Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Fredd ie Sp en cer (Hon ) led the firstever 1-2-3-4 Ameri can GP sweep in th e June 12 500cc World Ch ampion ship Road Race Series round in Yugoslavia. Randy Mam ola (Suz) fin ished secon d, eig ht seconds behind Spencer, wit h Yamaha teammat es Eddie La wso n and Kenny Robert s finis hi ng 3-4. Ro berts took fourth by carv ing h is way throug h traffic after being dead last off the sta rt. Sp en cer con un ues to lead the poi nt sta ndi ngs over Ro bert s, 83 to 70. Mam ola is th ird with 5 1,and Lawson is now tied with Takazum i Kataya ma at 42 poi nts . ter/ bannercontest. This is Brad Lac key's first race in America as the 500cc Wor ld Motocross Championship, so let' s make him feel he has America behind h im. Bring your banner or poster to the race and judges will pick the top three based on orginality and sin cerity. First prize will be $100, second prize will be $50 and th e third prize will be a o ne-year subscription to Cycle N ews. Remem ber two important points: ABC W ide World of Sp orts is covering th e event, and that Lackey is Amer ica's first 500cc Wor Id MX Champ. In other action in Yugoslavia, Stefa n Dorflinger (Kre) topped the 50cc c lass, w ith Bruno Kneubulher (M BA) w inning the 125cc GP. Carlos Lavado (Ya m ) was the 250cc GP winner. Up in Sacramento, the attempted $2 million rip-off of the California OHV Fund was averted in a conference committee hearing on the state budget. However, at that hearing, San Bernardino/Redlands area Assemblyman Bill Leonard suggested transferring OHV Fund money to the stata's General Fund. Some of Leonard's constituents who don 't care for that idea can call his office at 714/862-5251. In other Sacramento news, Governor George Deukemejian has not yet reached a decision on SB168, which would delay catalytic converters on motorcycles for at least a year. There is still time to send a public opinion telegram, which can be done by phone and the bill charged to your home telephone number. Danny La Porte (Yam) took the overall win in the J une 12 West Germ an 250cc MX G P. La Porte too k th e first rnoto win and came back 10 finis h seco nd behind Georges J ob e (Suz) in rnoro two. jobe's 4-1 was good for seco nd o verall with Dave Wat son 's (Yam) 2-6 day earn ing h im th ird ove ra ll. J obe has a 137 to 77 points lead o ver LaPorte in th e cha mp ionship title chase . The following AMA Grand National Championship/Camel Pro Series point standings reflect the decision by the AMA appeal board in Ricky Graham's favor on his black flag incident at the Sacramento Mile National. However, the standings are unofficial, according to AMA's Bill Boyce "pending the results of a protest by Randy Goss on the scoring of the Sacramento National. Goss' protest, filed after the Harrington race once the result of Graham 's appeal was made official. makes the point that Goss, and not Graham as the revised results after the appeal show, was third. 1. (TIE) Randy Goss/Ricky Graham (123); 3 . Jay Springsteen (1 0 0); 4. Bubba Shobart (88); 6 . Scott Parker (86); 6 . Alex Jorgensen (84); 7. Gary Scott (67); 8 . Terry Poovey (63); 9. Ted Boody (60); 10. Steve Eklund (48); 11. Mickey Fay (37); 12. Hank Scott (32): 13. Steve Wise (30); 14. Eddie Lawson (26); 16. (TIE) Doug Brauneck/Randy Green (24); 17. Rod Farria (21); 18. (TIE) Miles Baldwin/Mike Baldwin/Tim Mertens/Kenny Roberts (Suz). 2 Cycle News, in conjunction with Grand Prix Motocross, promoters of th e Carlsbad USG P, will be hosting th e "Welcome Back, Bad ~tad" pos - Indian Givers Depart ment : Prairie City O H V Park, wh ich is located east of Sacramento and is th e site of the annual Hangtown Motocross Classic, is on land gi ven to th e co unty of Sacramento for an off-highway vehicle park by the Aerojet Corporation. Well , now the company wants the land back . Sacramento OHV enthusiasts are saying " no deal ," un less there is a swap for the Bushy Lake property beh ind Sacramento's CalExpo. The Texas Dirt Track Association has recently been organized and officers e lected. According to its founders, tha TOTA Intend. to be a real "octane boostar" for dirt track racing in Texa. and will wal· come any help, inquiries or Infor· mation from anybody who i. inter· ested in furthering the sport. TOT A .cen be raached by writing to tham cera of Mike