Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Results OVERALL: t . M ark Lucas (Yam); 2. Dan Neilso n (C· A ); 3. Dale Warmuth (Whiz); 4 . John Haaker (KIM ); 5. Wayne Rudi (Kaw); 6. Randy Daugherty (Hus); 7. Bill Oart (KTM); B. Taz Harvey (Hon); 9. John Poor J r. (Hon); 10. Grant Palenske IMai). AA : r. Jeff Henn ing (KTM); 2. Matt Cullins (Mai t. 3. Tom Webb (HuI ); 4. Jeff Irwin (Han); 5. Wayne Sm ith (Yam ). 200 A: 1. Jim Fleming (Kaw); 2. Terwilliger ISuz); 3. William Decker (Yam) . 250 A: 1. Mark Lucas (yam); 2. Dale Warmuth (Wh iz); 3. Wayne Rudi (Kaw ). OPEN A: 1. Dan Nailson IC·A); 2. Randy Daugh erty (Hus); 3 . Grant Palenske. 4 STROKE A; 1. John Haaker (KTM); 2. Taz Harvey (Han); 3. John POQr Jr . (Han). aT A 1. Jerry Kramer (Hus~ 2. Dav id King (HuSl; 3. Bob Sorenson (KTM). OVERALL B: t . Josh Chandler (Hon). 200 B: t . Josh Chand ler (Han); 2. JeH Church (Kaw); 3. Oon Hoagland (Yam), 250 B:' . Duke Lambert (Hus); 2. Bill Farga(Y am); 3 . Jim Duby (KTM). OPEN B: t . Gary Barbgr (Han); 2. Fran k Howe Steve Spenker (15) gets sideways on the elephant 'paddies' at Monterey. (Yaml; 3. Thomas Cummings (Hus). 4 STROKE B: t . Ed Sant in (Vam): 2 . Oudley Len- hart (Hon); 3. Charlie Maier (Hon) . OT B: t . Gary Gorm an (Vam); 2. Bob Smith (Han); Oveland, Cahors battle at Baylands By Bill Spencer FREMONT, CA, MAY 26 Thursday night motocross battles returned last week to Bayla nds a nd got bigger and better tonight with Brett Cahors win ning th e 2SOcc Pro show after Ri cky Delong bailed . Cahors then took a second behind Phil Ov eland in a reall y great Open battle. Chris Plain returned to th e scene for a fin e 12Scc win , taking both motos over Craig Christian. Ri ck Delong and h is H onda rode off with th e fir st moto of 2S0cc Pro with some g rea t berm busting. but in the second round one of th e berms didn't bust and th e en su in g crash knocked Delong silly enough 10 retire for the night. Brett Cahors and John G ardner wer e right there to en ha nce th e acti on , with Cahors winning th e second round and the overall. Gardner was second with a pa ir of twos and Matt Arena was third with a 4-3 tall y. Cahors a nd Oveland put on th e best show o f th e night in th eir seco n d rn oto o f Open Pro. Cahors led Oveland a ro u nd for th e first moto, with Andy T essor, just back from a sho ulder injury, o u t front early o n , but tiring quickly. The second moto was a slug fest . with both riders co min g ung lued from th e din more th an o nce o ver th e double jumps an d hi ghbank slide rs . Oveland turned up th e wi ck towards th e end in the back section a nd overhau led th e H onda with hi s Moor e and So n / Fo x Sho x Husky. T he m o ve ga ve hi m th e ove ra ll. wi th Ca hors tu cked in close fo r seco nd. Tressor too k two thi rd and vowed better things in the near future. 32 Woods (Suz); 3. Den ni s Hannel (Ka w) . '25 J R DIV II: t. Doug Gilelte (Vam); 2. Je H Pea - tana (Yaml; 3. Todd Temar (Yam) . 3. Richa rd Christ ian (Hon) . OVERALL C: 1. Christopher John Pinto (Kaw) . 200 C: t . Paul Gr iesshaber (Kaw); 2. Dea n Kramer ISuz); 3 . G uy Hacke r (Su z). 2 50 C: 1. Oick Sch irm ann (Hus); 2. Bob Nappo IKawt. 3. Carl Henn in g (Han). Force with Lucas at D-36 Fools Gold Enduro - maybe c: OPEN 1. Ch ri stophe r J oh n Pinto (Kaw ); 2 . Don J en ssen (Hon); 3 . J ohn Vo ll enweider (Su z). 