Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1982 05 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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SI~j\S()N-r11I(~I(I~rl~rB' ' j\ ! For less than the cost of a night at the races! 0') . r-4 A Cycle News subscription brings you a full year of racing, coverage that ranges from motocross to flat track, drag races to endurance races. And more. Plus all the latest news, happenings, trends and personalities. Not to mention a comprehensive calendar section, new bike tests, and a wide range of features. All for $20. Now when was the last time you and your family spent a night at the races for less? ,. SUbSCTz·be now! ---------------- --------- . -- - --- -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -, I Save.53% over new sstand price. Subscribe to day. CYCLE NEWS 11 y••rt.•_ 20 . CYCLE NEWS 12yo I._ 36 100 ISSUES • CYCLE NEWS 13 yoorol f53 150 ISSUES PIeo......d .... the 0 EAST 0 WEST .dltlon o 50 ISSUES o o ~ V/S4' . . • • I I The ih4Ml' o 'tM cwd tdM\tified on thi s item ~ NthorIr ed t o ~ y the .mount ~W" •• TOTAL h ogMher with ..., other ~o-. due thereon) .ubj.a to end in eccordanc;. with the ~m.,.t govern · in~ the u•• o' such cerd. • Expiration Addr ess Da te _ 11_ _.38. 2nd This il • PIeo.. bill I .nclo.. o r mon.y order _ Visa I MC I _ o 0!hIr fotoIgn _"InU.S.~ _ Thill I•• r. n. w.I.................•...........•...•.•.D Name o Na m e _ Send to; Ad dres s Cycle NewsIWest L Zip _ ~ • " ti fiecl on thi s it em iII~· lnd to pey the emoum ahowt't •• TOTALI~whh..,y other~ge."'theNonl . • --.b;.et to end in accord8nc:. with m. .... ment governin g the UN of auch ard. Sig na tu

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