (123 ) 1 9 8 3 HON DA XR 500R K&.N filter, Mugan p ipe, excellent condit ion. $1 899/ 080 . (8 0 5 1 986 ·1204 or (8 0 5 1 488 -2619. (123- 24) Signature COMMERCIAL AND HELP WANTED _ Card Expires Per word . • . .. . . _ ~ Hea d line in bold type . . . . . . . . . . $5 extra PhOl 0 • . . • . . .• . . _. . _. . _. . • . .. sa extra l O n e p hoto per Ad ) Bhnd Bo x Servi ce Charge •• • • • • • $5.00 CREDIT CARD LIMIT MINIMUM $5.00 PLUS .50 POSTAGEand 'HAN DLING ~= - ~ Please f ill i n your complete account number and expiration date PHOTOS RETURNED ONLY WITH SELF ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE The "suer of th e C8rd identified on th is Ite m i. llUthortzed t o pay the e mOUnt .hown e. TOTAL upOn proP'"' pr . .ent8t1on . I pro",," to pay suc h total tog.m.r w it h eny other c ha rDe . due subject to end KCOf'cbi~ w ith th e _Dr. .m.nt Doverning ttM u. . of such C8rd . Please run m y ad _ weeks in West Please ru n my ad _ w ....ks in East FREE PLANE TICKET If you buy from u s and then Aspencade through Yell owstone, Intersta te through Glacier, Interceptor to Canada or ju st V65 home. CaUEarl at BILLINGS HONDA /HA RLEY-DAVIDSON. (40 6 ) 24 8 · 78 9 1. (123- 26INWX ) Name State Address City PRINT BOLD HEADLINES HERE - EXTRA !leave spaces) .oId H.......... ao r to ••rd • Zip Suzuki 1025cc Works Racer Want Ad minimum ... $2.50 ... . t.d wo,d coun t Form er Yosh imura /Suzu ki W orks enduran ce roa d race r. Ridden by Ron Pierce/We s Cooley. A M A F· 1 or end urance racer. 380 Ibs. w it h Ital ian GP frame, wa nts 10 race I Call Tom a. RA CERS SUPPLY (2 13) 78 1-6 386 . (12 2·2 3/ NW) 4 6 10 8 5 11 12 13 14 20 21 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3IJ 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 " Pro -Trac Trailers We manufacture the f inest,. most anractive tra ilers anywherel Send for brochures & pr ices of our many list opt ions. MAIN OFFICE: 30629 Old Rd.. Castaic. CA 91310 (L.A . area) (805) 257-3322. (203 ITFN)

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