Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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. . .. . . . SPEEDWAY BIKE 4- Va lve long stroke JAWA, ma ny extras. Every t h in g ch r om ed an d polished ! New con di ti on, $2 ooo/0 BO. M ark (7 14 1 627-8 585 days. (7 141 359-8 663 e.ening.. (12 3) 19 7 1 YA M AHA 175 Enduro. 5 M $275. (8C0409). pr i.ate party. (213) 316-3028. (t 23 -241 1983 CR 250 HONDA Ridden very Iittte. new Ohl in s shock . Free ri ding gear. $ 179 5. IB05) 76 5- 2604. (1231 Stud io Photography If you need subjects photographed for press re leases. advertis ing or brochures - we can do it! Mach ined arts . saddlebags. eng in e kits . e1C. ANY TH ING & EVERYTHING. Col or & Black & Wh Ite . Reasonab ly pr iced . MIKE KLINGER PHOTOGRAPHY 1 23) 5 (7 14) 894-3638. MIKUNIS: 32 mm (new) $85; 34mm (near new! $70. MT125R2 piston/rings $30 . CIUICh cover $20. Gea r shaft $15 . (703) 790·8462. (123 NE) Kn ight Can-Am Frame Modified like Eklu nd 's Astrodome wi nner by Harry Lillie. Ta nk, 2 seal s. new pipe . 3 races. all w inne rs . 24 hr . delivery availabl e. Larry . (6 16) 243-1 544. (323 NEI Help Wanted • •Professional Motorcycle Salesman• • Motorcycle sales experience. Excellent pay and benefits include: Prof it sharing, med ical and dental. Call Bill McLean at KOL BE HON DA . 7514 Reseda Bl.d .• Re . ed a. CA 9t335 . (213 ) 345 -7616 . (206/TFN) PARTS MAN WANTED Experienced preferred. Los Angeles ar ea, contact Sam or Joe (21 3) 6 55 -5 101. - 1223 -24 ) HON DA OF INDIO Parts Service Sales; Cler ica l. Palm Spr ings area . send resume to: HONDA OF INDIO. 80-126 #1 . Highway 11 1. Indio. CA 92201 . (6 19) 342-4484. (3 23 -24) u.s. SUZU KI has an entry leve l position available in our Technical Service Depart ment dealing with mo torcycle tech nical-rel ated maners. W e requ ire a detail -or iented person w ith good ver bal and w ritten ski lls . and a str ong te ch nical background. Suzuki product kn ow ledge preferred ; wholesale or dealer leve l exper ie nce necessary . Send res ume and salary re qu irements to : US SUZU KI. P.O. Box 1100. Brea . (222-23) CA 92621. Attn: Person nel . 1983 HONDA C8X550F2 Frame mounted fa iring . 65 HP. Pro- Link and antidi ve . triple enclosed disc brakes. (213) 530-6 56 8 . (322- 231 '83 HUSKY 250XC Very clean and low hours. Shop mai ntained. $1 700/ or w ill tra de for 3 -whee ler and cash . (805 ) 4812 144 afte r 6 p.m. (123) Business Opportunities Full " Race Sty le" fairing. cu stom seat (converts to si ngle or du al). & alu mi num lank. Fits : Sta ndar d HON DA t too's. 900's & 7 50 's ; adapts to ot her mod els. Contact: RICKEY RACER PROOUCTIONS. 7 55 W . 17t h St .. Costa Mesa. CA 92 627 . (71 4) 6 31 -04 17 . Full catalog a v a il ab l e : $2 . 0 0 . 1223INSWI '82 RM 125 Z SUZUKI Two ho ur. on bik e. safety seat . $895 . (6 191 728(123 1 2 188. CO LLECT OR' S ITEM : 1972 HONDA 350cc Scrambler . 6.700 or ig in al mil es. like new cond iti on; been store d . First SeOO /takes itl Brand new BELL M AGNUM II hel met. si ze 7'A, me te ue silve r: $60. Brand new CAS TRE l ouri ng glove s: $25. Call anyt ime. leave message: (714) 995-8830. (323 -24) '78 YAMAHA TT 500 Excelle nl co ndition. Simons forks. Work s shocks. special sw ingarm . ma nuals. s par e Darts . (3 23 -24) $950 / MU ST SELLI (2 13) 861 -7678. '83 HONDA CR 250 Perfect cond it ion I Ridden e ti mes. $14OO/ 0 BO. '82 Yamaha 125. $600/0 BO . (7 14) 673-011 6. (32 3) HONDA MOTORCYCLE DEALERSHIP: For sale . Pr inceton. IUinois. $25 .000 down. balance long ter m fi nancing. c cntaet TOle Gray (3 0 9 ) 68 5 6282. (12 1/ 24 NE) Motorcycle Dea lership MEC HANIC