Kidd'. Hillside, Rt. 1 , Box 234, Boyd, TX 78023. H osPITal STOP: Ca n-Am's John Martin received the wors t end of a crash wh ile practicing outside of Dulu th , Min n. John broke five ri bs and suffered a punc tu red lung: H e is Those w ishing to .upport the U.S. ISDE effort in Wale. thl. yeer might want to do.o by ordering these products. ThelSDE T-.hirt. ratail for $8, tha sweat.hirt for $16, and the baseball cap for $8. The clothing cen be orderadfrom ISDE RidarFund, P .O . Box 126, Fa irrnount,IL81841.ISDE hats, and pin. are from the AMA, P.O. Box 141 , Westerville, OH 43081. expected to be out of action about six weeks. Cards and letters can be sent to h im in room 560 of St. Mary's Hospi tal in Duluth. poli., Ind . Milby, who joined Diamond's parent company in 1968, became secratary/ t ra a . urer of the chain manufacturer in 1974. Saddleback Motocross has just announced that Br idgestone will sponsor their third annual Saddleback Summer Sizzler, a tworace series June 18 and June 26. Amateur class winners will receive Bridgestone t ires and other prizes along with 33% trophies. For more information, give the SMX folk. a call at 714/496-4771 . Wrangler will extend its support of Supercross racing by hosting th e Wran gler Dash , a 20-lap stadium event with a $75,000 purse sched uled for Oct. 22 in th e San Francisco Bay ar ea. " It tak es purse money to make an y form of motorsports prosper, " said Wrangler Director of Special Events David Allen . 'The Wra ngler Brand is confident that th e Wra ngl er Dash will tak e Supercro ss into progressive upward trend whic h will eventually make it as big as NASCAR Grand Nationa l stock car raci ng. " T he field for th e event , wh ich will see $25.000 going to the winner , will be made as follows: T he fastest rider from the first round heat races at each Su percross event will automatically qualify. In addition , each win ner of a Last Chance Q ual ifier will be eligible for a o ne-position wild card draw. All Wrangler Super Series class champi o ns will be elig ible, as will th e 1983 Wrangler Roo kie of the Year. The rider who quali fies most often will receive a $5000 bonus. As of this wri ting, it appears that the Wrangler Dash will be held either at San Francisco 's Candlestick Park o r Oakland Stadi u m. The Australian motorcycle neWIIpaper len ha. reported that cegiva will be teklng over the Duceti manufacturing facilitie•. AccordIng to the paper, the Duceti-englned bike. produced under the new arrangement will be celled Caglva., but will ratein tha Duceti name plate on their englna., Aleo, once the daal I. formally .Ignad, development work I. expected to begin on a V-4 Panteh. Team H on da 's Bo b Hannah may be a ble to race the J une 18AMA Wrangler Super Series round at Lake Whi tney in T exas, despite the sprained wris t he suffered in a practice cras h before the Orlando Supercross. " Bo b has been in therapy since he got home on Sunday," said Ho nda trainer J eff Spence r. " Barring any unforseen complications Bo b cou ld race next week. It 's hard to tell because individuals respond differently to injury. H o wever, Bob is respo nding very well. " Pee Wee Gleason took Kawa..kl'. new 760 Turbo to .outhern Californ ia'. Orange County Intema· tional Raceway and scorched the drag strip with a 1 0 .769-second quarter mila at 124.82 mph, That's the faste.t time we'ra awara oUor a production machine of that size. Gleaeon made the run on Michelin t lra., which Kawa..kl ..y. will come a. standard equipment on the machine. Spectator. at the laconia Classic In Loudon, N.H., will be able to see tha 760 Turbo at the Kawa..kl Team Tour tent. World 500cc Motocross Champion Brad Lackey will be riding th e June 26 U. S. MX G P at Carlsbad Raceway on a privateer 490 Yamaha. The bike will come from Dick Brandt's Concord Yamaha in northern California and will be paint ed wh ite and blue. Jack R, Milby haa been appointed axecutive vice-president of Diamond Chain Compe.ny of Indiana- The Yamaha Competition Support Department tell s us that th ey spent a week in Oklahoma, working with National Motosports Association offici als to improve th e motocross cou rse at Ponca City. In addition to adding a new sectio n of track, th ey added ju mp s, widened corn ers, put in stadi um bumps and a new start

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