4 STROKE C: 1. Ja mes Hollman(H on); 2. David E. Tozer (Han); 3. Deal M err id< (Han). OT C: t . Russell Smith (Kaw); 2 . Gary D. Estes IHus); 3. Bill Jones (Yam). W OM EN C: 1. J acqueline Childress (Suz); 2. Robi n Jefferies (Suz). By Jim Bowman GEO RGETOWN, CA, MAY 14 Josh Chandler and Christopher John P into won the overall B and C titles, respectively, at the District 36 Fools Gold Enduro. While Mark Lucas has been credited with th e overall win, a problem during the event is the su bject of much debate. A protest has been received and it is unclear who will finall y be cred ited with the overall win. The problem centers around a new trai l cut by a few top-level A riders during th e event. These riders ran ov er so me manzanita bushes a nd cu t a trail that ended up on a different sectio n of th e course. The new trail crea ted a lot of confusion as later riders had abo u t a SO/SO cha nc e of choosing the righ t trail. Fortunately,Walt Menge from th e hosting California Enduro Riders Associ ation made it to th e new turn a nd m arked it befor e th e B and C riders a rr ived . The protest ask s that a ll th e chec ks a fter th e area in questi on be th rown o u t o f th e sco ri ng fo r th e A riders. Certai n ly, th e co m pe titio n was a bso lur ely fai r u p to this po int , but riders wh o mad e th e righ t direct ion choice want to be credi ted j ust ly for their wh ol e ride. T he final deci sio n will be up to District 36 a nd th e AM A. Topping the AA and A riders up to the point in question wa s H i-P o int sponsored JeH Hen n in g w ith just eig h t points. Ma ico Support rider Matt Cullins had nudged J ohn Haa ker Resu lts OT EX: 1. Rich Lokke (Ho n ); 2. Ga ry Naum ann (KT :\I) for seco nd at nine points, and (M ai). In terlin k/j K Cycle Inn-sponsored j eff or INT: 1. J ohn Furtado {Ma il; 2. Pat Doyl e (Mai). aT NOV : 1. Rick Park in son (Sul); 2. Bob KO il ka SQv Irwi n was tied wi th Dirt Bi ke Mag a(Han). zine 's T om Webb for fourth at 10 VET EX/INT: 1. M ike Varn (Suz); 2. Larry Baker points. U n fo rt u na tely, a ll o f the AA (Han). VET JR: 1. Bill Burn ett (Varni; 2. Dave Burgess rid ers in this grou p wo u ld get lost IVem ); 3. Matt O'Hara (Han). a nd be th rown o u t of the poi nts race. 80 INT: 1. St eve Hunter (Yam); 2 . Ji mmy Cla y IVam). Lucas (Yam) shot p ast th e ill -fat ed 80 JR : 1. Ron Caton (S uzl; 2. Sean Hammel turn th ree points beh ind th e lead ers, IKaw); 3, Jon King IHon). 60 : 1. Tyler Hummell (Kawl ; 2. Brian Gouveia but hung o n to win o vera ll a nd top IKaw), 2S0cc A h onors with 29 p oints. Dan 250 PRO: 1. Brett Cahors (Han); 2. Johnny Neils on was seco nd overa ll, first Open Gardner (Han); 3. Man Arena (Suz). 250 INT: 1. Greg Pennington (Han ); 2. Glen Harri A with 33 points an d Dal e Warmuth son (Yaml; 3. Brent Patt erson (Yam) . wa s thi rd overall, seco nd 2S0cc A OPEN INT: 1. John W ell s (Han); 2. Oave Cir aulo (Vam); 3. Phil Vitale (Hon), with 34.S94 points. Warmuth 's score 250 J R DIV I: 1. Sam Nava (Han); 2. J oh n Labat just beat that of Four-Stroke A class (Han); 3. M ike Ehlert (Han). 25 0 JR DIV II: r . neve Oye (Vam); 2, Jack Hulse winner Haaker, who on ly fell fro m (Hon); 3 . Craig McLean (Hon) . third 10 fourth overall by th e en d of OPEN PRO: 1. Ph il Oveland (Hus); 2. Bret Cahors the race, despite getting lost. Cycle (Han); 3. A ndy Tressor (Han). OPEN JR : 1. Pat Va cchieri (Yam); 2 . A rt Klingeil Gear-sponsored O ld Timer A rider (Maij; 3, Ken Schraeder (Suz), Jerry Kramer and 200cc A pilot Jim '25 PRO: t . Chris Plain (yam); 2. Craig Chr isti an (Vam); 3. Jim Cre..a (Han). Fleming also had good rides. win, 251NT: t . Tony Flores (Vam); 2. Tony Richards n in g their classes no matter w hi ch (Suz); 3. Mi ke M injares (Suz). , 25 J,R.D)'I ~ J . Qoug ttal\lillan.JYamt..2. GltClff_ • •.way. the event is scored. Silva takes Sacto Memorial Day wins By "Nuclear" Neukam SACRAMENTO, CA, MAY 27 While O ld Sacramento kicked off the Memorial Day holiday to the sounds of swing as the 10th annual Dix iela n d Jazz Jubilee got underway, Sacramento Racewa y rocked to the tune of twostro ke motocrossers. Suzuki-mounted