WANTED - t o repair used motorcycle s. Experience and references required. Write or ca ll. Mr. Hayner, 7066 Van Nu ys Blvd., Va n Nuv s. (1 22-23x) CA 91405. (2 13) 78 1-6386 . New and used sales. Repairs and parts . Profi tabl e company locat ed in Bou lder. Colorado. PRICED WELl/OWC. A lex Podgrusk i (3 0 3 ) 363 -6932. (3 23-NWX) Mechanic & Partsman Triumph Dealership in Ozarks SUZUKI experience preferred. Call (2 t 3 )9BO-3715. (2 20/TFN) Yamaha Partsperson Wanted $120.000 inventory. asking $85 .000. Wrile for deta jls. Jack Pett ijohn. KeYS10ne Realty, 2274 E. Sunshine. Springfield. M issouri 65804. (323 -24 /NSWXI Experience necessary. BELL FLOWER YAMAHA (2 13) 925-5097. (2 2 1/TFN) Mechanic & Parts Person Needed Best Bike in Enduro Business Brand new. never ri dden Jawa 250. 1978. Still the late st mode l. $1 000. Also 380 CZ. excellent. never raced. $400. (2 131 370-4075 or (2 131 542-9 04 2. (3231 197t SUZUKI t 85 Endu ro. 4 M $275. (9C8 7731. (123-24) pr i.ate pony. (21 3)3 16-3028. Largest Yamaha Dealer in Pho enix. READY TO DEALI Call Ch uck (602 1 (123-2 5 / NWX I 24 2- 141 0 . Mu st have Yamah a/Kawa saki experience. FOOTHILL YAM AH A /KAWASAKI . (213) 35 2-3277. ask for A rt Sr. (2 2 1/TF NI Yamaha Service Pro's Onlyl ** Honda Mechanic ** Ow n your own Ser vice Depart ment . Low overhead to the ri ght per son. call Rob Ruslan 1 14 1 892 7 (121 .24XI 2575. Must be experienced an d good w it h eleetrical.ldeal workin g condition, PLENTY OF WOR K! As k for Bob (213) 99 1-7499. (B05) 4 95- 70 79 . (22 0 /TFN) 1977 HONDA XR 75 M ulh olla nd shocks. expert ly maintained. w ife cu tgrew. $300. (7 14 17 98- 1304. (12 3-2 41 1972 HONDA dual di sc set up all parts mag ne (4 23-24) siu m sli ders . (21 3) 4 36- 2049. '81 CAN-AM 250 Runs great ! New rear Dun lop. also Race gear. M UST SELLI $BOO/ OB O. Call (213) 59 6-3 600 evenin gs. (42 3) Motorcycle Mechanic Wanted Brad Lackey's 1983 Maico Experienced. w ith tools. GROW WITH USI We w ork on all machines. Excell ent salary plus commission . THE OUTRIDER OF LA. . call Harry (2 13) 8 7933 50 (220-23) Set up by SIeve Sta siefski. A luminum swingar m. Am al carb oalu m inu m cha in gui de. Titanium bolts , head and barre l w ork. removable rear frame. bra kes arc ed. shock and forks re- wo rked . Excellent condit ion l (4 15) 83 7 -2 267 . ( 123 1 ASS ISTANT SERVICE MANAGERA ND MECHA N· IC. Yam aha experienc e necessary . w ith own tools . Contact: Harry at, T &. O YAMAHA. Lom ita . CA. (21 3) 534-231 t. (22 3/TFN) MECHANIC WANTED Must have Kawas aki expe r ience. NEWHALL KAWASAKI (805) 254-211 1. ask f or Len Leyhe. (323-24X) Motorcycle Salesman Wanted Expe rience required. NEW HALL KAWASAKI (80 5) 254 -2111 . ask for Len Leyhe. (3 23- 24X) YAMAHA MECHANIC Top pay . m ust ha ve experien ce .Call CYCLE TOWN.. San Rafael. Cal if. (4 15 ) 4 56- 0 335 . (3 23- 25X) Honda Parts 81 Acces. Person Immedi at e opening for qual if ied perso n. Contact John (2 13 ) 323-8314. Southern Calif.. South Bay (223) area. Yamaha Service Manager Experience necessary . BELLF LOWER YAMAHA (21 3) 925-5 09 7 . (209/TFN) Sales Reps Wanted 42 C811 OOR Replica Components Ag gres sive M /C dist ribut ing company w ants har d w orking sales re ps. You mu st now be selli ng to MIC sh op. an d want to add t o you r line. l BOOI B54 -1060 or (61 9) 74 7 -1058. (205/TFN) CRF YZ125K Engine Kit New Irick Performance gu aranteed Prod uct s for VZ125K . 5% discount on com plete ki l . ( 1) " Rocket Pipe" increases low en d snap . and to p end pulling power. Will not vibrale or sti ck out lik e t he stoc k pipe .