Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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athern California-Arizona-So followed by Farris. Mahoney and Delfin. Scott Marrs (Suz) took th e win in th e 250cc Novice class after spend ing much o f hi s even ing dicing with Craig Sosa (Han ). Results PEE W EE 9 VRS: 1. Ja cob Swain (Kawl: 2. Ryan DOty (Kaw) ; 3. Robe rt Naber (Kaw) . PEE WEE 10 VRS+: 1. Brandon Sperli n g (Kaw) ; 2. W es Leyklein IKaw); 3 . Du stin Evan s (Hon) . M IN I BEG: t , Rich ie ON ito (Kaw); 2. Andy Rodr ick (Kawl; 3. Brian Sanchez (Yam). M INI BEG: 1. Sean Swenson (Kaw) ; 2. J .D. Ar m st rong (Yam); 3. Mike Fite (Yam) . MIN I NOV; 1. Dav id Farris (Kaw ); 2. Ron J orda n (Vam); 3 . Casey M ahoney (Kaw). MINI INT: 1. Mike Burden e (Yam ); 2. Tim Gan eeraw (Kaw ). MINI EX: 1. Ter ry Slucsk o (Kaw) : 2 . Gary Dent (Kaw) . 125 BEG: t . An dy St i. ; 2 . B.J . M i llsapug h (Han) ; 3 . Da le Boll in (Kawl. 125 NOV : 1. Gu y Giff i n (Han); 2 . Robert Noba (Vam); 3 . Mark Newton (Han ). 125 INT: 1. Greg Bender (Han ); 2 . Ron Law son (SUl); 3 . Mark Lepera (Yam l. 125 PRO: 1. M i ke Roberts (Vam). 250 BEG : 1, Pet e Bru ches (Yam); 2 . Henr y Corry (S uz); 3 . J im W illiams. 250 NOV : 1. Scott Marrs {Sul l; 2 . Craig Sosa (Ha n); 3 . Jo hn Gr igsby (S uli. 250 INT: t , St eve Card i ll o (Yam ); 2. Lar ry Dim m itt (Ha n!: 3. Derrick Paiem ent (Han). 2 50 PRO: 1. Vince M cM ahon (Yam ); 2 . Pat W eber (Kaw) ; 3 . Rick Van derh am (Yam). OPEN NOV ; 1. Larr y Boyd (Han); 2. Jeff Cla usen (Han); 3 . Pau l Sch reffl er (Hon). OPEN INT: 1. Greg Thornton (Ma i). Beltinck, Spearing conquer SaddlebackOTMX By Bob Alloy O RANGE. CA. MAY 22 Bob Millner took th e lead in th e first mota of th e Mast er's class o f the O ld Timers m otocross held in con j u nctio n with th e Ca lifo rn ia Racin g Clu b 's reg u la r motocross a t Sa dd lebac k Park a nd went on to win. Jim Belt in ck took th e secon d m ot a lead a nd win a fter finishing second in th e first m o to. That gav e Beltinck th e o vera ll. G eorge Spe aring has been doing nothi ng but winn in g in th e Jun ior Ma ster s class. a nd he wrapped it u p aga in w it h tw o w ins an d th e o vera ll. Da n Sa nch ez, wh o took th e lea d at times in both motos , took seco nd . Expert AI Smith found a winni ng li n e in p ractice a nd used it st ra teg ica lly 10 take h im to th e finish li ne fir st. Ku rt Sofka was fourth a t th e sta rt but m oved u p to second in th e fir st mota whi le H oward Davis. wh o took th e h ol esh ot, fin ish ed th ird . Mot a two sa w Don Young ca rry h is secon d pl ace to th e finish w ith Sof ka in third . J ames J ones gassed h is Mai co into the lead of the Am at eu r class for on e la p ; then Bob Klatt took over a nd led 13 o th er Amateurs to the checkered flag . Sam J on es pi loted h is H onda into second p la ce. a nd Bill Quall s was in for th ird. Mot o two saw J ames J ones take the h ol esh ot agai n. Kla tt followed h im a nd Qualls was close behind . All th ree rid ers cra sh ed o n th e fir st lap and Bob Alloy led for fo ur la ps . J ones passed All oy, and then Quall s pa ssed J ones just in time to take th e wi n . J ones wa s seco nd a nd Alloy th ird. Novice Da le Brock ett is j us t a bo u t rea dy to m ove up a class as he wrapped up a pa ir o f wi ns o ver Fred Mayn a rd an d Dick Doyle. _ Results M ASTERS : 1. J im Belt in ck (Ma i); 2 . Bob M illner (Han) . J R MASTERS: 1. Geo rge Spear ing (Hu s); 2. Dan Sanc hez (Suz). . EX: t , A I Sm ith (Han); 2. Kurt Solka (Vam); 3 . Don Voung (SUl ). A M : 1. Bill Quall s (Han); 2. Sam Jones (Han ); 3 . Jame. Jones (Mai); 4 . Bob Alloy (Vam). NOV : 1. Dale Brock ett (Han); 2 . Fred M aynard (Ha n); 3. Dick Doyle (M ai). w ont odds are , • n fo r capacity tonk yOU 1m Smit h tanks are knoW If th ere's a large co w e have it . All Mall . um o-ring gas cap . achine d a umln , . nd all com e WIth ou r m . nuolit" , durobilitlJ a nd deSign, a _ t h e lr'1 y h 83 ,,~"p'!~~~'NCW. t efta tank,for Husqvar TANK'S A lOTI •.. "~iI~-~~~ the CR and XC 2 50 • 0 allons to keep you and 500. It holds 4· ; Available in white, red, fueled for the long ru . plete with all the blue or black, it com~a~~:are. Also available. necesSOry mount/I~ 250/420/430/500 MS tanks for: 81 ' CR /WR Husk s.. ....,..~ MAlCOLM SMITH PRODUCTS . CA 92504 7563 Indiana· RiversIde, (714) 687-1300 I --+-----1-+-MI:T7I:LER-WI.~--+---+---f I ---r--, I I , SE & TRA Srow~ M~. Lights Enduro ......+---~-+ -f-eroi , C, 3)1<2 1 F,jfRj(-~R:ra i -+---+--+---+--+----4 Sure-Fire Supported ..--t---t--u;usqvar oll METZEf.'"£R ~ nae--+---+---+---+-~ "t--t--t---+---+-ME~Z-EbEA-@ I I I ; I , , 4101 Westerly Plac&" Suite 101, Newport Beach, CA 92660 ~_.l.----J.._...l.---Jl..----I-_...L.---L_.....l.-_J I _..-JI__--'-_----J M/C TIREWORKS 3 .50 X 21 Knobble . $9 .95 S.n F....,.ndo V.I~ 9025 Sepu lveda Sepu lveda. CA (2 1 3) 893·7806 w /th;. .d only Torr.~· S outh Bay 260 23 S. Wes te rn Lom1 18.CA (2 13) 539-4160 NEO OIL COMPANY 2865 Gundry, Long 8eech, CA 90806 (213) 424-8118 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED 31

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