Doug Silva carted off a truck-load of trophies after winning all three divisions in th e 12Scc Novice class. This performance was en o u g h for AMA referee Charlie Sh aeffer to advance the yo u ng lad to Intermediat e. Being th e first night of AMA sanctioning, it' s obvious that Ch arlie wastes no time before you whine. Larry Dashi el led th e fir st Open mot o for a lap and a half but lowside d as Jimmy " No jazz" Ell is put th e p ressure o n . Ellis h eld o rr Dave Co upe fo r th e wi n a nd Da sh iel finish ed th ir d. It looked as though mot o two would be a ll Ellis ' wh en h e flew hi s Yamaha into th e lead a nd bega n putt ing so me distance bet ween h im self a nd Coupe an d Dash iel. T hen . with o ne tu rn to go in lap five, Ellis swa pped a s he landed from a jump a nd landed hard o n hi s back, which kn ock ed the wind o u t of him. Coupe in herited th e lead an d held o rr a n aggress ive assau lt by " Dash in '" Da sh iel for th e win a nd th e o vera ll. Coupe hol eshot th e fir st 2SOcc P ro moto wi th Ell is a n d Da ve Wood in hot pursu it. Yamah a Support rider Ell is pa ssed Coupe a t th e midway p oint a nd motored o n to a win . Coupe held orr Wood for seco nd . Moto tw o belonged to Dav e Wood a s he pull ed o ne of hi s p atented holeshots a nd stayed in front for th e win a nd th e overa ll victory. Coupe was second for second overall and Ellis third for thi rd overall. Cory Cantaloupi whee lied h is Honda into the lead of the firs t 125cc Pro mota and stayed there to the finish. Eric Liddell took seco nd by holding off a hard-charging Steve "Leapin' Leprecha un" Vlahos. Vlahos was third, Coupe fourth and Steve " Pee Wee " Arena fifth . Canta loupi again ho leshot the second moto but Coupe wa s breathing down his jersey. With two laps to go, Coupe finally found a line by Canialoupi and stayed there for th e win and second overall. Cantaloupi had the overall with hi s second and " Pee Wee " Arena was third overall with a fourth . Greg Michalec was third in the moto. Results pp EX: t . Tracy Gallo (Han). PP NOV; t . Danna Mitchell (Suz); 2. Caron Thampson (Han); 3. Liz Taylor (Yam). 60: 1. S hawn Yount (Kaw); 2. Speed Waners (Yamt. 3 . Rodney Elliot (Yam). VET NOV : t . Jess Gallo (Han); 2. Tim Dubeto (Yamt. 3. Joe M cClain (Yam). VET INT: 1. J im M o sca (Hon); 2. J ohn W in ter s (Mait. 3. W ayn e Hulbard (Han). VET EX: 1. Larry Mulock (KTM). OT NOV: 1. Leroy Francard (Mai); 2. Steve oon (Hus); 3 . Bill Perk in s (Suz) . OT INT; t. Jess Gallo (Han). OT EX: 1. LerryM ulock( KTM); 2. Jess Dean (Suz). BO NOV DIV t : t . Frank Bogan (Suz); 2. Steve Roberti (Yamt, 3. Date Nichols (Yam). BO EX: 1. Shawn Woot en (Kaw); 2. J.J. Taylor (Kaw~ BO NOV DIV 2: r . Dale Nich oll s (Vam); 2. Steve Robert s (Yamt. 3. A lan Galtz IKaw). ' 25 NOV DIY t : 1. Doug Silv a (Su z); 2. Ron Allen tHon); 3. Bobby Del Re (Yam). ' 25 NOV DIY 2: 1. Doug Sil va (Suz); 2. Ron All en (Hont. 3 . Gary Pash (Kaw ). ' 25 NOV DIY 3: t . Doug Silva (Suz); 2. Whitn ey Sewell (Hool; 3. W ede Le_ rance (Han). 125 1NT: 1. Shawn Fr iel in g (Ka w); 2. Tav We inels tSuz); 3. Kevin McMahan (Suz). '25 EX: t . Cory Conta lou pi IHon); 2. Oave Coupe Arena (Suz). (Hont, 3 . St ,00: 1. J Tur ner (yam). 250 NOV DIY , ; t . Mike Georga (Han): 2. Jack Hulse tHoo t. 3. Eric Ker mond (Kaw) , 250 NOV DIY 2: t . Jack Hul se (Han); 2. Phill ip ROSI (y .m). 250 INT: t . Shawn Walkingstick (Vamt. 2. Steve (Han); 3. Jerry Gordan (Han). 250 EX: t. Dave Wood (Yamt. 2. Dave Coupe (Hoo t. 3. Jim Ellis (Yam). 500 NOV DIV , ; 1. Phillip George (Yam); 2. Bill PertUns (SUll; 3. Scott Hasselbrock (Suz). 500 NOV DIY 2: r . Bill Perkins (Suz); 2. Phillip George (Yam); 3. Rid

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