(2 18 PETAL REED: increases bon om en d. midran ge to rque by 20% . (3) M olo Plat igniti on : increa sed sparking power and NO REV Li mi ter will out pull any che ap sto ck ign it ion. 36 M ikun i or Leetron Pre -jen ed carbs. Hi -Vol ume airbox for more power anywhe re. Porti ng. power valv e. head mod 's availa ble also. CROTCH ROCKET FACTORY. (80 51 683 -1426. (2 23 -26/ NSW) Honda Interceptor*Star Base* Fact ory trained mec hanic speci ali zing in prec is ion tu ning for In tercepto rs' and all " F" mode ls. Com plete servi ces a. ailable. RICKEY RACER. 7 5 5 W . t7th St .. Costa M esa . CA . (7 14) 631 -0430. (223) Long Stroke 250 Bultaco Astro 197 6 en gine. 197 9 fr ame . professiona lly bu ilt and maintai ned . Ports cut and pol ished. 38mm powerje t M ikuni. sh ocks and bra kes rec ently re -bu i tt. Needs top end job . $7 50 /05 i s. $850/5th o.ersize. $925/ st andard bore. 197 3 RD-3 50 . slick and q uickl $450. (B1 7) 88B -3797. (123-24) '82 HONDA XR -200R Purc ha sed new 2 / 8 3. W ell ma intain ed. M etzeler. Terralle x, K&N . Saf ety seatend M OREl $ 12 50 / will de (91 6) B94 -6OO9. (123) Going To Any Nat'J MX or Super-X SPEEDWAY BIKE 4 -Va lveJA W A .long stroke. many ext rBS. Fresh and straightl BEST OFFER/or TRA DE1(714) 627-B5B5 Ma rk. days. (71 4) 359-8663 ..enings. (123) Take del ivery of a li ght . aerodynamic Char iot Trailer at any Nat io na l M Xo r Su per cros s an d save ll l $150 off price 2 / 3rds off fre ight. Call Buzz Hoge after 6 p.m .. (81 3) 36 7-5256; Char iot Trailer Sale s SE. 6434 2nd Pla m Pt.• St. Pete eeach. FL 337 06 (12 3WXI LA TE 1982 IT 175. w if e's b ike. little use. exce l le nt condit ion $BOO. 198 2 RN 465 SUZUKI. CLEAN I $800. 1978 RM 100. new spr ocket & ch ain . $300. (71 4) 7 97 -58 98. (323- 26) '83 YZ250 Cylinder New. $90. (813) 367-5256 . (123WX ) V-45 Interceptors Both col ors in stoc k. W ill sh ip anywhe re . Colle ge Bike Shop . E. Lens ing . M I. (6171337-1777 . (22 3 / NSE) CX500 Turbo, New, 1982 $3 .290 . New XR·s. all 1980's: 200 - $595; 25 0 -$ 850; 500 - $1.095. Olsson Hon da . WI . (414) 54 7 -3088. (22 3 / NSE) Yamaha 1980 SR500 Sh owroom pe rfect. 2.000 m iles. $1.09 5. (414) 547-3 088 . (223/ NSE) 1975 XR75 0 : With spares . $4 .900 or best offer. Cali St..e. (3t 91753-6 72 5. (223 -26/NSE) Trusty Trackmaster Triumph Only two race s since complete re- build. bala nced cra nk. new M arzocchi forks. new paint plus 50mB spares. $1 800/ 0 BO. (40 8) 484-9676 . (123) YZ 80 *** KX 80 198 2 VZ80. exce llent cond it ion . $450. 1982 KX80. extra• • $550. Call (2t3) 378-2097 after 5 p.m . (123) 1981 YZ 250 * Mint Condition I Neve r raced. desert tan k, new plas t ic. ext ra parts. gre al play bik e. used as spare bike. $750. (21 3) (123) 367 -1333 . '83 HONDA CR 125 R New ru bber. chain and sprockets . Excellent co ndi (123) t ion. $1 500/ 0 BO. (61 9) 44 6-4419. Prevent those expensive engine repairs on off-road vehicles A ll new Limiter RPM governor prevents damage assoc ialed with exceedi ng " The Red Line ." All sol id state const ruction. Featu re s: easy inst all ati on and 1 year warra nty ; $39.00. WESPERCOM. P.O. Box 7226. Bend. Or egon 9770B. (50 3 ) 389-0996 . W ill (323) sh ip COO/UPS . (Dea ler inq ui ri es invit ed .) XR-750 HARLEY-DAVIDSON Ready to ra ce! Harle y has Ceria ni fo rks. Gr imeca bra kes. Pat ricks' adjusta ble mod . f rame . S4OOO/ (122. 23) OBO . Call Lew (208) 34 2-7439. '81 YAMAHA SR 500 Gr eat canyo n bike l Fork kit . bra ce. Calfab arm . W orks shock s. steering dam pner. M ikun i. exhaust. 0 Phanto ms. new 0 .1. . O-ring. etc . Plus all st ock parts. $2450. (2 13) 666 -0612. (12 2-23)

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